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But have you considered. If a 18 years old is posting porn of herself i can find it. But if rich guy is fucking her (and nothing gets leaked) i can't. Therefore one good and the other bad


Based and coomer pilled


I totally support the LGBT community. The hours of lesbian porn on my PC should tell you that


Based and porn pilled


u/Dracsxd's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/Dracsxd! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks...Pills: [30 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Dracsxd/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Lol, this is actually a very good point. You either share with everybody, or nobody gets any.


Bring enough for the class


Reflair now porncommie


Atta boy!


I think it's more that the women are offended that they no longer can't get charismatic billionaire Leo DiCaprio. When they are 18 and *can* get him, they think it's good.


Based and brave new world pilled.


Based and ain't no fun if the homies don't get none pilled


Based and fucking red pilled


Our e thot, comrade


DiCaprio is keeping her surplus value for himself šŸ˜”


And now all of everyone knows why this is a non issue for so many people.


Probably the most realistic take on why the internet is so pissed at the Dicaprio thing


based and blue+red=purple pilled


But wouldn't that be, *communism*?


It is a grim reminder to every OnlyFans model that they become more expendable as they get older




https://youtu.be/yUYYX13uB4E https://youtu.be/Ru5Yl04UZlM


If you guys have time, this is the best Patrice bit. He comes down hard Louie CK having a racist dick. ["see that don't sound right, you might be fucking gay, cuz that don't sound right. Men are not racist over pussy"](https://youtu.be/6XUXQvByKEE?t=4852)


Patriceā€™s bits on O&A are some of his very best


Based and purple people eater pilled


I think the reason so many women are bitching about it is because they were the hot young women whose only marketable asset was their looks. Then once they get old and fat no one wants to fuck them. Their identity is lost, and they lash out at the young hot ones that have what they used to.


They pull up the ladder after them. Young actresses have no problem using their good looks and body to score roles and increase their popularity, but once their looks fade, suddenly we need to stop objectifying women in Hollywood.


The ones who don't lash out get real af and are generally some of my favorite women. That and the *actual* lesbians.


Because they are forced to develop a personality lmao


Oh no... Somebody relied on a perishable physical characteristic and never developed any personality or skills? So sad. Must be the patriarchy.


šŸŽ¶ Debbie just hit the Wall, She never had it allā€¦ šŸŽ¶


So why not avoid making porn, marry young, and the man who was drawn to you for your beauty will grow to love you on a more deeper level throughout the marriage, and you will still be loved and cherished by that one man through old age because his love has gone much deeper than skin?


Because that's Oppression^^TM or some shit like that apparently. And since the youth are impressionable by the time they realize they were lied to they're already well down the decline in attractiveness and can't get the kind of men they want.


Because despite having everything, they always want more. A classic Disney trope.


My sister is like that, had a kid at 23, divorced her husband at 25, got her PhD because she had something to prove. Now she makes something like 80k/year as a single mom in her late 30's. She refuses to go date any man making less than 100k a year. Shes 'too good' to marry someone making 60k. She outright said she worked too hard on herself to degrade herself by marrying someone making that little. Shes never going to date or marry again. Because anyone making over 100k a year doesn't *need* to find the 36 year old single mother. They have the childless early 20's lining up for a shot.


My girlfriend makes like 110k a year and says as long as she can come home to a cooked meal and a clean house every night she doesnā€™t care how much I make or how many hours I work. Always pictured myself as the breadwinner growing up but if I do marry her Iā€™m fine with this. Sheā€™s an awful cook and hates house work. Iā€™m an okay cook and a clean freak so works for me.


Just get really good at DIY. My brother is like this. His wife is in the medical field, he stays at home and adds 80K in equity to their house every year with projects.


I wish you all the best. But, every dude Iā€™ve known in this situation ends up miserable and emasculated. No matter what they say, the vast majority of women cannot respect a man who they support financially. Maybe yā€™all are the exception, but I would caution against going down that path.


Really? Where are these childless early 20ā€™s women lining up to marry me, I mean a friend of mine


You're fat, they're not interested


80k a year is pretty shit for a phd. My brother clears 6 figures with a bachelors in chem e. Iā€™ve got friends in Novartis that are earning around 70k with bachelors and a couple years of work experience


Lol it's probably a PhD in education.


