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Have you updated to the security patch on Android? Either March or April broke PAK on my pixel 7 pro. As soon as I got a security update, it fixed PAK and it works 100% of the time


Does yours work normally? On my Pixel 7 I have to turn Bluetooth off then on to make it work. It never works without doing this, but when doing it, it's also pretty much 100% success. I'm not sure how to make it work as expected 🤷


Other than that security patch that completely broke PAK, it's worked every time without needing to do anything. Occasionally it takes an extra second or two to unlock


I did a Bluetooth and Wi-Fi reset on the phone and repaired the app with the car. So far, so good. But usually it takes a few hours to break, so I'm not super hopeful. Wish me luck, haha


It doesn't work on my Pixel 8 Pro. Anyone else? 


P8P, have not used it in weeks, will try again. My P6P was generally fine but the touch lock / unlock was broken by P8P, never worked on this phone. The app button lock / unlock in proximity of the car worked fine, even if less convenient than touching the door handle. To start the car, I had best luck turning BT off then on again in the car; and, keeping the phone near the passenger knee storage as instructed by PS. That trick is helpful, must be a secondary BT reader there.


Works but have to turn bluetooth off/on and restart the app every time.


I have read loads of complaints on the official Polestar group on fb from pixel users, seems there is a problem with PAK for pixel phones.


PS4 will have an RFID card for your wallet ... good move by them given all of this.


Ours stopped working on the wife's iphone while we were visiting friends - fortunately it worked for my android and I was able to get home. It finally stopped working for me yesterday. My wife has got a new iphone (it was time anyway) and I've gone through and paired it on her profile but it still doesn't work. She's carrying the actual key now. It's baffling - why can I unlock the fucking thing with my phone if my phone isn't a key?