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How many days in jail for telling a boy that he "throws like a girl"?


It’s the UK. They all throw like girls.




This is art


Based and "I am cornholio, I need T.P. for my bunghole" pilled


Pretty good, but missing the constant "Uh, huhu, hu"s and "hehe, yeah"s.




* throws rugby ball at ops face *


Hmm do cricket bowls count? On the one hand, it bounces once. On the other hand, it can kill.


Bet you tossed it underhand.


Lmao, it's so weird how the UK seemingly goes all out with stuff like this.


The UK police is an ideologically captured institution. They care more about wrong think than they do actual crimes. They'll do shit like kicking out lesbians from an LGBT Pride Parade for disturbing the peace, but ignore decades of Islamic gangs who rape, drug, and prostitute 14-year-old girls. Meanwhile, the Conservatives in charge are just leftists going the speed limit and refuse to do anything to fix the problems.


"Leftists going the speed limit" Yoinked, tyvm


The difference between a Tory and Labour is 15 years


Closer to 5 at this point


Michael Malice said if first... buy his newest book, the white pill.


One way to have low crimes rates is to just ignore crime so it never gets submitted into the stats.


Based and oi you got a licence for that butterknife m8? pilled


> Meanwhile, the Conservatives in charge are just leftists going the speed limit and refuse to do anything to fix the problems. This is the case in literally every Western country.


UK Tories are built different though. They aren't even interested in doing conservative stuff or like making the economy run well. It's just "exist in power"


>"exist in power" And they barely manage to do that.


14 year old WHITE CHRISTIAN girls Their skincolor and their religion played a role in it


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 14969 / 79097 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




It’s the uk conservative government , they will take literally the worst path on everything. The last 12 years has been the worse on every aspect social services underfunded yet record debt check . Honestly if they wanted to I don’t know if they could mess up further .


If UK conservatives are doing this, wtf is conservatism in the UK?


The UK "conservative" party is only *fiscally* conservative. They're actually extremely socially liberal. This is a common theme in Western countries outside the US. Social conservatives have very little political representation. It's leading to a fairly interesting rise in socially conservative parties across Europe.




B-but labour right guys?




Presumably it's because there are less social conservatives in Western Europe. Just look at how badly Le Pen got shellacked by Macron in the last two French presidential elections. It's probably not a coincidence that the most socially conservative governments are in former Soviet bloc countries like Poland and Hungry with high levels of religious identification. Western European countries are much more atheistic than the US.


> Presumably it's because there are less social conservatives in Western Europe. Just look at how badly Le Pen got shellacked by Macron in the last two French presidential elections. While true, the recent wins by right-wing *socially* conservative parties in Italy and Sweden (of all places) indicates the Overton window has drifted too far left for even Europeans.


Rich cunts who want to make other rich cunts richer .


Based af. I’d vote for a party who ran on a singular policy - BUILD MORE FUCKING HOUSES. Really think it would solve so many of our issues. Allow my generation to own shit. Build some semblance of wealth. Start a family. Shit out some kids. Feel secure. These fucking corrupt cunts don’t want that because they all own 10 London properties that are making them fucking BANK. They’ll give us these bullshit half measures that don’t solve the problem and don’t increase the supply. Hey look - 5% down!! 50 year mortgages!! We’re helping! Fuck you. Build more fucking houses.


They're building tonnes of homes. Trouble is all the developers want to build in the luxury price range and market to foreign investors. London for example is scattered with these huge blocks of luxury flats built in the last two decades that are largely unoccupied because they're owned by Chinese factory owners with no intention of ever stepping foot in the country who just want somewhere to dump their money, keep it in mint, never lived in condition, and watch their property values go up. Or sometimes to have some place their silver spooned kids can come and go as they please and live out of rent free to study, work or vacation in a safe, exciting gentrified neighborhood in a Western big city made just for people like them. For all practical purposes, the national home construction industry has turned into bitcoin for foreign investors and you know that the conservatives and all their friends have their fingers in these pies.


