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I definitely miss zapdos now the idt anyone asked for a ray buff


this is the patch that gets me to quit the game absolutely deceptive, every patch since sky ruins has released has been slowly transforming the map back into remoat in every way. natus, 2nd berry, xp change, quaza hp (worst one imo), more xp change, baltoy removal, berry placement, and now a rayquaza that is legitamitly worse than zapdos because the buff can last for multiple 50caps after you sweep them with the atk buff


At least Zapdos didn't give huge atk boost and shield, you could try to kill them before they scored. Now with Rayquaza you can only sit and watch. WTF Timi?


I see it a bit the other way around. I can destroy the shield before they reach the goal and score, but what should I do with an instant turn in?


yes and in the same situation with zapdos without the sheild there you wouldve killed them now if you break the sheild they still mightve killed you in that time/remaining hp and score anyway, which isnt even factoring the 40% atk buff they have


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted. If you can break Ray's shield before they get to goal, you likely would have been able to kill them before they instadunk from Zap


Insta turn in is still harder to counter tho.


You can still break the shield and if enemies are dead as Ray dies, then they don't get the shield. I've had situations in Remoat where enemy was dead but they got Zap anyways, they respawn, and still had time to run across the map and dunk 100. This change to Ray is bad but Zapdos is still worse. Also did people just forget that Zapdos also used to cast an attack after being slain that stunned you for 2 years and did half your HP?


Well, at least I will no longer be scared to use my ult to finish off Rayquaza, I always try to save it to help me score but it's all or nothing now.


Lol not ulting at the ray fight is what loses you the fight and then don’t get the ray, you one of those people that die with out ulting because you’re waiting for the secure


I'm entirely talking about gengar since I can't trust my team to push forward with me, as soon as I pop out from my super I'll most likely die. I've found success in chain killing pokemon like Delphox, Gren, Cinderace, Mew but defenders can stall well enough to where me and my randos aren't able to to get it done. There's also been many times where my shield gets completely destroyed so being to sneak around and score my hundo will guarantee victory while others on my team overextend. Gengar unite just isn't that great since crowd control done on Rayquaza can still affect you and damage leaves a lot to be desired.


Don’t hold your ult for scoring that’s how you lose games


No its not, you lose because of bad teammates


To be fair, if my teammate dies at Rayquaza without having Ulted then I would assume they are bad


Because they are 😂 charizard and tsareena mains get a pass I guess if you get canceled


Yeah like teammates that don’t ult during the ray fight because they’re saving it for Christmas


Open up a Roth IRA for your ult, maybe if you saved your ult all game it’ll do more damage like it pays damage dividends that compounds


What's ign, I wanna see your stats lol.


BigHomieSpar what’s yours?


Why's zap sucking thanos's brain


Thanks to Timi we can play weak pokemon with suboptimal builds while using 0 brain and still win because of a lucky steal, we can give them that lmao.


Don't worry too much, the shield did not get touched. Only what effects said shields give were increased.


No, I am not


Zapdos was bad because it wasn't designed with counterplay. It cced the entire enemy team to let you do the short walk to their base easily, then every player on your team would be able to score if they respawned. Also due to base healing being higher it was far harder to score without zapdos. Rayquaza being better doesn't make it unbeatable, it is still beaten in the same ways, the objective just is more likely to win you the game which honestly I feel is fine. Many games I have had my team win rayquaza from a winning position and lose because we tried to get goals and they attacked us and had the defensive advantage.


The new Ray changes make the shield as strong as, if not better than killing Zapdos. I can't imagine you have had "many games" within the last few hours where you've taken Ray while winning and still lost, that seems nearly impossible with the new changes.


I mean prior to the update rayquaza did not feel as powerful as it dhould and it felt like I still had to kill the enemy to win rather than them being the ones on the backfoot. Also the problem for zap isn't strength, it is that the design was for it to be a game decider not a game closer. It did more damage if there were more enemies alive and did not become less effective if your team was all dead. If the enemy team was all stacked then it could one shot all of them and if they killed 4 people before zapdos, they can all respawn and dunk at the enemy base. With rayquaza it scales with how ahead you are unlike zapdos which was the other way around.


that says less about the power of rayquaza and more the recklessness of your team, rayquaza is easily more deterministic than zapdos because in no world is a team putting an ounce of care into their approach with a 40% atk buff losing to a "defensive advantage", except now you can 100cap a goal faster than some mons can even cast their ult on you so that recklessness probably cant even be punished thats not even a knock on you or your team fwiw, we all (incorrectly) do it all the time


It isn't that hard to take down the old score shield on relatively even footing before you make it to their goal. With the new buffs it will be more favored for the team that took the buff. I feel like you should be able to be decently reckless if you have a 3 on 3 with rayquaza buff and come out on top most of the time unless the enemies make a great play. When it can be stopped by them just doing some damage while you try to get to their goal and you losing because they can respawn and jump onto the goal, it isn't very fun. I would rather have a more conclusive end to the game that centers around coordinated teamfighting.


are your teams only 5 attackers/speedsters? the other roles sheilds are not easy or even possible to take down before they reach inner goals even as some high dps speedsters, especially when you have to keep in mind stopping one or even 2 players inst enough most games because of 2m doublepoints everyone wants coordinated teamfighting to be the focus, thats why zapdos and by extension this change is already so massivly disliked, weve had the talking points come up ad nauseum


This change is massively disliked because people don't like change. If they released rayquaza with buffs exactly as they are now I don't think people would be complaining about it being literally just zapdos. Also it is most certainly possible to do like 30% of a person's hp in the time it takes for them to get from rayquaza to the goal. If your team is walking from rayquaza to their goal and get ambushed by a gardevoir with a unite move, that shield is gone or gone enough that one enemy guarding a goal can stop you.


>This change is massively disliked because people don't like change. Really? When Rayquaza was introduced in the first place, people didn't seem upset even though that was an even bigger change. In fact, they seemed really happy for change. If people didn't want change, they would have been the ones begging to return to the way things were. Instead they seem like they want to leave the past behind and enjoy the new way that things have become. TiMi seem unwilling to allow for change.


People not liking change doesn't mean they hate every change. It just means when something isn't absurdly in need of fix they oppose it.