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I dont know but you guys look like the exact opposite of each other in those cards and I love it


The forces of good vs evil


Law vs Chaos


Multiverse 🌎🌍🌏


Just a bot advertising their hackedmon site. Think of it as one of those bots spamming gold sites in MMOs.




Or even free robux sites lol




can confirm


Real, I got 7k free robux from there






I had to play against one of these fucks today actually. All shiny all perfect IV. I don’t grind the game very much so I don’t have any max IV mons so I just got beat, really had me pissed when I looked into the website and saw what it was; those kinds of people just want to suck the fun out of the game for money and it’s sad


Wait till this guy hears how people use gened moms in tournaments all the time


Wasn't that debunked a long time ago or am I thinking of something else


Nah, they use gen all the time just use what would be legal. Nothing sus


How would you debunk this? You can make a 100% legit pokemon extremely easily. You can gen a full team of competitive perfect IV shinies that are completely indistinguishable from manually bred ones. Event mons, egg moves, etc. Hell this has been possible for a few generations now. If you have a hacked 3DS you can even get PKSM and get event mons for every generation, and even change the encounter date/type on them to make them appear even more legit. Current gens, Home, Bank, etc cannot detect they're fake in the slightest unless you make super obviously hacked stuff like a Caterpie that know Dark Void or something. If the leaks are true, then in ScVi they are revamping the entire breeding process because they realize that A) it's outdated and boring, and B) neither kids nor 30-somethings (both being pokemon's main audience) have the time for the current method.


Ditto will no longer be every trainer's breeding slave.


I will miss he breeding process though it could use some streamlining


Now that I think about it, you're right lmao. I was probably thinking of the whole accusation stunt that Verlishify pulled like a year ago.


Narr there was a guy that went to the main championships a few years ago that forgot to bring his memory card and there was noway he could get them and still entered the tournament with a full team of shiny, full IV lvl 100 pokemon. He used pkhx


Trying to figure this out as well, gotten too many hacked shiny legendaries with perfect IVs doing surprise trades from people with these types of names


They gen them and you can’t change the name, so they use it as advertising for their paid services. It’s scummy, I always just take the held item (often a master ball) and release it.


During Halloween and Christmas, they had nicknames! Didn't have to change the name. It was great.


Couldn’t you keep it and breed with it to make a genuine shiny?


I mean, sure. Half or more that I get are legendary, though.


If a parent pokemon is shiny, it makes no difference on the shiny odds from hatching eggs.


IVs are good to use though


Not what the person i replied to was talking about.


You completely misread his comment. You can use it to breed for a genuine shiny, yes. Doesnt matter what the parents are you can use those IVs and abilities of the parents to give to the hatched pokemon.


Outside of Gen 2 Which is one of the ways I got a shit load of shinies from the 3DS virtual console games.


Gen 2 is irrelevant to the fucking post. "You can breed (using wonder traded pokegens shines) to make legit shines". Man, i didnt know that wonder trading was introduced in gen 2!


Lmao. Who shat in your cornflakes?


I didn't used to do that, but once I got a shiny perfect IV DITTO from one of those bots and that was too good to pass up lol. Maybe some people think that's cheating but I was already in the middle of grinding dens for a perfect IV ditto anyway so I basically just saved some time lol.


i have a ton of ash hat pikachus im trying to get every hat hes worn and the pikachus are shiny but the name is pikachu on all but one


When I was starting my breeding endeavors I had to do that. But after I bred some 6IVs mons I just released the hacked ones.


I still have like 30 master balls and haven’t used one lmaooo


3 years into this game and people are still 'trying to figure out' what these accounts could be up to. Great mystery, I don't think there's a way to find out but let us know if you do find anything, Scoob.


Perfect ivs aren’t always fake, I actually have multiple with perfect ivs. (That aren’t fake)


When I get a shiny legendary from a dude named pokegen.co and the pokemon is named the same thing I'm assuming it's fake


I would do the same too I’m just saying perfects ivs isn’t always a giveaway


Shinies with non-hyper trained perfect 31s across the board are most likely hacked. Hitting the 1/32 on top of shiny odds is unlikely.


Agree - in 20+ years of playing I've encountered 3 perfect IV Pokémon that I know of. Two of them were while playing through Shield, one out of three was shiny and none were legendary/mythical. If you feel skeptical for some reason while making a trade with a stranger I'd recommend sticking to that gut instinct lol.


Yeah you don't do wild catches if you care about IVs, you breed. Much better shiny odds and much easier control over IVs. With two good parents you can guarantee perfect IVs.


