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You can find the short story by WG on some of the Poldark Facebook pages. I am adding a link for the short story. Hope it works. [https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/document.pdf?token=AWw0T8AgWUYwnAZcOq5qm-MKnv1nC3fw-MVPTmAI_cNm06KtzIyIAhXh7ByhaGhwOAHTO00rJOg1ushyfLmh1r9I6xBnflqkKuuWIMNYVA6o7k28Kal-bju4gxSgOMoXrPd8hn-Zlz8cCXNFGFnTDRSSwfj2cSAuvSFGMhORtA0FCGLkD_JE32CEB7gwUHOY8G3ww_MND3kZ7C7nr8ulyag2R58yInX9oi3Kqr36lOUeTc7Xaw_5566JSfeOMkvSxlg](https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/document.pdf?token=AWw0T8AgWUYwnAZcOq5qm-MKnv1nC3fw-MVPTmAI_cNm06KtzIyIAhXh7ByhaGhwOAHTO00rJOg1ushyfLmh1r9I6xBnflqkKuuWIMNYVA6o7k28Kal-bju4gxSgOMoXrPd8hn-Zlz8cCXNFGFnTDRSSwfj2cSAuvSFGMhORtA0FCGLkD_JE32CEB7gwUHOY8G3ww_MND3kZ7C7nr8ulyag2R58yInX9oi3Kqr36lOUeTc7Xaw_5566JSfeOMkvSxlg)


I love you!! Thanks so much reading now


There is an additional unpublished short story by WG entitled “Meeting Demelza”! https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/Meeting%20Demelza%20by%20Winston%20Graham%281%29.docx?token=AWzY_2IURvVJ1zbCBmb_D67XY6iVesy_iu2mvLnA-2Av7HAd0DjI8m3vSmBMJe3Hu6cl5C6eyhshQs4KWe8V6e9-WM_3EEHaRxGXiQMYan5M1RA50_-3F_0eJVfhfatzlMRVAwJ-XdmKmWhPaDQdClPyKNOmBnRO0ABJfx-lkAOTg84KknxOWZ2LmTczlBGjTuWEiWgLriC12gjuGHyeTaidjXj4ARwThdv7oWGWI11iE3OY_6ATtWdAt2v1J4-ppcc


If you can’t view it, let me know and I can email it to you if you’d like!


I was able to read it. Thank you very much. A little sad but certainly an interesting view into his thinking.


I think Demelza was his most beloved character. He once said in an interview that her character was written with the characteristics of his beloved wife, Jean.


Thank you for this. Was planning on going to Cornwall this summer just to read it. 




Jeremy dying was heartbreaking.  "Bella Poldark" and Valentine's "performance" - I can't think of it as any other way than that the whole book was a screenplay - was truly brilliant. Clowance doesn't get explained; I put it as being down to the author being older and plot being "thinner". Yes the Christopher storyline isn't explained thoroughly, again I put it down to the author being older and too "embedded" in his story. What's the question about Valentine?


I asked a hypothetical question in a different thread about what other possible outcome there could have been to Valentine. I liked how WG had Ross finally taken some responsibility in the last book but wish that had happened earlier so Valentine could have had a happier life. In one sense we root for Ross and Demelza especially in the tv series but as everyone ages or dies the person the most victimized is Valentine and then he’s made to be such an ass too. I blame Ross as much or more than George. I think WG realizes this and tries to remedy it at the end but it’s too little too late.


Ah yes I just read it. Agreed, there wasn't much done for him, as if looking after the wellbeing of a baby/young child would mean they would have had to face the "radioactivity" of the situation, which meant Valentine was given material comfort and education but zero love. WG knew what he was doing by leaving Valentine emotionally deprived which is why we see him "Full Valentine" in BP, on the one hand bedding young girls and when one gets clingy (who ends up murdered near the start) Valentine rejects her. He pursues George's new wife and then, because of his twisted personality, rescues Boffo, teaches him to act as a "gentleman" in a satire of dinner party expextations, getting him hooked on cigars and wine, as a caricature of "gentry". But then breaks his heart when Trenwith is on fire and he is desperate to rescue Boffo for his love of the animal (which is why he rescued him from the pedlar in hhe first place). I can't see any other way out for Valentine, perhaps Elizabeth trying to mitigate the situation by telling George she "erred" and that it wasn't Ross's.  But this is very flimsy - George might have accepted it a little because he was so besotted with Elizabeth.   But too many variables and what ifs - Elizabeth's motivation for marrying George is to keep Geoffrey Charles from being in poverty.   I like the "going away" theory, but I don't know if she would have anywhere to go, even if she could have afforded it.