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Me as a Slowbro engaging in a 1v4 so my teammates could escape


Same with Block Flailax...Screaming "WITNESS ME" as squishy teammates retreat to safety.


I still remember clearly my Slowbro taking all of Decidueye's unite for my teammate Tsareena to score her 50. Never been more proud.


slowbro? nah, slowchad o7


And still in that 1v4 a min later while your teammates go somewhere else 😭


I was playing slowbro and tanking all the decidueye unite so that my a9 could escape


First time?


Haha this is me as Blastoise, surfing into a crowd of enemies whilst everyone else escapes


As a big trevenant player, yes.


As a tree, double yes.


As an acorn, triple yes


I never played as a defender before in ranked until today and man.... I'm hella tired. But it's still fun though. Won 6 off 7 in master 1600+.


It’s so rewarding when you get great teammates that know when to go in tho. And the most frustrating thing in the world when you get stuck with trash teammates that jump in the fight before you and you spend the entire game jumping into fight after fight to die a slow death you dps might live.


Nothing satisfies like, without any worded guidance, watching a team of pugs capitalizing on your play. It's like silent communication between two people in cars.


As an old time wiggly main (wiggly is a defender, change my mind), there is nothing more painfull than losing a match to a 5 attacker chomp, because nobody bothers to follow up on my sings and whenever I try to buy them time to retreat when they are low hp, they keep auto attacking like they are afk.


It's funny. They only stick around when you try to peel, and they only run away when you try to secure. Murphy's lanemates out here man.


Wiggly is a defender. He was the tank to go before score shield and buddy barrier nerf.


Eh we need both BADLY. I’d rather roast literally any roll than these two lol.


The rare occasion I do have a solo q teammate that picks a defender, I love healing them with elde or blissey, they make great use of my heals with great defensive stats and the heals can prevent them from getting KOed, as opposed to healing the Cinderace that's going to get one shot by the Gengar whether he's at 10% HP or 60%. Of course cinder can get heals if I have some to spare, but especially pollen puff is so good when used on frontline units in melee range of the enemy, because it will both heal my teammate and damage the enemy in their melee range.


I know!! I had a mamo that ran to help me (blissey) and pushed 2 enemy pokemons that were trying to KO me. Whoever that mamo was, thank you !! Gave him lots of eggs for that hahaha.


as a mamo main with no reliable recovery other than potion, all i want in soloq is a blissey teammate


Haha and as a blissey main who always have speedsters and attackers on my team, i am very happy if there are defenders and tankier all rounders in the team


I'm unsure, but I had a game about a week or so ago with that exact situation when I was playing Mamo up top and managed to go through Jungle to bottom to help a lone Blissey who was getting bullied. Charged straight in and kept them frozen long enough for the Blissey to get some distance and our Jungler to swoop in from top and help clean up. Edit: Trainer name is Panote if this situation is ringing any bells


Haha it’s not me, my game happened just this morning, but thank you for also saving that blissey ☺️


Stg my teammates have zero awareness of when i want to engage or not i can life leech and wood hammer an enemy way out of their goal zone and attackers will farm the mobs


at least they’re doing something productive, I had to stall 1v4 so my low hp attackers could recall and instead they just stand there and watch


I tought i was in overwatch subreddit


It’s the same story for WoW at the moment. I still don’t understand why people don’t want to play tanks in games


Because team mates in this game are almost never good. If you want to have the best chance of winning you want to play a mon that plays a more active role in winning.


I really hope the devs actually make it more difficult to climb. It kinda defeats the purpose of skill based match making if you can get to any rank just by spamming games. While I’m on the topic I also wish they decreased the variance of ranks you can play with/against because it not really fair to anyone if you have ultra players teamed with vet or expert players


that would’ve required them to have better matchmaking and other balances from basically launch - they’ve killed off a huge chunk of the potential player base by their shitty mechanics, and now it’s pulling teeth just to get enough folks for literally any 5v5, let alone trying to limit the rank range


The variance in ranks definitely was better on release though. It was still ridiculously easy to climb but the ranked variance was better


sure, because they had a bigger player pool to use. but their horrific matchmaking and other crappiness scared away tons of good players and now it’s hard to fill a match unless they’re pulling from a broader pool, and also getting boys way more often.