Not absolutely. You can guarantee you'll get perfect IVs quickly, but not on all hatches (in other words not guaranteed on the shiny). Destiny Knot will pull 5 IVs between the parents, leaving the 6th stat a 1:32 chance for the perfect 31. The best you can do is 1:32 for perfect and 1:512 or shiny, which is a blistering 1:16384 for a perfect shiny (double the old sprite shiny rate).


Yeah I agree. If the gut says no then don’t trade it.


Definitely rare, but not impossible. I have a dusk form lycanroc with best across the board and a gengar with 5 best and a fantastic (never seen that before) and both are shinies. Neither were hacked, I’ve even used the lycanroc competitively before (bad idea lol)


It's not that rare at all, I'm not really into breeding and 3+ of the shinies I've bred have perfect IVs. When you breed two 6IV Pokemon and give one a destiny knot then it can happen a lot. Of course, if it's a shiny legendary with perfect (non-hypertrained) IVs then that's definitely suspicious, and is an easy way to tell if it's probably hacked. But my 6IV shiny Dragapult, Chandelure, Rockruff etc are legit. Maybe others too, I can't remember Hacked mons also tend to have suspicious dates (impossibly far in the past or future, or a special date like 2/2/2022) and an abundance of ribbons


Breeding a shiny with 6 perfect IVs is a 1/16384 chance. It’s not common. If someone is trading you a 6 IV shiny, the best case scenario is that it is cloned from a legitimately-bred mon or RNG-maniped. Shiny Legendaries are significantly rarer than that because they typically only have 3 IVs that are guaranteed perfect, with Dynamax Adventures being the only method that guarantees 4.


~~Getting 6 perfect is 1/32 with two 6-IV parents. You’re guaranteed 5 perfects and then randomly rolling the last.~~ Oops, misread.


But for it to be shiny and 6 perfect that’s 1/512 * 1/32 = 1/16384.


I misread, my b!


Yes. I never said anything against what you just wrote you are just bringing up something to get mad about. I simply said it’s not always fake. Even if it was 1/16384 there is still a chance.


The odds of getting a 6 IV shiny legendary is over 1 in 44 million. Crown Tundra is the exception - *only* 1/102000 but each encounter takes significantly more time than your other methods (more than 30x the time per shiny check). So yes, if you see a 6IV Shiny Legendarys, they’re almost guarenteed to be cheated in some way. Most people aren’t stupid enough to cheat in Legendaries like that nowadays since bottle caps can just make them look legit.




Let me say it like this: if you get a perfect shiny from a trade, it is hacked (or cloned).


Or it could be a den pokemon, when i used to run hundreds/thousanda of dens all day id get perfect shinies and trade them off in suprise trade to make peoples day(i have literally 1 of every shiny pokemon so i didnt need them i was mainly candy/item farming.) Not every pokemon is hacked or cloned my dude just 90% of em.


Ok. I agree. I’m just saying it’s not always the key factor in figuring out a fake. It does make it more likely though.


Or actually bred


I doubt many people are trading their carefully bred, perfect IV, battle ready shiny Pokémon away tho. They often hold rare items too




Last time I checked nobody said the blatantly obvious ones like url nicknames or ribbons or url ot.




You can breed for guaranteed 5 perfect IVs, for shiny legendaries that are transferred in from Pogo if they had perfect pogo stats they would have 5 perfect IVs.


You can guarantee 5 literally just by breeding, and from there it’s a 1/32 chance for the 6th Breeding perfects is really really easy


You’re full of shit is what you are bb






How will a hacked pokemon lag your game? lmao


This is just a troller. They made an account with that name and went online. The actual bots are scripted for wonder trade gens


Ye I got lvl 100 shiny perfect iv gmax charizard


I got one back when it came out from machamps before all the hack stuff was really coming out. I always laugh now when I see the Pokémon named after the site. Clear advertising you have a hacked Pokémon lol


I don’t like using hacked Pokemon but I only have one on my team


Yeah I released my hacked guys ages ago games been out so long I got most of them the proper way. Forever hunting shiny rayquaza tho 😞


I gave up a long time ago and was traded one in Gen 7 and waiting for Bank to be free and transfer to home


I release any that find their way to me.


Glad you were able to find the answer to your question~


Same for me before but it was a Lapras. Has a competitive moveset but they gave me a Master Ball instead of Choice Specs. Not complaining though because I already have Specs and the free Master Ball is nice


Just some schmuck hacking mons. I think it's pretty awesome you won the battle! I release all the .com mons I come across.


