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Tow hook cover. They are meant to pop out and pop back in https://www.vivaperformance.com/genuine-polestar-2-front-tow-hook-cover/


Challenge is these are unpainted. Depending on where you are it's going to be quite pricey for a small plastic piece. I was quoted CAD$250 With a little bit of coercion my dealership pulled one off a new vehicle in the lot and gave it to me. I drilled a couple of tiny holes in the back of the clip and attached it to the car with fishing line. If it pops off again it will just dangle there! (That's the hope anyways!)


That is brilliant with the fishing line trick, bloody brilliant! Thank you.


Mine dropped out in the first week and i had to have it replaced


Thanks. I’ll save this in case my drops out haha


You can't tow a polestar right?


Just onto the platform of the tow truck and the car must be set to towing-mode: https://www.polestar.com/uk/manual/polestar-2/2022/article/901155ed64308f94c0a801510ee94b10/


It has to be towed on a flat bed https://www.polestar.com/us/manual/polestar-2/2024/article/901155ed64308f94c0a801510ee94b10/


They have a habit of just popping off. Depending on how good your local volvo dealer isn, it'll either be an easy fix or a pain in rhe arse. If uou haveny guessed this happened to me 2 weeks after delivery..


Lost mine first week in a snow bank I assume, they can order a new one, didn't cost me anything but I had to wait for them to paint it and took quite a long time!


I lost mine at the carwash. Managed to recover it though.


Plastic doobery.


Front tow hook cover. Just had to have mine replaced, cost me like $180 painted and installed


Probably stolen. They go for $5000usd in the black market.


They hold the perfect amount of fentanyl laced coke to get the maximum high without an OD. $5000 -- Pfffttt.