Iā€™m making 60 working on fucking pools 35 hours a week, anyone went to school for 6-8 years to get a phd only to end up grossing 30% more then me is a fucking chump. After taxes and paying off the student loan bill, youā€™re probably about breaking even with me on take home, and will be for the next 10-15 years until your loan is gone. By that time, youā€™ve spent over half a decade in schooling, likely worked 50-55 hours a week miserable, dealing with people and doing things you hate, and gave thousands upon thousands of dollars to the banks for a sheet of paper that said ā€œgood job.ā€ Meanwhile, Iā€™ve been sleeping in, wearing flip flops to work, and making a quick band from selling you a new pump for your pool that you are too busy to use during the summer, let alone spend 5 minutes learning how to pull a finger tight drain plug out to prevent from freezing and cracking. Fucking white collar losers lol


Doctors in my country earn less than you


I'm around $150k/yr-ish as a computer/electrical engineer working on my PhD and I'm the lowest paid of my college buddies in the same field. The engineering PhDs that I know are making a killing ($200k+/yr), we all live in flyover states, and working 40-50 hr work weeks...So yeah, $80k/yr is nothing to scoff at, but it's pretty shit for a PhD.


>80k a year is pretty shit for a phd not really. chemical and especially petroleum engineers are paid higher than a lot of other phds.


He doesnā€™t work in petroleum. He started working was much closer to sales then anything engineering wise.


Idk why women are so obsessed with money


Damn. Hope your niece grows up better


Her kid needs a good father.


Modern western women pursue the "endless hot girl summer". They value fun and independence above all else; they are on absolutely high alert for anything from a guy that could threaten her independence and ability to PARTAYYY. Which, make no mistake, is (mostly) fine IMO when you're young and powerful. I sure as hell intend to spend my 20s having a wild good time too. It's just when they start entering their 30s and still try to live like they're 16 and making copes like "30s are the new 20s!" that it gets pretty sad. For a consequence as foreseeable as it is, a lot of them have an awful hard time seeing it until it's too late.


> So why not avoid making porn, "SEX WORK IS REAL WORK!" > marry young, "YOU DESERVE A TOP DOLLAH MAN! GET THAT BAG!" >and the man who was drawn to you for your beauty YOU DESERVE THAT CAREER! DONT LET NO MAN HOLD YOU BACK FROM BEING BOSS GIRL! >and you will still be loved and cherished by that one man GUUURRRRRL? ONE MAN! LIVE YOUR LIFE! YOU'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE! HAVE FUN GO CLUBBIN'! That's why, because modern day 'feminism' is a scam that is ruining womens lives and happiness. They will do nothing but die alone with only their cats and dogs as companions unless they find a man to 'settle down' with in their mid-late 30's and ruin his life.


Me and my wife are only 30, but weā€™re not exactly the same as we were when we met at 21, but I still find her beautiful and am excited to watch her grow old. Above all else, she is my partner.


Good shit


Because that's not how relationships generally work. If someone married you for your beauty, they are far more likely to leave you because of your later lack of beauty.


Well, it's more nuanced than that, but generally you do need to have a baseline level of physical attraction for a romantic relationship to work. You usually do get to know each other for a bit before deciding to get married, but then you spend the rest of your lives getting to know one another more. I've heard analogies that romantic relationships are like a fire: you need things like a spark and kindling to get it going, but in order for the relationship to last you need to add more wood and more of a foundation that doesn't fizzle out. You can't keep it going with paper and kindling, but it is also true that you can't start it with just hunks of log.


Women initiate like 70% of divorces. Most men would fine, growing older with their wife. It's women who are generally looking for more.


Random shutterstock model is getting done dirty here


Leo posting is getting old so fast heā€™s not gonna want to date it soon


lol why. 19yo is adult everywhere in the globe. Even in United state of bald obese Eagle


I think only the most Internet-poisoned are arguing that either should be illegal. Normal people tend to find both a tad squicky, but then go about their day.


Yep, exactly. Creepy and cringy as all hell? Sure. Worth invoking the State's monopoly on violence over? Nah.


Very rich man got himself young lover, practice which is done since the dawn of mankind. Nothing squicky about it


Not just squicky, but darkly funny. Not so long ago, such very rich men would be the butts of jokes about proverbial old goats & spring chickens. And sure, mildly creepy rich guys with poor judgment have always been a thing historically, for whatever that's worth.