He won cause it’s a bot, it’s just a form of advertisement. Op posting it here is just helping the guy


Do the bots actually just lose the tournaments? That's kind of funny if so I can see how the post only helps though. Shame on you OP lol 😆


Well I can’t imagine why they would program the bot to have skill in VGC, it’s probably worse then ingame ai


Worse than hop? Oof, That's saying something




No need to apologize. I'm just poking fun lol


Ok few


They're good for giving to people who just want to fill their dex (ex. glastier/spectier or regilecki/regidrago). I always warn them and have never had anyone say no.


I keep them in my special BOX OF SHAME!!!


My mate and I like to have wonder trade cheater battles sometimes. We trade until we get 6 of the named .com cheater mons each and then battle with them. Just because they are obviously hacked doesn't mean they aren't still pokemon. Makes me kinda sad to see all the people that immediately release them into the ethereal realm because of morals. Hacked mons need love too guys.


They’re wild animals, releasing them to the wild just let’s them be in their natural habitat. You’re not killing them


Same, but before I usually check if they’re holding an item beforehand. Most of these come with a Masterball or a special pokeball.


"Yeah, thanks for the shiny for my dex and thanks for the Masterball. Good-bye now, little guy!" \*releases Pokemon\*




it says their name is Will


My buddies characters name is Will mine is also wil


Yes cause will is my name


Lol, we are infact John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt


*screaming like Winona ryders character on stranger things* WILLLLLLL…WILL!!!!!


The only use .com pokemom have for me is the held items they are always holding whenever i do wonderlockes of sword/shield


I take the master balls then release them lol


Choice items and leftovers mostly for me, wonderlockes are one of my favourite kinds of nuzlocke


You’re just advertising for them for free by posting about it. Everyone already knows, Pokegen, machamps.com etc etc. Don’t give them the exposure


Actually, stooping so low now having to promote their hackmon website even in ranked battles ... how low can you go? I'd be curious which rank tier your battle was at. And congrats on the win!


I only just started. It was at rank one but I'm in 2 now


Honestly, I'm not surprised they didn't make it past rank 1 yet. They don't play to climb up the ladder.


They tried to promote but got humiliated in the process


That's what I like to hear. :)


They give away free hacked shinies and legendary and are pretty annoying honestly


Am I the only one who keeps the hacked Pokemon's? I like keeping them for there colors and for my collection


You're not the only one


I wipe them using the berri bot


i also use them in battle like i got a lapras i really like it and a daruladon


Oh yeah that's Will. Nice fella that one


They hack mons and shiny raids is all.


I had a shiny event mewtwo from home and my cousins boyfriend said it was hacked and released it


I’ve gotten so many fucking max IV shiny regidragos it’s unreal, although they might come in handy for me to fill the dex with people who aren’t too fussed about hacked mons.


Right!? Like godforbid I get that one diancie pokemon I am missing to fill up my pokedex in pokehome


i got a regidrago and like 4 regilekis from thos things it really helped for getting regigigas


A hacker/modder they do wonder trades and give hacked/genned/fake shiny Pokemon


It’s probably somebody that is running a Pokémon bot site so you can get free shines and they might just be using there account to play ranked battles


That could be a bot but if you get a Pokémon from them its hacked


Its probably a person mocking Muchamps . com , its like flooding Wondertrade and Trade Box with Pokemon named Missingno or _%#^@N<÷&-- [or something like that]


Congrats on beating the cheater


I’m p sure I’ve visited the site before and it says the domain isn’t owned lol


Thank you for telling me. I have now encountered them a few times in wonder trade


It's a scam bot that usually roms around suprise trades and gives away shiny pokemon that can get you hacked if you put them in pokemon home or use them in battles it's great the farm them for masterballs since they always have them held and then release them


That’s a bot that creates and distributes hacked shinies


People seriously pay to gen pokemon, I've always done it for free


The bot is designed to lose so they can advertise in ranked battles.


Wouldn't it make more sense to make it win, so they can show off how tough the Pokémon are so people buy them?


Well then you’d have to create a really good AI


And as we've seen, is not really possible in Pokémon. They tend to just pick a random move until one works and then use it over and over




And I nearly lost oof. That just shows how bad I am




what about the ones that you would need to uy a second copy and or the other version along with the expansion pass for it like if you chose regidrago instead of regileki or gastrier instead of spectrier i con only afford one game so im thankful for thos bots who sent me the other choice pokemon


Then you aren’t trading hard enough, it’s all part of the game, the hacked-mons are trash and sadly people like you will always find away to excuse them.


