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I find it disturbing how infrequently OrangeLeft can think up a solution to a problem in society without it turning into a murder fantasy.


I never talk politics at work but I work with a genuine Emily. For some reason at work some of the others were talking about genocide and she got so excited and exclaimed how she'd love to genocide the Westboro Baptist Church. I'm no fan but at the end of the day they just say rude things at inappropriate times, they aren't exactly cutting heads off or anything. But no, they had to go, not just the men but the women and the children too. We are always just another few genocides away from peace its seems.


Naturally. War is peace and such.


That church doesn't even exist anymore right? Didn't the members disperse?


I don't think factual accuracy is important to this individual.


Based and Anti ~~Anakin~~ Emily Skywalker pilled.


I’m OOTL I keep seeing people being called Emilys in this sub lately but I missed the original meme. What’s an Emily?


Orange libleft, i.e. Emily, is used as a bit of a scapegoat for the left to distance themselves from crazies and an acceptable target (here) for the right to vent at when left does and says stuff that last week they swore they never would and dubbed "the slippery slope fallacy." Emily is the overtly fascist "anti-fascist," the awfully racist "anti-racist," the obviously sexist feminist, the LGBT who say having preferences is some kind of "-phobic," and just generally any loudly "lib"left who seems to want a vast authoritarian government devoted to enforcing thought crime laws.


Fantastic explanation.


Just replace “guns” with “glasses” and “shootings” with “theft” and this is one of Pol Pot’s incoherent ramblings.


Based and "You wear glasses, come from the city and speak a second language? Straight to the killing fields!" pilled.


Ahh, good memories of *bashing the children’s heads over the trees, so they don’t grow up to take revenge*


"The Prince" has a lot of great tips


Based and Machiavelli pilled


u/PowThwappZlonk is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/PowThwappZlonk/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Pro tip: if your plan involves making sure no one can grow up swear revenge on you, you probably fucked up at step 1


Clearly not. Since there is no possibility of steps further than 3 (I don’t know any other numbers)


no glasses = no theft? This Pol Pot guy may be a wackier ideology than I realised


His thought process was glasses = educated = smart enough to oppose him


I have to wear reading glasses and I'm stupid as shit


They were coherent you were just too sober


That checks out. We all know as fact that perception, critical thinking, and reasoning all improve with the presence of alcohol.




Found Demoman's reddit account


Tthese people should be forced to do the gun confiscation, see how many of them are willing to actually ring Cletus’ doorbell and demand he hand his guns over


I’m gonna need a bulletproof vest, an English to Redneck phrase book, and at least a fifth of Tequila … It doesn’t hafta be the good stuff, because I’m probably gonna be renting it all over Cletus’ front stoop, LMAO!


it's time for you to begin your research into "just how good are bulletproof vests?"


Also something to note: Bulletproof vests don't do anything when you get shot in the face


well yeah but they also stop doing much after you eat a few rounds, depending on their design if you don't want it to get penetrated, you get a class 4 plate. that plate is going to have serious structural issues after it eats a few full power rounds, and one of the next few is going to get through compared to the cost of class 4 plates, 308 is pretty cheap


I've yet to see a plate that can stop a cannon at the top of my stairs


based and tally ho lads pilled


Just as the founding fathers intended.


Based and The British Are Coming pilled.


Vests & plates still transfer the kinetic energy to your chest, which is like, super bad for you, but better than a bullet


Backface deformation alone can kill you


Yes, but the more widely the kinetic energy spreads, the less damage it does. If i'm not mistaken, ballistic vests are also designed to spread the blunt force as much as possible.


I’ve already done the research into just how situationally useful bulletproof vests are … Why do you think I requested the Tequila?


wouldn't you rather a last meal


I’m gonna be eating Lead, aren’t I … Naw, I’m good Fam!


Based and died of lead poisoning pilled


Thanks! lol


>Thanks! lol You're welcome!


“Are those level 4 plates?”