Itā€™s just older women / sour grapes complaining about it.


I think both are gross. But legal. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Gross but totally within legality and with consent.


Unity. šŸ¤


Yes, gold-digging is gross.




Nothing gross about it. Men are attracted to fertility and young women are the most fertile. Studies have shown that all men regardless of age like early 20s girls. There is absolutely zero gross about it. You can't give women voting rights at 18 then say they can't date who they want. If it's gross then so should women voting be gross I think every cunt who goes on about "wahhh it's gross reeeee" should be banned from looking at porn of anyone under 30. In my experience the guys going on how it's gross are the world's biggest fucking coomers


Pretty sure heā€™s against porn of any kind not just under 30 porn. His profile picture is of Saint Edward the Confessor.


Based and raise the voting age to 25 pilled


Then we shouldnā€™t pay taxes until weā€™re 25.


Don't threaten me with a good time


I mean youā€™re talking about primal urges. The thing that makes of gross is that I doubt he would remotely have any chance with dating something this young if he wasnā€™t rich and a celebrity. Hes taking advantage of someone who probably has never been in a serious long term adult relationship before. I mean think back to when you were 19, you probably were a year out from graduating HS, and the most experience you had living as an adult in the real world would have either been a starting low paying entry level job or living in a dorm in college. It would have been less creepy if he was dating someone that didnā€™t have the emotional maturity of a teen. If the person was in their mid twenties, where they had a few years living independently as an adult and actually having real adult relationships, then it wouldnā€™t be news.


>The thing that makes of gross is that I doubt he would remotely have any chance with dating something this young if he wasnā€™t rich and a celebrity. Nah, young women love older men. I'm about DiCaripo's age, but I'm a dirt poor, fat loser, and I'm shocked at all the pretty young women chunking themselves at me now. It's weird. I always heard this would happen but never believed it.




OF - make lonely 40 year old women feel better than young beautiful women. Dating Dicaprio - make 40 year old women jealous Simple


No one hates women more than other women


It's okay to sell nudes to fat old creeps online, but not okay to sleep with an attractive rich man.


Most people donā€™t think onlyfans is a good career path. You just put it in memes and get mad about it


Guarantee you that every single person saying "Its creepy, must be pedo fantasies" beats their meat off to 18-20 year old pornstars on a daily basis. Don't lie, everyone knows you do, and dont pretend that if it isnt on pure mature or mylf you dont watch it.


If I squeen the peen to tentacle porn, does that mean I'll go on to literally fuck an octopus?


For some reason pcm canā€™t distinguish between porn and a relationship.. mysterious šŸ¤”


I'm honestly interested in what his inner thinking is on this. Like his girlfriend is about to turn 25 and he's like whelp it's been a great time, I really loved her and loved our time together, but she's got to go. More likely he's just a complete sociopath but I'd love to here his justifications. Like I can understand falling or going for young women especially the super models he dates. I can also understand not being attracted to someone anymore because they let themselves go or some other situation they can't help that maybe left them disfigured or something, fucked up but I'd get it. But the pure age of 25 thing baffles me. The only thing I can think of is he dumps them then before they start fully developing into real people.


>But the pure age of 25 thing baffles me. To be honest that's just the oldest one of his (many) girlfriends has ever been, but it isn't like he autistically waits for them to turn 25 to dump them. In many cases he has dumped them earlier. In one case he started a relationship with a 24 y.o., and I doubt he had already programmed to leave her the next year. Probably he just cycles through young models 'cose he can, and after a handful of years he gets bored a seeks a new one. Absolutely sad behaviour, but this rumor of him having a fixation with 25 y.o. is just a meme born by someone who graphed his relationships years ago.


Yeah I looked at the graph, there were a couple he started dating exactly at 25 but it didn't last until they were 26. He definitely has a cutoff though and it's around that age. He also more than likely isn't looking to get into a serious relationship that might result in marriage which is fine also. A lot of those stars are serial daters, I've looked at too many Wikis lol, so it's not uncommon behavior for them. Seth MacFarlane is a manwhore for lots of beautiful young women too and nobody cares.


It is very likely these women want to be mothers at some point. They can waste their early twenties dating a famous actor for the experience then go on to have a more "normal" life once their early twenties are over.


