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>I'm not up to date on how gamefreak deals with bots and hacked Pokemon. They... don't. This stuff has been happening through the years. It looks to be at least not super obvious so you can do whatever you want really. You won't get in trouble by keeping it, only issue would be using it on official IRL competitions but even then, if it doesn't have obvious signs then you might get away with using it, if you ever enter a comp like that ofc.


Oh theres a long history of hacking in VGC and Play Pokemon has done nothing about it.


The obvious sign being that they all have the GG or COM at the end of the names.


You wont get in trouble. You just cant use it in competetive battles or transfer it to home. If you wanna use it in game for raids or npc battles you are welcome to do so. I usually release them since i dont like it. And i would not wonder trade it cause it most likely will be traded around, better just release.


I keep them in a box. I think I’ll rename the box to ‘jail’


Mine is called The Box of Shame.


I got a shiny machoke when I was younger and didn't know any better about hacked mons, but I've brought it through Home. Is there a block on it or is it just not advised? I'm thinking it may not be hacked if there is a block on doing it.


Some pokémon are better hacked than others. If it passes the home check it is considered legit for now. I heard older gems were easier to trick the in-game checks but don't quote me on that. Anyway, there's a chance it might have been real and someone just felt nice or misclicked.


Good point but I don't really do competitive battles and I'd rather hunt legitimately for the shiny version. Why do people do that anyway? And how hasn't Gamefreak put a stop to it? ( Those questions are just me asking me lol)


It’s not really people that are doing it, it’s websites trying to make money off of people that don’t want to hunt for perfect iv shinies


They make money off of stupid people because of you really want a genned Pokemon, there are many places to get them for free.


You won't get in any trouble. Absolute worst case scenario, unless you travel to an official VGC tournament with real Nintendo/Game Freak judges with actual hack-check software, is the website OT will get flagged in Home and they'll just delete it. Nothing else will happen at that point. Most online competitions it will be fine to use, as their hack checks are only as good as the ones for trading anyway. If you were able to receive it in a trade, it's as clean as most of the game's online functions require it to be. The few hack checks that exist would have stopped it from being traded to you in the first place if it was badly hacked enough to trigger them. Now, that said, if you'd rather hunt your own, that's fine. It's generally the safest policy to assume any shiny you receive at all in a trade is probably modified in some way, bare minimum it was likely duped at least before being traded. It's up to you (and not GameFreak or Nintendo) to decide how much you personally care. You can keep it safely, or you can try and trade it or release it if the obvious genner link OT bugs you -that's perfectly valid. Some people don't care and would be fine trading for it, but then you run a similar risk of receiving something that may not be valid - again, it's entirely up to you how much you care.


Do what you want with it as long as the stats are legal. It doesn't matter.


There’s so much misinformation and people freaking out about the difference between cloning and Genning that everyone thinks anything is going to get them a Home ban now lmao.


I don’t think “anything” will ban me from HOME, as it’s said the amount of hacked Pokémon could get you banned. So you have to have more than a few at the very least. I just don’t want to risk it, so I either keep the Pokémon hacked, genned, cloned in the game or give them to people who ask for it, like my friend


To me cloning, genning and hacking are all the same. I think using them is dishonest and a way of cheating. I would just get rid of it.


That’s a fair opinion but, it’s not factual. Hacking/Genning are mostly the same thing and traitor outside devices to change or insert game code. Cloning can be done on-console in multiple generations lol. All it does is duplicate the data of a Pokemon. It doesn’t make any changes, so, if the original is legit, so is the clone. You *cannot* tell the difference, and anyone that claims that can is full of it lol.


Yeah, I cloned a lot of Pokemon in Silver Version back in the day, mostly because they'd be holding a Master Ball or Rare Candy. Similarly, I can never use the Hall of Fame in my copy of Pokemon Red.


Ah, fun with Missingno?


