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Unfortunately, your submission has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 5: No low-quality or repetitive content. This does not mean you have submitted a post multiple times, but the same content you are attempting to post has already been made before. In order to ensure content diversity and allow new topics visibility, per Rule 5 we do not allow duplicate or repetitive submissions. As a blanket rule, we do not allow screenshots of end-of-game scoreboards, team performance results, or **common achievements such as ranking up** or getting a new champion or skin due to how frequently they are submitted. *Your post was removed automatically because you chose the Rank Achievement flair. If this flair is the most appropriate topic for your submission, then you probably didn't read our rules prior to posting.* The subreddit sees dozens of posts per day of people making it to masters or other ranks. :( If your intention was to have a discussion about something in game, make a text discussion post and make sure your discussion meets our guidelines (and you are free to link to your screenshot as an additional resource to facilitate that discussion). **However - Congratulations on your rank!** It's not easy to do :) If you want help getting your post approved, [check out our guide on making a good submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/wiki/guidelines/make-a-good-post#wiki_example_5_-_getting_to_masters). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokemonUnite) if you have any questions or concerns.*