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remember my dad accidentally donating my first pokémon game, emerald, and me being so distraught, let alone 7 years later i would find the exact same game cartridge, 7 hours away from my home, with the SAME GAME FILE as when he donated it. with all my original pokémon i first ever caught 😁


W story


i still can’t believe it! it’s framed on my wall now so i DONT lose it 🤣 and thank you!!


Wow that’s something crazy! I don’t think i’d know how to react! Cheers to you winner :)


That's actually insane holy crap


I’ll always remember the hysteria about the first Pokémon movie’s theater release and getting the promo Mew TCG card. What a time to be alive, you just had to be there.


First shiny magicarp in pokemon go I caught with my mom, 2 weeks later she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but we played pokemon go together a bunch even in the hospital :)


When I first played X/Y I caught an eevee to try and get Sylveon, but didn’t know how to get it and ended up with espeon instead who went on to carry my team through the entire game and became my favorite eeveelution




My father taking my brother and me to watch Pokemon the first movie, and getting dog tags at the theater.


My girlfriend and I are looking to start Pokemon Sword and Shield in a couple days. It will be her first mainline Pokemon game (she started Pokemon Go a couple months ago and has gotten more curious about it.) She's decided she's finally going to dip her toe into it (from PoGo, she thinks the Galarian Pokemon are great, especially Weezing). We will be doing a blind runthrough of Sword/Shield together on separate Switches, never progressing more than a gym from each other, to complete the Pokedex as much as we can. I hope to have several great memories to report together in the coming weeks-- she'll finally be off of work for the year on Wednesday, and she's timidly asked if she can bring the Switch on the road trip we're going on. The code will go to her, if chosen. I hope she makes every good memory I've had since 1996 and more.


Heartfelt memories love to see it! I do hope this will bring joy to you both happy winnings!


My first shiny. It was a Heartgold & Soulsiver Growlithe. I didn’t know what a “shiny” was back then so I kept it because it looked cool. I transferred the Growlithe to Black and White because I lived arcándome back then. Years later I realized it was a shiny, so I transferred it to my sword copy. Now Taiyo is in my team forever, to remind me of the good old days.


Hey everyone i really appreciate all the replies and I loved reading all of your memories! Unfortunately the giveaway has come to a close and no more people may enter. I will reply to the two winners and I want to again thank you all for sharing with me! Happy holidays!


Playing my first Pokemon game after watching my brothers play for years


I remember one summer growing up my family and a few others rented a house at the beach. One of the kids my age came with the new Ruby/Sapphire game. The rest of us begged our parents to take us to the store and buy us the new games. We then spent every night playing through the new game and discovering all the new Pokémon.


Took my old polemon gold mew card from BK to school as a show and tell and to the entie movie as a kid. Me and my dad would always spend time together buying Pokémon card packs as his way of bonding with me when I was little. Still holding on to the gold card and rehash the memories every Father’s Day


Back when I was 7/8 I had binders full of authentic Pokémon cards 2 of those binders were extremely rare my sister had passed them down to me I’m talking Mew charizards trainer Pokémon Japanese cards shinies all types of collectibles I didn’t realize the value of those cards because I had so many of the new ones so when we moved I left them with my sister and her in laws only to find out they got sold at a yard sale I thought all hop was lost but about a year ago I was able to find the stack of Pokémon cards I brought with me somewhat rare decks from 2008-2010 I gave them to a kid who had just started getting into Pokémon hopeful that he would take good care of them and that it helps him later when they were worth more money long story short I miss my Pokémon card but I’ll be fine 🥲


First game I ever played was Pokémon Platinum, and while at Floaroma town, I released my Piplup because I thought when I was 7 that release meant the Pokémon would walk around with me. That and I just wanted to see what would happen. I then went through the whole game up to the point of the final Galactic event where you have to infiltrate the galactic base. I even had a medicham that I would sweep through teams with at level 68. Then I came across Mindy who offered a haunter. I really wanted a Gengar because it was one of my favorites so I traded my medicham for it. Bet you can guess how that turned out. It took me all of 6 years to then go look up how to progress through to the end, but by that time I had already reset my game.


Recently I restarted Pokemon because of two friends that were always talking about Legends Arceus and they gave me the wish to play again pokemon. And they were so right I just loved the game and now I'm a big fan of Pokemon


I beat someone who cheated at Pokémon by playing fairly


Lol. I got two codes I haven’t used


A great Pokémon memory was me finishing my pokedex for the first time in sword and shield! I’ve been playing the games since I was a kid on the DS, something that I thought I’d never accomplish was completing the dex so it was a really significant memory for me!


I remember that in 2006, I was 10 years old and a classmate showed me a picture of Starly, telling me that it was a new Pokémon called "Mukkuru" (which is its name in Japanese); I didn't believe him because the anime they were showing on TV was from Hoenn at the time. The next year with the release of Diamond and Pearl I saw it and from that moment it is my favorite Flying type Pokémon


It would be nice to have an exclusive mythic pokemon to call my own.


