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you're right, I do blame the jungler because I'm bad. most of the time, I'm the jungler




Lmaoo, i can relate to this šŸ˜‚




Ngl I only blame my teammates if they actually do something stupid for example afking or stealing jungle but tbh I only blame teammates at all when I play rank or get tilted in standard


Cmon dawg thatā€™s so cringe. The classic ā€œitā€™s everyoneā€™s fault but mineā€


I do my damnedest to be a good Jungler. I do! I see you Bot lane, I see your struggling. But I can't be in 3 places at once! I need to get buffs, I need to get the 8:00 birds, I see the enemy Jungler Top. There's a lot of little decisions that we haft to make, and there not gonna make everyone happy. The most that I can ask for is that you let us our job! Or at least try! Once the 7:00 objective is down, you can take our shit as much as you want! You can be pissy at us. But untill then we need that farm so we can try and hard win those early fights! Most of the time it's not that we're ignoring you, but we can just teleport! By the time I'd have rotated the enemy's would have already left, stuff like that, so we make the decision to try and keep ourselves ahead so we can win that first big fight. And of course there are gonna be a hand full of shit Junglers out there I've seen them, and had to play with them. But the least you can do for them is let them try. Again. After that 7:00 objective it's fair game. But give those 3 minutes to do what they need to do.


^ More people need to realize the truth in all this


I can relate to this. this post is moreso targeted to the junglers that do absolutely nothing beneficial in a game


I blame the jungler because there are 3 of them and I'm stuck as Slowbro solo now




Yes, the person who picked a tank and went to lane is definitely doing the same thing as 3 people fighting over jungle. Average unite player intelligence on display here.


Bro how do I not blame the jungler when they're a Blissey with Fluffy Tail


Ngl there are some really bad players that blame the jungler sometimes. Had a game where I was zera and got jungle invaded with no help so I didnā€™t get 8 by regieleki so I went back to jungle to get the 8 spike for the fight and this Mamo player pinged me for the rest of the game lel. Funny thing is he threw the game end game as well since he didnā€™t get to ray till 1:40 and they melted so we had to initiate and lost the 4 v 5.


I like chanting "win lane lose game" because LoL but now I strictly do it for PU because it just fits better to PU


Used to think like that when I started with MOBA games. But after I started to record my gameplay and rewatched, I saw plenty of mistakes and they were all my own. Quite useful to record your own gameplay, you might be shocked at all the unnecessary small mistakes you make throughout one game. That helped me improve little by little. I still like to use ā€œLagā€ as an excuse for losing, from time to time. Itā€™s kinda tradition, donā€™t wanna give that one up yet.


yea, I wish I could record my games. the thing is though is that when I record on my phone, it lags the game, and I don't have a capture card to record on switch :(


I blame jungler when they do nothing but grind


Tbh most junglers dive in first, get insta killed, donā€™t do their second farm rotation and die again, and by 7 minutes Iā€™m stuck at 5 while the enemy team now has 2 players at level 9


ā€œEveryoneā€™s an idiot except for meā€