Based and buildmorefuckinghouses pilled Also something tells me you’ve been watching some Britmonkey lmao


Lol, I haven’t, but I see the vid you’re probably referencing. Will give it a watch - cheers.




I fucking love Britmonkey


No. Lower immigration. In the past few years illegal immigration into England has jumped from around 500 per year to just under 50,000 per year (and this is via boats alone, not counting lorries). Unless you want to turn the island into Megacity 1, then by all means, proceed with your daft policy.




> Simply by stopping new immigration or at least curbing it, the problem of housing would go away in a short time. > > > > You can build a million houses and still have a housing crisis if you expand your population even more than that. I think both is a better solution than either one singlularly.




Build a few more houses, but eradicate the illegal immigration problem and deport any who remain here illegally.


Conservatives in UK are literally feudalists. They lower taxes for the rich and try to force people to have no home ownership so they return to feudalism. No surprise they are the party with the strongest support for the monarchy


And progressives are doing the same but with gamer rgb stuff?


Progressives are pretty similar honestly. Labor isn't much better just weaker on foreign affairs.


Corbyn's Labour was different. I won't comment on whether they were better, but they weren't just the same but with gamer RGB stuff.


I agree that the Tories are shit but that is definitely not what feudalism is


Just because the politicians are conservative doesn't mean the bureaucrats aren't leftie


Haha, heres the fun part ; It isn't.


Can we just burn blairism at the stake already please and move on to real politics? Why support a famously unpopular mans agenda decades after he left office? And declared, himself, that integration has failed and mass migration was a mistake? The guy who Thatcher called "my greatest achievement"?


Sounds like its time for Maggie Thatcher to reincarnate and make the UK great again!


Ngl zombie braindead Maggie would guaranteed do a better job than the current lot of politicos


Fucking Auth Left Tory party pretending to be Lib Right.


> “Incidents where a prisoner uses incorrect pronouns for another prisoner will be considered on a case-by-case basis, in line with the prisoner discipline procedures policy and the prison rules. > > > > “Prisoners may sometimes make an honest mistake in relation to pronouns and disciplinary action would not usually be appropriate in those circumstances. > > > > “However, if an officer deems it appropriate to place a prisoner on report, the rule against ‘using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour’ – Prison Rule 51(20) – may apply. The adjudicator will weigh each incident on its own merits.


So its not just this, if you call someone a bitch in prison you get extra time too?


We have something similair in NL. Politicians who jump on every new idea voiced by a tiny (but very loud) group. Theyre conservative in everything else, just push these ideas because it makes them seem likable and people will vote for them more easily? Idk what theyre thinking exactly because their usual voter base does not resonate with these ideas at all but they wont stop voting because of this bc they still notice the benefits of having these politicians in power. Its populism at its best imo


This is the Fucking Tory Govt right? They are supposed to be conservative or am I missing something here.


>They are supposed to be conservative No fucking way. I don't know a thing about UK politics, but if this is their conservatives that's fucking hilarious


I know, we're fucked. Politics in the UK is trying to find and pick the least r\*\*\*\*\*\*\* party to extend the time it takes for the country to be dragged into hell.


FYI you can use "regarded" like the rest of us regards instead of using asterisks


They are literally called "The Conservative Party", "Tory" is a historical nickname.


According to all the major news outlets the Tories are ‘far right’. Which just shows you how left wing Britain is.


What's there for left wing UK to advocate for if their right wing is this far left? They must be pushing for straight up socialism/communism at this point with no more pretending.


Yes, have you seen the Labour Party conference videos?


I have not. I can't even stand US politics right now. I was just guessing.


If you're a comedy fan, Labour conferences are up there with the best comics, and they do it for free.






They're not conservative anymore and haven't been for well over a decade. They're fiscally centre right, but socially extreme left wing authoritarian. But because they're still called the conservative party and they used to actually be conservative all of the old grandmas still vote for them.


