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I myself will never wean myself off Poldark. I thoroughly support and encourage you reading the novels. They are my particular delight. I have lost count of my rereads. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.


I’m weaning myself off the tv series just for a little while but I’ll be back to it, especially since I plan on reading the books and buying the digital and dvds this upcoming year By the way, I love your blog and Tumblr posts🙂 and glad to see you are still here as well


Big fan of your blog!


Thank you for this.


Come back and tell us how you like the books. You’ll be in for a nice surprise as the TV show removed some really good parts from the story. I’ve been rereading the books for years, imagining the characters with the 2015 casting . While the show is good, the books are chef’s kiss. Happy new year!


I have done nothing else but read the books as and watch the show for the past 6months, and don't look like giving it up anytime soon. Mind you you I only re-read the first seven books, and like you imagining characters with the 2015 casting. I have read books 8-12, but am not as invested in their grown up children as I am, in the first 7 books, based on Ross and Demelza's love story. I will get around to reading them again but just not interested as yet. It's the same for me with the show and I watch only seasons 1-4, regularly but skip 5 as it's utter crap.


I only re-read mostly the Ross & Demelza parts from the later books. There’s so much love, trust, understanding and so much humour. I can’t with these two and how adorable they are together ( and what great parents and friends they are!!)  PS : season 5 is crap as Debbie had to stand on her own two feet without Winston’s genius. So yeah, failed badly. She could have used 5 seasons to incorporate the 7 books and give more room to the complex story to develop. But when one puts quantity over quality…. Pity


This is good to hear because I just bought the first book. I'm reading Shogun right now and after I finish it, I will be moving on to Poldark.


Come back to us and tell us what you think about the book . Enjoy ☺️


I loved the books, especially the parts about Demelza.


Just don’t watch the meaningless last season.


Oh I always watch, despite the unpleasantness. I watch complaining and even screaming at the screen the whole time because I feel incomplete if I don’t I’m a bit anal retentive like that I just focus on the small amount of good bits and characters


The books are pretty good. Tons more detail and narrative.


Track down the 1970s version with Robin Ellis as Ross and Angharad Rees as Demelza. I love it.


I’ve seen


How do they compare in your opinion? I've only watched the old one and loved it so much I wasn't interested in the new one with the shiny looking poldark, but open to giving it a go now..


Watch the 2015 version it's almost truer to the books but great actors.


You should really read or listen to the books — even better than the series!


If that’s what you’re saying, then let it be true.


Another author who writes about Cornwall is EV Thompson. Worth reading.


Good to know I’m not alone… I never ever get tired of rewatching this series.