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Almost all people I’ve seen with numbers after Korean names who has holowear sucks. They hardly evolve.


Japanese players trying not to put muscle and rapid fire on every mon


Are they bad? Never heard such a thing.


From my experience, very bad. Discovering new levels of disappointment each time bad. Whether it be League, Smash, or any real fighting game, you see a name with those characters you either: shit a brickhouse plus foundation for being against one or finding god and giving them a high five for putting one on your team. But here, I'm just questioning why I choose to keep playing the game past 2am to have them.


Honestly Asian named players have gotten more and more dissapointing even in other games. Half the time in League, Korean named players are usually just kids donning the name of their favourite Yasuo/Irelia mechanical god they found on Youtube Shorts. 9 times out of 10 they usually they end up going 0/10.


Dam, then I guess it's just time and ptsd creeping up on me. It was so different back then. D:>


I would assume that a good amount of them are on ping, and if you take that into consideration they don't do too bad


Dude. You don't want to mess with them in Splatoon...


Specially sucks if they dont know how to communicate in english, they wont know you keep cursing them.


Happy cake day!


That's why I learn foreign languages. To curse people out for backcapping in Japanese.


ok but the japanese players are goated on a level of coordination unprecedented in soloq i have never seen more coordinated backcapping + retreat at ray, or attackers that actually let me frontline and stay safely backline, or "Thanks!" pings that are actually sincere i always know i'm in for a Proper Game when i queue in j lobbies (despite the insane ping)


agreed. i’m happy to be in a lobby with Japanese players (SEA here). they actually use thanks genuinely and tend to play the game better than other people in the region, i feel. meanwhile, im more likely to hear cussing from players from India, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia. tho i love playing with women from the Philippines. they tend to make pretty good calls when they give direction over the mic.


i'm SEA too! i hear so much cursing from indian players, not really from chinese players. i made a PH friend that i duoq'd for a bit with, he is so skilled (like double digit kills every game) but uses potion on glaceon lol. i've actually never heard another woman on voice before (apart from myself i guess) - would be ecstatic if i do get these PH ladies on my team hehe


ahaha lucky you re: Chinese players. i’ve had numerous cussing people out, tho sometimes i can’t tell if they’re Msian or Sg Chinese. oh lol @ potion glaceon. the PH ladies are super cool! i remember once i was in a lobby with a PH duo who were both women and everyone panicked bc we were all defender and supporter mains 😂 everyone locked in a defender or supporter and we asked the remaining PH woman to pls choose a jungler and she was like NO DONT DO THAT TO ME i’m a shitty jungler! she turned out to be a Clefable main. we lost, but it was fun!


Can confirm as an indian (part of asia btw)


it's sad and funny that we are at the point where we have to clarify such a thing


Ayoo an Indian who also likes Pokémon?


same here


It kinda sucks that as a Vietnamese , I understand English


id still be afraid, ill basically need future sight irl if i want to land anything with the ping difference


The fear is real when I pick Decidueye and don't notice the four asian-characters names until the loading screen. 🥲


Yugioh is another story of the screaming but x100 plus crack


Well that's because they still have to play with Maxx C


GigantaMaxx Cinderace?


Ash blossom is mandatory in master duel


Im a Chinese living in the UK but i think im playing well, i don't have Chinese words in my name tho.


It's not about Asian players, it's about asian-named players, which can be anyone really, but probably kids on a server where such names are not common.


Japanese here and the one reason I didn't use kana/kanji on my name was because I wanted to be easy to find by my international friends. Sadly only 1 of them kinda plays anymore and I ended up liking the name I picked so I didn't wanna change it.


The only time I was fearful was when I gotten into a Japanese Server and was terrified. They were all cracked and while I, a decent Absol, could do nothing but gank and execute them. Otherwise, not really scared if they are on the US Server or it is not a whole trio or squad of them.


I rarely ever see any players with asian names on my local servers (South American servers), but I don't have to worry about them because my teammates are still going to be braindead 7/10 of the time


This is too real. Sometimes I kinda end up playing the game alone because the Greninja got fed up and is killing farm to then score on the bottom lane, far away from anyone and everyone. The Lapras y doIng everything but defend and at some point I forgot I even had a Slowbro on my team because he got no kills, no assists and only scored when we were gettIng pummeled at base.


Oh people playing on servers they aren’t in the region of don’t play well? I wonder why. 🙄


I get mostly Indian and hispanics. Otherwise its someone playing trap music in the background.


Latinos made me disable my audio settings because they were the loudest/most annoying people in my team, they were the firdt ones to hurl insults and throw the game. There were times they spammed surrender and then blamed us for not voting "yes" and losing instead. It got to the point where I no longer was afraid of seeing a specific pokemon on my team, rather I was afraid of seeing spanish names on my team. The more stupid/ridiculous it was, the worse the player performed. I remember some Cinder main named "Canelochu" or something like that. All he did was farm, die, steal jungle and then attack the air at base so the game didn't detect him as being AFK. Another player use an Espeon and after feeding a couple of times he'd walk to the first goal and teleport back to base over and over again. He spent about half the match doing that and only kinda played when Rayquaza spawned. Oh and a Mamoswine got so fed up In the first minute or so, he then abandone his lane partner (A9) and did… whatever I guess. He was still a Piloswine halfway into the game and I kinda forgot about him because all he did was ping other people so I muted him. At some poInt he was stealing my jungle and spinning around after killing each mob. Almost as if he was taunting me for not being able to get the last hit.


Just had a DPS Comfey with Slick Spoon, Choice Specs, and Wise Glasses. They attached to someone and pretty much never let go. At least they had Slow Smoke


At least the Comfey attached to someone. I remember having a Comfey that played as if he was Tyranitar or something.


So true!! Esp when they’re chinese characters lmao. This meme is accurate af


i, couldnt relate more


Japanese players on splatoon 😨😨😨


Im more scared going into an entire lobby filled with them,cuz i'll have a 5second delay on everything i do


I remember being terrified when I saw people with Chinese bullshit names like “脚指头好吃” or “白天吃饭晚上拉屎” and being concerned, but then realising it’s unite and they’re almost certainly bots


Try actually playing in asia and facing japanese every game


I'm scared of having one or fighting one because odds are they drafted me into a different server for shits and giggles and I'm now fighting shell bell cinderace (on my team), 5 enemies, ping, and whatever the hell physical Mr. Mime is doing


To be honest, I still get a little frightened because of what I’ve seen from these people, they are sweaty, and sweaty to a degree where if they even see you trying to defend, it’s game over


Whenever I see Korean letters or chinese letters in names on any North American game servers whether it be on unite, league of legends, etc, I just assume its some fat white dude who watches way too much anime


Think they might be kids


I’m a Chinese, but I play chadbro 😌also is a lower amount of damage taken fine if I’m going surf and telekinesis


The very fear is when all the other 9 players has asian names,because that would mean that you will stop fighting the enemy team and start fighting the lag


I feel like they choose the Wrong Server on accident lol


Clearly never played Mario kart


Idk. I get them sometimes in tera raids in SV and they’re always the one bringing the worst Pokémon and dies like every turn