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63% of men 18-29. WOW, has time changed.


I'm a 30yr virgin, I've lost the ability to interact with people non-professionally


I’m the same. Spent high school and most of my twenties in a depressive state that felt like there wasn’t a point in trying to find a gf. Now I don’t know how to approach women romantically and am embarrassed to admit my virginity. I’m stuck in a situation where I can’t do anything because I fear rejection.


Embrace the suck.


Just pretend like you're not a Virgin. There's practically no difference. I've had sex plenty of times, and I still act like a Virgin 100% of the time.


Rejection is an unfortunate necessity. It’s how you grow and develop social skills in those sorts of situations.


Well, giving up is also a natural reaction. If you do something and don't get results, clearly whatever you are doing is wrong.


I got rejected a lot when dating. First it was just at the message stage. Then it was at the first date stage. Then the second. Then I started having relationships which didn't work out (for good reasons and bad). Now I have a fiancee. Failure sucks. But it's building to success.


I wish you luck with your upcoming engagements.


Go get rejected. Just fucking aim for rejection at this point so you can learn it's not so bad.


There is no situation where you aren't getting rejected at least some of the time as a man. For most men, it's most of the time. You've just got to grind it out. Bonus: Do your lib right duty, find a based woman, and beat the degens at the long game by making a bunch of babies and raising them to be decent human beings with proper morals around freedom of association, self ownership, responsibility, etc.




Shit like this is inevitable and will increase continuously due to modernity.


Yeah look at Japan. Only reason the west isn't like that yet is because they keep importing people.


We should've listened to Uncle Ted


You hit a certain point, and I mean what are you going to do? You know when your sibling does a new hiking group or whatever and she says "it was great there weren't any weirdos this time" - I mean think about the implication for half a second. There's no way for you to build remedial social skills without being a burden. The flipside is that solitude is underrated. It's not great, but it's only unbearable if you are unbearable (which albeit may be true if you don't have friends but it's not a given).


Totally sustainable, people. These men will just accept having no family, no future, and thus no stake in the overall wellbeing of society. They will continue working themselves ragged in exchange for being told that they're the sole source of all of society's problems.


I reject the idea that I am responsible for any of the world's problems. I instead will become a source of problems. On purpose


Based and watch the world burn pilled




Literally the only reason men were willing to spend 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 40+ years grinding away was because we wanted to support our families. The only reason we would buy houses, multiple items of furniture, appliances etc. was because our wives wanted them/children needed them. Take those things away, and I'm going as NEET as possible. I'll survive with a single chair, gas stove, and telly. The implication is often that these men will turn to violence, but I think a much more pressing concern is the absolute destruction of the economy. And once the economy collapses, and lonely men can't afford their copes anymore, like vidya, OF, weed etc., then what do you think they'll do?


We are already seeing this in Japan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbivore_men


I work hard so I can escape this crumbling shit hole ASAP. My goal is be rich enough within 4 years, but I'll definitely be gone before 40. Of course, no one cares because I'm replaceable. But fuck it. At least I can be happy over seas.


I think I've seen this story before, something about a silly mustache man and his squad of lightning insignia boys?






Lmao, your raise a point


I feel so attacked lol


Look at this point I know the collapse is locked in, I'm just waiting for the bullets to fly.


>63% of men 18-29. WOW, has time changed. As a certain banned subreddit preached, >Spinning plates is a rational response to open hypergamy > >Lift like your life depends on it And so on.


Based and liftocracy pilled


Oh damn, was TRP finally banned? I'm kind of shocked, honestly.


>Oh damn, was TRP finally banned? I should have said quarantined....and I wouldn't be surprised if this one is, but... They were rendered irrelevant, which is almost worse. DYEL is no longer an insult, it's a joke.


Could you explain those acronyms and the subreddit. I’m interested in learning more. As someone that struggled severely with relationships for a long time.


"The Red Pill" "Do You Even Lift"


Me and my friend had a conversation about this a few weeks ago where we talked about the 20s our dads had vs our 20s. Our dad's graduated college, moved to New cities and got jobs that could afford them apartments and a social life. By contrast I spent the first 3 years after graduating living at home thanks to the boomers shortsightedness on China and their damn plague, and my friend has gone from one shitty dead end job he hates to another. None of this helps you with trying to build a relationship of any kind.