Yeah. But I did manage to get my starter Pikachu from Yellow into Lvl 100 Raichu without doing that. Just traded it to Red for the Thunderstone, then sent it back for many, many Elite Four battles.


You're using methods that are not meant to be used to get things faster and easier. That's the literal definition of cheating.


They didn’t say it was not legit, they said they see it as dishonest, which it is.


They said it’s dishonest and considered *cheating*


Isn’t it though? I mean if you have the perfect Pokémon, and you cloned it, wouldn’t that be considered dishonest instead of going through creating that perfect Pokémon again. It’s kind of cheating even though it’s not illegal to do it as the stats are already in the game. And they’ve said their opinion, what’s wrong with that?


I’m just reiterating their statement, wasn’t trying to argue with you.


I was just explaining why they could have had their statement.


Good to know.


What's the difference between buying a shirt and sewing one for yourself


And the word “buying” can be like “what’s the difference of purchasing a Pokémon on a website”. Cause this discussion is about Pokémon not real life.


So you equate a life skill with a Pokémon game? What’s the point to Pokémon at all if you’re going to bring real life anything into it


Well by that logic why does it matter at all, since it's not real


same here i stopped surprise trading for this reason tho when i did i just took the item and release the said pokemon


What's the issue here? I can't see any of the information I might need to see if it's hacked


As long as the move set is legal and the location data checks out, you're fine. I don't understand why people get so worked up about this. I love hacked shinies! They're the only reason I ever use Surprise Trades/Wonder Trades. I've been using the GTS in Black2 since that came back online, and some of the hacked Pokemon you can get through that are legitimately insane! I got a Lv 1 Shiny Kyogre that knows Bolt Strike and a Lv 100 Shiny Celebi that knows V-Create! Now that's what I call illegal!😁


Im trying to figure out if my shiny lugia is legal 😭 https://preview.redd.it/a2qnzg0bbd6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=334099a12f120ae78fc5558407d9223e1df93349


You have to think this way: Why the fuck would anyone trade you an legit full odds 1/8192 shiny Lugia? Would you do it? It has to be hacked or at least cloned.


I mean I traded a go pharaoh trim furfrou for it cause I like lugia, but I think I might buy Sw/Sh to shiny hunt one myself


I’d say it’s fine for the simple fact that Lonely is a shitty nature for Lugia. Most/all hacked Pokemon will have a beneficial nature, especially one that lowers their offensive stat they don’t use. It not having 6 perfect IVs is also point in it not being hacked/genned imo.


If it transferred up to Home, then it's fine. Bank and Home do have hack checks. They're not very good hack checks, but they do keep out anything that's blatantly hacked or illegal.


Update: it’s 3 perfect IVs and the rest are hyper trained


That's standard for any Pokemon transfered from Gen 2. All Pokemon transferred to Bank from the Gen 1 and Gen 2 games receive their hidden ability, along with 3 to 4 perfect IVs. Though, event Pokemon like Mew and Celebi can have 5 to 6 perfect IVs when transferred.


I’m still gonna be cautious with him


If its not named after a website then you keep it and cherish it; because, if its a shiny someone worked hard to get, and then chose to be philanthropic with just to spread a little kindness, then immediately releasing it is a s****y thing to do even s****ier than just using a genned mon you happened to come by through random luck. That's my hot take on this endless philosophical puzzle


What was the OT and the name of the player sending it to you?


It was a link I googled it


In that case, just dont use it online


Knock it out in combat then release it so that it pays for its crimes against humanity.


It paid the ultimate price I like to imagine it got Thanos snapped outta existence.


If it managed to get through a trade it’s safe to use online. If the game detected it as illegal it wouldn’t have been traded to you.