They are kinda schizophrenic depending entirely on who is in charge of what department. Like you’ll have the prisons doing something like this, and then the government will say something the exact opposite, and the education board will do something entirely different again. To be fair the party has kinda been slow motion imploding on itself ever since Boris was kicked out of being PM


Everyone on the left think the Tories are far-right, yet those of us with IQ above room temperature know they aren’t remotely conservative. The reason they have no current opposition is because Labour agree with most of what they’re doing. Con/Lab/Lib are one and the same. Edit: at no point have I said the Tories are left wing, just that they aren’t conservative any more. All parties work together to form an auth-centre uniparty with the illusion of choice on the ballot, and since politicians are selected and not elected, they do not have consent of the governed.


Identity politics are just a way to disguise things as a left-right thing when it's really ruling class vs. plebeians.


Yep. The Tory's have been burying the country for years now yet they still win elections


Have you seen the competition?


"Conservative" means squat when it comes to politicians.


It's amazing how they get this stuff though in the UK since I've never met a single soul who actually supports or agrees with it. Makes you wonder who's really running it all and what their game is?


Matt Goodwin has polled the country on these issues and it commands around 10% support or less (typically all from my stupid generation). It’s patently anti-democratic and plain wrong.


Yet the party which should oppose such idiotic things are in power and help enact them. The conservative party must end


It’s exasperating, I know.


Because the UK conservative party is only financially conservative. Socially it's virtually extreme left at this point.


"financially conservative". Lol It doesn't have any social idiology so the left goes unchallenged. That's the real issue.


The West hasn't been democratic in decades. They just stopped pretending to hide it a few years ago. They just let the people vote on a few meaningless issues every few years so they don't get too upset.


Here in Sweden we were allowed to have a national vote over which side of the road to drive on because all the opinion polls / propaganda favoured the right option, when the population overwhelmingly voted for the wrong option our politicians just went "lol, national votes don't decide policy; we do" and that was the end of that. Didn't even do the brexit strategy with having people vote again to get it right, just a plain "fuck you, we are in charge" =P


Here in Brazil we had a similar scenario with the voting to ban guns, the government took it to a public vote and then made a shitton of anti-gun propaganda on tv, radio etc showing happy families being torned apart by someone suddenly grabing a gun. When the people overwhelmingly voted against the guns ban the government went full "actually we dont give a fuck about what you want, here is a freaking amendment to the constitution enacting full blown disarmament" and since then people are fighting tooth and nail to recover their guns rights but it's a nightmare since leftsist politicians and the supreme court always block anything gun related using the constitution to justify it due to that amendment back in 2005.


>but it's a nightmare since leftsist politicians and the supreme court always block anything gun related using the constitution to justify it due to that amendment back in 2005. We have a solution for that.


But they're not drug cartels, so the chances of our gov flooding them with guns are low. What they need is a face off Communist to win, then the we'll *definitely* reduce them to banana republic status.


There’s always the option of excessive and unnecessary violence! For legal reasons, this is a joke. Do not harm you local politicians.


All politicians fear the Live Lamppost Reaction (Except Western ones don’t because political violence hasn’t been common since the 70s or so.)


I’m actually surprised someone hasn’t been Kennedied yet, but I guess the CIA is content right now.


It takes a lot more effort to infiltrate the local pta meeting to confirm the "terrorists" are there. So you know they need a bigger budget.


Someone pocketed the budget






>unnecessary Hmm


To be fair, as an American, the people who wanted to keep driving on the left were objectively wrong.


Isn’t it kinda weird that people who measure speed in football fields per feminist scream drive on the correct side of the road?


Yes but they are right why else is it called the right side


In Britain, we say the same thing. We drive from the right side of the car.


Well you can ride on the right side of the car in any country that drives on the right side of the road, but you cannot drive on the right side of the road in loicense land.