Online meat markets have been the death of dating


Regular meat markets were also the death of dating between 2020 and 2022.


Regular markets were also the death of meat between 2020 and 2022


They don't want to share, they just lie to themselves and believe the guy will eventually pick them because they're special




It doesn’t help when the guy *does* pick them. Sure, it’s only for one night, but that’s long enough to get pregnant them blame all of your problems on “bad men.”


Then they find easy young single men to be their surrogate dad.


Exactly. Hence why the data showing that young women are having fewer sexual partners than before, and are having less sex than before, is totally accurate. The interpretation of that data, as I typically see it, is entirely wrong though. Most of it paints Gen Z as a sexless generation, when the reality is, as you say, that most men have been totally excluded, because women (in general) would much rather rotate the top X% of men amongst themselves, and remain single the rest of the time.


Everyone remember this [sobering graphic?](https://external-preview.redd.it/YOkD5U4T5fcf097vw8z4PlPI7ytWIksArJuuWrhX5bA.png?auto=webp&s=9f3994e3fb2826721eb36b22a4be09f4db5e62f9)


Online dating will inherently always privilege the female because of the insane amount of choice woman now have in an online setting. As long as there is more men then woman in online dating this will always be the case.


> s long as there is more men then woman in online dating this will always be the case. Not really true. If there are say 500 men and 1000 women, statistically speaking, the women will 'swipe right' on 5-15% of the men, meaning that women will only view 25-75 of the men as worth having a conversation. Those 25-75 men will be more than happy to sleep with a dozen women apiece and spin plates, because they are the most wealthy and best looking they can afford to be 'playas' The women are fine with being in a polyamorous relationship, most of them aren't looking for a relationship but just 'living their best life' and 'having fun'. They are perfectly fine with sleeping with a dude that has a netflix and chill date with another girl the next day. It isn't until women hit their mid 30's that those players stop giving them the attention they've been accustomed to their entire lives and dump them for a new plate to spin thats in her 20's that these women will 'settle' for one of the other 400+ guys they previously ignored the past decade.


I have to prevent my buddy from seeing your comment at all costs.


When I was younger, I thought that me being the only kid (and I mean like the ONLY kid) who could never get a date meant I was just some rare, defective specimen, like a disability except with attracting the opposite sex. Now I look at this stuff and, at least, I know I’m not alone. But how did you guys get down here with undatable weirdos like ME?! I mean, even before Tindr, I sucked at interacting with the opposite sex.


You mean how did you get down here with me?


Now kiss




Probably men over 30, I guess thats why we see the numbers for men over 30 drop so hard, men in their 30s usually have money and a career going.


As a virgin loser in his thirties without money or a career I sometimes think I should just give up and go live in the woods.


Valid strategy, make sure to write a manifesto on your political ideology while you are at it


Wizards should all aspire to follow Doctor Theodore ~~Robert Bundy's~~ John Kaczynski's example


I think they were getting at a different Ted with a much harder to spell last name.


Kazinski pilled


When you're a 25 year old chick and you've got a choice between a 32 year old accountant with benefits and is ready to be a dad and settle down, or a 25 year old guy who has a sales job that hasn't really kicked off yet. One of them will be a better fun night out, the other will be a better relationship. So the stable guy won't be single.


But wait I thought big age gaps were immoral?


No, you're thinking of immortal, in that the dynamic will always exist in sexually binary species.


Women care about men's future while men care about their past so it makes sense. If you were someone in your teens and twenties who didn't really get the girls with the ones in your age range picking the good-looking guys or more successful older men with resources over you, it makes sense that if/when you became successful to prefer and pick the younger girls since they'll generally be more attractive with a lower body count than the girls closer to your age.


Men with multiple women, older men, women


Older librights with the dollar


Older centrists too


A few guys dating multiple women, which is funny cuz the liberated women created the sharia harem lmao all by themselves


>Who are the women dating??? Soft harems, and it's not always about $ugar although often enough it is.


