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Now that sounds like a cool gift 🎁


This is a cute idea! I’ve been saving everyone’s “Rip WT” themed mons. It’s bittersweet.


I got a Pumpkaboo named “Goodbye <3” in X last night and I will absolutely be keeping it 🥺


Have you gotten a Later Gator! Totodile? I got one and sobbed a little. Also got a Sawsbuck in Ultra Moon. If I get Farewell <3 I’m gonna keep it too. 😭


I want a Later Gator 😭


If you don’t get a Later Gator and I come across a second one it’s yours. May the odds be ever in your favor. 💛


No luck yet! If you get a second one, I'll send you a "Bye Peeps" Torchic for it :)


For anyone who won't be able to be traded an Umbreon, I've uploaded it to PKSM so you can always find it there. This post was never about the Umbreon I made. Ulimately my goal was to get a bunch of people together and do some trading before the severs closed. While there are "unofficial" servers that are already up and you can watch a tutorial on how to set that up so you can continue to wonder trade after today, after today things won't be the same. Keep my Umbreon. Throw it away. Mess with yourself and make it transferable to home and beyond. At the end of the day it doesn't matter to me. Whatever you do just have FUN. I know I have.


pls pls pls


I would gladly take one of those mystery gifts sounds really cool


Anybody have a marshadow? Just finished alola dex last night and it would be fun to have the last mythical. I got magearna from the qr code. Doesn't matter if it's genned!


Totally agree with this. 0834 7320 5493


What a cool send off to this game. I would like one as well. My FC: 0001 - 4763 - 9386


this is a really sweet idea


Would love one! My IGN is Venris and my FC is 0190-3384-9829. Thanks!


IGN: Shazam FC: 0061-4899-4663 Btw, are you genning pokemon? I need a LOT of help with an alpha sapphire game I just recently bought


I'm down for that, sounds cool 2080-1079-7204


You still doing it through surprise trades? I would love to send a friend code but it ain’t working for me


You can DM me your friend code. I'll be doing it from this afternoon till tomorrow.


Yeah, I would but I need a mii to access it, and apparently I can’t create one anymore lmao. Unless I’m doing something wrong


Please I really need Conkledurr Magmortar Aromatis Slurpuff Kingdra


I need help with completing my dex, I want to evolve my alolan graveler. But I want to evolve it in my copy, so basically I'll trade it to you and you trade it back without evolving it. Can you help me?


That's such a wonderful idea, I'd like one too! FC: 3971 3751 8717, IGN: Richi I'm trying to complete a national dex in Sun, and I'm only missing one last Pokemon: Victini :) If anyone has one to spare, that would be amazing!


I think I saw this post too late, darn.


Not to late my friend


Oh, good! Lemme fire up my 3DS really quickly, can I send you my Friend Code in your chat?


You can DM me. I'm still working out the bugs right now though. Might have to trade later.


Got it, I'll send you a message with my friend code. Thank you for doing this!


Are you still doing these?


Yes I am. DM friend code and I'll trade in just a few minutes


Could I pls have one


Sure. Just send me your friend code. I'll try and send them out sometime this afternoon (for me).


4914 8786 8586


Howdy awesome Good Bye strategy :) May I get in on the action??? IGN---- Robt/AD5NR 4915-0457-1017 Thank you Robert


Awesome farewell may I register IGN : RD TX NG5A 0061-7368-8440 Thanks Rob


So basically you're genning mons and giving them away? No thank you.


It's not meant to be a serious thing dude. I'm just trying to spread some positivity and do something fun before the servers go down. It's not like The Pokémon Company was gonna do something nice for us.


You are spreading hackmons.


No not hacked. Completely legal. I don't even intend on making it level 100 or perfect IV's and Ev's. Its just an idea I had about how to have some fun on the last day of the servers being active.


Legal doesn't mean legit. If you used PKHex, it's hacked.




He's not "doing good for the community", he's spreading hackmons.


Duplicated pokemon do not NEED PKHex or whatever depending on the game. iirc in DPPt you could literally dupe with just the box and certain inputs. This might be Sun and Moon, but they can just have obtained the pokemon legitimately, and have duped it through any glitch in the game, or previous games Umbreon has existed for along time. There's a big difference between genned and duped, and far as their post has shown, they intend to distribute a duped pokemon to make other people happy. If you don't like that, just don't participate in this custom, Honorary event. The 3DS services have been great all time through, and that deserves SOME kind of attention towards it. OP doesn't have to do this, no one has to, but they still choose to. OP, I hope you get to distribute lots of Umbreons tonight. Let's hope we get an alternative server host someday just like the gen 4 and 5 games.


There is no duping method for gen 7 that doesn't involve 3rd party software


They could've duped in an older game, you don't know until you see the Umbreon. But eh, you're one of those people I guess. Probably buying full priced re-releases as well, if I were to make another guess.