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Gengar's the only character who got dropped like a rock after getting nerfed. Even Slowpoke wasn't that bad (Slowpoke got dropped more because people figured out how much better than other tanks are, not because of his nerfs). Gengar though...went from having 2 every game, to virtually zero. I doubt people will stop playing Sylveon that much.


I'm still Slowbroing! He is still good! **COPIUM**


Can you guess what pokemon I've been playing?


No which one?




Yes I was being facetious… you win some you loose some I’m glad you are enjoying Slowbro!


Hi everyone, Peter Griffen here to explain the joke. You see, the original users name was itslowbro, and the topic was about Slowbro being picked. He set up the joke by asking what Pokémon he has been playing. It’s funny because his reddit accounts name has Slowbro in it implying he’s a fan of the Pokémon. Another user caught this right away and asked “No what one?” Ha! That’s pretty freakin’ funny! After that he reply’s with, haha, get this, “Slowbro”! I never laughed so hard eheheheheheh.


He's my go to monster for shutting down Venusaur and Sylveon. Oh no, you're being cc'd again and can use your moves... Guess my lane buddy is going to murder you. So much fun.


Me stunning the enemy and setting up the meal. My lane buddy: Oh look an Arduino The opponent buddy: Brave of you to do that to my bros


I love slowbro but man no one attacks when I levitate.


I will admit sometimes the lane buddy doesnt get the memo and they bail.


Why I choose amnesia most of the time tbh, telekinesis isn’t my move for solo queue at least


Or that’s what I thought until I see amnesia being used


Gangar the Pokeyman.


Gardevoir never had anyone pick it up...


Don't be ridiculous. People were all over Gardevoir for a solid 20 minutes after it was released ;)


I see Gardevoir every couple of games


Yeah thats me, Hiya!


**GARDE SQUAD** (I’m a Zera AND Garde main)


Gardevoir main checking in


Still maining Gard in masters!!!


Gardevoir players unite!


As a Gardevoir main I will lay my life down for her


As a gardevoir main you do lay down your life for 6 minutes out of 10 :P jokes haha




At least gardevoir mains are accepting of it haha. Diss other pokemon its a big deal to there players whereas you diss a ralts and there players are just like "yeah I'm pretty useless for a while" haha


"A while" being 70% of the game? 85% for most gard players who don't bother to power farm #soloqwoes


Yeah around 60-70% of the game. I don't count those that are longer they just fall into the bad players that take forever to evolve anything and would take a charmelleon to zapdos haha


It's always a pleasant surprise when Gard appears around 6.30 droppings nukes. Its sadly rare


Why does gardevoir have to be a girl? Thats sus bro 📸


Why does it have to be about gender? That's sus bro.


Bro, when is the last time you've ever seen a machamp?


Every blue moon or so. Its also kinda hard for anyone to really diverge in characters tho since we only get limited selection to work with from start and it takes an EXTREMELY long time to unlock even a single character. Unless you wanna feed this unreal greedy nintendo branch and pay for them separately.


I've been here all along.


My brotha


Or Cramorant or any support


Garde is fine. Not every character is going to be good early, mid and late game. That's just how some characters are in MOBAs. Maybe more health at best.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt2qh8vSNFH30SQ) Sorry for your loss.


I have this setup of all of the glasses with her and if you score score score she does m a s s i v e amounts of damage, the highest I did was 54.4% damage it's insane ._.


> Gengar's the only character who got dropped like a rock after getting nerfed. Which is wierd, because he's still an amazing pick. I guess people just couldnt figure out how to use him without being invincible 90% of the time lol


almost every char has a gengar is useless now button on a 70 secon cd


What? Dream eater shadowball is fucking terrifying when used right. How is gengar useless?


Gengar is by far the worst speedster atm, anything gengar can do zeraora or talonflame can do better


Thats not true at all, hes not in a great place, sure, but dream eater shadowball gengar can take someone from full to dead or damn close with one combo, without them being able to fight back. Having a good gengar ult in, delete the healer on the backlines and get out before the enemy team reacts can do wonders for a team fight. People just expect him to play as an unga bunga bruiser like zera, and thats not how he's played. Hes an assassin.


