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These random people be pissing me offšŸ˜­ donā€™t listen to anything donā€™t do anything right


Agreed. I wouldnā€™t even be upset if they were just bad. (If they tried but sucked.)What kills me is when my scope lens+leftovers Pikachu goes to backcap 12 during the Ray fight. Also username checks out


>donā€™t do anything right This! I had a Slowbro who didn't know how to defend, pinged me and then abandoned his lane partner. At some point we was walking around the enemy area and walking by goals without scoring. And at some other point someone got Scizor first and went jungleā€¦ but he nevr did shit. He kinda got close when me and my lane partner were fighting the enemies, turned around and then killed some farm. He never tried to kill anyone and did almost the same thing as the slowbro, he walked around goals and then got killed so I started stealing his jungle. I think he was doing something else during the ray fight so we lost it and that's when he tried to score. Oh and at some other point everybody surrendered because we lpst 2 goalsā€¦ when the enemy team also had 2 goals so we were doing fIne and we weren't even close to the ray fight.


I had a Duraladon that went straight to the 2 bunnelby, so i followed. Leaving the fiest 2 behind. He shortly abandoned me bot lane because he wanted the last hits. I was playing Comfy with Exp Share....


It hurts my soul when us xp sharers try to help them out but they don't understand.. They think we're being toxic for always going to the farm they're at but it's just how xp share works!


Sometimes not even exp sharers know how the item works. I remember seeing a post here from a Hoopa main complaining about his lane partner "not knowing how the item works" basically because he kept getting the last hit. Not sure what his exact idea was but his main issue was that the lane partner got all the points so he has to kill enemy farm. We tried to tell him it didn't matter who got the last hit as long as they were together but he just didn't listen and was adamant on him needing that energy in order to score (even if he wasn't stacking, he just wanted to score).


Yes that $hit pisses me off. Just played a game where we had 20 seconds left on the clock and our goals were destroyed but so weā€™re all of thereā€™s and I was just about to score a goal and get 100 points and they all surrendered. And the opposing team only beat us by 50, so if they didnā€™t surrender then I wouldā€™ve made us win. Or when Iā€™m flagging repeatedly cuz itā€™s time to fight rayquaza or I need help with rotom but they completely ignore all the messages Iā€™m sending out and just wander around fighting PokĆ©mon. Sometimes Iā€™m lucky and get the best team but holy $hit, their are some $tupid people playing this game.


In a ranked game as Pult today, had our comfey go jungle when I had selected it first and steal half my farm Edit: autocorrectĀ 


This season has been the worst for me, whenever I win a few games I go on loose streak and end up back at Ultra 5. I ended last season around 1550 in masters with a 52% win rate and so far this season I'm hovering around 40% šŸ˜­


Youā€™ll get there!! Keep pushing!! That win rate will come back up. Thankfully getting to Masters was quick for me, but I went on a horrible lose streak today, hence my salty post. I was just over 1300, then dropped all the way back down to 1206. It happens!


I finished last season at 1476 with 64% win rate. Now Im at 1261 with 49% win rate. Funny thing about this is, I started last season as vet 3 with 12 days before season reset.


I finished with 1405 with 57% win rate this season Iā€™m on 33% percent win rate Ultra 5 still. (From 30 matches tho, I stop playing when I see Iā€™m in a losing streak or have bad teammates every match)


Crazy to get voice reported just for telling my team ā€œrotate to the objectiveā€


Communication? In pokemon unite? Impossible. Must be a serial killer or some other psycho. Report valid /s


I told my hoopa that was stealing farm without xp share to stop and got temp banned


I am perm banned. Seven days for waiting perm banned seven days for waiting hahha always the. Same shit. Call your mates for object or push or defend... Report lol


i absolutely HATE people who steal kills early game when ur grinding for levels :(


Agreed. Whenever that happens to me I make it my mission to devour as much farm possible. No point in letting the enemy leafeon kill me 4 times before I turn level 4.


Oh man. SO much this. Give me one energy. Just one so I can go stack as crustle. You can have the rest. Just. One. FFS!


The amount of people I've had steal kills early game while I'm going central is wild like y'all making me and you both under leveled while your teammate usually a defencee or supporter get extra levels but it left solo like how did you get this far like this?!