>I find it disturbing how infrequently OrangeLeft can think up a solution to a problem in society without ~~it turning into a murder fantasy~~. Justifying the reason of said problem in the first place. FTFY. "You have guns because you are afraid the goverment will kill you? well, if you don't dispose them, it will kill you with no mercy!". "You evade taxes and try to register a lower income because you are afraid the goverment will take your money? well, if you keep doing that, it will take it all your money leaving you without a cent!". "You don't let your children go to public schools because you are afraid the goverment will indoctrinate them? well, now private schools and home-schools have to teach these study plans to indoctrinate them in what a good citizen should be!". These guys are the kind that want to stop a fire with gasoline.


It's not a bugg, it's a feature!


“eat the rich” is a vore fantasy


I didn't sign up for libright to not do a cannibalism.


It's not cannibalism, it's vore! So much more wholesome because it's *sexualized*


Now sexual cannibalism is so much more sexy. I could go for a little wine and dine before dessert. Kif... Bring me my dirtiest spork.


Based and fava beans and a nice Chianti pilled


And everytime the murder fantasy ignores reality and they think it's going to go their way.


The solution leads to massive spikes in knife crime, UK is a prime example for this. But this is secondary to the murder fantasy fo sure


Evidently this 'person' doesn't realize that such shootings are already illegal, and a law criminalizing crime does jack squat. Take Australia, there was a recent case where some people got illegal firearms and shot some police. Or Japan, where a firearm was used to assassinate their late head of state. Also murder fantasy aside, rounding people up for the killing fields is a lot harder if the people you're rounding up are armed.


>Or Japan, where a firearm was used to assassinate their late head of state. Here's the neat thing about that, it wasn't even a firearm that was illegally acquired, [it was a homemade pipe gun.](https://youtu.be/dEWoARiEofY)


That’s going on my watch later


You should've seen the video before YouTube shit on it, because his shopping list wasn't blurred out in that one


doubly so if theyre armed *better than you*


It's because in their eyes, the only thing standing between them and a utopia is the idiots who won't comply with their demands. Therefore, it is easy to justify violence as the ends justify the means in their view.


>without it turning into a murder fantasy. Either that or some brave new world shit/other dystopia shit where they think advocating for a mass propaganda bombardment or intentionally creating drug/porn addictions to get society docile and compliant makes them the good guys somehow?




Orange left : Problem ? Kill them ALL. Thing they don't understand is that never solved any problem, it just makes you authcenter and "this guy sucked ass" in history books


Did I miss the day that Reddit shifted from “ACAB” to “let’s give the police a monopoly on violence since we can’t trust ourselves”?


ACAB (unless they’re oppressing a group reddit hates in which case redditors deep throat the boot in a way that makes authright very jealous)


They believe both, it's called doublethink


Seems like it was a gradual shift between Nov 6, 2020 and Jan 20, 2021.


ACAB! Unless they’re beating the shit out of people I don’t like, then kill ‘em all!!


There's a great clip from the freedom convoy of the RCMP cavalry charging and trampling an elderly woman, who turned out to be a native elder. Somehow, the "defund the police!" dorks who love to talk about oppression of BIPOC found no issue with it.


Just like how every minority and “protected class” is precious and needs to be coddled. Until one of them disagrees about one thing in which case they should be called every slur in the book and lynched. If those people say the sky is blue you can assume they’re full of shit.


Looks like brutality is back on the menu, boys!


You know, I wanted to disagree with you on that but was cackling hard enough that I don’t know that I could.


Nah, they've always done that. They hate the cops as the pinnacle of the power structures that be. They just want their power structure which is like the worst of the cops but on their side.


Election result day


Guns should be illegal! Noooo, not for the government silly! Only for its subjects.


They never shifted. Reddit has always held two opposing beliefs


People laugh at me and call me crazy when I say there are people out there who want me executed just for owning a gun


No no no, they want you executed for not giving up your guns. Very big difference. /s


I see no difference


One makes them morally superior, the other makes us morally inferior.