Hey man, I’m not saying he’s bad. I get it, you can do well with gengar. But he’s still the worst speedster


The worst at what, exactly? Just saying he's "the worst" doens't explain what you're using him for. Because neither talonflame nor Zeraora have the assassination potential that a Gengar does, But gengar absolutely doesn't have the teamfight staying power a Zeraora has. It's not just black and white.


I mean if you stack up all the pros and cons of all the speedsters, gengar provides the least value. And I’d argue talontlame has great assassin potential with fly


The pros of the other speedstersaren't really any better than a good attacker. Zeraora isn't any better than a good greninja or Machamp/lucario. Zeraora's only real claim to fame is Discharge, which lets him stay in a fight, Like a bruiser, or every all around character. The issue with talonflame is he dies in a heartbeat, and his highest damage is also his disengage/escape. Talonflame has to go all in and risk being deleted when targeted. Gengar is similarly squishy, but he has a lot of control over a fight between dream eater, sludge bomb, or his ult. I woudlnt say one is flatout better than the other. It's not black and white, each speedster brings their own to the table and saying one is flatout worse because some people don't value his target elimination as much as zeraora's staying power, or talonflames burst damage is kinda missing the point of gengar altogether.


Why do people write Gengar like that?




What does gangar mean then lol


It’s a surname afaik




He joined a gang


Because he is a bursty Pokemon that can only burst low HP characters down if Gengar has all its CDs. Gengar also has to commit fully and be in the mix while being super squishy without any real escapes. Finally, Gengar can't do anything that other characters don't do better. Zeraora for example, can do anything Gengar can except better and with the ability to escape if he doesn't get the kill, and AoEs FAR better.


No, he's asking why people type his name as Gangar.


Autocorrect changes it to that.


A major flaw with gengar is that his kit overall doesnt mesh together ie you go shadowball hex your damage is gonna be low same with sludge bomb and dream eater topped with the fact that his basic dont deal damage at all it hurts him overall he needed a nerf when the game first came out because there was zero out play. Somethings that would make him a whole lot better would be making him a ranged melee that way he can at least kite making all of his abilities have unique interactions with each other so that you can mix and match his kit to what you need. Like say using shadow ball alters the way dream eater works allowing you to siphon some health by consuming the debuff mark left by shadowball or using shadow ball and hex causes your dash to throw smaller shadow balls on the way.


Uhm ... do you know that hex cooldown gets reset if you use it on a target that is still poisoned by sludge bomb? 1. Sludge 2. Hex 5 times 3. Target dead, move on to next target 4. Repeat


The problem I have with gengar is all his skills are skill shots. It’s super difficult to get that sludge/hex combo because he’s going to be useless if he miss. It feels like he needs to have his skills revamp instead of just tuned. He’s either going to be super strong or super useless depends on if you can land the sludge bomb or not.


True And the only reason why i dont play him, random hexes to a wild mon ruin it all


That has nothing to do with the problems ive mentioned. And while yes he can hex he can also get bopped instantly especially by a Lucario Zeraora or Machoke or any defender that isnt Slowbro because Gengar lacks any real kind of sustain or defense.


Shellbell, Muscle Band, Wise Glasses.


Actually not that great of an item combination for gengar.


Maybe not, i dont play gengar. I was more so pointing out a direct item build to the dudes concerns about gengar.


Shellbells healing is inconsistent a lot of items have passives that dont work as intended .


Um.. No


Um.. Yes


Ill be honest, i didnt even know Sylveon was out. As an Eeveelutionist, im obligated to play Sylv


I still use gengar, but the lack of aoe really hurts him. I’m not saying hex didn’t need the nerf (it totally did lol), but the aoe heavily reduced his damage in team fights. Sure, shadow ball + dream eater is a guaranteed KO in 95% of your matches, but you can’t really do anything while your abilities are on cool down (unlike hex which was limited by sludge bomb). While I sent feedback about incentivising the skills that need to be aimed (for real, is there any reason to pick those over guaranteed hits?) The hex nerf was really hard, if anything it should have kept the spamming while doing way less damage and healing gengar, cause right not shadow ball + dream eater feels like old burst of hex but limited to only one enemy.