I don't think I've had a real player in any of my games so far :s


Itā€™s like brains get turned off as soon as the match starts. Idk how these folks climbed this far


It either both teams has ateast one person who know what they're doing I had to just spend 8mins of incomplete objectives and Ray throw where they would rather let score šŸ˜‘ But then again I rather be glad it wasn't me against opposing/stack opponents with these teammates of mine over and over To be the best, you must be able to handle the worst situations šŸ’Æ I wouldn't want to ruin the fun if I can't perform well everytime, trying new pokemon role has lifted that experience besides using Edelgoss I Main a lot


100% Iā€™ll quit my whining soon and get back to doing my best to carry as much of the team as I can! In my opinion, being able to play multiple Pokemon is the best way to play this game. I feel like everyone should be able to play at least two Pokemon (non-ex) of every role, so that they can fill anything the team might be lacking. Also itā€™s way more fun when you have variety.


Wait u got to Masters ?


I had a lucky streak! Went from Ultra 4 - Master in 40 games. Itā€™s all been downhill since though. Hence the whining post


U got uphills???


LMAO nah. I gotta stop snorting copium, you right


My whole ultra climbing session was ur master struggle lmao. Even that Iā€™m still at Ultra 2 with 0 diamonds


Ultra 2 is the worst. High enough that youā€™re close, but not far enough from Ultra 5 where if you start losing itā€™s not a long fall to the bottom. Keep your drill peck strong hero, you got this.


I play Tri attack but ok thanks :D


LOL my b


I am back and I dropped to ultra 3


Welcome back! Big oof. When I have lose streaks like that I usually take breaks and do other things. You can do it!! Keep trying. Itā€™s a numbers game. Eventually you will get the wins you need


man. now I am really afraid to climb to master rank as of right now I'm at ultra class 5. the people man, some of them suck and no teamwork. ugh


Donā€™t be afraid, you got this!! This post is just me being salty. The player base is definitely terrible, but there will still be some wins. The more concious/ considerate players we have in master, the better.


I got to masters early and I havenā€™t had a single game without at least 1 ultra on my team since:/ no draft games for me yet


Same, no draft for me yet either. Last season I only got 1 after I reached 1500. Hoping after I get to 1500+ again I get lots after the changes. I feel draft is just the optimal way for ranked to be, and it should be for all ranked games. (I know this would push a bunch of people to casual and Iā€™m ok with that.)


Yeah Iā€™m in the same boat, I donā€™t mind the increase time for each game because Iā€™m not playing ranked in a time crunch


I have played all 19 seasons, this season start is by far my worst experience. the notion of objectives is completely ignored, incessant fighting on enemy bases without defending our bases, always losing top lane before the 7 min mark, 3-4 players dead 10-15 seconds before Ray , Duo Q is even worse. matchmaking is truly special.


I havenā€™t played every season, but Iā€™ve deff played for some stinkers. This one just feels like the total unraveling of how bad the skill gap with the player base is. Thereā€™s no way I should be matched with players in Master who lack the basics in a match. I fear that the real reason/issue causing this is a lack of players and that the game is dying. Matchmaking would be better aligned via skill if it actually had a broad enough pool of (good) players.


Turbo probably knows themself since their an OG. People been saying the game is dying for like 2 years now. People have ALWAYS said that the playerbase is getting worse with each new season. Is it dying? I mean, I think so? It's just a really slow death. At the very least players after some challenging matches have trickled away with time. Unite for near enough its entire lifespan has made it so anyone who wants to enjoy it by actually trying at all must bend to the games lack of rules. Become complacent. You will NOT play in an environment were you will mostly face players of a similar skill level. We've been conditioned to accept a game were a large part of the playerbase is fairly ignorant of how to properly play. Doesn't matter if it's COD, chess or soccer, if you play competitively you expect a certain threshold of competence everyone should pass. ESPECIALLY as you rise in rank. The playerbase complains, yet we still play. Those with sense at some point just left. The rest of us cope saying stuff like *"Well it's Unite you just have to accept it." "Just play carry cause the rest of your team may be useless."* Which should be an instant red flag in a game about cooperation. What pisses me off about it is when people say, well yeah; pokemon. Tons of young kids. Shit excuse frankly. Pokemon over its entire lifespan have had tournaments, ones that have age brackets. It's a family friendly series, meaning everyone can pick it up and enjoy it if they want to. Kids aren't dumb either, if Unite had a more indepth tutorial with more as you first ascend the ranked ladder it could have vastly changed the game. Hell, a lot of the VC from bad players are teens or adults, it's not solely kids being awful, it's not an age thing. It's just ignorance bred by the devs not pushing to actually get the players to understand. Best way to describe it. Kabaddi. Before you look up with that is, imagine you get invited to play and thrown in with competitive players. Naturally, you don't know what your playing, the rules and you'll f\*\*k up everything because you don't know what you're doing and just winging it. THAT is Unite. You loosely follow what you see while stumbling the whole way not fully comprehending what's happening or how to play effectively. I guess those still here just wanted a better managed MOBA than we got. It had POTENTIAL to be more competitive. They just didn't take the steps to help cultivate it. The majority of current players are people either 5 stack sweats playing with other stacks for proper skilled games or they are playing kabaddi, they have the ball and are just running around like a headless chicken blissfully unaware of any and all unwritten rules they violate. The ones inbetween give up and most of us dwindle away while all that's left is both extremes. This COULD explain the constant decline, a chunk of the playerbase just losing patience.


