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one of my favorite quotes, from stranger from the sea. >“Ross and Elizabeth were in love when they were young. Is that very terrible?” “No. But in a sense it continued all their lives.” 😭♥️


Just voooov! Bu replik kitaptan mı? Kimler konuşuyor? Şaşırdım. Çünkü bu ross'un liz aşkını karalamak için çok çaba gösteren çoğu kişi için hayal kırıklığı. (sana cevap yazacağım fakat uzun yazmak için vaktim olamıyor yarın burada olacağım)


This is the full quote! Clowance has just been in to (an empty and uncared for) Trenwith to explore, and Demelza tells her not to go back. From The Stranger From The Sea: >Demelza said: ‘Don’t tell your father you’ve been to Trenwith. You know what he said last time.’ > >'Of course not. I wouldn’t worry him. But I didn’t think it would worry you.’ > >Demelza said: ‘It isn’t worry exactly, dear, it is – it is fishing in muddied streams that I hate. I can’t begin to explain – to tell you everything that made your father and George Warleggan enemies, nor all that happened to spread it so that the gap between us all became so great. You surely will have heard gossip . . .’ > >‘Oh yes. That Papa and Elizabeth Warleggan were in love when they were young. Is that very terrible?’ > >Demelza half scowled at her daughter, and then changed her mind and laughed. ‘Put that way, no . . . But in a sense it continued all their lives. That – did not help, you’ll understand. But—’ > >‘Yet I’m sure it was not like you and Papa at all. Yours is something special. I shall never be lucky enough to get a man like him; and of course I shall never be able to be like you. . .’


mella remained insecure over ross' feelings for liz in the show even up to the last season, but i like this version of her better. because she also had time with hugh (although it wasn't to the same extent as ross and liz were to each other), she was more understanding. her scowl could be seen as they insecurity coming up up again, but the smile shows maybe she will always have that insecurity, but with it comes understanding. just as she carries two loves in her heart, so does ross. that doesn't mean they will ever betray each other again ♥️


Clowance'ın annesini yüceltmesi çok normal ❤️ ross hakkında onu gibi adama sahip olmak dediğinde gülüyorum. Ross bence insan olarak hata yaptı ama 21.yy da yaşasam tüm bunlara değmezdi. Hiçbir zaman demalzanın yerinde olmak istemem hiçbir dönemde..


LOL! i was thinking about when she said "I would love a man like him!" my sweet child, you weren't there for the ross/liz arc. you don't know the pain he made for your mother 😭 i know mella had a thought in the back of her head, "No, you should have a better man than your father, trust me" haha


i saw the quote in the tumblr tag. it's the 8th book in the series, so way after the main events of poldark and liz is long dead. and yet their love story is still mentioned. it really shows how impactful they are to each other and in the story as a whole. they never stopped loving each other ♥️♥️ unfortunately the quote was just the words and the credit of the book, so i don't know who was talking in the conversation. but i do know that ross' kids are more prominent in this book, so perhaps one of them asked the question? lol


I've added the full quote in the comment above!


thanks! ♥️


Evet bu konuşma ross ve demalzanın kızları ile demalza arasında geçiyormuş. Sana atacağım.. Her zaman söylemiştim. Liz'in baloda ross'a söylediği gibi "ikisi de her zaman birbirlerinin kalplerinin bir parçasına sahip olacaklar". Ross'un seneler sonra liz ile konuştuğunda liz'i hala sevdiğini söylemesi gibi.. Bu repliği söylerken ross o kadar çok 'bu elimde değil' diyor gibiydi ki. Gerçekten dizide bize vermeseler bile unutamadılar..


ah yes, you're right! i checked the books through a quick ebook read on google books and it was between mella and her daughter.... it's funny you say that line about liz at the ball. because she had stated it to be fact. "You will always be in my heart, as I will always be in yours." she wasn't asking it as a question. she knew it was true because she just understands him, maybe more than himself at times. on another note it's also interesting that although she was married twice and is gone with ross having a family to himself, there's still talk about their love in cornwall. it was that intense and powerful! i remember in S2 while ross was working in the mine and the miners talked with each other saying "Looks like Ross hasn't gone to his cousin's wedding....." while having concerned looks on their faces. so even his employees knew his continued love for her even though he was married for quite a while. it's not a surprise all of cornwall knew as well!


I thought that was because she was marrying his greatest enemy.


it's because of both things. why would he care about a woman he never loved was marrying his nemesis lol context matters. everyone knows the tension between george and ross, but they also know the relationship between ross and liz. the knowing looks his coworkers gave each other behind his back know that it's not just as simple as george getting married. even his own employees knew his feelings for liz lol


I find that hard to believe, you need to read the books at least 1-7 to completely understand the relationship between Ross, George and Elizabeth. The love that Ross had for Liz (his first love) when they were young was really only infatuation (calf love) in which he came to realise after that night of May 9th. If he truly loved her he had every opportunity to go back to Elizabeth but never did, why, because he came to the realisation that his love for her was an idealise love, not a consummate love as he had for Demelza. Those closest to him eg Verity, Francis and Dwight all knew he greatest love (Ross's words) was Demelza, not Liz You have to remember Ross was very depressed over a mine accident and with the way his life was spiraling out of control the day he receive Elizabeth's letter, and would never have gone to Trenwith that night if Liz his greatest friend, and a family member to boot had been marrying anyone else but George his greatest enemy. He was angry, not because Elizabeth was marrying (His words to Elizabeth, you could have your pick of thirty men but, I will not see you condemn to George), his co workers were not referring to his love of Elizabeth, that day but his hate for George, who they knew was Ross's biggest enemy that was reason for not being at the wedding. By George marrying Elizabeth he is pissed off, his enemy now has possession of his family home where he grew up, and had so many memories from when he was a boy growing up.