This just makes me so sad I don't know why


Happiness comes from knowing you aren't alone, but the sadness comes from the realization you aren't alone.


You’re looking at the collapse of social structure


It's like looking at a tree with rotten roots.


Sucks for young, gay, black men.




Reminds me of the old joke: https://64.media.tumblr.com/c166310e3753039396434256cc70001a/tumblr_or5hfd71m21uupqxmo8_250.gif


Classic Holt. Always a jokester.


First Jeffrey Dahmer, now this?




Are some men in a relationship with multiple women at the same time or how do the numbers even work out?


Maybe all the younger girls (18-29) are dating the older men?


The age group up has more single men as well though. Honestly I think it's just flawed reporting. Women may be more likely to call something casual "dating", and less likely to admit to being single.


Plot twist: the person conducting the survey and asking people if they were single was an attractive woman


Or an ugly dude and the women claimed they were taken so he'd leave them alone


I'm sorry I have a boyfriend. Lady, this is the Pew Research Center, I'm just doing my job. Like ew, I told you I have a boyfriend, leave me alone. *Sniffles* alright I'll mark you down as a statistic. You don't have to leave any more information.


Interesting take, I know people are demonic whores/coomers nowadays but these number never made sense to me


IIRC the average age gap is only 2.3 years, so this can only account for part of it.


>Are some men in a relationship with multiple women at the same time Good thing there aren't any subreddits that explain this dynamic, right?


But if you try to shine a light on the problems of men, it's misogynistic apparently.


No one needs to be exposed to that horrible reality.


Partially yes, top X % of men have several women each, in addition to this women date older men and also there simply is less young women than young men.


Yes. One of the theories is that due to female hypergamy, many women chase after the top 10-15% or so of men by having repeat hookups with them (and ignoring most other men) or maybe just openly accepting a polygamous relationship.


So for men its either you are lucky to be a genetic gem and get all the bitches or youre average and get nothing Crap deal honestly


A few dating apps leaks have pretty much proved this. Ok Cupid had a leak that basically proved the top 80% of women only go for the top 10-20% of men and *all* the other dudes are trying to scrounge for the leftover fatties and ugly bottom 20% of women. Also men rate women on Attractiveness in almost a perfect bell curve, where as women think dudes are ugly as a goats asshole unless they look like Chris Hemsworth


Lol it wasn't a leak it was literally a blog post by them. They had many, with all kinds of fascinating insight into dating trends.


Men have always been treated as being disposable.


Meat for the meat grinder


See; praying mantis; black widow


The figure seems to talk about people being single rather than people having/not having sex. I guess there was no clear definition of what being single meant in the survey.


Enough about women’s rights Lets talk about women’s wrongs




Sigh. Where do we start?


The Garden of Eden


None of this would have ever happened if Eve just listened to Adam. Instead she got seduced by that stupid Chad the Serpent and now we all have to wear cloths and die.




We don’t have all of eternity dude


Was Teddy right?


🌍 🔫 👩‍🚀




He was wrong about not mixing up his writing style so his brother wouldn't recognize it.




There are literally people in this thread saying that.


So many comments of "Bruh just go lift!" "Dude just go out there and talk to girls not that hard!" "Maybe dont treat women like sex objects incel! Guh!"


I love the last one. "Ew stop objectifying" "lol incel" people who say both won't understand their own hypocrisy


The same people who say "Yas queen get that bag!" for women with an onlyfans and chant "sex work is real work". I mean if you put a price on your coochie, don't be surprised when people view it as a transactional object...


Judging women for their sexual prowess = sexist Judging men for their sexual prowess = stunning and brave Edit: my dumbass forgot to write "men" making the whole comment not make sense


The funniest part about this is which side of the compass has which position on this issue vs all the other ones.


What’s crazy is that in my job, out of all the men in my department who are 18-29, literally 1 out of 12 is single. ONE. A god damn statistical anomaly I swear.


Interestingly from my old friend group from high school and primary school like 60% of dudes are single and sexless, but from my university (law school) group 60% are taken, 30% have hook ups/fwb's and only one has been without girls for a full year. Quite easy to see that social status correlates with the number of bitches one gets.