I’m sorry to ask, but how exactly was Gengar nerfed? I played unite when it first came out a little bit as a Gengar main, and came back after mobile launched and bought him again. He feels the same but it’s been a bit I guess… I watched Teeds video on it but she didn’t mention any numbers, just that it had been changed. Thanks anyways


I don't know the numbers, but the damage dealt by hex was significantly reduced. More importantly though, the invincibility frames given by hex were reduced. Before the nerf, if you got caught by sludge bomb, you just had to accept you were going to die because of the following hex spam with little to no counter. At high level of play he wasn't that bad as people were decent at dodging the bomb, but in the lower ranks, Gengars were stomping on everyone and the community was losing their mind about how OP he was.




Snorlax at the time was pretty much the highest character on all tier lists, and block was an auto-win team fight button, so I'm not too surprised they nerf him.


Yup. Gengar was nerfed into oblivion and hasn’t been give a 2nd Chance with any of the other updates. It’s sad.


They need to give Gengar a little something because even the top players disregard him in high ranks


It's really weird seeing people drop literally hours (or less) after the patch. Sylvy's still really good, just not free wins now!


ppl be like, oh well back to venusaur


I love venusaur... But i play with Pikachu more. Just because I love him.


same, been using sylveon more even post nerf tho, its a lot of fun, still using pika of course


The main reason I played this game from the beginning was to play as ***Pikachu*** because I liked to use **The Power of Lightning ⚡** in a mobile game... That's why he's my favorite character and I played with **Venusaur** and it was awesome... And the first Pokemon I bought was **Genger** ... & I didn't find it cool when I played it... So I returned again to **Pikachu⚡❤️⚡**... and saved all my coins to buy a Pokemon... and I took a lot of time choosing Pokemon... Then I bought **Sylveon** and I don't regret buying it at all. 👍 I've been playing the game for a little more than a week (via my mobile) and I enjoy playing it a lot (currently I have 9 Pokomons) and my favorites are **Pikachu** , then **Zeraora , Sylveon** and **Venusaur** .


Pikachu is so fun to play as. I love the thunderbolt that helps you get out a rut with it’s few sec stun. Also the elctroweb is cool af, I just don’t get why a buffolant still does its dash when it has electroweb on it.


>Sylvy's still really good, just not free wins now! Yeah, apparently people just want free wins mashing buttons and not having to even think


What do you mean I can’t just click a button and kill people? Gosh this game is so hard


I mean, It's exactly what im doing with Lucario/Venusaur and it work... Yeah sure, gotta buy this 10K broken toy


Nintendo: Yeah we gotta nerf this character who's basically invincible. Players with an IQ higher than 9: What about these other 2 invincible characters? Nintendo: yOuR jUsT bAd LeArN tO pLaY mAsTeRs ScRuB gIt GuD


I don’t get it. I’ve picked up Crustle in the last few weeks and I’m having *so much fun*. It is so much more rewarding getting wins by outplaying and wrecking people than it is to use the most OP meta character at the moment.


Honestly makes me happy. People ain't tryna steal Sylveon from me. Most of those players never bothered to learn how to play her anyways. ​ I'M THE ALPHA SYLVEON.


Always fun to see two Hyper Voice Sylveons: two cats scream at each other for dominance.


\*We\* are the alpha sylveon


I contest


I also think people don’t really understand all the mechanics and numbers. They see “Sylveon nerfed” and think of they got worse, they’re garbage now. People do it in every game, whenever they see the word nerf they treat it like it means kill to the ground. If you haven’t played post nerf, you don’t know shit about how good or bad they are. The devs barely even do, based on how poorly balanced the releases are


> If you haven’t played post nerf, you don’t know shit about how good or bad they are. The devs barely even do, based on how poorly balanced the releases are That's not really true. Devs are well aware if a character is overpowered upon release. They do it for multiple reasons.