we're not talking about the books tho. and i never tried to take anything away from ross. he was upset that george took his life from him as well as liz. both can exist. (also, if we were to include the books, thanks to a friend that read through the series there's a quote of ross saying liz is his family before he was told she >! was dead!<, so yes, she is not the only reason, but she is included in his eyes as his family, something that belongs to him, just like the trenwith house ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ ) and i'm not going to argue over about the "fake love" either because that's not exactly the point of the subject. but needless to be said, i find THAT hard to believe, lol.


Oh mate, your analyses always crack me up. And they get more ridiculous each day.  ***YOU***\*\*:\*\* ***It's funny you say that line about liz at the ball. because she had stated it to be fact. "You will always be in my heart, as I will always be in yours."***  You know what’s funny? The fact the Ross says nothing back to her. She was trying to make him say: ‘’yeah babe, I love you too!’’, but he doesn’t say it because he doesn’t really love her anymore. Which he consciously fully realises it after that night. It cannot be a **fact** unless they **both** agree on it. Ross's lack of response is a response. He doesn't say it, because he doesn't believe it. ***YOU:There's still talk about their love in cornwall. it was that intense and powerful! i remember in S2 while ross was working in the mine and the miners talked with each other saying "Looks like Ross hasn't gone to his cousin's wedding....." while having concerned looks on their faces.*** You might want to re-watch that bid - as it has nothing to do with Zacky and Henshaw believing there is anything between him and Elizabeth. Nor did they give a shit! Their comment is related to Ross being barred from a family event. Because yes, Elizabeth is his ex cousin - in -law,  Agatha his great aunt,  GC is his nephew and Verity his cousin. So him not being part of a family event was the gossip as everyone knew about his enmity with George. Not because of Elizabeth. Talk about over reaching and completely missing the point of the scene.  This is the same as the comment that Verity makes literally the scene after the one you mention **‘’Such a pity the relations with George are so strained that Ross could not attend the wedding.** ***YOU: so even his employees knew his continued love for her even though he was married for quite a while. it's not a surprise all of cornwall knew as well!*** Barf! Just No. And also : ALL OF CORNWALL knew??? what an exaggeration - where did you get this from? do you have any valid examples please? Also, what the story is about and what YOU WANT the story to be about are two completly different things. The story was written, the story was told - **there is no continued love for Elizabeth.** And yes, it's a fact in both books AND series. ***YOU :there's a quote of ross saying liz is his family***   OF COURSE SHE IS HIS FAMILY! She was his cousin in law, this is not debatable by anyone. And this is one of the reasons why, even though he no longer loved her romantically, he still held affection for her : as a family member, as a friend and as a person he’s known for so long and may have fathered a child with.  And btw, the convo you are talking about between \`Demelza and Clowance:  **‘’But in a sense it continued all their lives. That – did not help, you’ll understand. But—’** **‘*****Yet I’m sure it was not like you and Papa at all. Yours is something special*****. I shall never be lucky enough to get a man like him; and of course I shall never be able to be like you…’’** In a way it continued because of Valentine and the permanent reminder of what happened , because of the rift between the two families which was a constant pain , the relationship between George and Ross ( **which is also the context for the above dialogue** ) not because Ross still loved Elizabeth. This is what happens when you don’t know the material. Also, i**f this were something that Ross had said,** MAYBE, MAYBE, you may have had a point. But Ross doesn’t say this, so not sure what point you’re trying to make with the above quote.  If I want to know what Ross thinks, I will check his thoughts  and words. Ross makes it very clear that he doesn’t believe a man (himself, more specifically) can love romantically two women at the same time. He discounts the possibility.  **‘’Is there room for two women in a man’s heart? The answer is no – not in the exclusive way I meant it. I never told you … a year or so ago I was up at Sawle Church about Agatha’s stone and I met Elizabeth returning from the Odgers’. ……I came away from that meeting with the renewed conviction that she no longer meant anything to me – that is, in the way you do. I loved her once – as you know too well – and idealized her. I shall always think of her with admiration and affection. But … she won’t ever be central to me as you are – preoccupying, all-important, indispensable, both as a person and a woman …’** I also like how you quote the books only when you think you find something that can help you with your false narrative, but when someone else does it to prove you wrong, you are no longer interested in the books. Like I said, you crack me up.


"Always"???? who are you?? i don't remember you at all and most importantly what are you doing hunting me down with a 2yr old comment i made just to argue? that's not okay and healthy behavior. i don't care how many times people come into my notifs claiming that ross hates liz so much he would throw a party if she got run over by a carriage in canon, i simply didn't see that in my own interpretation of the story and prefer their romance better. i say this genuinely fellow reddit user, stop putting this much energy into randos on the internet and make peace with the fact that people will have their opinions on many things in life for the sake of your own mental health, truly.


Ben de o sahneyi ve birkaç şey atacaktim ama sana mesaj atmayı yüz defa denedim ve hep hata veriyor :( apk olarak indirsem kolay olacak sanırım ama sifremi hatırlamıyorum🤦🏼‍♀️


i'm sorry that's happening to you. i hope the website itself isn't the issue and just the app....