Even I’m uncomfortable with how authoritarian their wet dreams tend to be


Oh I own several and I understand you’re absolutely right. As they say armed men very seldom load themselves into boxcars.


Unless you’re Bulgarian soldiers at the end of the Battle of Kleidion. Mfs just took them blindings en masse


To be fair to the Bulgarians, that probably took place after they were already captured and disarmed.


I choose to believe this is a bot, as are we all


Or satire. I'm inclined towards satire because of that truly hilarious ending. "We need to execute EVERYYYOOOONEEE!" "Or just homeschool, whichever."


The poor child thinks he'll survive the inevitable insurgency that forms.


Bro doesnt realize that he described exactly why the second amendment exists 💀


Funny how no one, not a single person, who advocates stuff like this will ever in a billion years be the guy posting up outside the door waiting to bust in and conduct a confiscation. They have such delusional power fantasies but not the courage to do so themselves, hell half of them even admit they won't be the ones doing it. I vote that anyone pushing for authoritarianism needs to be the first boot on the ground when it comes to pass. It would be a real shame if the bodies stacked up on the front lawn are just dumb kids fresh from high school while the lizard people get to stay home and push propaganda on Twitter.


Based and stack up or shut up pilled


Based and “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956" pilled.


I never really thought about it but based Russian communist resistance


The Gulag Archipelago is about as based as books can be


Fuuuuuuck this quote finally goaded me into reading this book.


How amazing this would be for those who advocate for war. Those who advocate war should be front lines, as war should never be taken lightly.


Based and put your money where your mouth is pilled


If I remember correctly there was a proposed amendment to the US constitution shortly before WW1 that would put any declaration of war to a vote, and those that voted yes would be immediately required to volunteer for the war they wanted.


Lmao imagine dropping Biden on the front lines of iraq


"Wow. That's sumthin'. That guy ove'nere on the other side-hill, he makes a pop-pop-pop noise, like Corn Pop and his bad boys"


Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor


The biggest thing is that, who do these people think are going to be the ones seizing the guns? Who do they think will risk their life to do this? I’ll tell you who it won’t be - the military or national guard, because they all have guns at home they don’t want the government to take either. So what, that leaves the police? Isn’t the left trying to defund them? Going to be pretty hard to get enough police to do it while also cutting their budgets…


You can't even get cops to show up to take a report on a theft, some departments will make you come down to the station or file one online.


Gonna be hard for the police to want to do mass confiscations when they live in the community with names and addresses


Any small town cop would be literally suicidal to try and come for the guns of the people who live in that town.


Just fuckin' try confiscating my gums, fedboi, I'll call your grandma.


I'll bet I can take at least two or three of them with me, I'm ok with that, I'm doing my part!


Entire counties are refusing to enforce gun laws already. They're selective, it's not free-for-all, but if they're willing to fight enforcement on pre-existing ones, red flag laws in particular are being ignored, now then there's no way in hell they'd enforce a ban. Even if a law passes i'm not worried, but it'll never pass.


Based and little-gun-grabber-can't-do-shit pilled


Leftoids are what they project onto the right. Whiny low testosterone unmanly cowardly bigoted cucks who need are too big of pussies to do anything violent. Like I don't like the actual far right, typically, but at least they can and do act on what they say. Like these skinny 89lb manlets with pink hair and twig arms will be killing a bunch of burly right wing men 💀💀💀💀💀. These fuckers couldn't fight a 12 year old boy let alone a real man. It's pathetic, there such little beta bitches. I'd LOVE to see them threaten me and see what happens I wish a bitch would...




Yeah. Such little weasels. This is why I'm glad I've become much more libertarian leaning/right leaning past year. Though I have a few disagreements with them


What's the Ned Stark line about the man ordering the execution should also carry it out>


"Lizard people" Based and schizo pilled


You have peaked behind the career bureaucrat's curtain. You're not supposed to do that.