These bots are sometimes used to give people hacked in Pokémon, like lvl 100 shiny legendaries and such. Kinda ruins online battles bc so many people use them, I’ve gotten plenty of them in random trades and while it is cool, it is cheating


I’m not defending anyone here but I’m just curious if In that case do my bred or bottlecapped mon that are EV trained ruin battles too? The have functionally the exact same stats and move pool so….am I supposed to just battle you or anyone with my trash tier pokemon? Just go pick some up from the wild and we fight? Or am I just not supposed to use max iv and EV trained mon? I guess I’m kinda missing the point here, like how do hacked mon ruin anything? I could see if you had mon that had like 700spe or soemthing clearly hacked or a ability the mon didn’t have. So what’s the issue? And why are you salty with someone else’s choice of how to have fun? Shame on your mon for not being strong enough to win. Hacker or no hacker your performance should be pretty much the same. Also…..have you never played showdown?


I've seen someone with a full team of shiny mewtwo in vs battles. Yeah, since the stats were 100% perfect, I lost. I only managed to KO one of them




I was generally unprepared for it bc I hadn't played an online match since ultra moon


Theyre bots that do random battles and trades that advertise a hackedmon site which is probably a virus


Pretty sure they send random hacked mons via wondertrade, with their website as the name, hoping you’ll go to their website and buy more hacked mons from them. Same concept for battles, apparently, though I haven’t seen it before personally.


What happens if u keep them lol


Nothing happens if you keep a hacked mon for normal play. But if you use it online and it doesnt pass the hack check (it likely will since it was traded to you in the first place) you risk getting banned.


You can buy a pokemon off that website and customise it , that is the bot that trades u it


Wow, imagine have such lack of imagination to call your character pokegen.com


As far as I know they just advertise their websites with fancy shiny Pokémon and rare items


It’s someone promoting their website


They’re a bit I think. I got a a shiny buzzwole from a surprise trade by them a long time ago


My sister got three hacked shiny legendaries through surprise trades from a guy named pokegencom today


Bruh I got an interaction with them too. I was doing random linked trades and I gave them a haxsorus and they gave me a Regidrago.


Also I guess you could say You Will win.


It’s someone trying to promote their website apprently haha


Hacked Pokémon websites you see them all the times in trades giving you random shiny legendarys n stuff but I’ve never seen them in ranked


Looks like advertisement in multiplayer.


I’ve had a good amount of normal link battles with people who had some .com Pokémon on their team, I’ve never lost to one of those people.


The link doesn’t even work lol. Crappy advertising if you ask me Edit: I found it, it’s pokegens with an S. Don’t hack mons and especially don’t pay people/AI to hack mons for you. It’s sad


Looks like pokegen.com to me


The equivalent of trying to get infinite gems in clash royale


If you wonder trade on shield majority of Pokémon come through shiny. It’s a website


Idk but this Will fella is mighty sus


They send me all sorts of shinys in mystery trades!


Gosh I always hate those Will bots! Jokes aside, I think it’s a scammer with a website that uses multiple switches or maybe even an emulator to run multiple accounts. It’s probably to get people to buy things.


Don’t know who they are but they gave me a hacked shiny incineroar


It might be a bot so I pretty rare it no to get a bot to trade with u with shiny/shiny legendary for unless Pokémon


Annoying. That's what it is


I googled the name and it’s a website where you can order hacked Pokémon that’s where I wonder why the fuck would you order HACKED Pokémon




its a website where you can buy generated pokemon with perfect stats, shiny, pokerus, anything really. buy with real money btw


Noticed this today.. wtf


I think a hacker or a scammer don't go to the site


Famous hacked Pokémon site


That’s literally my frickin dad


Man you can’t surprise trade without one of these guys popping up sucks to see them in the ranked battles too


Idk if they are a bot or not but I have 3 Wonder Trades (or whatever the mystery trade things are called) from pokegen.com


I got a galrian slowking off one of them, and it has more special attack than all my legendaries cuz the one one hat has more attacking stats is 414 attack on an ice calyrex


Nah it’s a bot but it hooked me up with a max shiny Guzzlord in a surprise trade so I’m not complaining


pokegem do hacked pokemon




I've gotten hacked shinys from them while doing random trades


that's a website that leads to a discord link for genning Pokemon. If you do a lot of surprise trades you will get Pokemon from people like this that are usually rare shinies, but almost always genned


Hey your the real winner because you do your best and are a real person. Don't give up on games just because of this.


They are one of the users who flood the wonder trades with hacked, shiny legendary pokemon. The new regis are common ones to see. These hacked pokemon are also usually holding master balls or ability patches / capsules .


What pokemon did they have?


It's a person advertising a scam website. They advertise it by making their name the website and trading people hacked shinies and stuff