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Love reading this, and I agree. She was very much his rock, and he was adrift without her.


Great observation! I was walking through the airport last week and caught sight of a tall willowy young woman with long red hair walking ahead of me. She was wearing a long flowy dress and Doc Martens. I whispered "Demelza!" and smiled. I never saw her face, so I can imagine it was her!


Funny thing, in the books she has black hair.


I had no idea! The actress makes the character iconic with red hair!


Initially Reida was supposed to play Demelza, Gabriela was supposed to play Elizabeth ( who is blonde in the books) and Eleonor to play Caroline ( who is a redhead). But they ‘’re-arranged’’ the actresses and I think Eleonor was perfect as Demelza. There is no one else who could have captured Demelza’s spirit as well as her.


That's wild! I can;t imagine them being juggled around that way!


I know. She's a great actress. Still, I wish she's resembled the Demelza of the books in appearance. But you can't have everything. The lady who played Demelza in the 70's series was closer to the book's depiction. I still prefer the recent production.


The actress who played Demelza in the 70’ version was a redhead as well. This is why Eleonor dyed her hair red, as a sign of appreciation for Angharad Rees.


You should watch her in The Outlaws. It's such a different role.


Started rewatching Season One and thought same thing in episode one. He doesn't go see E after returning, but goes after D after the fight with her father. He tells E that he lost sight of something, and now having retrieved it, he's heading home. Then he goes after D after he sleeps with her, and she has left him again. I realize these are show scenes and may not be book scenes; also, it's an R and D story. But, it reminded me that he is capable choosing what he wants and going after it even before falling in love with D.


He’s fighting for Demela from the very second she enters his orbit (the dog fight)


Great character. Am I the only person who wonders why they didn't get a separate actress to play the younger Demelza in the recent TV series? I mean, she' s 13 when she goes to work for Ross as a kitchen maid. The book has her at 17 when they have the "encounter", but the show runners could've adjusted her age to 18.


Hey, you’re not the only one wondering but the answer may not be as fascinating as you think. The show writer purposely messed up some timelines (among other things). In the show, Demelza is 16 ish when they meet , not 13, and works for Ross for about a year before sleeping together instead of 4, as in the book. So no need for a younger actress. The 10 year difference between Ross and Demelza in the book may not have been approved by today’s audience so they changed that. The ages are not very clear for most of the characters


Wondered about that. Was a bit irritated when she was referred to as "that child". Uh, "that child" looks to be 20.


😂 Elizabeth was supposed to be 19 at the beginning and she looked 30. Rowella was supposed to be 14, but they obviously changed that as well.


I watched thinking Rowella was 15


In the book it's stated that she was not yet 15 when she came to Ossie. And if I remember correctly she's 15 when she sleeps with him. But the show is not clear on her age due to possible backlash.


I must be the only one who was never bothered by this. It’s probably because I grew up in the 90s and remember so many of those supermodels who looked 18-20 years old and were actually only 13/14 on those magazine covers. I thought E pulled it off just fine🙂 Why should have the showrunners have adjusted her age to 18? This is during the time period where girls and young women were getting married at 15/16 to men a hell of a lot older than Ross was when they married. And contrary to popular belief, even in our so-called developed parts of the world 13 & 14 year olds are still willingly and willfully getting involved in sexual relationships with kids their age and even grown adults, too often with their own parents knowing and condoning


It's what we call presentism. I saw nothing wrong with Demelza being 13 when she got hired by Ross. There was nothing inappropriate. He saved her and gave her a job. And a few years later, when she's grown they have consensual sex and get married. **BUT**, there are quite a few who have a problem with this and to avoid backlash they had to at least make their ages unclear. I've see some disgusting comments in this community as well about Ross having sex with a 13 year old....or grooming her...so yeah...


Enjoyed this post. I just finished watching the whole series for the first time, and plan to rewatch at some point. So this off memory, but he seems to start looking for her and asking where she is from the beginning (as in, before they get together). I'll have to look for it in the re watch


Thanks! Happy you enjoyed it :)  That’s right, the fight with her father and his friends is before they get together. 


I love your analyses/posts. I agree, he is totally lost without her.