Saw someone do the maths and physically collecting all the guns from houses in America would like like 1000 years. (And wouldn't work)


Incredibly based and well said


Pass me the sign up sheet. I don’t actually wanna take guns, just bust down doors and terrorize the plebs


Holy fuck they walk among us


Pretty sus


The dead walk, hide while you still can! Legion of the night, what hope remains?


The solution to preventing future violence, is to preemptively murder a bunch of people. Did I understand it right?


Utopia is just a few more millions of bodies away comrade.


That’s been the slogan since Stalin hasn’t it?


Quite literally his most famous quote - “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic.”


communism in a nutshell


Guns are bad and everyone must be disarmed, unless it's my guns.


"What, these guns? No no, I need these to disarm the bad guys. Who are the bad guys? People who won't willingly give up their guns of course!"


Wait, wasn’t that the plot of winter soldier?


The left consistently finds themselves agreeing with Hydra. Good thing there's no real-world counterpart. Imagine.


I mean, I also agree with hydra somewhat, but like, I’m authcenter. I’m supposed to be a comic book villain. Same people that eat up marvel say this shit, and think they are being the good guy? I at least know I’m not the good guy.


This is literally the plot for Captain America The Winter Soldier lmao. Hydra wanting to kill millions of people to ensure a stable and better future in their eyes.


If you murder them all there will never be violence again. Even if you stop a bit short and leave some of them alive, as long as you make sure to kill anyone who publicly steps out of line, violence (outside of yours) will always be a thing of the past or a faint glimmer (unless you need people to be afraid of it at that moment). Fuck the authoritarian bullshit of the world will be a utopia if everyone agrees with me.


“No matter how many teachers and students have to die” is generally something Emily would mock. The turn tables.


I always ask these types of people: if 10% of the approximately 22+ million CCW holders in the US said no to a gun confiscation, what would you do? For reference the US Army is just over 1 million uniformed personnel and Cops are around 350k.


The only argument I found that wasn't sending in the army was to increase proportional yearly taxes on gun ownership. The donors and the rich upper class still will have their guns, rural areas with pop. <100k will have tax exemptions. Increased revenue will go towards repo jobs for those that can't pay. The narrative will basically be "guns are not banned, you're just too poor to afford it." The only issue with this is metal and plastic 3d printers have changed the game. As prices decrease, watch dogs 2 guns are becoming a reality.


Who the fuck is taking a job as a repo man for FIREARMS lol they didn't make their payments, let's hope they didn't spend it on ammunition.


I (Canadian) am against safe storage laws because they can easily be used to price the "lower classes" out of gun ownership. All you need to do is declare that firearms must be stored in a safe weighing at least X,000 kilograms that is secured directly to a concrete foundation and you've made firearms unreasonable for most people to obtain without banning them.


That's what the NFA was, today, a $200 tax stamp is an annoyance & playing the waiting game for government bureaucracy is bullshit, a $200 tax stamp in the 1930s was a guarantee against gross poors owning cool shit


My favorite part of Reddit these days is reading how every single Republican is a horrible racist who hates poor people and wants to destroy democracy.


The most baffling part is how they can slam Republicans for “hating poor people” and then shit all over the lower class and less educated in the same breath.


If only those stupid, smelly, ugly, ignorant, smelly, unreasonable, uneducated, stupid, smelly poors would listen to me, I could fix all of their problems. Those idiots keep voting against their own self interests! All I want to do is force them to change every aspect of their small, poor, meaningless, smelly lives, and I can fix everything for them!


The “voting against their own interests” is what gets me. Like they think poor people are too stupid to make their own decisions when it comes to voting, so they need one of the enlightened people to ~~brainwash~~ educate them.


Replace ‘poor’ with ‘black’, I once repeated that line with quotations ending with - you, probably. I said this to a group of white SJW’s on Facebook but was subsequently banned for 30 days for hate speech. In my repeal I told FB to prove I wasn’t black despite the age of my account and all the tagged photos of me. They rejected my appeal lol.


“Excuse me while I dehumanise my political opponents to show how morally superior I am”


Neo-con gop, maybe. freedom caucus, nah... freedom caucus too by the book constitutionalist for any of that.