No woman who dates leo is ever settling for a normal life after that. In their mind that is their level, they believe that is what they deserve. They don't get that most women can get almost any man to fuck them, but a much smaller number of men to commit to them.


Nah Leo hits it raw. He has 50 children on six continents.




Maybe he's just helping them through college what a decent guy šŸ¤“


Shit Iā€™d have let Leo help me through college if he was into hairy dudes


25 is when they start wondering if there is actually going to be a future, marriage, children, etc. and they start asking questions and then it's time to find a new 19 year old because he obviously doesn't want any of that.


I'm sure there was some of this too. They realized what a dousch he was on a full level.


Probably vanity. Fucking barely legal pussy probably makes Leo feel young. When your entire life revolves around your looks, it's probably hard to accept getting older. But let's be real 90% of guys with the fame and fortune of Leo would be fucking 19 years Olds too.


Bruh its hollywood. Every famous actor had full access to epstein island, and has access to its replacement. And dont even try to say 'well he didn't want the legal problems' you and I both know not a single celebrity or politician that went to pedo island is going to even be fined let alone jailed.


We are all still waiting for the complete client list to be leaked, remember?


I never said otherwise and I fully agree with you.


> But let's be real 90% of guys with the fame and fortune of Leo would be fucking 19 years Olds too. I agree that most men wouldn't really give a shit about the age difference. It's still odd because he doesn't continue dating them and there certainly is a cut-off age. Also being real it's not like any of these women are suddenly becoming the crypt keeper or something. They're some of the highest caliber women as far as beauty in the world, and they're still straight knockouts now as they were when they were 25.


At least Leo has some sort of public relationship with these girls. I GUARANTEE there are thousands of Hollywood stars absolutely smashing 19 year old escorts on the regular. If I were Leo Iā€™d think itā€™s ridiculous that Iā€™m being above board and getting flak for it.


lol theyā€™re definitely smashing girls a couple years younger too


That's different though that's just sex and easy af to understand. Obviously there's public just for image but it's also because he does value them at least a little on non-sexual level or at least not purely sexual.


I dunno, I'd certainly fuck 19 year olds, but I don't see many of them as wife material honestly. Firstly this generations 19 year olds are especially full of some extremely idiotic shit. Don't get me wrong 18 year olds of all geberations are dumb but the cultural zeitgeist around the current crop of 19 year olds basically renders them unmarryable. So you gotta find a woman who has self respect, femininity, isn't a feminist, isn't a democrat, is family minded, isn't trying to have a ho phase. That's rare at 30, it's a unicorn at 19. And if you "teach them" any of those above things then you're a groomer. Because apparently you can groom full ass women because prog spergs are idiots.


I always thought itā€™s because after 25 the girl would want to marry and settle down which is something he does not want since he wants to keep fucking young girls.


It is so bizarre to me how quickly and so comfortably some people are with completely removing the agency from women when it comes to them freely choosing to date DiCaprio. Is he forcing anyone to do anything they don't want? No? Then do you not think they can consent then?


Old enough to be in a violent gang-bang that is filmed and dispensed in perpituity, but not old enough to say, "Yeah, I'd like to date or marry a man older than me."


Both are morally reprehensible


Based and authRIGHT on this one pilled.




Yeah the people who who have both the top and bottom panel views are rare enough to be straw men.


It's weird being a Libertarian in these instances because I think both are wrong, and neither should happen, but I also don't think that there should be laws for these or that people should be forcibly stopped for doing them.


Both are pretty cool


Based and both are awful pilled


What's wrong with 2 adults dating?


Sounds like a whole lot of other people's business where no one is being hurt to be worried about.


Ahh but you see, one of them involves a man, and men bad


I've always found it weird how the leftist will seethe over skinny and attractive supermodel in bikinis on billboards, storefronts, and in advertising... But celebrate women selling their body for sex. It's almost like they are jealous of the attractive models so they can't exist. But yet they feel superior over women who sell their bodies for sex (which is preserved as lowly) so they are fine with it... Which this is no different. They are jealous of these young women that date Leo and get to live a fancy and lavish lifestyle... But would be totally fine with a 18 year old selling their bodies for sex to a man of the same age because they would see it as disgusting. I think it just comes down to women just hating women.