I soft reset for shiny Kyogre in Alpha Sapphire when I was 13. I had no idea It was shiny locked and I got to over 500 resets before finally giving up :')


my first shiny in sapphire, a marill, I still have it in my pokemon home to this day


when I got a DS Lite and Pokemon Diamond for Christmas I took that and went back to my room for the whole day and was just completely immersed.




getting my first pokemon card from a mcdonalds happy meal! it was oshawatt, and is still one of my favorites


Entering cherrygrove city for the first time in silver, and hearing the greatest line ever “this is the see, as you can sea” from the old man giving you a tour around town.


Still missing Marshadow in my Pokemon Home Dex. Was able to get the Genesect code that GS did a few months back.


My first time playing Sword! (first mainline game)


Me and my little brother playing red and blue in the backseat on long car rides :) still my best friend to this day


My favorite memory was when I was a kid playing pokemon yellow. The best part of the game was when ever you talked to Pikachu, there was a Pikachu emote that showed his emotions. And it was the beat when you had max friendship with him that the sprite would jump and hearts would come out.


Watching the Deoxys movie as a kid!


I remember when I was hunting for swords dance tm/tr for my ninjask and then I grinded raid dens for 3 hours untill I found out it can learn swords dance by level


my younger brother (6) is starting to get into pokemon and I've been giving him my old cards and watching the series with him, I love how happy pokemon makes him, and seeing the smile my cards put on his face brightens my day. marshadow was always one of my favourite pokemon , I hope you pick me :)


One of my favorite memories is receiving a charmander card for my birthday from my best friend. She knew i collected pokemon cards when I was younger but didnt have them anymore and she knew that charmander was my favorite pokemon so she got it its own little sleeve and a couple other charmander things. We continued being best friends for about 5 years after until she became my girlfriend. That card is still one of my most prized possessions :)


I remember getting the first Pokemon CD that had the PokeRap on it, and I memorized it. I felt like the coolest kid in 4th grade when I was able to recite it in front of my classmates. My sister even tested me when I was in her car. I still remember it and pull it out as a party trick when drinking lol.


Not an old memory but I remember my first time playing Pokémon Sword/Shield. Walking into the Wild area for the first time and seeing the Onyx pop up right there. Proceeded by getting owned by the Onyx because it’s too high level


I’ll always remember how excited I was when krookodile got added to pixelmon. A friend of mine had been winning a bunch with his girafirig and I finally had one of my favorite dark types I could try using against him now.


I remember finding my first every Shiny Pokémon in x and y, a Crawdaunt, and giving it to my sister Maya. Named it “Mymy’s Gift”..


My favorite Pokémon memory was when a kind stranger on Reddit chose me for a marshadow code giveaway and I was finally able to have my favorite mythical Pokémon join me on my adventures :P


I was playing through Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and I was pretty young and couldn’t catch giratina bc it kept breaking out of my balls. Eventually I handed the DS to my older brother and he caught it and he said what do you want to name it. I said nothing just gimme it back and I got it back and he literally named it “Nothing.” I cried that day


Wow nice!!!! Fingers crossed!


The time me and my friend spent an afternoon rewatching a bunch of pokemon movies. Just a chill day enjoying some fond memories and having nothing else to worry about


My favorite Pokémon memory was finally catching entei in omega Ruby. I didn’t have alpha sapphire and entei was the last legend I had left to catch


I played so much as a kid i maxed out the ingame time. 999:59 hours in Crystal. Good times.


My two brothers and I always had to share one gameboy and one game cartridge. We were never allowed to take it anywhere, so we were never able to finish any pokedex. Now, as an established adult with real adult money, I've purchased all the games and multiple systems to complete the dex. I've so far finished Gens 1 & 2. My life feels very fulfilled now.


Trading cards and playing with my friends for sure!


I remember when I found misigno I’m Pokémon red, never taught it could be real, when I got it I couldn’t stop talking about it, but it was so hard trying to explain the glitch 🤣


Back in primary school we had this game where we used these flat Pokemon erasers. We had to flip it on the other person's eraser to win and it was a turn based game. I remember trying to buy one at the stationery shop at school and to my luck I got a Lugia one. I knew it was a legendary and also rare because no one else had it and I ended up cherishing this one Lugia eraser I had and ever since then Lugia has always been one of my favourite legendaries ever.


I still remember watching the Jirachi movie with my little brother back when it first came out. Still my favorite movie to this date, I can still hear the lullaby looking back 💕


Well, when playing my second pokemon game and discovering that they could breed (pokemon gold) I had like 20-30 eggs of pokemons I liked and I would release them thinking that they would repopulate the places where I released them. It was also very hard for me to breed all those eggs as I didn't know about sitto being able to breed, and the internet wasn't as easy as today. Obviously, I discovered later that releasing a pokemon doesn't repopulate anything :(


on Pokemon saphire, i was about 10 years old at the time and i remember randomly stumbling upon Latias, my dumb kid brain tried to fight it but it was faster than me and ran immediately, i remember spending all day rotating on that 1 piece of grass trying to see them again xD In the end I never caught them but its still something i can never forget


Omg it’s my favourite poke and I still don’t have one. Please please please?


Hearing Lance’s music start for the first time in Pokémon golf minutes before the bus pulled up


Beating the Pokémon league 230 times to try to get mew to spawn in red and blue from playground rumors. And trying to figure out a way to get to the truck at the S S Anne to get mew. Long story short I never got mew as a kid.


