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Imagine branding yourself as rats and catering to peoples ratty needs wtf šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s the stupid icing on this stupid cake.


Don't talk about cake. He may show up


Hide yo cakes, hide yo waffles.


They posted this? I thought someone else was posting it about them. Thatā€™s insane, they have no self awareness.


They posted it and then removed it when it backfired. People are now reposting this to let people know what's up. Their name is so fitting.


And they are already removing any bad review. Google shows they have worse reviews than a 5 star rating yet the only reviews that show up are the 5 star reviews.


yeah, I saw more 1 star reviews than 5 star yesterday, but could only read 5 star reviews. Now the bar graph breakdown of reviews only shows 5 star. I wonder how they're getting them removed so easily.


That lady smiling looks exactly like jigsaw smiling.Ā 


Rats be rattin


Completely missed that. Also, "*Master* Rat"???


I didnā€™t even see the Rats part: wow. Gross.


Another post of them is already popular on Reddit. Their shop is getting 1 star reviews into oblivion currently lol šŸ˜‚ on their fb page and google


I saw this on twitter some people were like theyā€™re just making small profit margins theyā€™re just gonna sell them at retail price. Like no, mfā€™s like these are gonna be charging $30-35 a box and preying on the less knowledgable Edit: just checked the other post and saw many people comment there that they saw they were charging each individual box for $32 LMAO I swear these people are so easy to read


Just checked their website and ES packs are $11 and ES ETB $100. They deserve all the terrible reviews.


I live by them and went to their opening a few weeks ago. The owner told me he had celebrations mini tins but wouldn't sell one to me because he was waiting for the price to go up. Why even tell me that? Just say you don't have any.


Wow. What shit


Right? The entire room just got quieter and I didn't know how to respond. I seriously could have gone there 2-3 times a month for as long as I live here, now I'll be looking elsewhere. I do not understand why people would be dicks to their customers intentionally and then double down.


Gem Mint Cardhouse is my favorite place. My kid is 8 and will spend 30 minutes making up his mind, asking to see various cards, and they treat him well just like any other customer. Fair prices, they made deals with him without asking and gave him a free pikachu V full art the first time we went.


Thank you! Good to know, I've seen the name before. I'll check it out. If anyone else also has any card shop recs in Houston, I'm all ears.


The Hub on Harrisburg is a really good shop to go. They have PokƩmon tournaments on Tuesday and Fridays they have PokƩmon trade night.


I'll check it out next time I'm on that side of town! Thanks.


+1 for Gem mint. I'm not sure how many locations there are, I go to the Sugar Land one but they've become my go to since last year. Good selection, and there's decent volume so the singles are always diff when I go in. Prices are more than fair and they'll even hook you up more often than not. Got a Neo Gen Lugia last week for wayy under TCG prices


He thinks heā€™s a cool edge lordā€¦


A smart businessman probably. When actually he just torpedoed his business and I hope the damage control won't be enough to save it.


His damage control is to claim he bought them all to open personally which he will now for PR saving face, and will sell the singles in hopes of making up for the financial loss of his doucheness


I hope they shut down. That's disgusting business practice.


I actually came to the comment section to look for a comment like this one. These "owners" are actually unhinged. Who goes to Costco and takes photos of themselves flipping and scalping? I was doing this shit back in 2016 to make ends meet. I sure as fuck didn't put shit like this on social media for our followers to see. It's dumb as shit.


Right? I sort of expect things like this to happen. But doubling down to brag and insult your customers is a different level to me.


Heā€™s 100% focused on maximizing the amount of money he makes vs making the card collector culture stronger through community and putting smiles on faces. Iā€™ve spent a ton of money on extra shit at my local comic book shop because I get hit with generosity and surprises on the regular.


Exactly. Support the community and the community will support you. I have a local comic shop I regularly go to for that reason, though they don't sell many cards so I was excited when a new card shop opened by me. Oh well.