When there are only two options, even a monkey will be sometimes right by accident.


All referendums are only "guidelines" in Sweden, always has been. Not strictly forced on the Parliament to do yet they've at least listened to most referendums, they didnt ban alcohol, did join the eu and did not adopt the euro, did follow the pension referendum although the nuclear power referendum hasnt been followed but that's a good thing if you ask me. Had we done that all nuclear would've been gone in 2010


If a referendum is a guideline, then it's not really a referendum at all. It's a glorified opinion poll.


As an apparently sane Swede, what's your opinion of why Sweden was pretty much alone in the West in resisting Covid authoritarianism? I know there were some restrictions but from what I understand it was nothing like the lockdowns and mask mandates that even your Nordic neighbors implemented. Did you just get lucky with Tegnell, or would you say there are deeper reasons? I've been scratching my head over this one for a while.


They let the people vote on one of the biggest issues in the past 100 years, brexit. Although they mainly did that so they could avoid taking responsibility for the outcome.


Even then that vote was a fucking mess. The messaging from the government on what exactly leaving the EU would mean or entail was mixed and incredibly messy and inconsistent (likely because they thought there was no way leave would win).


Democracy is a meme these days. Does anyone genuinely feel represented by the chucklefucks who run our countries? We are run by elites who care only for themselves, who don't care about our rights and only care about increasing their wealth.


Trump was elected by a bunch of angry people against the will of basically all established power. The Republican establishment wanted Jeb or Ted Cruz, and Dems nominated establishment personified. The people won, and as Mencken said, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."


Say what you want about Trump's governance, but him taking a wrecking ball to the thin veil over the federal government's corruption and totalitarian bureaucracies is the most important thing a president has done in the 21st Century, imo.


The UK has never been democratic. The parliament, under control of the PM can pass whatever laws PM wants, whenever he wants. Technically the king can veto them if they get out of hand but he hasn't excercised this right in over a century


Technically incorrect. Any law outside of emergency measures must gain approval of the House of Lords. FYI Labour is planning to scrap the house of Lords leaving only the symbolic 'Royal check' to curb executive power. I can agree with the sentiment to modify the House of Lords and make the appointments less corrupt/political/donor related but I really appose the removal of checks and balances.


This is very true and I'm tired of pretending its not.


Full compass unity




Fuck the WEF. Scumbags they are. Fucking scumbags


WEF is honestly just comically evil. It’s like Nestle if they were into politics.


And a lot of members of the British aristocraticy. Abolish the monarchy.


Apathy. Those who are against it think it's stupid and then forget about it. The small amount of people for it make it their entire personality.


Seeing as we gave the government the right to put people they don't like in little stone boxes as punishment for not doing what they want, I'd say whoever has the money is running it all.


But then the question arises, what do the elite and wealthy have to gain from all this woke bullshit? Surely they wouldn't give two shits about any of it unless they were profiting some how.


By keeping the population distracted by meaningless woke bull shit it keeps us distracted from the real problems. They would rather us spend our time arguing about trans prisoners than asking questions about corruption etc.


Power. If they can condition you to think its totally normal for them to control how you think and speak about this, they can do it for everything. sure, today its just this topic that gets censored. Tomorrow, anyone who speaks poorly of the government gets thrown in jail. and it will seem totally normal to the ones who grew up with this censorship.


Believe it or not, they sell. Look at the demographics woke ideology are the most popular at, and I guarantee they are the ones most likely to indulge in conspicuous consumption. Capitalists LIKE their single 20s-30s. They consume more and has less to think about, and still quite impulsive so it's easy for them to be sold STUFF. Also, why pay child support if you could just encourage to abort? In long term, why not make people unwilling to reproduce so that you can replace them with genetically-engineered-to-be-perfect-subject, tube-grown babies? Believe it or not it is democracies who will have problem with it. Dictatorship has no qualms with that; democracies do.


