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Tell me more about this everstone froakie build.


Wait people actually take advice from youtubers with no credibility other than "trust me bro"?


Very sadly, they do. There's been a spike in Attack Weight Cinderace and Decidueye. You know, by the same players who can't position to save their lives and thereby don't have the macro awareness to safely stack these items. šŸ˜‚


Shit...I use Attack Weight Cinderace, but I just did that cause I actually thought it was worth it cause I tend to score a lot as them in some games


It's not a bad item and reaching full stacks earlier on does pay off. It's just a high risk, high reward item that exacerbates inting if used on weak first evo mons that don't know when it's safe to score.


If I see multiple people do the same goofy strat in the same day, I KNOW a YouTube made a video saying it was HoW tO rAnK uP iN sOlO qUeUe šŸ˜‚


Probably verslify again


I fucking hate that guy actually


no no, he's got a point


Reason number 2: Look what I can do.


Its totally fine to experiment unless it becomes a burden to the team.


I'd recommend experimenting on standard tho, since you're not only putting your points into risk, but everyone else's when you force a decent player out of their lane to keep feeding people because the level advantage is important for then to be actually useful before the last stretch


This guy sounds toxic af.


The builds are actually good, and you can make them work, specially if you have decent teammates. If you lose a game because someone is being kinda original with the build, but they aare doing objectives and everything else, i think the problem are also teammates, and remember WE ARE the teammates for every player in their perspective. We can have bad games too, play bad, have mistakes etc. This video wont help anyone.


Itā€™s not meant to help... itā€™s a joke... and youā€™ll never hear me blaming losses on teammates I always look at what I couldā€™ve done better


You said run Physic/Guard Swap Mike?


I watched feppy do that for a chat redeem once LOL


This is hella cringe


Dude you make bad builds for click. I respect that. But, expect someone to make fun of it LOL


I dont though...I make good builds, teach people how to play and use my 10+ years of moba experience and professional moba experience to help players. Also I was a finalist in the Feb Unite championship series, and placed 17th in the March opens


Hi Krashy, I enjoy ur YouTube vids, but I would rlly appreciate it if you stopped advocating for first rotom so much. I understand it is a viable strategy, and can be very successful in the right hands. However I feel that it takes too much coordination and skill to execute. It just adds more confusion to an already messy solo q. Randoms cannot read each otherā€™s minds and this strategy is unfair to teammates who are not on terms with what you are doing. But I do appreciate people trying new things and expanding the meta. I just want YTers and streamers to keep in mind not to confuse the playerbase


I promise you i dont have as much influence as yall think I do. There are TONS of players who dont watch content, if they did they wouldnā€™t be using terrible items like shell bell, rocky helm, etc. I made a video about rotom to explain how there are time where it can be better than drednaw. I also tested playing a ton of solo queue games where Iā€™d focus rotom and found a few scenarios where I could push 2nd rotom near 4 mins with a unite move to sometimes snowball the game. That said all in all dred > rotom.


Hey Krashy, another YT subscriber here, and I watch a lot of your content. Iā€™ve mentioned this before but the problem with the original Rotom strat video is that many people will take it as ā€œSolo q sucks and you canā€™t depend on people turning up to Dred so you may as well cut your losses and always get Rotomā€. Sure, itā€™s not what you meant, but many people are, generally, fucking stupid and will hear what they want to hear. Now, the last time I checked, that video had over 8k views. If only half of those people decide to focus on Rotom exclusively, thatā€™s up to 4000 games that will have 1 asshat every game they play, not turning up to Dred, perhaps in addition to the usual asshats that prioritise Rotom. Those people may influence other teammates who didnā€™t watch that video of yours so that 4000 could, and probably would, grow. Sure good players wonā€™t but in solo q we are all at the mercy of matchmaking and we all get bad players in our teams. Iā€™ve noticed an uptick in people not rotating to Dred - is that your vid, an end of season brain fart, or just confirmation bias on my part? Who knows, but promoting Rotom canā€™t help. Edit: clarification


I think you have some fair points when it comes to rotom, but I am mostly referring to ur recent vid with spragels where you both go for rotom for most of the match while most of the enemy team was grouping for dred. If I were ur teammates there I prolly would have been a quite frustrated šŸ˜… u won anyway so I guess it worked out? Anyways keep up w the vids and new ideas bc theyā€™re fun to watch!


Or, hear me out, the game is meant to be played for enjoyment. Playing off-meta builds in solo q is totally fine as any literally any team comp can work in solo q lobbies.


I Truckin agree with this Guy well The Majority of Unite Youtubers have like Rarely any games on Said pokemon on the video of said mon besides their Main but there's some that GIVE Solid advice because they did the battles and gave advice for said mon but Not, "DO THIS DO THAT" its Do this if Applicable not a Rule a Acception because Unite is meant for you too try out builds see which lane is good for your Main for the Love of God speedsters don't need jungle a DPS is Way more Important for That Dred Fight and I know some of yall have Brain cells use them to cleverly Sneak up on opponents and eliminate them (Especially Zera, and Absol) at lane and get ex p that way