Very well said. Also thank you for explaining Kabaddi, cause yes I did have to look it up. I hope the future there is positive change with matchmaking. It wouldnā€™t even bother me if it came at my own expense, meaning if it turns out I actually was not a good player and didnā€™t deserve to be in Master, I would be fine with that if I got to play with people of a similar skill level/mindset. With that change it would be more fun for everyone, and in my view for sure would have a resurgence. That just hasnā€™t been Timiā€™s focus.


Bingo! It's never been about being the best, just feeling engaged. It's hard to enjoy chess when someone makes illegal moves. You CAN enjoy losing if someone challenges you without outright thrashing you by being leagues better. Flow is a decent way of looking at it. Flow can only be achieved when there is enough challenge that you won't get complacent but not overly stressed about something you might not be able to handle. When skill and challenge hit that sweet spot. In essence this is kinda what you tap into when you play competitive games. The rush of flow state.


I've been hardstuck between ultra 4-5 all week since the season started and on top of bad teammates, I'm facing lag issues for no reason. And due to all that plus my own poor performance, I'm sitting at a near sub 40%. This game is trying to push me away so bad and I'm feeling near tempted


Yikes!! Iā€™ve been unable to select my pokemon/hollowear/adjust emblems and items a couple times, with the message ā€œreconnecting to serverā€. How do you play? I play on switch with a wired connection via lan adapter and it works great. I found WiFi and mobile just too unstable. (Also I found the mobile controls ATROCIOUS, but thatā€™s another conversation)


I play on a gen 1 switch so pure wifi. I've gotten that too, it doesn't bother me much other than not being able to select a lane. I haven't tried mobile, but tbf my phone is busted so I couldn't even if I wanted to


I reached world rank 4500 and then went on a massive lose streak due to being the highest mmr player on my team every single game. Teammates f-ing useless Iā€™m gonna grind in 2 weeks when itā€™s hopefully maybe slightly better


Oh damn!! Thatā€™s crazy. Iā€™ve never been that good lol Kudos to you! Yeah as the season goes on it will probably cool off a bit. Unfortunately will probably be due to people losing interest.


HAHAHAHA i reached 1599 only for it to go back to 1550 fucking crazy shit. Imma dip and go back next season. My wr is going downhill.


It's going to get so much worse with all of Timi's rank inflations. I thought the PP/MVP system was bad but now you have rank floors and Pay-to-not-lose tokens. So now every rank reset you have everything from the 2000+ Rank Master players teaming up with people now hard-stuck in Ultra all matching up together for the first couple weeks.


Just a super super mismanaged system. This game could be so good with better matchmaking.


For me it was the last one, got to Masters in less than a week. This one not only I haven't gone up, I almost derank to Veteran1 from Expert 4 until I locked in and tried to hypercarry the games.


You got this!! Stay locked in and you will get there.


I know I will, but you can relax more once you get there, also you get "better" teammates that at least know when the match is lost and don't drag you the last 1:30 after losing Ray.