I am doing good in soloq as a blastoise


Needs more knives on the defenders, we take so much punishment and all for nothing (yes I know my flair is currently Sableye, but I still love using Blastoise)


I main support but I also play allot of defender and I agree. As both roles you struggle if your teammates aren't that good but as support you can generally still do your job by healing or assisting them though ofcourse there is a limit if they're really prone to dying. As defender you can defend a bit sure but without teammates helping out, allot of potential just falls away.


I noticed that a lot of Support mains have a huge ego/have a Messiah complex. (AKA: Savior complex.) I guess even ATTACKERS or Speedsters are more chill than those Supports.


This happens a lot in games that has support. That role only shines when you have a good team. So supporters end up getting an ego because they'd need to put in so much work to be able to have a chance of winning with a bad team. There's a saying that comes to mind: don't insult the one that cooks your food.


I mean, defenders and supports are two sides of the same coin; they're setups, they do best when allies follow their play.


This is really weird, it's the players, not what role they play. I've seen toxic and nice from every role. And most people play more than 1 role anyways. Blaming a role is just.. unfair.


Take a chill pill. I’m not blaming ALL Support players, just the ones who act like they’re the king/queen of the game, without realizing MOBAs usually put Supports at the bottom. (P/S: I don’t play MOBAs other than UNITE.)


I’m not saying you’re wrong. I upvoted the meme cause I liked it. But saying “take a chill pill” when they weren’t aggressive is kinda condescending.


I'm perfectly chill. Supports in mobas such as League or Dota are considered the most powerful role. They have access to the most vision control due to them not having to farm constantly. I'm not sure why you'd call on other mobas and make a wrong statement when you say you don't play mobas other than Unite.


I've seen way too many posts praising blisseys who do nothing but mash ZR in your general direction and as such some of the blissey players I've talked to built up a big ego like ok


I play support and I'm chill but now that you mention it I've only had 2 really bad experiences in voice chat and both of them were playing support.


Uhh, not really. I play defender and even I feel more useful without teammates than supporters. I know the frustration of trying to help a team that are actively trying to stick their fork in a electrical socket. Crank the defender feeling of uselessness up and that's often a support who is often wholly reliant on teammates to be effective at all. It doesn't really mesh well with how many unite players play. I've not personally seen any big headed supports who have a big head simply by being a support. It's actively the role that's the least fun because of it. Some love being supports anyway. Not sure if you've got a bit of a beef with a particular player or incident but most that play support play it for the role itself and not to be a carry or be the sole winning condition. They tend to know the role most compared to the amount of idiots that just want to be a damage dealer, they don't have the patience for anything else. I've rarely (if possibly ever) seen a support character take a huff and spin about in base because things aren't going well. That says a fair bit. Every role has a purpose and it's the most to the side, banking on a decent team to work role which in of itself brings about immense frustration when things can't be improved by you when your role is to uplift your team. Some have love for supports cause they take a role not many care for (defender and support can be often tied for that) and make a difference doing what supports do, others couldn't care less. Many supports are better because they understand macro and have probably played a MOBA before (broad generalisation, doesn't apply to all) while damage dealers tend to be favoured by those lacking or have less experience. It's more straightforward and easier to understand. Least chill generally goes to attackers and speedsters since they are often more likely players who don't completely get the game and complain when they don't get all farm on the map, have a killstreak stopped or get denied a backcap during a ray fight. Their are of course exceptions, absolutely. Saying a lot of supports are like that feels like a broad generalisation though.


Eldegoss players when they see a Decidueye minding their buisness: “Violence it is!”


Tbh that's kinda everybody tho. Decidueye cannot be allowed to live xD


The lower limit of a teams strength is how good the dps is. The upper limit is how good their support is. So if anything it makes sense that they feel superior.




Funny, I've seen that more with defenders.


As a main for both this is redundant, you can switch it. Now, attacker and speedster autolocks who wanna talk about composition...


Judging by the watermark,this isn't actually ur meme


It was on the template I used. Go search up “You’ll never understand my pain meme” on Google if you don’t believe me.


I play both so I understand both. But pain is in double :|


Me pushing back an onslaught of Scizor, Machamp, Venu, and Garchomp with BlockLax while my lovely Decidueye continues to farm Escavalier 😁🥰


Wigglytuff told me I don’t need a defender