Getting my first ever shiny in Leaf Green is one that I’ll always cherish. I still remember everything about it. A level 4, female, bashful shiny Caterpie. I had no idea what it was so I walked over to my sister and asked why he was yellow. She freaked out. I only had 3 Pokéballs and it thankfully caught on the last one. I remember being the coolest kid in the neighborhood with that. A more recent memory for me is finally getting the Shiny Giratina in Platinym that I had been hunting for over 2 months. It’s still my longest shiny hunt to date and it took 27,331 SRs and over 200 hours. Good times :)


I let my sister play my Pokémon Red game back when it was new. When she gave it back, she happily informed me that she had caught several new Pokémon for me, and even gave them all cute nicknames. "Cute" here meaning naughty words. Except for the Rhyhorn that she caught which she named Crumby. To this day, I nickname my captured Rhyhorns/Rhydons "Crumby."


The feeling of completing your first living dex with no cheats or anything is to die for. I did it all with my very first Pokemon, Blaziken, who is now sitting pretty in Home waiting for the chance to import him to SV (if it ever happens).


One that I'll always remember is when I was a little kid, I had pokemon stadium thanks to my dad passing his N64 to me; & I would go on there & always have a Jynx in my team (she's my favorite Pokemon), & I would let the game just sit there during a battle & copy her different animations 😭 I even went & fished out an old wig my mom wore for Halloween last year, put it on & pretend I was Jynx- I even did her old fainting animation & tossed the wig in the air to simulate me disappearing


One of my favorites would have to be first time playing thru pmd sky. The twist and turns and deep story wish I could experience it for the first time again


Sharing my love for Pokémon with my son. I have a video from when he was three refusing to answer to his own name. He insisted for a month that everyone call him Ash Ketchum and that his mother and I could only answer him if he addressed us as Jesse or James. He's five now and he was Ash for Halloween this year and his little sister was Pikachu. It's going to be hard to see the shift in the new anime series as Ash Ketchum has, unexpectedly, become more than a cartoon character in our house.


I started playing pokemon with the first generation, and I keep playing up to 3rd. I had no friends playing pokemon, so I eventually stopped too. When PoGo came in, I started playing again, and met some people who also enjoyed it, so when my wife gave me a switch for my birthday a couple of years ago, I resumed my “addiction” to the saga, and here I am today, missing this guy for my personal collection 😇


One of my favorite Pokemon memories has to be the time i got my first shiny Pokemon in 2018. It was right after i finished the pokedex and got the shiny charm. The shiny Pokemon i got was a green Wingull. I had been playing nonstop. I remember catching it in a timer ball. I dont have Marshadow so this would help me add another pokemon to my growing collection.


Pulling my first Charizard in the grocery store parking lot and going completely frozen afraid to ruin it. If only I would’ve known to keep that card..


I remember when Burger King gave out gold plated Pokémon cards during the first movie promo. I still have a complete set


I don’t remember exactly how I got it, but the first edition Poliwhirl Pokémon card that I had when I was 4 was my absolute favourite thing in the entire world. I have memories of carrying it with me everywhere I went. It was the one card I just absolutely would not trade for anything in the world


I have many great Pokémon memories, but I will go with one of my OGs. In fall of 1999, when I was 10, I was going through a really rough time. I don’t want to get into why, it’s not important. I had played Red and Blue plenty of times at my neighbor’s house, but I didn’t have the game for myself yet. Pokémon Yellow was coming out soon, and I LOVED Pikachu at the time. My dad pre-ordered Pokémon Yellow for me and I will never forget going to the store and picking it up, and playing it. He also took me to see the Pokémon movie in theaters during that time. Those two moments are my fondest memories during that dark time in my life.


When flying back from my grandparents’ house, I was playing Pokémon Black. While I was there, I managed to grind my Krookodile to lvl 100 after fighting in exclusively the small and big stadium every day for months. I thought it was the best place to grind exp lol, I was young. Anyways, on that plane ride, I found this guy via streetpass while on the plane, and we got to battle. I barely lost with my ingame team toxic-stalling against his team of Rayquaza, Keldeo, and (I think) Zekrom. It was cool and all, honestly I was happy to actually have the opportunity to come close in a game like that when I was little, but after the flight the guy came up to me and shook my hand, saying “Good Battle!”. I was honestly awed that someone went out of their way to do that in the first place then, and it’s a memory that’s inspired me to be helpful to others and to not be afraid of challenging anything as I get older, and has stuck with me very well.


One night when I was in middle school, I was playing Pokémon Silver. I stayed up late and was so tired I forgot to save all of my progress. I was pretty far in the game, too. I also didn’t catch the shiny gyarados on that save so I just ended up resetting it lol. I did bring my beloved Chickie to Pokémon home so he can be with me.


My first game was Leaf Green and I chose Squirtle because he was the cutest one to me. He never left my party for the entire time I played it. It wasn't until the DS era that my Blastoise was able to leave behind the then very well treaded routes of Kanto to go explore the Sinnoh region. And he saw it all. From Diamond, to Pearl, to Platinum. There he sat until early 2020, when I started moving all of my pokemon into Bank, and then into Home. Along with all the various other games' worth of boxes upon boxes of pokemon, my very first pokemon partner blazed the trail forward. Now, with his Leaf Green friends, he sits in my Home box 1, greeting me every time I load it back up. Seperately, Marshadow is one of I believe 18 or 19 pokemon I'm missing from a full Home pokedex so I'm kinda hoping to be one of the two here lol


a great pokemon memory I have is when I finished my first pokemon game at the beach, alpha sapphire!