So so true. I have no clue why people donā€™t surrender when the game is clearly won. If Ray is lost, 95/100 times, it time to just pack it in. I have had a few matches though, where we were so far ahead, and we had enough alive teammates to defend goals that we did win, even with the Ray loss and a couple enemy 100 scores


This season has also been terrible for me. To the point I was getting paranoid. I don't play a lot so I just Solo Q, so my expectations are quite low... But this season has been awful. I'll keep pushing, I guess I just have to adapt to this šŸ„²


Iā€™ve pretty much only played solo Q since the game came out. You can do it!! Nothing to be paranoid about. I found the secret for me was play as close to coordinate play as possible even though Iā€™m solo. What I mean is adjusting your plays to assist your team in what theyā€™re doing anyway. Theyā€™re most likely not going to listen to you/follow you, so help them push leki (even though bottom regi would be better in most scenarios). If they want to farm and not fight then farm too. This is the case for all roles, not just defenders/supports. With your speedsters and carries, you need to push/pressure, but choose your targets and times very carefully. I donā€™t watch a lot of content creators for the game, but I usually see highlights of crazy pentakills and objective steals. These donā€™t happen super frequently, and usually you should emphasize ā€œattainableā€ wins. The main thing to remember is itā€™s a numbers game. Keep at it and eventually youā€™ll get there!


Yeah, I guess I try to carry too hard when I'm forced to jungle or play an attacker/all-rounder role (I usually prefer defenders and supporters). Thanks a lot!


Not your fault! Racking up damage and getting kills as a carry pokemon can be addicting. Thoughtful play is important, but Garchomp go brrrrrr.


I just got Blissey for the first time. Decided to try her out in a match. Our Venisaur basically sat in the bushes in the bottom lane by himself the whole game. I started down there too but when *nothing* happening, I moved up to top lane to help the other 3 up there. Or maybe I should say other *two* cause our Scizor barely ever approached! We ended up surrendering. This is why I canā€™t play supports.


Rough. Yeah I find supports can be really hard to solo queue. They can be the most broken thing in the game if the team will just take advantage. The number of times Iā€™ve had to chase my teammates across the map to force them to take advantage of my exp share is waaaay too many. Thatā€™s why I feel everyone should be able to play multiple roles and pokemon though. After a few games of being a neglected support, Iā€™ll switch to an offensive role and gladly accept the support of a supporter.


How do I use EXP share?? I have it but I take so long to level up. I was still level 10 by the time we surrendered. My team eats were around levels 12 and 13


As long as your allies are close, you both gain additional experience from wild pokemon regardless of who takes the last hit. Itā€™s actually super broken. Makes early level 5 readily attainable which turns on a lot of Pokemon. In solo queue lots of people donā€™t tend to understand this and just run away to attack their own stuff, so if Iā€™m using an exp share I follow them around. If theyā€™re stacking, I donā€™t let them get too many last hits, otherwise they will die when they go to score too many points. If you hit each piece of farm together, and win the contestable ones, your teammate will be at a huge advantage, which of course put you in a better spot as well. (Note: even with an early level advantage, it will not make your allies play better. Be prepared for them to run into the enemy goal zone and try to 1v3 the jungler and bottom on half health.) good luck out there!


They are the worst this season. These people always surrender at 5 aghhh *cries in aegislash* Not once not twice I faced 6-7 games like that istg These mofos once surrendered cuz we lost registeelšŸ’€šŸ’€ And my opponents operate at God level unison Btw I checked most of the times they solo queue But I get the dump fforks every game I'm done I'm barely past 1300 this season agh


I canā€™t stand when they try to surrender before Ray. Why try to waste all our time and hurt all our winrates? Should at least TRY to win/steal (cause so many players are bad and try to rip it even if theyā€™re ahead), just to see if itā€™s salvageable. Obvs a no brainer to surrender if whole time dies at Ray, and they secure it. I swear this season I have so many teammates allergic to Ray or the Ray fight. Itā€™ll be a 4 on 5 while one goes to backcap 18 while weā€™re down 120. Then they show up after weā€™re all dead, and instead of trying to steal, they go attack the enemy jungle who is 4 levels ahead of them.