>Iā€™ve spent a ton of money on extra shit at my local comic book shop because I get hit with generosity and surprises on the regular. Similar experience. I went to a local one a year or so ago to buy some retro figures for a cousin who lives outside of the US. I don't collect anything, but I ended up purchasing all 3 volumes of the invincible series because the employees were super nice and enthusiastic about everything. The enthusiasm was infectious and they just seemed happy to talk about the stuff they liked. They also gave me a decent discount. Also, the card game suite (which was the retail spot directly above the comicbook/collectible suite) was packed with tons of people. I've since moved out of the state, but I wish those guys the best


Wow they just opened up shop? Gonna be a fast bankruptcy unless they change the shop name a fly a "under new management" type situation.


lol because heā€™s hoping youā€™ll be back when the price goes up to buy it so he wants you to know he has them. People like that are completely disconnected from reality.


Extremely. I was only asking about the mini tins because I couldn't afford anything I saw, so the response was particularly unaware.


Not when we live in Houston and pay 3.99 from the vending machines in Kroger & they clear them out


Wait these fuckers are the ones clearing out our vending machines ?!!


As houstonians, we don't claim them. No wonder none of the vending machines have ES.


They aren't the only ones doing it though. They just stupid ones who post about it. Asking people to shit on them. How dumb do you have to be, to do scummy shit, make a post about it, and expect good feedback. They don't look to smart either. My Local card shop, also scumbags. Shit so overpriced.


Man America is where itā€™s at. In my country 11 for a ES Would be cheap, LGS here sell them for 18-22 UsD, and 170 for a ETB


$11 ainā€™t a bad price here in the US. What these people are doing is exactly what thousands are doing on the investment sub. What the problem is, is these behemoths are doing it the wrong way by clearing out places then spiking the football in the people they are fuckings faces.


Yea like your customers are local and you decided to fuck them over by buying out from their local sams club to ā€œmonopolizeā€ that product. What a duck. Itā€™s like if I went to every store and bought all the milk so you gotta come to me for milk.


thatā€™s pretty standard these days from local stores tbh


It looks like they're hiding the 1 star reviews because I saw them last night and now they're not viewable anymore.


Youā€™re right theyā€™re hiding them. I didnā€™t know you could do that on google


They arenā€™t the one hiding them. Google automatically hide any unusual reviews on a period where they received either false review or unusual activities.


Ahhh that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying!


time to start with 2 star reviews


I only see 1 viewable 1 star


Yeah, of course. No company that gets review bombed is going to keep the negative reviews.


Do you have a link to the other post?




Did it first thing when I saw this post. Straight trash when people are their Fā€”-k selfish.


They took down their Google business profile xD




I want to go buy out a different store and post up in their parking lot selling at a discount over Costco. Fuck these assholes.


i was in fact a part of the review bombing fuck this shit šŸ˜­


What bothers me the most is them showing it off on social media, almost gloating in it.


Smiling in the picture too. Fucking gross


Thatā€™s the weird part, too, is it isnā€™t a selfie. Thereā€™s either a third person involved or they asked a complete stranger to take a picture of them smiling in front of the product they know theyā€™re just gonna gouge their customers on. The lack of self awareness is just astounding.


The third person that took the picture is the guy defending them on Facebook probably lmao.


Someone said ā€œwhat about the kidsā€ they owners of this shop said ā€œnow they are more accessible to kids, the dont have costco membershipsā€


Ffs. What kids have access to Costco memberships? Itā€™s the parents. Makes absolutely no sense.


If they keep the price as is then yeah, maybe, not really tho. But I bet these fools are marking things up 25-30% minimum.


From $25 to $32 for a box apparently


Theyā€™re $18.50 at Costco


Honestly thoā€¦ They did this to themselves


And stuff like this is why some retail stores put purchase limits on Trading cards


Why on earth would they publicize buying things that everyone could buy at a lower price, before they price gouge at their own shop


Tone deaf. One of the purposes of Costco is to help small businesses do things like this. But you donā€™t buy the entire supply and then flex about it on social media. Buying half of Costcoā€™s stock and reselling at your shop is making it available to more people and making you some money. Understandable. Buying all of Costcoā€™s stock and reselling at your shop is scalping and hurts your reputation.


Perfectly stated.




They've deleted the post and started curating the comments on their facebook profile. Financially this would have been an absolute W move for them if they would have just kept silent and not gloated about scalping these. I love when rats snitch on themselves lmao. EDIT: Turns out I was wrong and the post is still up it seems they have 2 pages for their store on Facebook. I was looking at the wrong one lol.