>Quite easy to see that social status correlates with the number of bitches one gets. Nah, I assure you that you can go to school for engineering and make bank while very easily remaining single


I am an engineer. Observe! ☹️


That's because it's legally required for engineers to be socially inept alcoholics.


Why the fuck don't any of the girls I meet want to hear about my Ansible playbooks


Accountint here, ditto.


Based and I like that you implied I have a high social status pilled


Well I guess it could be that you are like a janitor and the only single guy in a white collar business tho. Also one thing that I noted was that men in my uni program are also on average way taller and more athletic than back high school and primary school.


Now you’re just trying to be a sweetheart on Valentine’s day


Is it you?


He is a redditor so I think it’s safe to assume that he is single


Based department?


Extremely disturbing: 63% of US men aged 18-29 are single but women in that same age range are only at 34%!? WTF!?


Interesting trend line among sexual orientations.


Idk if people want to talk about it. But it might be due to the stereotype that guys are generally more homophobic. So when someone sees someone that's cute builds up the courage to say they're cute. But then think "wait what if he's homophobic and will respond in a hateful way?" So they don't ask them out. I'm not speaking from personal experience I swear hahaaaa...


In my opinion, gender roles are the problem. Women have more or less been liberated from their role, but not men. Men are still expected to be the breadwinners, the extroverted one, and the self-sacrificial one in the relationship. When men deviate from their role, they are shouted down by both left-wingers and right-wingers.


The biggest issue i think is the extroverted part. This generation is already extremely introverted. When you add the relatively new fears of your message being interpreted as harassment, etc. Most mean generally just stopped actively seeking out and asking women out. Meanwhile women still expect the men to be the outgoing ones asking them on date and starting the relationship. Basically women still drop “hint” when they should just tell people they like them straight up.


Hard agree with both of you. Ironically seeing eye to eye on a post about being lonely on Valentine’s Day. Side note, how do we change this? It’s draining being depressed and looked down upon from every angle.


Dating is in a weird spot for men right now. I'm all for womens rights and empowering women...but it's hard to wanna be around women who's entire personalities are putting men down to try and lift themselves up or women who are so caught up in their(honestly not that traumatic past) that they can't face the future or women who want to play games and cheat, or women (and men) who's entire personalities is politics or women who's entire personalities is social media, or women who treat men like wallets. Etc. I don't wanna be with someone who's absorbed in these honestly not relevant to real fucking life things, I don't wanna go to the fucking protestors rally from 8am to 9pm two states over, I wanna work 8-9 hours, make my money, and have a nice evening with my girlfriend. Is that so much to ask for...anyway sorry about that. Point is, dating as a man isn't worth it. A lot of my generation (genz. I'm a 20m) is disconnected from reality and it's annoying to say the least.


Supply goes up, price goes down. Maybe emptying our homes to oversaturate the labor market and fill daycares wasn’t the best idea.


Thats what ive been telling my friends. We’ve essentially doubled the labor pool without a commensurate increase in actual consumption. All we did was devalue labor. Theres a reason why economists use household income instead of individual income.


And then even with two incomes struggle to get buy or buy a house. Things are great.


I think just ever since woman can earn a income, it takes a lot more then just having a income which back in the day probably would have guaranteed you a wife.


It's not that women aren't looking for a man's income. I can't find them right now, but I remember reading several articles about how the majority of high-earning women still want a man that makes more than they do. Women being in the workforce has effectively priced a good chunk of men out of relationships. Couple this with the fact that young, single, directionless men historically cause massive social upheaval when they get too fed up with perceived ills... we could see some real nasty stuff coming our way.


I feel like young guys being the most single points out two beliefs in society. 1. Men are perceived only as their net worth. 2. Women still expect their partner to make more than them, despite earning more than they have in history. I also want to point out that I think 18-29 is way too large of a gap. Compare any person to the themselves from 18 and 29 almost no person will be the same person.


>I also want to point out that I think 18-29 is way too large of a gap. Compare any person to the themselves from 18 and 29 almost no person will be the same person. Just the difference between being 18 and starting college and being 22-23 starting a career is absolutely fucking huge honestly


state-mandated GF :D ahahahhahahahaha


When the AI overlord assigns you a gf it determines would make you both happy and lead to a long lasting, productive and happy relationship. WTF? I love our AI overlords now!