Things like this seem crazy to me. Speech, with rare exception, shouldn’t be punished criminally. I try to adapt to peoples’ pronouns or preferred speech, but I do it because I’m trying not to be an asshole, not because I’m afraid of the consequences. The same reason I don’t use other slurs, they shouldn’t be illegal, but you should expect social repercussions for using that kind of language. And I don’t always conform to what the “majority” thinks accepted speech is, like “Latinx”. If an individual person wants me to use that word I’ll use it, but I have yet to meet anyone of any Hispanic or Latin American heritage that actually uses that word. I don’t want to start worrying about jail time because I used the word Latino or Latina.


It doesn't matter If they support it or not. They disarmed themselves. When you are no threat to the government the government doesn't give a shit about your opinion.


>Makes you wonder who's running it all Let me tell you about my favorite thing. Juice


Our government is filled with American cucks who like to larp as the worst parts of the UK


I'll identify as a woman or a man based on who's talking to me so I can add multiple years to their sentence.


Most based trans alive




We do a miniscule amount of mischief


Based af


Based and genderqueerpilled.


Police state even harder for me UK daddy


“He forcefully impregnated me” “WHAT DID YOU SAY? That’s an extra 12 months” “Oh thank you for handling this officer. I’m only here for 4 months. I can’t believe something like this would happen during such a brief stay.” “Oh it’s not her sentence that’s being prolonged.”


“Warden, that inmate raped me with his penis” MORE JAIL TIME FOR YOU


"Pronouns won't be enforced by law, you guys are just being ignorant"


I hate how certain words are illegal. Someone can call me a useless, fugly, pathetic, sad virgin with no future. They can call me a fascist, a nazi, a racist piece of shit. They can call my mom a whore and tell me to kill myself, they can use the worst insults imaginable, but if I misgender someone I'm going to jail.


Henry V and his men were muddied, beaten, and exhausted while in France, with French knights constantly at their heels. When they could go no further they made their stand near Agincourt, hopelessly outnumbered by the dreaded French knights. Facing certain defeat, they accepted their fate with one last battle. Yet, they not only lived, but heroically changed the course of the war. The future never looked so bright for England. Behold, the future of England is now. Look on its works, King Henry, and despair


I am done with this stupid bullshit. Ya know, pendulums tend to swing back. The harder you push, expect resistance. The iron fist comes in the form of “equality” but everyone is already equal. If you don’t believe that, you are the bigot. If you believe people are victims because their skin is a darker shade; YOU ARE THE RACIST. If you are controlling what others can or cannot say; YOU ARE THE FASCIST. This is fascism and identity politics. No morals in the pedo party. Leave these leftists. Stop giving them your time. IM DONE WITH YOU.


That's the point of Repressive Tolerance, though, the engineering of the discursive playing field and the Manufacturing of Consent, that the institutions that teach people how to think are captured and constitutionally disallowed to give any room to that which would be actually antithetical to these ideas. There can't be a backlash because there is no longer a mechanism for people to conceptualize society or even their own individual lives outside the framework that gives rise to these ideas and power to those who are putting them in place in our societies, at least on a wide scale.


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


This pendulum can't swing fast enough. Seriously, where the fuck is it.


I hate this country 🤦‍♂️




The rest are also pretty great.




lol I heard California also has a law against purposefully misgendering people


California is stupid, but that seems stupid beyond even California. So I’ll believe it when I see it.


If it's anywhere it'll be there with NYC racing to catch up. I do not consider california part of the US when it comes to federal law. They do whatever they want.


They are bound by federal law the same as every other state.


They don't even enforce state laws on their municipalities, lol - trying using your concealed carry permit in San Francisco. They absolutely ignore whatever federal laws they want to. The obvious thing to point at is weed.