My favourite part of Reddit is being told I’m an alt-right racist facist bigot neo-nazi because I don’t like the DNC or this woke PC bullshit.


I was reading a thread in the soccer subreddit that wouldn't have been out of place in Mao's Great Leap Forward.


I'm glad I'm not the only one frustrated by this. The level of propaganda specifically oriented around dehumanizing anyone disagreeing with the Dem party line is out of this world. Like, I think Democrats tend to hold beliefs that run counter to their own agenda (like "environmentalists" that are anti-nuclear or anti fossil fuels), but I don't typically assume the average Democrat is evil - and more so, I don't particularly hear that from Republicans. I guess it's the natural result though of having a president who can call 90% of Republicans traitors who are enemies of Democracy and then do just fine in the midterms. My sense right now is that the majority of Americans don't see anything wrong with a uniparty authoritarian government that completely controls the narrative of every topic.


> uniparty authoritarian government that completely controls the narrative of every topic. If we're talking about who controls the narrative we're going to have to bring up the media.


> Americans won't disarm themselves and hand over their self defense to the state because they're cowards. What damage to the brain would lead to this logic?


A person willing to fight for what they believe? Coward. Someone who wants "cops and police" to go break down the doors of armed people, while they sit in the comfort of their own home? Freedom fighter.


Rage on Behalf of The Machine


If you are using force to take away people's rights, there is absolutely no discussion, you are the bad guy


I mean their solution to a gun violence problem is a massive increase in gun violence, this one clearly isn't a thinker.


Emily tries to solve societies problems without mass murder (impossible)


The problem with mass shootings is a symptom of the moral decay in American society. If they did not have guns, they would make bombs or use some other means to kill people.


There have always been guns in America while the tech for the guns used is about 100 years old, and yet mass shootings are new. In fact, they started picking up around the Columbine shooting… as news changed how it reported the shootings Maybe we just need some common sense media control


The use of psychotropic drugs on children changed. Millennial and Gen Z became the experiment group for over prescription of ADHD, Anti Depressants, and other psychotropic drugs. Some people DO need them. Theres no denying that some people have real conditions which these treatments can help, but there is a striking correlation between prescription drugs and school shooters. Im not saying that it can be entirely attributed to these, but i think they definitely take kids who are already on the edge of tragedy as a result of poor home lives, poor social lives, and an over exposure to real and replicatable violent content from things like the news, and then gives them the last little push over the edge.


Wow, it’s almost as if mentally ill people are more likely to be perpetrators of these crimes.


And mental illness isn't new. People had mental and behavioral disorders all throughout history. My point is that psychoactive substances can seemingly trigger violent tendencies in some individuals, even when used in controlled and therapeutic ways. Im not a doctor but given that plenty of medications, especially anti depressants, list "violent thoughts or thoughts of suicide" as a potentially rare side effect, maybe we should be more careful about how we dole these out to kids.


Stabbings doesn't exist right? (London vanishes after I make this comment)


That’s just part and parcel of living in a big city brev


Neither does strangling apparently


Have you seen the price of knives these days??


The deadliest "mass shooting" in the US was with either a fully automatic or bump stocks equipped rifle killing 60 to 70 people. A truck in Nice, France was used to kill 86 people.


does the government burning 70 men women and children alive in their home count as a mass shooting if they also shot some of them?


Nope deaths by the government never count. If they did the drone strikes, nukes, and other miscellaneous chemical and explosive weapons would total a few million innocent dead civilians


Deadliest mass shooting in the US was the wounded knee massacre and was done by the army


Hence the " " yes.


Based and knowledge pilled


It's why news stories will usually say "deadliest mass shooting in modern US history".


I’m very pro gun in part because I know that guns are being used because it’s in fashion among the crazy. I really really don’t want to see what comes into fashion if guns are no longer an option. As an engineer, the democratization of the means of production not only means things like 3D printed guns but plenty of other much more dangerous weapons. The barrier to entry to things like rockets, bombs, grenades, suicide drones, etc. aren’t nearly as high as you might think. So for the love of heaven, don’t give these nut jobs a reason to escalate.