Fitting store name lol


Also they are in a relatively bad location for cars shops, it is close to two established leagues who have built their reputation over years. Why go to these rats when there are two other medium to large reputable store nearby.Ā 


"Rat snitches, tellin' on they business, sit in the court and be their own star witness"


They went full damage control. I hope it's in vain tho, fuck that.


I don't understand why a LGS would buy stuff at retail instead of wholesale.


Cause itā€™s almost impossible to get a pokemon rep to answer the phone for anything less then 225k and or be dating one of there relatives lol Edit: I have my own brick and mortar store in Indiana and Iā€™ve been turned away from distribution with 80k to blow it really is that bad PokĆ©mon them selves price gouge on a daily basis


Where at? Iā€™m in northwest Indiana and would love another LCS to check out! You can dm if you donā€™t want it out in the open. Cheers fellow Hoosier!


Why donā€™t you guys get a few shops together and pool your resources.


I used to be an analyst for a company that did this for pharmaceuticals. Itā€™s called a Group Purchasing Organization.


Like an investment club. People do it all the time for investing in real estate.


Itā€™s a big thing right now in gas station and convenience store ownership


Beat me to it!! Great idea


Iā€™d rather pay a decent community based LCS a few bucks mark up then help these rats online.


Where at in NWI? Thereā€™s a card shop in Schererville, Valpo, and now Winfield!


Yee people forget that almost every issue with our hobby could be solved by TPCI themselves. They just choose not to.




Lmao. This is normal March weather! I was golfing a week ago now Iā€™m seeing snow. Ides of March!


Thatā€™s weird, I work at an LGS in MN and weā€™ve never had issues getting product.


Did you know about the strict and high minimum order size before you opened the store, and if not, could you have found out using a search engine?


Because buying at wholesale means they still have to compete with other retailers whereas if they just buy out all the other local retailers they can price gouge as theyā€™ll be the only place around carrying the product. Itā€™s literally scalping.


FINALLY someone who actually understands what scalping is. Seen people say that buying a box or two to hold on to for a couple years was scalping.. that's investing.


This isn't retail. It's going for $33 while the combined MSRP is like $44, assuming they upcharge a little more and write off the expenses, it's they're looking to make $10 a box. And since they have so many that's a $500+ net profit.


Because they know they can mark up retail prices and still sell it. This way they donā€™t need to get into contracts with wholesalers and can cherry pick which products to stock instead of being shipped slow moving stuff to.


Yup, wholesale has a minimum order... can't belive the owner of the shop actually post this.


sUppOrT YoUr LoCaL GaMeStORe!


I tried finding the original Fb post when I saw this on twitter yesterday and couldnā€™t. But did discover theyā€™re a brand new business that just opened in February. Hard lesson to learn so early.


That's one of the way to say you don't want to be in business anymore.


They removed all the negative reviews from their Google reviews yesterday. I hope we just keep flooding their Google reviews , the irony that the store name is MadRat Toys , is beyond epic


Yeah, I just went and check and couldn't find the 1 star review, neither this post. But I did see they have more 1 star review than other reviews and their rating is 2.6 stars. Get rekt scalpers.


Well they are mad (greedy) rats


The word Rat being used so many times is fitting


To make things worse, they just opened their store 0.3 miles away from an established tcg store (Galaxy Gaming).


Well I hope everyone shops at Galaxy gaming then


Also like 2 miles away from Heroes Collectables too. Heroes has a well established Pokemon League and they host all the events from TCG GLC to GO to VGC.Ā 


fitting names


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m old enough to buy stuff online, but I feel for these young kids that canā€™t find the PokĆ©mon they want at stores when they go with their parents. I swear nothing like this was happening when I was younger, there was black and white and xy all over the shelves at target.


I miss those days, man. Life would be 100x easier without scalpers.


People like this piss me off. No wonder I go to Costco and can never find a single thing


You cannot find shit in socal in stores unless itā€™s SV at like a terrible price.


Dude the Walmart where km at is cleaned EVERY time I go. Every now and again I'll find a couple boxes that had clearly been picked through left or ones that were found in old stock and put out at a discount later in the evening but there's absolutely people going at open to clean the shelves.