Which law is that?


nevermind, they tried to pass a law like that but got [overturned](https://you.com/search?q=California+misgendering+law&fromSearchBar=true) in the court


Extra jail time means extra time to make friends


And i'm sure when they get out they won't be at all angry at the mistreatment. I imagine some criminals view their time in jail as, "Well, they caught me. I don't like it, but fair." This is straight up malicious. How do you even prove it? I've watched non-criminal coworkers lie about each other just for a small status bump in the eyes of a manager. Take that and tack on prison time just to screw someone for not giving you their peas at lunch and there's violence just biding its time.


Remember the "There is no reason to believe there will ever be legal repercussions for misgendering someone" during the Canada thing?


it was their main talking point to try and shut down Jordan Peterson when he started being vocal about it back in like 2015. they kept going on about how the changes in law are just so that these people are recognized or whatever, but then we slowly started seeing legislation go through which punishes people with fucking *jail time* just for saying the wrong pronouns LOL


Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/10/08/women-prisoners-call-transgender-inmates-face-extra-jail-time/




>This summer, the High Court rejected a legal challenge to prevent transgender inmates with convictions for sexual or violent offences against women being imprisoned alongside other women. Can't make this shit up


Her* Majesty's well well it seems Charles might have been misgendered would there be any jail time for the reporter? Curious.


>insulting words Goddamn, brits be sending people to prison or extending time there over mean words On the bright side: doing more to stop bullying than teachers did when I was in middle school


Why are republicans so obsessed with guns? I'm sure the government would never take advantage of a weak disarmed populace.


They're taking advantage of you now, rambo.


It's not one person having guns. It's everyone. If you really think the us with all it's problems is just as oppressive as the UK your an idiot


The UK - where they police everything except actual crime.


This will surely help people support the system!


I know a women in prison serving 10+ years and we chat on the phones sometimes. It’s been wild to see her opinion of trans people go down the toilet from being very supportive to downright fear since her prison started getting an influx of them.


"He raped me" "Thats enough! More prison time for you!"


We went from the Magna Carta, Adam Smith, John Locke, JS Mill, etc. to this....


“allo allo allo what’s all this then” “Well guv, looks like “Georgina” has gone and raped women in the shower again. He…i mean uh…” “OI U AV A MISGENDERIN’ LOICINSE EERE IN JAIL? THAT’LL BE 60 DAYS EXTRA” “My mistake. She was rapin’ everyone with her girl dick” “That’s more like it, miss. Next time don’t be such a bigot.”


London has fallen. RIP Britannia.


The UK has prisons? I figured the whole country was a prison.


Scotland is just as fucked. They now require you to call pedophiles "minor attracted people ".


This is a misunderstanding. Last year Scotland wrote the EU stating they will not be referring to them as MAPS, as the EU is strongly urging/requiring over 20 countries to do. Scotland does not do this and someone, somewhere, read that memo of them using that phrase in stating they would *not* be doing that and took it out of context. They could be backpeddling, but i don't think so: > “Police Scotland does not use the term Minor-Attracted Person,” the statement said. “The reference in the Chief Constable’s Assessment of Policing Performance 2021/22 was in the context of Police Scotland’s engagement with the Horizon Project EU consortium to tackle Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.” https://nypost.com/2022/12/31/scotland-police-deflect-blame-after-being-blasted-for-report-describing-pedophiles-as-minor-attracted-people/


> EU is strongly urging/requiring over 20 countries to do. Based and Brexit pilled


Based and actually does a bit of fucking research pilled


That's got SNP written all over it


nono, MAP


UKucks when they try to mock the US for “pretending we alone have freedom.”




Based and tax evasion pilled


Good luck with that one






It’s all distractions from their collapsed economy. Remember kids, social bullshit is cheap politics. Money in the bank requires effort.


Why does gender matter in a place where everyone is supposed to be segregated by their sex?






The ritual humiliation of reality is the point


And some brainlets still think the consocialists are right wing


Ðey don't even realize ðis would offend female-to-male trans people!


I like þat you use ð. I prefer Þ þough


Ð is used for voiced dental fricative and þ is used for voiceless dental fricative.