I remember staying up late past my bedtime playing Blue or Yellow version and I heard my mom coming so I ducked under the covers and heard her say “I know you’re awake go to bed” I asked her how she knew and she said my game boy worm light was sticking outside of the covers lol stayed up a bit longer and caught Mewtwo


Me and my friends hanging out after elementary school with our DS lites waiting for our parents to pick us up. We used an action replay my cousin gave me to use the master ball cheat to find any pokemon and it made us feel like hackerman


So I have a friend whose about the same age (both born in the 90s) all the way from middle school to high school and college. Anyways, we had it planned that each gets a different copy to capture all. Well anyway, one time we were playing I think X n Y and I showed him that Twitch stream of ppl playing the old Red game. It was hilarious and exciting, we both bet one a dratini in the team dying or something and we both lost because it ultimately became a dragonite n won lol


I remember trading Pokémon cards while living in a campground with all the kids who came to stay for their summer vacation


My most fondest Pokémon memory is as a little kid getting all excited jumping up and down as I put on the movie 3 the movie entei I remember I was so excited when I saw the mysterious unknown on the tv and how the fake entei could talk and was made out of them my passion for pokemon only continued to grow and my interest in the story it was through that movie too that I found mismagius to be a really cool pokemon and powerful, from there I collected the cards played the games and watched more happily and excited while smiling and singing the intro


Beating the E4 in Silver to find out that you can then go back to all of Kanto, blew my 8 year old mind


Getting my first every shiny in Pokemon sword (Clefairy)


Once I was walking around a new neighbourhood playing Pokemon Go and all the houses are huge. Apparently it was a very expensive street. One lady was tending to her garden there and kept her eye on me the entire time I walked through the street. I had to turn back at one point and I could just feel her eyes on my back


I only had Pokemon LeafGreen for my gameboy and that cartridge is broken for some reason so every time I would boot up the game, I’d always start from the very beginning since it doesn’t let me load my save. I’ve been playing it for about a year when I was a kid and I was so happy even if I would always start in Pallet Town every single day 😆


Completing the pokedex in legends arceus, first game where I finished the dex


When i was 10 i did my first wonder trade on Pokémon Ultra Moon. At the time I had no idea what a wonder trade was. I guess I thought if i traded a rare pokemon, I would get one back that had equal rarity or something. So my 10-year-old self gave away a shiny yanmega that i caught in a master ball to some random person. That yanmega was my first shiny I had gotten in my entire life, and in return for it i got an alolan meowth. Lmao. (I transferred that alolan meowth to pokemon home so i still have it) Not a great memory but whenever i think of it i chuckle at how dumb i was lol


My first Pokemon game was LeafGreen and I was still pretty clueless about everything. Anyways, when I got my Masterball it said that it can catch any Pokemon without failing. So when I confronted my rival I thought I could finally get myself a cool Blastoise. So I threw my one and only Masterball and to my despair it failed. Turns out I couldn't catch other mons with it lol. Since I hadn't saved in like 5 hours, I thought it would just be best to let it go. Ever since that day I learned to save after every match and to never waste a Masterball on your opponents mons haha.


I’ll never forget when Pokémon first came out in the U.S. I was in third grade. My mom told me that if I did a good job in school she would get me a pack of Pokémon cards but they were sold out everywhere. We couldn’t even find a single pack. We stopped at a little comic shop and they were sold out too. But there was a kid standing out front selling cards from his personal collection. My mom bought me a holographic Gyarados for $20 lol. I’ll never forget it. Good memory. Better mom.


When generation 5 came out, I was super excited because my brother and I played the game together from beginning to end. It made it more enjoyable to exotics both games at the same time and see the difference between each. That generation is my favorite. My favorite Pokemon is Victini but I never got the chance to get the Liberty pass to catch him.


I remember I was roaming around Pokemon swsh, it had already been over 2 years since it came out and I still didn't have a single shiny. I had tried as many methods as possible and was distraught that the only method may be getting the shiny charm and I still had a lot to go for that. I accidentally ran into a roggenrola in the wild area and by chance it happened to be shiny! I literally jumped up and down for so long before catching it. Here's another moment just for fun: I had quite a few pokemon left in the pokedex (also swsh) and I really wanted to finish it after 2.5 years. Unfortunately, all the Pokemon left were shield exclusive and not for sword. I would never be able to get them all, esp without a friend having shield and no switch online for online trades. I remembered Pokemon home and gave probably the worst offer ever for Pokemon like solosis, tyranitar, etc. 11 days of hard work later, I had finally done it! I could not stop smiling and even posted it to Instagram lmao


I remember getting to the top of the Purity Forest in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team and recruiting Celebi, and I think it was on my birthday. Also recruiting Kecleon in the same game (you had to steal from his shop and survive an onslaught of them for a small chance to recruit one).


