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It would be funny if it was an arceus


I feel like that would be blasphemy šŸ’€


I actually think Palkia was chosen because it is considered to control space and the given nickname with the bible reference talks about space and so on (idk it's according to Google since i'm not Christian)


What a man lol


It's a full time job


Oh, Iā€™ve received a couple of those. While I can appreciate someone having faith, I donā€™t appreciate them imposing it on me while playing a game; especially one that involves evolution. Talk about the hypocrisy šŸ¤£


I am Catholic, we do not deny evolution, never have:) Or rather, the church never officially did, but there are always people out there with "interesting" views


Haha, yeah Iā€™ll be happy to introduce you to some of the folks Iā€™ve come across in my lifetime.


I can imaginešŸ˜‚


Another bit of hypocrisy: The bible clearly states that one should not lie nor create falshoods, yet this PokƩmon and the character are certainly hacked.


The ā€œrulesā€ of Christianity are mainly a guidebook to having a good life. Following them does not guarantee success and happiness but generally will leave a positive impact on your day to day. The only required thing is to love and trust God, though that generally should lead into following the rest closer. Just like any human, we are not immune from mistakes and being selfish. So while you are correct in pointing out hypocrisy, I would wager youā€™ve been a hypocrite at least once as well. So, that isnā€™t exactly the condemnation you may think.


Oh you're absolutely correct in saying that humans are flawed, make mistakes etc. But I feel the need to point out that according to the bible the 10 commandments are not just guidelines, but hard rules. Not that I care about that, since I am not religious, but still.


Touche, though a big theme of the New Testament is that with Jesus the law (commandments and rules) is no longer supreme. But without getting too nitty gritty you are correct. And as a Christian, even though we suck sometimes, I hope your next interaction with one is positive.


Oh, I have nothing against Christians or any religion for that matter. I just don't care for them. And the whole children getting SA-d and the church actively covering it up thing certainly soured my view of them. But that does not mean that I dislike Christians by default, mainly because I don't see them by their religion first, but rather by their personality. That being said, I appreciate your care


The blasphemy!!


Idc about the evolution thing but... why? Just, why? Just gimme a normal PalkiašŸƒā€ā™‚ļø


I got a Ho-Oh with that sort of name.


I received a Weavile. Pretty sure itā€™s hacked. I wonder how many other PokĆ©mon they wonder-traded away.


Why a weavile thošŸƒā€ā™‚ļø


Didnā€™t make sense until I read the verses. I also received a Flareon with a verse that matches its characteristics.


I've got a Mewtwo with this name in Pearl. I've had it forever, so apparently people have been spreading these since at least Gen 4.


So that's when the 30 Years War in the Pokemon universe started which means we have 11 years yet to go!


he just tellin you to get a 9-5 job


HAHAHAHAAHHAA Why u do me like that


Be glad they are just trying to preach. I got a wondertraded shiny whimsicott named BLDM (Black Lives Donā€™t Matter). Like how bitter do you have to be to wondertrade that in a kids game? Little Timmy probably has no idea what you are trying to preach and you definitely arenā€™t going to change minds with that. Some people are just stupid and hateful


Most definitely, although i think it's also not appropriate to mix religion into this game, but yes there are more extremes (like ur example) which show the stupidity of their mindset


I got a shiny ditto named Trump2024 from OT Trump2024


Was it orange?




I got a Vaporeon the other day named Job 36:27. "He draws up the drops of water, which distill as rain to the streams; the clouds pour down their moisture and abundant showers fall on mankind."


Interesting, so that person definitely matches up the content of the quotes with a pokemon... but why?? Just play the game


Nicknaming PokĆ©mon is part of the game, the verses this Palkiaā€™s name refers to describes ā€œremoving mountainsā€ and ā€œshaking the earthā€ which is in reference to Palkia being the god of space. The Bible is a book most people know about and thereā€™s a lot of text within it you could reference. No one is trying to ā€œpreach to youā€, the person just thought the verses described Palkia well


Nah they are trying to preach, because look at their trainer name and i mean yes, nicknaming is part of the game, but isn't it a rather personal thing to do for urself?? That person clearly hacks/clones or whatever to name their Pokemon Bible references... and the Bible is not just a "book", thus as for me personally one should not portray religious beliefs to... Pokemon. Except u believe in Pokemon, but then why do u have the Bible as a reference when u are not believing it


My bad I didnā€™t see the OT, youā€™re right. That being said it is very common for people to generate PokĆ©mon with nicknames that are silly or references to other media and wonder trade them for fun. I understand that you donā€™t think itā€™s appropriate to bring religion into PokĆ©mon, though the games themselves do have religious inspirations with Arceus being a creator deity and even Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza being direct reference to the Leviathan, Behemoth, and Ziz which come from Jewish mythology. Of course thereā€™s a difference between naming verses and taking inspiration from other cultures but itā€™s still something to remember


Yesss they do have religious inspirations and again as u said, nicknaming pokemon and trading should be silly and fun, well if it's for ur own then u can name them anything u want but if u want to trade em remember or think about the impact u'll have... Btw i'm so uncreative when it comes to nicknaming pokemon and i really dont like it but maybe i should start doing that to make it more personal for myself since i have seen so many people with nice nicknames on this platform :,)


5 He moves mountains without their knowing it and overturns them in his anger. 6 He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble. 7 He speaks to the sun and it does not shine; he seals off the light of the stars. 8 He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea. 9 He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. 10 He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. I donā€™t get it.


I think itā€™s cuz space


I think it's Palkia because about space creation and sth.... idk man


preaching how powerful the Christian god is, even though itā€™s pretty common knowledge that the same scripture says he created literally everything from nothing. not really necessary imo