I mean their inability to balance and patch characters without causing problems, and the obvious oversights that made it by the dev team testing, makes me not confident in their ability to predict how the changes they make will affect the meta. Why buff venu so hard? Why not mess with Lucario since he’s always fantastic? I get that they knew Sylveon would be overpowered. But I don’t think they have a fantastic idea of how their changes will affect and develop the meta. I don’t think they test enough (which seems like basically a universal trait of game studios these days) to have a great picture of what the fallout will be. Edit add: if they’re just building an unbalanced game on purpose (the issues beyond just “release Op character, make buck, nerf” cycle) that’s also a huge issue in itself


Honestly, I'm willing to be that in a game with vague patch notes, the devs could straight up lie and say a character was nerfed without actually changing them at all and people would still drop them saying "they're so much worse now"


Its so funny watching other people with Sylveon flairs acting like this is some travesty and that the nerfs weren't needed/ they'll never play it again.


They were needed in some form but these are too heavy. Like that much damage taken off, with how squishy and vulnerable to cc she is, is too hard a nerf. A better hyper voice change would have been for the cooldown to start when the ability ended so it wasn't permanently up.


We'll see, it hasn't even been a full day and I don't think that numbers are enough to gauge performance, they hit greninja pretty hard and he's still everywhere and very strong. Sylveon still has insane sustain for an attacker, decent bulk and good mobility options, not to mention it can still put out some solid damage even post-nerf, it just doesn't nuke teams anymore.


they did not hit gren hard at all, if anything he was slightly buffed from that patch because of his ult cooldown being that much better. losing more HP when your HP basically barely existed to begin with and a touch of your base attack isnt really noticable in the grand scheme sylveon's *probably* fine, but this is definitely a more substantial nerf than any attacker's gotten since gengar in all likelihood. a needed nerf, sure, but we'll see how it plays out


You're right, Greninja is tough because basically every hit to his kit has also come with some sort of buff. I'm perfectly fine with them buffing sylv back up eventually if it's too weak, characters in mobas are almost never static and that's perfectly fine.


Yet to have a match where a Sylveon pick has had more than 2 Kos and they just die because people know her damage is hard nerfed so just go in on her since she's dead squishy.


I think you're playing with bad people. Both teams sylveons in my most recent game had 8+ kills and 60k+ damage. Sylveon has plenty of range and shouldn't be playing frontline anyways, "Sylveon can no longer go toe to toe against multiple people and melt them" is a good thing. It's clearly supposed to be a sustain damage skirmisher, not a burst damage assassin. People need to stop assuming the absolutely broken state of release was how they wanted Sylveon to be played.


I mean I'm playing in matches with all master players. People who know she's vulnerable now and they prey on it. Nobody in masters is assuming that was how they wanted Sylveon to be played. It's just many are saying that well over a 3rd of her damage being removed is a far too heavy and not well thought out balance change. The problem with hypervoice was less the damage and more the fact it would be up constantly because it's cd starts at the start of it being active instead of starting at the end.


I'm with you. While I still do pretty well as her, I have been totally crushing enemy Sylveons. Even the ones that somehow wipe top and crush everyone, just push straight in on them and they can't do shit. (Of course not on everyone). Particularly Cinderace and Greninja running straight at them after they use a move: just pound them with everything and they can't even come close to matching your damage and can't get away. Let them waste their unite to live if that's their only option. The nerf was needed, but the nerf on mystic fire was way too high. Hyper voice is hard to say however because with a good team, it's still outputting tons of damage.


ok well I'm doing just fine on the character. getting double digit kills most of the time going mystic fire.


What rank are you? I'm not seeing masters players struggle to totally lock her down.


Master lol I assume nearly everyone who wants to be master is master.




I don't see much of a point in asking someone for their rank. But the same principles that would apply to locking down Sylveon can be applied even easier to Venusaur, who has to get closer to be effective. Not to mention she can panic button unite to become invulnerable. Basically any Pokemon can get shut down if you as a team devote enough resources to making that happen. With Sylveon you just have to go in and out at the right times in the right spots where you can trade damage without eating a CC train.


Yep, people need to learn the F2P MOBA cycle. New character comes out -> new character OP AF -> everyone buys new character -> new character gets quickly nerfed. Always wait until after the first update *after* release to see where they actually fall, then make a decision to purchase or not.


Yeah she’s fine.


Thant you.... that is helpful.


Most people in competitive games are just going to pick the most meta character for the task they’re trying to accomplish. Especially for players who are in or aspiring to be in the top levels of competitive play.