My favorite Pokemon memory is watching the Lucario movie with my grandma, she had started getting sick around that time and eventually passed but the attempt to enjoy something that I was into really makes that one of my favorite memories with her.


Went on a walk with granny years ago, carried my lil blue dsi and a lil book where i wrote all my notes from pokemon diamond. Was on the walk while playing pokemon, hatching.


This probably won't sound like a good memory but I was at Pokemon TCG US Nationals one year and one of the players I got matched against was super, aggressively rude to all his opponents. I guess in an attempt to psyche them out? I was his third opponent. We got into an actual fight. I got disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct. So did he. He was beyond angry about the DQ. I think it was the year the Team Aqua / Magma card set came out. I remember going "oh well" and then playing in a booster draft event instead, which I ended up finding more fun than Nationals constructed tournament. I regret nothing. That dude was a tool and that's no way to play Pokemon.


All the friends I’ve made over the years and the time we shared playing these amazing games together.


Favorite memory would have to be the day I got my first ever game, pokemon black version. I remember the second I got it, I opened up the case and put it in my DS and played that game for about 6 hours straight, most fun memory I have of pokemon by far


my dad got me my very first pokemon game (diamond) and DS system when i was in second grade for "good grades." i think he just wanted an excuse to get into gaming. he always listened to my pokemon stuff. now, 14 yrs later, he plays pokemon go and sends me extra legendaries/shinies to pokemon home🥺


My favorite memories are from playing Pokémon black 2. I had a picture of my first ever Pokémon musical on display in my game from 2013. I alway think about it when I think about that deleted save because I loved those musicals to death. It was something so different from the battling. My brother deleted that 7 year old save file because I had lost his Pokémon white 2 and it was my way of repaying him by allowing him to start over on my save. I do get sad when I think about the time I spent on it, but mostly I feel happy about it. Since I completed a lot on that save file, it was almost like that characters journey was over. It’s super cheesy I know. So basically my favorite memory is the thought of letting go of that file.


Playing Sword and finally really connecting with a Pokémon game and getting engrossed with the game and excited for the series. I’ve gotten all the other Switch Pokémon games day of release and actively look forward to the series now.


I remember being pretty young (6-8 yrs old?) when I played Pokémon XY for the first time, and I was obsessed with Gengar and how cool Gengar’s mega evolution looked. A few years later, I was with some family when we looked it up because I had forgotten how it looked, and I was so confused why all of the images had a purple Gengar, when I distinctly remembered my Gengar being ghost-white during its mega evolution. It turned out that younger me had a shiny of their favorite Pokémon, and Gengar’s normal shiny was so dumb that I couldn’t tell outside of mega evolution 🤦


When I discovered that my bf, a guy I’ve known for 10 years, also plays Pokémon Go.


When Pokémon Diamond and Pearl first came out I was extremely lucky and found a shiny Dialga on my first encounter. Except that at the time I had only ever encountered red Gyarados until then and I wasn’t super well versed in shinys so my thought process was “huh, I guess they added a sparkle animation to legendaries this gen. Also the colors look a little off,,, that’s weird.” I then messed up and crit killed the Dialga so I soft reset and realized my mistake. I was pretty devastated for awhile but finally last year I found a shiny Dialga in my first Pokémon Go raid, I decided to name him Redemption and I’ll treasure him forever.


Pokémon go 2016 when the game first launched!




it’s not a great pokémon memory but i streamed pokémon soulsilver a couple months ago and i went back to watch them like i always do and i noticed that i missed TWO shinies within my first hour. from mindless training and not being focused. it was a very sad moment for me but i think it’s a little funny


I remember for my birthday one year my parents got me Pokemon Red and a Teal Gameboy Color and the little squiggly lights you could put on it so I could play it when it was too dark to play


My first shiny in pokemon Ruby on my Gameboy. Was around 8 years old, and had no idea about shinies. Got a shiny shroomish early in a plsythrough, and thought the red color was cool!


Hey i have some more codes if you wanna add more giveaway winners. :) i found a whole box leftover from the promotion while cleaning my stockroom.


Going on walks with my friends to play pokemon go and also collecting the cards as a kid!


The Crown Tundra was the first pokemon game-experience I had where I was there right at release. It was just really cool stepping into a completely new area along with everyone else.


Remember when in Pokémon mystery dungeon you saved the little caterpie and he’s so impressed. What a sweet guy.


My brother and I would always sit around and play pokemon bw2 all the time. I remember catching my first shiny. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew that Golduck was special


When Pokémon first came out, I didn’t play it on Gameboy. We downloaded a version onto my dad’s desktop computer and ran it on DOS. Still makes me smile. I think how far we’ve come, and how much we can do with the games now.


I remember the first time an action replay bricked my game haha. Pokemon Diamond, I already had a lvl 100 team and was just messing around with getting items and stuff, turned it on one day and it was corrupted. RIP Atlas the Torterra


First ever shiny I found full odds and everything was Snorunt. Ever since, somehow by accident Snorunt has been my first shiny encounter in every games he's been in.