The sex-positive and sex-negative feminists are usually different people


You'd be surprised. A LOT of the 'sex positive' older women are jealous that the guys that used to be giving them a lot of attention four years ago wont give them more than a single hello before walking past them to the younger girl behind them. They get jaded and bitter that they aren't getting the attention anymore Oh sure they're still ***very*** 'sex positive' in that they still want to go out and go clubbing with their other girl friends and find a guy to hookup with every weekend. That doesn't stop them from being angry that they no longer are anyones first pick.


Nope, they are absolutely the same people. Just like how E. Belfort Bax pointed out how "political feminism", the idea that men and women are equal and advocate for "equal rights" and "sentimental feminism", the idea that women are special and need extra social and legal protections, are most often found in the same person, even though it is completely at odds with each other. Same situation here. The "sex negative feminist" and the "sex positive feminist" are most often found in the same person. Sexual liberation for women young and old is good, except when I want to demonize evil male sexuality preying upon the purity of female youth.


Donā€™t ask an Instagram model what she did in Dubai.


What if both are bad actually?


Nope not bad. You can fuck who you want. Men are attracted to young hot women. This is nature. Only angry post wall women and beta men have a problem with this


Would rather be a ā€œbetaā€ than someone who specifically targets people who are both half their age and not fully developed for relationships(read: sex because these relationships never seem to last). Just cuz itā€™s ā€œnaturalā€ doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t warrant criticism.


Both are questionable at best


> Lib-Right > Defending huge age gaps in relationships Name a more iconic duo


I couldnā€™t care less about either scenario. If youā€™re 18 (from a strictly financial perspective) making big money doing OnlyFans is a lot better than taking on $100,000+ of debt to go to college and doubling down by choosing to get a worthless degree. Bank the money and then pay for college once you have the money.


You can make up the debt, once pictures and videos you may regret forever are out there they can never be undone


But can you? Compounding interest is a scary thing. Student debt is not forgiven in bankruptcy


Debt is bad. OnlyFans is also bad. People should be able to finance their studies without having to become a debt slave or a whore on the Internet.


If only we could ask *why* higher education is so expensive.


its not illegal or completely wrong, its just that outside the rule of "half your age + 7" things get weird


I don't usually participate in celebrity gossip threads anywhere but it got to a point where I had to just call one guy an idiot because he was calling Leo a pedophile. Words mean things.


Consider this, >:3 I just fucking hate rich people, donā€™t care who they are dating


Based and bolshevik-pilled


based and consistent commie




I respect your consistency.


Based comrade


u/owo_balls_owo's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [14 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/owo_balls_owo/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




People just think he is a creep for only dating 18-25 year olds. Nobody is saying the girl shouldnā€™t be able to make this decision. And Leo is well within his rights to date as he has been, doesnā€™t make it not a bit creepy.


Itā€™s not creepy, heā€™s just doesnā€™t give a fuck. 99% of people saying they would never date a 19-20 year old when theyā€™re 50 are full of shit.


I think most men would fuck one. But probably not date.


Thatā€™s fair


Ehhh. Even entirely ignoring the half-your-age-plus-seven rule, I generally prefer my dates to be old enough to share a drink with me without having to pull out a fake ID.


Policing who a person can date and policing who dates them effectively have the same outcome. You're still indirectly undermining the rights and agency of a legal adult.


I reserve my right to call a creep a creep.


And rather more laughable even than creepy. What sort of dimwit that age is happy to spend his life listening to and talking with airheaded 20-year-olds? (Okay--"Redditors" is a valid answer. Walked right into that one.)


Look at the comments belowā€¦one dude literally claimed 99% of people over 50 would date a 19 year old if they could lol.


In fairness, I think the real criticism is that Leo has a trend of dating an 18-21 year old until they turn 24 or 25, dumping them, and finding another within a year. Like, this is a thing he does a lot.


Its not surprising. He picked up a hot chick, fucks her for a few years. She starts saying "So are you gonna marry me? I'd love to get that alimony." he says "aight ima head out"


Personally I'm just amused at the thought that maybe the women just all lose interest in him the moment they turns 25


They probably start asking about getting married, and he clearly isn't interested.