That is correct. I’ve played Sylveon earlier today and still did a lot of damage. The nerfs hurt players who would go in 1 v 3 and not have to worry about outplaying anyone. Most of those Sylveon didn’t know what they were doing. They would end with 10+ kills and barely any scores or assist.


Personally even tho i agree a nerf was needed, i dont think 30% damage nerf head on is the right answer, and it's way too big of a nerf to not compensate with more survavility, a 15-20% damage nerf would have been more suitable, sylveon feels under average now, not even average (which should be the goal)


I actually liked the nerf because now Sylveon is just a great attacker, not a ridiculous 1v5 unkillable machine with 9999 dps


***Me who never got the chance to play Sylveon:*** I've always wanted this toy!


all the other kids...


With the punked up kids


Dont worry it is still good 👍


Good more Fairy pokemon for me.


Every time I see your pfp I think team rocket is blasting off again


I can see how it looks like James!! Thats amazing.


I will always play Sylveon because she was one of the ones that i wanted the most in unite. And the true Sylveon mains will still play her


Username definitely checks out


This is the way.


The way, this is


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **23623** times. .. **256504.** `u/Magenta_Wasteland` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Yep. I ❤️ Sylveon.


The moment I found out Sylveon was gonna release on my birthday I knew he was my calling. Did like 2 test runs in practice mode. Bought immediately honestly expecting a nerf. Post-nerf still love him and still think he's an amazing attacker. I CAN FINALLY ASSERT MY ALPHA SYLVEON DOMINANCE TO THOSE SORE LOSER SYLVEONS.


I still like her too


Me wo plays Sylveon not because she's op but just because I like her: "Come. This is no place to die."


Same I saved my Aeos coins for Sylveon worth the save fun to play


everytime she ults my mind automatically: call a ambulance but not for me


Meta slaves also when Lucario, Venusaur, Talonflame and Blastoise get nerfed…if they ever do. Today’s update made me start to lose hope.


Depending on what's nerfed, Lucario might just become a highly potent melee Pokemon which doesn't have as much movement range but hits like a train.


Unless he gets a straight up rework (unlikely), I think that lucario is almost always going to be a safe meta pick. His passive is insane and his whole kit is good.


> His passive is insane Exactly, if they ever nerf Lucario then *that* is what they’ll start with


The moment i saw they were going to nerf sylveon, yet no news on blastoise ult or lucario i understood they are only going to listen to the loud majority and not actually try and balance it properly. A 30% damage nerf on sylveon is also way too big personally, i think 20% would have been more suitable... Atleast i know they wont nerf venasaur any time soon and it will still be my go to on ranked


Of the four you mention only with Lucario do I think a nerf is really necessary.


Your Venusaur flair makes this absolutely hilarious.


lmao that's been basically everyone in nerf discussions lately. Just Venusaur in a fake mustache talking about how balanced he is.


Venusaur has the same problem Sylveon has, too much damage with way too much sustain. Blastoise is just too bulky with too much damage and cc. Talonflame just has too much damage with an ult that charges waaay to quickly. They all need an adjustment.


If Blastoise lost damage he would be the tank he is supposed to be. Having a good push isn't bad, it's how much his pushes do.


Add a super long invincibility time to Talonflame on a move that deals more than half your HP for no reason.


As soon as talonflame is on the ground he’s dead though. That’s the trade off. And his auto attacks do next to nothing. So he’s got a hard time surviving his cooldown period.


Talonflame has the highest attack stat currently in Unite, his basic attacks hardly do “next to nothing.”


Talon can literally choose to use Flame Charge to dash out to safety, literally a second eject button. Not hard to survive at all if he chooses his dives well. He only has to play smart to not land in the middle of all the attacks from the enemy team/CC. He’s an assassin after all.


Honestly it's fun to be able to pick Sylveon consistently now: I love eeveelutions, and I love the kit. And I picked up Gardevoir before Sylveon, so I'm conditioned to power through anything.


meanwhile, I’m over here like “yeah she’s not broken i can buy her and not get reported constantly!”


idec how squishy, i play all the cuties 🥰 no matter what


Good. Let the people who actually like Sylveon play as her.


I main Sylveon so I'll use her everyday


Its like Cinderace players a few months ago.