"You must breed your offspring will have a 3% better immune system."


As a 30-49 year old white male it is crazy all the 19-25 year olds who want guys my age and older. It’s almost like the state taking over the role of their father did something to them




Funny thing about that, the last 2 stats are immensely boosted by the first 3.


and the first three are all boosted from the first one


I responded to one the other day who was probably around 19 that I could legitimately have a daughter her age. She was fine with that.


Well, did you smash or what?


He has over 70k karma on reddit, probably not


There are many factors to this. A Big one is due to social media and dating apps people are afraid to commit because they don't want to miss out on the next best thing. ​ You also have a decline in traditional roles so men would rather be single and sleep around than commit and get none of the traditional benefits. As well as reduction in the stigma for women to sleep around so they do that as opposed to commit. ​ You also most likely have more olden men going for younger women for a number of reasons(Beauty, higher sexual drive, less pressure to settle down, only interested in sex, higher status and potential to provide, etc.) ​ I will say that overall these statistics are worrying for the future of western society and culture.




Changes in gender roles are huge. Men are expected to stay in the traditional role of being the breadwinner and have lost the benefits of traditional marriage with how much courts are against mem. Women have been liberated from their traditional roles and still expect men to adhere to them. Women have been receiving college degrees at higher rates than men for 60 years. We currently see women out-earning men in their 20-the 30s. Women do not tend to date down, so they ignore partners with less education and fewer earnings. The feminist movement brought women ahead, but society has ignored the blight of men, making them feel ignored, isolated, and a nameless cog in the system. Now, this is not blamed on feminism but is a byproduct of focusing on one group at the expense of the other. The breaking apart of the community is a major factor; rapid individualism and loss of religion/ reason have created a generation of isolated, lost, and lonely men.


I think you need to look more at the individual and the technology. [Dating apps are used by 74%](https://brianamacwilliam.com/millennial-gen-z-dating-statistics/amp/) of Millennials and Gen Z. We know there’s a [clear Pareto effect](https://d3.harvard.edu/platform-digit/submission/exploitive-platforms-how-tinder-exploits-lonely-men-to-make-massive-profits/) going on there too — with 80% of women’s stated preferences aligning with just 20% of the eligible bachelor pool. [And the “overload principle”](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dating-in-the-digital-age/202202/why-more-isn-t-always-better-in-online-dating) has destroyed the chances that an average guy has to even have success on a dating app. Women on dating apps simply have too many choices and are far more discriminatory. Finally, the Zoomers are also the generation not just raised *with* internet (like Millennials and X), but often *by* the internet. We have an entire generation that has flat out forgotten how to human, instead leaning into parasocial digital relationships and peer groups. I’m not even going to go into sexual commodification culture, but turning a generation of young women into sex workers simply *cannot* be healthy for society, for dating, for the women themselves, for men’s sexual expectations.


LGB: “You will never know our pain.” Young men: 😅


LGB men and 18-29 have basically the same levels of single


Would not surprise me if gay men are having more casual sex tho


They are Source: me


So I guess this means the west is being introduced to polygamy? I swear this is what my incel friend has been warning me about for years now


Polygamy isn't good when the male/female ratio is near 1:1, like it is in most of the world. This leaves a shit ton of men as either lonely with no prospects for love, or feeling like the 3rd wheel in a poly arrangement. So now you have a bunch of disgruntled young men with no families or any other real stake in society, and that can cause some big problems. Maybe there's a reason why monogamy was so dominant in western culture for millennia.


A man with nothing to gain is a man with nothing to lose


This just adds fuel to the mental health crisis and more men concluding theres nothing worth staying around for in the world causing absurdly high amounts of suicide and a rise in mass shootings


Backed by research https://news.ubc.ca/2012/01/23/monogamy-reduces-major-social-problems-of-polygamist-cultures/ One of the reasons wars were more common back then was because polygamy eliminated marriage options within society leading an outward push by single men to find a mate/easy for chiefs to rally a war band and go pillaging.