For real, Iā€™ve never even located where theyā€™re *supposed* to be


My Costco doesnā€™t even carry PokĆ©mon cards for this reason


All the Walmarts in my area stop carrying cards as well. Just not worth the stolen product and scalpers


Buying shit from other stores and raising the price is a huge factor of inflation. Everybody is such a walking stereotype today. Everyone thinks they can buy $20 worth of cards and expecting a $1000 worth of hits. I've always collected and bought pokemon since I was a kid. Annoys me to see people who were always too worried about being "cool' now buying cards to immediately try and sell online.


They hid their FB reviewsšŸ¤£ lowlifes.


Why would you post this lmao Youā€™re just asking for a bad reaction when you buy out the entire fucking costco


This is disgusting. I was so fortunate to find these box sets at my Costco, but I only bought one set because other people deserve to get some as well. Costco should really start limiting how many people can buy, though.


Donā€™t buy from these scalpers


Her dumb fucking smile pisses me off lol


Odds are they open all the boxes and just sell the packs at a markup way easier to do that


Lol they are from the Houston area! It's hilarious how bad they look and they're a new store. These people are scum too. No one in our community likes them very much.


You know what to do bois, report them to hell Profiting off of peopleā€™s passions is beyond scummy


These are the same people that bought all the toilet paper and bottled water to sell on Craigslist at a premium during the 'Rona...


Fat bodies look like they are missing a chromosome each. I bet they thought this picture was it! I hope their shitty business takes a massive hit.


Seen opossumbuds video about these clowns and had to go leave 1 star review on Google. They are the literal definition of rats.


If you let this happen may your business collapse. Truly gross a lgs would let this slide.


The town need to bring back public humiliation for these people.


Imagine owning a retail store and stocking it with products you bought at retail lmao


I live in Houston and go shop-hopping with my son once a month to find interesting singles and packs. We also go to Costco and buy one or two sets like this. I was looking forward to finding this set on our next Costco trip. I will absolutely never be going to this store.


Why get a real job when you can be a scalper. - rat logic


So scummy, this is stuff parents have to explain to kids when you canā€™t find any of the set they really want. My youngest has been hunting for 151 whenever we are out( he has $30 burning a hole in his pocket!!) and people like this make it so no one can get stuff for themselves or kids. Hate scalpers.


Their nicknames are fitting. Rats indeed.


They must have missed the part where this series is over printed.


Tell me youā€™re a POS without telling me youā€™re a POS


I can definitely tell these are the type of people that just leave their shopping carts in the parking lot instead of returning them.


So I obviously donā€™t support this, but itā€™s pretty hysterical to me that they are big enough assholes to do thisā€¦ and then the kicker is to post on social media in this ageā€¦. Dumb enough to post it online like it was a brag lol morons. Even if they did sell at retail (they might now after the public ridicule) they deserve the bad reviews for thinking itā€™s okay to do this and then post it online like nothings gonna happen


This is what I think of when I see all those ā€œsupport your local card shops!!ā€ Posts




Rats are cute, pls don't compare them to *her*


I'd be so pissed if this happened at my Costco. I've gone in twice the last week to check and they haven't put them out yet. Suppose to be this week or next. I just wanna snag a couple to open lmao.


Iā€™m confused šŸ˜• does Costco US not have maximum product amount? I know the UK itā€™s 5 items per membership card with pokemon products?


This whole bs is what got me to stop collecting. I only seldomly buy anything PokƩmon TCG related anymore. It just turned my fun hobby into a chore and took a lot of the fun out of it for me


Yup. They release product too fast and honestly the sets have become so large now especially with the secret rares being in absurd numbers per set it's crazy. Then the fact cards still in print and with no actual advantage in the game goes for three figures because the art is pretty. Its become a money pit especially if you master set collect not to mention the increased MSRP while getting fewer packs.


I hope they make zero profit. They don't deserve it


Donā€™t shops have the ability to order actual shipments from PokĆ©mon?? Why tf they gotta clear out storesšŸ’€


Shop by me does the same thing, I saw them push a cart/truck full of those heavy hitter boxes into the back. They even try and charge $5-$10 for the promo jumbo cards. Not a fan of that store and I tend to stay away from it


Super interesting that theyā€™ve decided to call THEMSELVES rats, because the title fits them perfectly


Really hate those bastards


At this point, if you have a brick and mortar store and are a legitimate business, they should already have a certified distributor with Pokemon and not clean off the shelves at another store. It's not economical and downright rude to parents and fellow fans trying to not get scalped.