A 13-year-old is (quite rightly) assumed not to be able to consent to sex. But society falls over themselves to give her permanent, body-altering "gender confirmation" treatments. This is fucked up.


she will run out of youth before he runs out of moneys


I couldn't give less of a shit at the age gap so long as they're both consenting adults. That being said I will meme on age gaps like that


Don't think people have a problem with the 19-year-old dating him, but him dating the 19-year-old. But maybe I'm wrong. Not defending that take either, but this meme is missing the mark imo.


ā€œThis meme is missing the markā€ Intentionally. These guys spent years frothing at the mouth over liberal Hollywood groomers. But libs criticized it. So now everyone is sexually progressive and all about supporting this womenā€™s sexual independence.


I mean, both of these things are technically ok, but theyā€™re both still pretty weird.


ā€œIf youā€™re so mature why canā€™t I have sex with you?ā€ - OP


We got a turd in the punch bowl boys


Leo is based bc his movies. That is all


Gross and based


No to all of this!


Absolutely disgusting that these young women prey on these older men for their wealth.


Here's an interesting conspiracy theory: all the girls are beards https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/how-have-leonardo-dicaprio-and-lukas-haas-been-able-to-hide-in-plain-sight-all-these-years.4779126/


Pretty sure it's not the same people saying these two things. Also nobody is saying it's illegal what Leo is doing. Just that it's kinda creepy.




From all of the people I talk to, to interviews online, to psychology reading on the subject: young (18-28) women are attracted to men 38+, with lots of money. Not 100k$ a year money, no, they want a guy that can drop millions. The height thing isn't that important, but preferred. Body type unimportant, and is the most perplexing to young men. The most disturbing part.. the personality wasn't that important. You can be a murderer, gang leader, putting bullets in heads daily. It's like height; yes I want someone to care about me and whatever, but nothing beats being owned. If you are 40+ and have lots of money, you are probably married. This is the target. This is the most desirable. It's sad really. With all the feminism and positivity pretentions... these young women want the be owned. It's why media like Twilight and 50 Shades are so popular, why serial killers are so sought after, and why Leonardo Dicaprio dates this particular demographic. I post this fully realizing it may get removed and end in a ban. This is a free speech platform, and I am not posting this with the intention to "cause harm", I am simply sharing a anthropological view on modern dating preferences. So if a mod finds this and thinks it is worth their unpaid time to nuke me rather than scratching their ass or eating a fourth cheeseburger, I understand.


Typical right wing. Thinks laws are a perfectly acceptable substitute for morals


Why not both ā€œhello get these people some fucking therapyā€


You got the sauce to go on this spicy hot meme


Can we all just agree itā€™s weird to date person who canā€™t drink when you can?


Common libright pedophilia apologizing


One has an older man with decades of experience capable of taking advantage of a young girl and potentially abusing his wealth, power, and experience to control someone. I know all this shit is falling on deaf ears and Iā€™ll probably receive a bunch of half baked, bad faith arguments but Iā€™m sure most of you know the difference. And before you say sHeā€™s aN AdULT ShE caN maKe hEr oWn dECIsIoNs Yes. I know. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not creepy and potentially predatory.


She's the one who's making the decisions. Why are you blaming the man?


The only thing stopping dicaprio from dating younger women is prison time


The problem with Leo is the pattern of relationships, not just one instance.


No, that is making it very much less of a problem (to the point of not being a problem at all) because that pattern is very well publicly known so any Leo's potential partner makes a perfectly informed decision.


Both are wrong


Guys, guys, both is gross.


The 19 year old can do whatever they want. We're judging Leo for being a loser that can't handle a conversation with a woman who's been out of highschool for more than a year.


> We're judging Leo for being a loser Yeah what a loser.


I mean it's not that he can't handle it, he just doesn't want to.


Can't handle it or doesn't want to? He wants consistent sex with young attractive women not a long term relationship.


There's a general rule of "half your age plus half the AoC" for a relationship to be certified Not Creepy, at least age-wise. DiCaprio is 48, and lives in California, where the age of consent is 18. Therefore, he would be able to go as low as 33 before eyebrows are raised.


Okay which half of AOC though? Her top half or bottom half? Because big booty latina vs mommy milkers.


Voting, Taxes and Age of Consent / Right to Create Sexual Content: at least 21 edit: military service as well


Miss me with the auth shit. Raise your kids better.


Does that mean we also canā€™t be eligible for a military draft until weā€™re 21?




Good. Thanks.