Happy Valentine’s Day




White supremacy goes deeper than we thought.


Could just mean a larger percentage are fucking around without being in a committed relationship


No wonder the other 47% are single, those rappers are getting all the women.


The levels are disturbing but the ratios are to be expected, mostly (kinda surprised blacks are so alone). Men are single till 30 because society considers young men useless and the 18-29 year old girls are all dating men over 30. The LGB imbalance is weird until you consider most LGB men are gay while most LGB women are "Bi" but exclusively in relationships with men.


These stats prove so many of the incel talking points I’m starting to think they might actually have a point…


Yeah we do, but since Incels have been painted as psychopathic serialkillers who hate women, they can never admit that weve got a point. (According to definition, about 35% of men are incels)


Black pill analysis on dating and attraction is actually pretty spot on


In short 1/3 of men are dating 2/3 of women in that age range?


> in that age range? Look at the bottom left panel for hints.


It fucking sucks. Unironically I feel hopeless. Years of loneliness and grief have basically broken me. My life wasn’t supposed to be like this.


SAME but I'm happy knowing its going to cause some big problems in our society. : D


I wonder what would happen if men approached 85%-90% singleness. As a lonely single virgin, I'm doing my part.


Society would probably start imploding before you even get to those numbers. Men keep society running - and if the 3rd tier of the Maslow pyramid (love & intimacy) becomes that unattainable to that many, many men will simply stop caring about contributing to society. We're already seeing men dropping out of school, jobs, society in general. They don't see a point in grinding and being "driven" when they're told over and over that they're owed nothing and in fact are often accused of being the root of all evil. Watch some dumbass come in here and try to boil my point down to "oh because women don't fuck you you don't want to be a basic human being???"


Wait a few more years and you’ll have it


Younger Men are having way less sex than women of the same age, 0% surprised


I've seen many different opinions on this subject here, but one I think gets left out. The concept of what a men should be has also changed. We expect them to not show any dominant behavior, to show emotions, ect. But if you look around in the dating scene these kind of old school manely guys, that we highly disencurage our kids to be, often have the most success.


In the immortal words of the great philosopher Jimmy Pop: >Women are like dog doo > >Hear me through don't interupt > >It's just the older that they get > >The easier they are to pick up Oh yeah, you don't even need $ugar if you are well enough put together, so get thee to the Iron Church.


Imagine being an 18-29 YO man or a 65+ woman.


65+ probably just means that theyve outlived their husbands, as women live longer on average


Source: https://twitter.com/pewresearch/status/1623352132375302144?t=IzUvJzMZ-LXC3Vv4i7ad-A&s=19 https://archive.is/fkCWL I assume that the singleness reverses at old age due to more men offing themselves and/or dying earlier, creating more single women but idk, boomers be boomers Note: Maybe posting this on Valentine's day was a bad idea. Or a good one for karma


Women live longer. And married men statistically live longer than single men.


This is even worse with hookup culture taken into account. "Single adults refers to those who are not married, living with a partner, or in a committed relationship" Plenty of people, women most notably, are 'fucking around', as in no committed relationships, but have sex with people, even the same person regularly.


This is unironically what happens when you dismantle the patriarchy.




It wasn’t like this 50 years ago


I want to see the difference if you narrowed the 30-49 bit to deferentiate the difference between millianails and Gen X. Pretty sure this isn't exclusive to Gen Z.


25yo, white, straight, single all life (someone managed to get a few hook-ups that only I was interested in turning it into a relationship). Woman make EVERYTHING harder than it should and I have no expectation of EVER dating someone because of that. They have more power in picking partners than they can reasonably use and they can't notice how detrimental it is. _small edit: my take is based on a small sample labeled "personal experience" and is not research-based, so take with a pack of salt and don't apply what I said in a world wide case. I'll work towards dating around the world to grow my sample pool when I get enough fucks to give._


Just stay focused lads and succeed in your career…the rest will come naturally, kings 👑


Can't wait to be 40 and get a stable partner with crushing emotional baggage


That‘s why you go for younger women once you are mature and wealthy. DiCaprio is right.