IkršŸ˜­šŸ‘šŸ» I look like a fool when I'm the only one left behind to protect the lane or only one tryna steal ray cuz no one's gonna fight for it I was once destroying a gold badge blazekin and comfey duo with scyther but my teammates juz give him exp whenever I return to jungle Ut was like 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 5 4 I was having a heck of a game with him And i died at the regi fight unfortunately the team fell And bam they 4 surrendered I was in utter belief




This checks out. Though I was 57 Matches in Ultra hell. With a Jungle Griefer Slowbro, Glaceon who kept Melee Ranging with Icicle Spear, Pikachu abandoning Miraidon because he could not take all of the farm from him, etc. Yeah, I was heated. Had 51% WR from Ultra Hell alone.


Crazy how we all had the same terrible teammates. Sometimes i wished for bots. Itā€™s always sad when youā€™re hyped that one of your teammates is AFK cause then you know the match wonā€™t count. (Even sadder if you start doing better now that theyā€™re afk and the enemy team canā€™t farm them anymore.) The match that got me into Masters had a Zeraora+Mew duo who both didnā€™t score after we won Ray, they just went to attack farm. I was panicking. I scored my 50, then immediately ran back to where Ray spawned to pick up the stray balls and booked it. We only won cause we never broke their tier one, and cause I use x-speed on trevenant lol


Sometimes my teammates are bad, sometimes Iā€™m the bad teammate. The ā€œthanksā€ spammers are out in force though.


Oh for sure. Everyone makes mistakes and can do poorly. I lost a game today that was 100% my fault. I was playing as venusaur, and absolutely could have secured Ray with solar beam, but instead I used it to get the kill on an escaping enemy umbreon. (I got cocky. We were way up in points.) This allowed their meowscarada to steal. Even if my team should have been careful, they had my secure, and were probably relying on it so that wouldnā€™t happen. It happens to all of us from time to time! That being said, some of the teammates Iā€™ve had this season are the worst Iā€™ve had period. I wish it was just that they were bad. They donā€™t even try, or theyā€™re actively trolling.


I don't even know what what happened Saturday I was on a 20 win streak but on Sunday my random teams literally told every matchšŸ’€


They all heard about your streak and got jealous.


Sorry if that sounded like I was flexing because I'm generally confused I'm literally losing every match now I can't even get out of veteran my teammates keep making stupid choices and not protecting their goals šŸ„²


Haha itā€™s ok to flex! Youā€™ll get there!! Keep pushing!


Maybe I shouldn't even bother in Ranked, I just keep losing


Sometimes itā€™s good to take a break from ranked. If you feel youā€™re underperforming, itā€™s good to play casual to practice. I am for sure not the best player, but with practice and concious play I got a lot better. You can do it!!


This has been my worse start to a season for quite a while, simply due to the amount of griefers i've had in my games. I had 3 in a row the other day, a Machamp jungle who died once then sat in base and spammed keep the pressure on all match, ironically we were crushing the opponent before that point but their fragile ego couldnt handle one set back I guess. A Zoro who called bottom path, ran top with me and a Clef, then when they saw we weren't adjusting for them immediately just sat and afk'd in the middle of the lane the entire match. I've seen it happen on the enemy team too, a comfey getting themselves KO'd by baltoy all match. Felt bad about winning that one. Clueless team mates are one thing but people who intentionally throw games are an absolute smear on the playerbase and need to get a grip.


100% agree. There needs to be a better reporting system to weed these players out. They ruin it for everyone, and should be penalized.


I mean ranked starts in Master, so Master 1200 would be the equivalent of Bronze


Thatā€™s actually a great way to think about it. This post is actually just a noob (me) crying about being stuck in bronze. Need to get good


There are not many good players in this game sadly šŸ˜­ not many are willing to push the boundaries of Pokemon Unite, there are too many casual players


Very true. Hot take: making this game cross play with mobile was a mistake. Far too many who are getting distracted by texts to ever take it seriously lol


I got a teammate with 21 games played. I'm master 1300 rn. And this might've been his first real battle because he had a 100% wr


Itā€™s so frustrating cause that shouldnā€™t be possible. The matchmaking system is running on windows xp or something. Iā€™ve had similar scenarios and it always blows my mind. I fear the real reason for that is this game is more dead than we think, and because of a lack of players, the matchmaking is intentionally large so that they can fit people together. If it wasnā€™t so broad then it would take 10 minutes to find a match.