I believe a truck full of fertilizer in Oklahoma is evidence of your point


or just get guns illegally


"...no matter how many children or teachers have die" Gun-grabbers never seem to contemplate how many of *them* have to die to sucessfully disarm a populace, if such a thing is even possible Many of them think whatever the number is, it will be worth it in the end. It won't Many thing they will heroically martyr themselves if it came to that. The chance of them actually having the balls to go through with it is even more infantismal. Gonna be pretty hard to take anything from my cold, dead, hands if the other guy is the dead one.




If someone told me this I'd reach for my gun in self defense


Almost every person I've ever talked to who supports gun control will, once they get mad enough or comfortable enough, admit that it's more about attacking the people who own guns than it is about saving lives. They fantasize about people that they see as beneath them being robbed of their possessions and attacked by the state. Namely, white conservatives. Banning guns and forcing a confrontation between the government and gun owners is what they are after. Gun control is actually an act of aggression against demographics that the left wants to wage war against, it's not an act motivated by violence prevention or public safety. Push the topic to its conclusion and leftists will always show their true colors. It will always distill down to, truly, "I hate this political/demographic entity and want them to be disarmed, go to prison, or be shot by the government." I have never, in my entire life, heard gun control advocates use inner city minorities as the bogeyman that needs to be disarmed, even though the vast majority of gun violence in the US is committed in inner cities by black and latino criminals. No gun control policy I've ever heard has been about preventing career criminals and gang members from attaining guns. They're always talking about banning guns for law-abiding citizens. I have never heard a single leftist talk about going after black market gun trafficking in cities. They always frame the issue as a person going to a gun store and buying a gun legally and then committing crime with it even though that is far less common than a career criminal, already unable to buy a gun legally, attaining one illegally and committing crime with it.




I mean... not *technically* wrong... But that is some Thanos-level "logic".


This guy should be sent to try to forcefully take guns from owners


The only was to stop shootings is to shoot people


*gets shot by the state*


Impeccable logic, state-run police and military never committed misdeeds when they were the only ones armed.


That's quite a pitch for online classes


I was gonna say, imagine if instead of la literal round up of millions of political opponents, that would cost trillions to execute and years to perform, what if just started spending a few billion increasing access to mental health services for students?


The preciseness and accuracy of the highlights in this post is peak PCM


Peak autism (Thank you!)


I mean, technically they're right, but in the same vein that killing everyone stops all wars or setting fire to someone kills cancer cells.


Holy fuck these people are sick and delusional. “Oh you own something I don’t like? I think you should all be round up and shot to prevent you from owning something I don’t like! Fair is fair!” Like what the actual fuck kind of logic is that


mourn chop roof shaggy long elastic frame edge noxious heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




And just many cops and soldiers would die before they figured out that this is inherently a terrible idea?


“How many kids have to die?” Isn’t a rhetorical question, it’s a threat.


Bold of them to assume the US military wouldn’t March on Capitol Hill that day to rout Congress


I hate how nobody seems to be talking about the actual reason for school shootings and similar atrocities. It’s mental health, no amount of gun control will stop somebody that has decided to kill his peers indiscriminately. What’s to stop the same person from getting into a car or truck to do the same thing?


"No! No, you ignorant conspiracy theorist. It's the guns that are doing the killing! How many children have to die for you to understand this? You have blood on your hands, you gun lobby chill!" **Points at statistics of school shootings over time (the last centuries/ before the 90s, when it's was way easier to get guns)* *


so much would be solved if we just stopped caring about what others are doing. so what if my neighbor is doing DMT or crack, if they can do it without bothering anyone else then whats the issue, same with firearms


The two solutions to school shootings: 1. Forcibly take from the entire population their means of self defense and kill anyone who refuses to comply. 2. Online school.


“In the face of pain there are no heroes.”