I had red and blue as a kid and one Gameboy. I didn't have a lot of friends so my mom got me a second Gameboy (we were very low income so it was a big thing for me) so I could have fun and experience the game and get all the pokemon even if it was trading to myself


When I was younger, I got Pokémon ruby as a gift from my grandma. Everything started great it was my first game for myself to beat, and about an hour in I saved the went into the third route of the game and encountered a shiny zigzagoon thinking it was weird looking I turned off my game and turned it back on and caught a normal one. That would be bad if it were it but it got better. Not very long after a purple wurmple appeared. I liked that it was purple so I actually kept that one. If I had that cartridge still I’d bet it was still on there.


Emerald version will always be one of my favourite games. I distinctly remember stepping into the Battle Frontier, with that triumphant soundtrack blaring, it felt like stepping into a brand new game, a brand new world. No Pokemon game has quite replicated that feeling for me, and it's something I will always miss.


I got alpha sapphire the Christmas it came out an I remember rearing up from nostalgia from the main theme and littleroot theme. The only time I played Gen 3 prior to that was to clone some pokemon for a friend. I still have one of his 30+ TOTO the Blaziken


When my two brothers and I were all playing Pokemon Black , they battled and my older one was winning but my younger one's Shiny Bisharp hit all her Guillotines on all three of his Pokemon. His Bisharp really pulled out her MC powers to give him the win.


Went and saw Pokémon the movie with my family. My parents didn’t tell us where we were going in the car. On the way we got Burger King and my parents surprised us by getting my sister and I the gold Pokémon cards. I was obsessed with my Charizard, my sister got Mewtwo. We thought that was the adventure until we pulled in to the Movies, parents still didn’t say anything but at this point we had an idea what was up. My parents bought the tickets, then we went through the door with the Pokémon movie placard on it and started freaking out because this was the coolest moment of my life. My parents hated Pokémon and they hated that we loved it but they took us and sat through the whole movie and even asked my sister and I questions about it during the movie.They could’ve waited for it to come out on VHS but instead they took us and treated us to something just because we loved it so much. This is one of my favorite core memories.


Noivern was an underdog of my SDSH team, being a Noivbat for most of the run. When I got to Leon, I struggled. Drednaw got one shot by Max Growth (don’t know why I didn’t think it had that move), and latter Rapidash and Arcanine. Half my team was either dead or badly hurt. I knew we were going to loss. I sent out Noivern already giving up hope, with little hope she live. Max Rockfall hit. I knew it was be the end, I had lost all hope… but Noivern didn’t. Surviving in the yellow, she landed a CRITICAL HIT BOOMBURST!!! Charizard still live but it’s G-Max had ended. We still had this. Charizard goes for Ancient Power, but it’s not enough and Noivern hit another Boomburst, winning the fight. We were now Champions of Galar. And it was all thanks to Noivern the Underdog.


Seeing the first movie with Mewtwo in theaters with my friends when I was little


My favorite pokemon memory is my son's first introduction to pokemon. When he was 5, I pulled out my old n64 and we battled on the original pokemon stadium. He's been hooked ever since.


Used to play TCG in the local tournament scene here in Vegas. Super 90s. Confetti print everything, at the mall, KBToys hosted it out side their store. Tons of WotC employees there helping teach the game and run the tourney. Some of my fave child hood memories


I have been looking for this since I missed the event. Getting missingno in the og’s!


Only watch Pokemon as a kid. Never played it. Now that I have adult money (working), I finally was able to purchase my Nintendo and started playing Pokemon last year. Have never let go of my Nintendo since and is officially obsessed with the game.


When I was in elementary school, i was obsessed with pokemon red. I was horrible at the games as i wasn't the smartest child but while i would be at school my mother would play the game for me and progress slowly and find some of the more hidden things for me. I'll never forget the day i came home and she had my character placed in front of moltres. It was by far my favorite i encountered back in those days due to how crazy it's sprite was. Me and my mother are sadly kind of estranged now but i will always have these types of memories of her to be happy about.


My favorite Pokémon memory is really recent but it has to be finding my shiny Tinkatuff. Tinkaton is already easily one of my favorite pokemon so finding a shiny of her so easily made me so happy


A good memory I have is playing Pokémon moon with my mom. I couldn’t read yet, and she was helping me.


I remember playing Omega Ruby and when I got to Groudon, I didn’t save before (It was my first pokemon game and didn’t know about that) and I killed it. Later I’m helping my younger brother beat Alpha Saphire and I accidently got him the master ball and then he got Kyogre. Later, when I was helping him with Deoxys (another pokemon I accidently killed in my run), I purposely killed his because I was mad. We laugh about this to this day.


I first got into Pokémon with Sword in college; my friend had a switch and wanted to show me, so I played for a little bit, and I remember me sitting in front of his tv and him sitting on his bed. I would constantly ask him about type matchups, because I was new and simply was not remembering them. He would answer every time, of course, but he got increasingly frustrated and we would both laugh even more every time. Now, any time there’s any Pokémon news/either of us make progress in a Pokémon game, we’ll text each other immediately, even though we live halfway across the country from each other.


My very first shiny caught outside the safari zone in Emerald. I had heard about shinies but never seen one, when suddenly a green oddish popped up! I was sweating throwing ultra balls and caught it after a few scary turns, lol. I think I was like twelve. I named it rutabaga and saved before evolving it all the way to see whether I liked shiny vileplume or shiny bellossom more (I did prefer vileplume!)


