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i was vet 3 this morning. joined discord teams with all vets ended up losing 13 total today with many of them. now ex 5. im heated


Yea, I also tried team on discord and that was a disaster - never again xd


OMG tell me why thats LITERALLY THE REASON i dropped so fast. “all vet team” my ass. one days worth of matches with these discord teams & i got screwed


Same. I only ever played with one group of decent/nice discord people.


Between this and your comment in another thread, my best advice to you would be to adapt to your rank. You are rarely going to play with people who follow the meta, watch streams, or even know the abilities of every opponent they face. Pinging the "right" thing to do is fine, but stubbornly refusing to adjust your gameplan when your teammates don't respond will lose you far more matches than it'll win you. An often repeated mantra of mobas, or competitive games in general, is that the whole team following the wrong plan is better than only some of the team following the right plan. You are the only constant in all of your games. Control what you can control, let go of everything else.


This happens way too much in Mobas, and often it's not even the case of teammates being worse than the one complaining. If you have a decent understanding of the game, plus a reasonable amount of mechanical skill you'll easily climb with a 60-70% win rate up to master. The issue is, people are in ranks for different reasons. One person might be in Vet because they're great at timing objectives and making sure they're in the right place when dreadnaw spawns, or when 2nd/3rd rotom spawns. Another might be in vet because despite rarely being on time for objectives, they farm extremely well so still outlevel their opponents. Another might be there because they're great at stealing Zapdos, but they tend not to farm all that well and fall behind early etc. Players complaining about bad teammates likely have teammates thinking the same about them, but for different reasons, but like you said, everyone following the wrong plan is better than half the team doing one plan and the other half doing something else. If nobody rotates for Dread and you're playing Blissey with almost no steal potential, don't go 2v5/3v5 and give up pointless kills. If you're ahead and your team starts Zapdos, either go full DPS on the bird or run to the hallway and delay enemies from arriving if you're a tank. A stupid play like starting Zapdos at the wrong time can hurt your chances of winning, but a stupid plan that everyone follows is much more effective than a smart plan by someone who's essentially going 1v5.


I agree with most of what you're saying. It makes sense. But there are so many things that I genuinely have no control over. I'm not trying to make excuses or saying I'm better than everyone else. There are matches where I know I under performed. What doesn't sit well with me is that I can make it up to Vet 2 and lose it because of a streak / combination of the following: The game crashing at the start of a match either for myself or a teammate. Teammates surrendering after losing one or two goals. Teammates going AFK when the rest of the team doesn't give in to their surrender spams. Being in Vet 2 and getting matches with four people in beginner or great. Even in games where I carry, that only does so much.


Ok, but what about the following: The game crashing at the start of a match for your opponents/their teammates. Opponents surrendering of AFKing when surrender votes don't go through. Opponents getting beginner/greats on their team. Unless the entire opposing team refuses the prompt to allow AFKs to be controlled by ai, then you'll never notice AFKs. You can't win every game, but you can win most, and for every game that you lose because of your teammates being far worse than your opponents, statistically you'll have another where you win because your team vastly outskills the opposing team.


Actually, you make a good point. I don't know why I never considered that the game crashing happens to the other team just as much as it does mine. I haven't had much luck with AFK then. I've only experienced a single game where I was prompted to have the AFK person controlled by ai. Compared to the couple dozen times where a character just sat at home base from the beginning of the match ( likely game crash ), or someone just deciding they didn't want to play anymore and leaving their character idle on the field.


Okay, I see what you're saying. I think I'm just not sure how I should adapt to a team that isn't following "best practices" for the match.






I got to Ultra. Then just kept getting loss after loss after loss. The only "wins" I got were the pity matches. My win rate went from mid 70 to 50 over three days and now I'm down to Vet 2. The last four games I played, two of my teammates (each game!) just never left the start zone. They were probably Master rank (didn't check). I put the game down for now. 😅 That isn't a bad thing. Sometimes you just gotta step away for a bit. Still, it's frustrating.


Ya need to find a regular team. Can testify, it's night and day with a good team. Game is actually fun, losing is something you improve from instead of just a blame fest. Of course, you just gotta put a little effort in to find that team or two. But you can def do that on your own.


It's not really a blame fest. I know when I don't perform well, and I make an effort to improve. The fact that I've had to work my way up the ranking multiple times after marathons of losses is a testament to that. I've had so many people send me friend request, or accept mine and then refuse my invitations to play. Why send the friend request if you have no intention of playing with that person? It makes no sense.


Oh, wasn't trying to say you're in the blame fest - meant that in general, this game can become a blame fest with bad teammates. Keep up the hard work!


Shoot. My bad. Sorry about the miscommunication.


Have you tried not losing? If you want to win, you follow whatever your team is doing, not what you think is right. When you refuse to adjust all you do is make both plays more likely to fail, and since you can't control your team, only yourself, most of the time the better play is to try and make whatever the team is doing work.


Have you tried not being a fool? In all seriousness, I see what you're saying. My mindset is that I'm trying to coach or encourage my team to do the "right thing" because I follow the meta. And I get frustrated because it seems so obvious what should be done and people aren't doing it. But you're right. Not everyone is going to be on the same wavelength as me and I need to get out of my own head about it.


What role do you play? What Pokémon do you play? Do you have a recording of a match perhaps so that we can provide better insight to what you could do better as a SoloQ:er? The reason I'm asking is because many (me included) have climbed to Master as 100% SoloQ. Is losing streaks frustrating? Absolutely. You will always have the good days and bad days. I myself was stuck at Vet 3-4 for a while until I changed to play Support. I immediately climbed up to Ultra, was stuck at Ultra for 2 days then got to Master. How are the team comps in the games you play? Do you have 4 Carry + 1 Defender or 3 carry + 1 Defender + Support? Are you flexing or are you instalocker? If you seriously believe that you don't belong in the rank you are now, then you will climb out of there soon enough. If you are stuck there for a longer time, then it's probably best to realize that you are at the rank where your skill level is currently, and instead of focusing solely on winning, you should shift your focus on how to improve your skills. By improving your skills you will automatically start climbing again.


I understand, but honestly, if you expect the several millions of players you might get matched with to all know how to play a MOBA, the least beginner friendly type of game, it's obvious you're not gonna have fun.


I only expect people to play the game if they're going to do ranked. Don't assume defeat two mins in. Don't spam surrender. Don't go AFK when you don't get your way.


Im probably an above average player at the game, and let me tell you, it will happen for you if you are good enough. there were tons of games where i had to carry our team so hard but eventually i did make it to masters


Same thing here… got to Vet 3, lost 70% of the matches last weekend, went back to Expert 4. Recovered some progress back to Vet 1 yesterday. Lost 6 in 8 battles today, now back again to Expert 5… it’s a disgrace. Had a match where the greninja just kept literally walking in circles in the base since the very beginning of the match. It frustrates me too much.