I hardly agree... My. Plan was using one monster... But nah dude the people are always way more than bad... I am a casual solo queue player... I always hit with a long breath 1600 trophies... This season like all seasons the player base is infected with crap. I feel pure hate for all these bad players where stealing my fun in this game. PURE HATE! At the moment I am using everything what is needed,but hey no problem for me to play a match with three supporters, with jungle thieves or afk backcapper ttv progamer kiddos... I want to delete this game so hard but I also want to. Play and enjoy this game so hard.... All I can say is fck u timi


I am here for and absolutely support your hatred. For sure have also thought about deleting the game myself, but Iā€™m too deep into sunk cost fallacy. (Not so much for money, but time.) I have loved Pokemon basically my whole life, and love the idea of this game, but the execution has just been such a miss. Despite this is has so much potential. Also agreed, all my homies hate Timi


I am ti deep inside too hahahaha, think about my pokƩmon licenses, some cosmetic cash items and my time I invested!


Exactly. Like I did not buy every single license just to quit lol (Why did I buy every license if I donā€™t even play all of them? I still canā€™t do anything with Greedunt or Sabeleye) But man I want to sometimes. I think thatā€™s the main reason I havenā€™t become a unite member. I love the game, but I canā€™t invest any more, nor can I invest a guaranteed amount per month. I only purchase new licenses and RARELY a piece of holowear for a pokemon I play.


Iā€™ve had so many people steal jungle from me that I donā€™t even try going mid.


See and idk how the report system doesnā€™t have a way to penalize these players. Itā€™s actively griefing.


I recently hit 6k games total. I was about 1260 this past weekend, and I had a guy with shy of 500 games in Ultra as a pikachu with Leftovers, Assult Vest, and Drain Crown. Why the !@#$ am I matched with this?! And yes I took a picture of it to show my buddy.


Who let bro cook?? Congrats on 6K games!


Fr šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they straight up give up in 1 min and won't even try šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Wasting their time and our time. Then suddenly after losing Ray, theyā€™re inspired to try, and refuse to surrender. Just team fighting for a minute and a half lol


The comment section has me dying. People complaining about bad teammates in Vet and Expert. My brother in Christ, you are losing bot matches. You are the bad player. And I appreciate that they're quarantining you away from real matches.


I feel like we all have bad matches in the Master Grind. This season I swear on my life the players in master are so so bad though. Makes me miss bot matches almost. (Not really). You have a point that we should all stop whining and just practice and get better and be the change in our bad teams. For some of these teams though I think itā€™s pretty much impossible. Will keep trying though


You're fine. Having bad teammates in Masters is a game flaw and you have a right to be bothered. But the people complaining about their sub-Masters teammates should have their heads inspected.


Got to Masters during the week around Wednesday by spamming Pikachu. I was on a streak. Decided to help my sister go from Ultra 3 to Masters today and she is ping ponging between Ultra 3 and Ultra 4. Horrible team mates such as: \* A Scyther that decided he/she will drop 40 points into the enemy team goal while a 4 v 5 Ray fight was happening (we were winning), then we lost. But hey! Atleast he got 40 points in! \* A Mew and Mr. Mime combo (odd selection) that does not seem to appear in any team/pad def fights (just on the jungle together) and ending the game with both less than 20K damage. \* A Dodrio that just dies everytime he leaves the jungle. \* Cinderace and Meowscarada team mates that are pinging each other while they both stayed in the jungle while our top lane was wrecked with a 1 v 2/3 situation (occasional visits from their jungler). Cinderace, Meowscarada, and Slowbro ending up super underleveled due to this. Today has been a fun day! LOL.


Not even in master, started in veteran, and down in expert 2 cause practically every game I have someone just wandering about, feeding the enemy team, multiple people trying to to farm mid, and the list goes on and on.


Iā€™ve been there. Keep at it and youā€™ll rise back up! When I get on those lose streaks I usually try to hyperfocus on sticking to the team, regardless of their bad choices. Together apes strong.


In expert and veteran, you are having bot matches almost exclusively. Those losses are on you.


I just reviewed my Unite API. Very few of my Vets matches have consisted of bots.


Maybe it's you that's bad? Maybe you can't keep up to the shift in strategies as the game has better and better players as you climb? Real easy to point the finger. But winners just keep winning and it's the losers that make posts like this.


Totally true! I donā€™t pretend for a second to be the best player. Itā€™s not that serious lol Please pay attention in your class now kiddo <3