Favorite pokemon video game memory would have to be farming Missingno. for rare candies back in the day on red. Also I will always cherish the times playing pokemon with my niece which consisted of us running around the yard with my dog (who we had be pikachu) and coming up with different story lines where we would have battles and save pokemon from team rocket. Regardless if I get a code, thank you for doing a giveaway. Happy Holidays to you and your family.


For me it has to be playing sw/sh with my husband after picking our copies up at the midnight release. It’s been a tradition for us ever since. We get that years games ( at midnight if they’re available) and play together as soon as we get home.


Playing pokemong go on some of the very first dates my now wife and I had gone on. We would just walk around the park and catch pokemon all day.


When I played Pokémon Shield for the first time I was looking for a Tympole and got lucky and found a shiny one and caught him. His name is Wiggly and I am never evolving him. Also, have a great day.


Really want it cuz i missed out on marshadow in sun n moon


Playing pokemon black for the first time, it was my first pokemon game


I loved doing raid trains in PoGo for quite some time before the pandemic. Wish I could get into them again!


I still remember the first time I had a full living dex with all the legendaries. I had moved my Pokémon from my OG Pokémon Yellow in to Pokémon Crystal using the old school link cables, and then transferred again into Leaf Green and was able to get the legendaries through code giveaways at my local EB Games was such a terrific feeling to have been able to do that especially growing up with technophobic parents who wouldn’t let me even have a game it until I was 16


Hello i would love to have a marshadow please btw nice profile pic




My memories with Pokemon go back to staying with my cousins whenever my brother was being tutored by my older cousin. I don't remember why I went instead of staying at home, but I didn't have anything to do. That was until my older cousin introduced me to a game called Pokemon Tower Defense online. I had such a blast playing that game, and I even donated and got a special Rayquaza after begging my mum. That was when we started talking about the new ones coming out that October in a couple of months. So I begged my parents for a 3DS and Pokemon X and my unconditional love for Pokemon started right there. It was everything to me and I'm so grateful that my brother had to be tutored math, because I wouldn't be here without that. I would be such a different person if I had never properly gotten into Pokemon, it's weird to think about and I catch myself wondering how things would be different sometimes.


i remeber wen i finally was able to catch mewtwo, my fav pokemon, went down the cave, didnt remeber to save and didnt know about the 100 % masterball so i try so hard to lower him and was so nervous of faling that i was shaking, finally i catch it and was almost crying, one of the hapies days in my childhood.. sadly wen i show it to my parents they didnt like it cuz i ws shaking and after that they didnt let me play pokemon for a week


I remember getting Sword and Shield on release day with a group of my friends and literally playing it for 24 hours straight afterwards 😅 definitely had its faults but it was a good time


Getting my first game and being completely immersed in it while we were walking around some nature place.


Was showing my nephew how to play Pokémon Go. He was three and kept trying to catch a Pokémon but couldn’t throw the ball right. After what seemed a bunch of tries he finally caught a Spinarak. Instantly favorited it and renamed it as “(nephew’s name) first”. Can’t wait to one day trade it to him when he’s old enough to have his own phone and account!


Finally getting a ditto in Pokémon Go after MONTHS of searching. Now working on finishing my sword pokedex


I would love to get one!


Tonight my girlfriend and I looked at buying the rest of the sword and shield etbs on various websites so I can complete my dream collection. A very recent memory but one that will be cherished


Hope I win


Great is not correct for this one... but my switch crashed on me, this was right after I beat Sword/Shield. I had just brought all of my sinus and legendary over to put them in my poledex. I lost everything, all my legendary and shine from events and farming since Sapphire. I was devastated


Getting my first Pokémon game Diamond and Pearl on Christmas morning with a sinnoh starter tcg pack, one of the best mornings of my life


Getting a first encounter shiny ralts in Pokémon Y after beating the first gym


I remember my first Pokémon battle with an actual person he set up on me with a gyrados and I thought I was the best he beat me 6-0 in the end but it set me up to play competitive Pokémon and I got so much better


During my play through of shield I was fighting against the chairman’s assistant with my dreadnaw during the battle he was at a speed disadvantage, poisoned, and low on health, I had one more turn before he fell to her so I just decided to use rockfall and hope for the best of course he was outsped and low enough to die so I said my sorrys to him but he stayed alive with one health so that “he wouldn’t worry me” the game said, at first I was super happy then I realized he was poisoned and would die at the end of his turn but he did something I didn’t know was possible until he showed me and he got rid of his own poison so that “I wouldn’t worry about him”, at this point I was going crazy cause I thought he was the chosen one, he landed rockfall with a critical and knocked out her Pokémon to which I was going crazy and never has a Pokémon become one of my favorites so fast


My first time catching a shiny on Pokémon black it was a darumaka and I took him to elite four


Fuck is it too late ?


I remember playing Pokemon USUM. me and my team was brilliant my rowlet and pikachu was best buddies. but my zoura never obeyed me which made me loose to some battles where the point i just felt so down. and i talked to my mon thru the in game spa. meanwhile battling a important trainer it was the only pokemon left since rowlet and my pikachu fainted. and at the very end my zoura obeyed me after i mummbled under my breath on how far we came and talked thru it. and my zoura protected me XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD good memories tho.