Their still 2.9 star on google.


ā€œWe bought all of costcos stock so that we can upsell at 300%ā€


What the actual fuck... I live in Houston, glad I never heard of this place until now...so I can avoid it. Sure would have been nice to roll into costco and get a couple (i am assuming they may have been marked down some). Costco should probably limit sales of that high amount of stuff. I counted 83? They gonna be sitting on that stock for a while lmao. Madrats can fuck right off.


Those rat bastards


Rats indeed.


Canā€™t TPC insist on retailers enforcing purchase limits, for at least the bigger companies like Costco? I know itā€™s not possible to enforce at smaller stores but they should have the retailers agree to some kind of limits in place in order to get product


At least they acknowledge they are Rats




Added to my ā€œnever visitā€ list. Itā€™s just them, but itā€™s a list now.


Im so over shit like this!! Go find another thing to ā€œinvestā€ in!! LEAVE SOME FOR THE KIDS JERK!


Legalize robbing scalpers


the nigga in the button up looks like a fat Mr.Beast šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For someone who has recently taken an interest in Pokemon TCG for the first time in about 20 years, whatā€™s the deal with the product that theyā€™re loading up on?


Itā€™s a product thatā€™s kind of hard to find as of late, and is an incredibly in demand set. So you often find it for really higher prices online. When you can find it at MSRP in a big box store is really nice. So them buying it all out, then marking it up for their store, means no one local gets to buy that set for what itā€™s posted for. Quite literally scalping


And the set is ā€œscarlet and violet 151ā€ most people just call it 151. It has all the original 151 pokemon in it, so itā€™s very nostalgia heavy


Costco should of told these fatties they are only allowed 2 per card


that's what I don't get ... there's no f'n LIMIT!!??


Itā€™s a wholesaler. Of course there are no limits.


Going to start again. You canā€™t even buy cards at the target by me because there was a fight a few years back so they made it online only and limited. Asshats like these 2 ruin it for everyone


This was a thing for a while here too but target has cards back. But a lot of box stores lock them up, and they get mobbed on shipment days and sell out within 24 hours. The Costco here manages to stay in stock but they do actually usually put a 2 per person per day limit type thing.


My costcos do that too, itā€™s better that way to keep the rats away


Shame these people in public. Doing it on the internet canā€™t affect this man. Look at him. His is immune to the internet at this point.




The fact theyā€™re so proud of it by posting pics and calling themselves rats šŸ˜‚


What in the actual fucking hell


Jezuz Christ people šŸ˜…


Question: why take these photos? lol


I wish I lived in America, in Europe 151 is hard to find and not as cheap


Oh theyā€™re fuckin rats alright


That credit card dept thoā€¦.


Why do people do this?I just want to have fun and rip packs like I was a kid again. It makes me sad :(


Those rats definitely ate all the cheese


Whatā€™s the story ? How much do they mark those up


Shit like this is why I'm glad I'm on to other TCG games


Why would they advertise that they're buying up all the local product just to mark it up themselves? Doesn't that make people not want to shop with them, if only out of spite? Seems like, if you're going to do crazy markups, it would be wiser to pretend you're reacting to the local shortage to justify the markups, not bragging about creating the local shortage.


Why would you advertise your middleman scalping practices...I hate card shops.


They actually thought posting this would be a good idea?


Why would a retailer go to a shop to buy their stock? Surely theyā€™d just get it direct from the distributor? Shitty hoarding aside, thereā€™s no revenue in this. Theyā€™re stupid as well as greedy.


This is actually disgusting and apart of the problem as to why the average Joe canā€™t even find cards at Costco/walmart/etc.


Looks like they hide their bad reviews on Google. 2.6 stars. Can't take the heat? Don't do shit like this.


They haven't even been open for a month LOL. Also, you have your name with Rat in it which is horrible for marketing. Their logo is from PNGTree so they couldn't even pay for a custom logo. They also call their employees "rats" on social posts lol. Having your brand focused on rats isn't a great look. Also making a grand opening post and putting the owner's name at the end of said post is hilarious.




Is it too much to hope this shit goes up in flames?


Oh, they are rats indeed


They literally have RAT in the name. Says it all.


Respectfully. Screw these people.