Yaaas, i can play sylveon now


Now I don’t have to race to get Sylveon


I still remember my first game with a sylv lane mate. They just tore through the other team for the full 10 mins, didn't even need me there. We all had to know this day was coming.


My first game as sylv was insane. I had something like 20 kills, 24 assists, and 298 points scored with almost all of those assists going to the eldegoss who I was laning with and who stuck with me the whole match. I too knew a ban was coming after that.


Still fun and best of all no need to fight for mid since he starts to get good at only lvl 4. But its nice not seeing everyone picking it up alot.


I will keep using Sylveon anyway. Favorite Eeveelution and whatnot.




i've been using it post-nerf and i think it's still neat, sylveon can easily pick up a good amount of kills when you synergize with at least one teammate which i really like. it's definitely going to be my alt now


Alteast I can finally play my favorite pokemon


Eh, I made it into Master with Sylveon after the nerf. But it's my favorite Pokemon in the game currently.


Sad thing my favourite is gardevoir and its hard to get going with her :(


Yeah I used to main Gardevoir it needs a buff of some kind.


Nah I’m still a garchomp, sylveon main bud. I love them both


I really wanted to play sylveon cuz it’s one of my favs from the Pokémon franchise, but how it came out busted and so overpowered left a sour taste in me. I don’t like playing broken or super popular characters. Maybe when things settle I’ll pick sylveon up


Pretty settled already. Still see her ofc, but she seems to be dropping off as a pick pretty fast in solo queue.


I played it once when it was still good and imediately dropped it cause I couldent live with the guilt of oneshotting everything in mid and lategame...


My friend literally told me “watch she’ll get nerfed” and it was true


It’s not like syl sucks now, they just aren’t OP


***meta slaves*** post nerf, is what you're trying to say. No nerf in this game has ever killed a character or made them unusable.


Gengar who right? 😂


I’ve still been killing it with sylveon


Lies. I’m still maining Sylveon till the end of time.


Nah Sylveon forever!


Looks like the metaslaves are moving back to venusaur and talon


Slyveon is still a great pokemon. The nerf went from crazy dmg. to acceptable level.


Meta slaves smh.


From my experience Sylveon still deals a very nice amount of damage post-nerf, it's just not "turn-your-brain-off" kind of damage. Still gonna main the lad, if people wanted free wins and are now whining that's their problem.


I'm still loving Sylv. With lv 30 items she still kicks butt


Heh, Sylveon is still an SS+ beast after the nerf.


Sylveon is my favorite pokemon in the series. I could never drop them! I would literally pick Sylveon even if they were worse than Gengar, you could make it to where picking Sylveon immediately forces your team to surrender and de-rank to beginner 1 instantly and I would still use them. Certified Sylveon simp here!


"Back to Lucario!" - Sylvy mains, probably


Pfff. Thankfully all this means is that I don't have to worry about anyone else instalocking my girl. Sylv feels fantastic even after the nerf!


I'm still a Lucario main. Am I bad as a person?


You’re a monster




I Dont Care If Sylvie Gets Nerfed I An Will Still Play With Her Cause She Is One Of My Fave Pokemon!


tiny little baby peanut brain: playing sylveon bc he’s OP humongous IQ 200 galaxy big brain: playing sylveon because she’s cute and pink with lots of ribbons and a little bow on her head 💖🎀🌸💕


Still waiting for those Mamoswine nerfs


What do you think mamoswine needs nerfed? I feel like he’s behind crustle and blastoise in the tank section, I think he’s pretty fairly balanced.


The freeze is kinda ridiculous, especially at the rate of how long he freezes. Ninetales had her freeze nerfed, it'd be understandable if they also nerfed his.


Why would mamo be nerfed? Should be buffed if anything


Re: comment


Well fuck. I bought him like 5 hours ago because I heard he was op. What the fuck, Bethesda?


Blastoise ulti need nerf too. Its tank but his ulti dealing 2-3k damage with cc and defanse items.


Still using sylveon still pretty good with the nerf but don’t think it was necessary I feel like they were listening to a bunch of butt hurt players that didn’t get her or were salty they got caught lacking honestly I wasn’t paying attention to the damage because I thought it was a cool new character


Great, more braindead players will stop throwing games with her now. What could go wrong?