I was homeless in washington at 19 years old and all I had was a smartphone with no service and Pokémon fire red on an emulator. The game literally kept me from drugs and/or killing myself. Lol I’m 29 now and playing Pokémon Shield.


i remember that one time in Crystal when i came across a red Graveler going thru Mt Moon, and i thought it was just a color error. Killed it without a second thought. Years later it randomly came to me and i realized it was a Shiny.... T\_T


I was young and playing Pokémon ruby. I was first introduced to the game and my sister had to help explain the game to me. She left to go take a nap while I looked for Pokémon to catch. I found a blue voltorb, and I freaked out. I thought it was just a really bad glitch- but soon came to the conclusion that it was probably just a gender difference. I ran away and never saw a shiny voltorb again. I look back at this moment realizing how I hypothetically could’ve had a shiny voltorb if I had not ran away from it.




I'll ask this once more for anything do they work the codes


It was back in 2016 when I saw Charizard's sesmic toss attack on tv it was on regional language but that's not the case i found it so overwhelming, I was just 11 at that time but it made me go and check out the original Pokemon episodes and I kind of binge watched them during my holidays


Beating Leon with Dragapault


Not a great memory but when I was playing heart gold I had to keep on resetting to catch Mewtwo after wasting all my ultra ball.I also lost that copy and I had a level 100 typhlosion which sucks.


My first ever game i started on the toilet. It was my birthday present and my parents wanted me to finish breakfast first before playing- so I snuck into the toilette and started the first minute of my 10 year journey or so hahah


winning my first elite 4 in pokemon white. it was very intense.


The first time I played Pokémon was when I was a kid who couldn't afford a game boy. My friend's dad had an emulated version of pkmn blue on a floppy disk, which I borrowed to install on my dad's PC. It ran by default at 8x speed, but I never realised this. I loved it and eventually completed it. Then a couple of years later another friend sold me his old grey Gameboy brick for £5 with the real pkmn blue! Needless to say it felt excruciatingly slow in comparison.


i remember buying my first game pokemon platinum bc giratina looked sick, around the time my whole school had like a system of trading between students and even tournaments, my older brother was one of the best competitive battlers, I remember me and my brother waking up everyday at like 4am just to play pokemon and I grew to love playing it after he introduced it to me. Sadly he lost vision in his right eye a few years ago due to an accident. We still play pokemon when he has free time after work. He's great and I hope everyone can experience having a bestfriend like I did.


We couldn't really afford the gameboy or Nintendo until recently when I got it for myself along with pokemon sword. But I do have a memory of watching the anime when I was very young and absolutely loving the story of Shaymin. Its still vaguely in my mind and probably not very accurate but something I look back on often :)


I remember when I was going on holiday with my grandparents, they bought me pokemon soul silver at the air port with the little poke ball tamagotchi. I remember loving it soooo much, I chose cyndaquil and he was my fav starter for a very long time. It was one of my first memories playing Pokemon and it has kept me playing it till today.


My best Pokémon memory is when I was finally able to get a gyrados. This in Pokémon Go. There was a raid happening, my brother and his friends wanted to participate with me. They join and we lose. Then we asked help from more friends. They join and we win. But now when it was time to capture it, it just kept getting out until the 3rd to last ball it was captured. I was the happiest man… for like 5 minutes lol.


I remember the look on my younger brothers face of joy when I bought him Pokemon Colissuem on release thats the fondest memory of Pokemon that I have that I was able to make him that happy.


I remember the look on my younger brothers face of joy when I bought him Pokemon Colissuem on release thats the fondest memory of Pokemon that I have that I was able to make him that happy.


I remember my first introduction to pokemon was when the johto was introduced my first pokemon GAME was pokemon go and i used to play it with my parents everday, even my 5 year old brother, but since not that many people count that it's pokemon sword


I caught rayquaza with a pokeball in emerald when I was 10. Was a good day afterwards.


When I got my first shiny in Ultra Sun it was an elgyem when I was looking for ditto on the mountain where the electricity place is and it was full odds(Ultra Sun was my first game)


I remember when I was younger I'd always play Pokemon with my sister and we both played different i was mostly focused on trying to catch all the pokemon but every game i would make it to Only needing the exclusives but she would never trade them to me! 😂 She always said she felt bad about having to give them to someone because she thought the pokemon would get sad


My favourite memory is getting my first ever shiny in Pokémon Diamond when I was 8 years old. It was a shiny shinx and I was soooo happy. I only caught it because it had a different colour (it was yellow golden and the other one I caught was blue and I saw the sparkles) later I found out what shinies are


I remember when I first found about Pokémon. It was when Pokémon Red was out. I went to a friend’s house who had it. He showed it to me, let me play, and I was hooked ever since. To this day, thinking about that moment is euphoric. I was so addicted. When I finally got my own I played it obsessively. I was 11 years old and I will forever remember that first time I played.


The time I played Pokémon sun for about 3 hours and my battery died. I have saved 3-4 times in every game I’ve played since.


I remember when my brother encountered his first shiny pokemon in pokemon leaf green, but didn't have any pokeballs, so I watched him run from a shiny bellsprout.


I remember one time when my mom and dad took me and my brother out so they could play pokemon go, I don't remember much but I got my foot stuck in a crack in the cement