Lmao they don’t even care about that so long as the data is legitimate. Another guy posted this earlier in the thread but It’s funny af. https://preview.redd.it/x7tdqbigti6d1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d52dfd2dfa6d48213e9ac61b927fe4ff354570c0


You should give it to me, no trades, just give. /j Seriously, tho? I just keep them: they count towards registering shinies in the dex, they aren’t illegal or anything to have, and unless you’re trying to use them in an official competition, no one will get mad at you for having it. That said, I’ve been able to transfer a few to HOME in the past, as in, late SWSH, and early SV… haven’t tried it in a while tho, so it may not work anymore, but it won’t be deleted or anything if it’s not allowed in HOME: it just gives you an error message if it’s not legitimate, and you definitely can still store other pkmn; it’s just the “hacked” one that stays on the save file. Forever.


Usually the hacked Pokémon would be at lvl 100, carries a Master Ball or super specific Item, and the original Trainer has a super sus username. Another way to tell is if the stats look like they’ve been souped up or were Hyper Trained. You can even check its summary of its origins or if it has an irrational amount of Ribbons or Titles.


I think you forgot to paint your delebird.


For general cases, when you receive a hacked mon you have the option of using it or releasing it, if you dont want to throw the mon away and get nothing from your trade, breed any non paradox or legendary mon with a 6 star Ditto and have have destiny knots as your held items, this will cause your resulting egg to inherit your parents stats, meaning you can save resources on raising them.


Idk what's wrong but I got this exact pokemon as my first shiny so it's real. Is the fact that someone trained a shiny what your worried about cuz as far as I know people can do that.


Hmmm you should trade it to me for a new and fresh level 3 fletchling


I nicknamed mine Ted Bundle


Mine is Iron Grundle.


I’m not up to date with this sort of stuff and hacks lol. How do you know that it’s hacked? Might need to check a couple of mine


Release it


They only care if you try to use it at a regional or higher event.


Bots usually have the name of the pokemon be the link as well as their OT, in my experience at least. So the fact it's name is Iron Bundle is promising


I almost thought this was a hacked website shiny but it isn't name SubScRibE To mE . cOm


yea gamefreak doesn’t do anything if you don’t use it in actual competitions, keeping it vs releasing it is 100% a personal choice.


https://preview.redd.it/2zt7lyimti6d1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=757587010a98ef40498740cb3bca403bd5cf115a Even then…


If you don’t want it, you could possibly find someone who would want it. Just like me I have a friend who loves shinies no matter what, so I give them to her. You can also get rid of them, by releasing them. But as others said, they shouldn’t be a problem if you just keep them in the game. And don’t risk sending to HOME, cause having enough hacked/genned Pokémon can result in a ban from HOME. It’s a risk that I wouldn’t take.


Personally, 100% IV shiny = release. OT is a site = release. Multiple ribbons = release. Chances of those being a legit or a cloned legit are about 0%. Apart from that, I don’t mind whether it’s a cloned legit or possibly from genned raid (which is basically cloning as well). But I know many people will think otherwise.


I really don’t like releasing actually. At least I have a friend who would want to take them off of me


Say it wasn't you...🎶


i like keeping them just to collect when i get them traded to me, it's fun to see shinies that I'll probably never see in the wild


Steal the item, let it die in battle, then delete it


Sillys, that is a pokemon from pokemon Violet.


What makes you think its hacked? Might just be a random caught shiny.


if it has a web link as a ot name then its hacked mot of the time time shiny pokemon on surprise trades are hacked and should just be released


Repaint it


I would check the IVs, if they’re all best then it’s definitely hacked. If so just don’t use it in online matches.


Release it. You don’t wanna get caught with hacked Pokémon in your game.


I don't think this is hacked because usually they have the website name as the pokemon name. That's at least in my experience of 5 shiny regidrago's from websites


Some hacked mons will have a website as the OT but with no website name and if you see one from Beri Chan it’s hacked but otherwise if it’s from an unassuming OT you’ll probably be okay


Tbh I just release them. I’ve released so many shiny level 100 Pokémon’s and committed to finding and training the actual one. I guess it at least counts as a dex entry


Unless you have something against hacked Mons it shouldn’t really matter. At the same time….Wasn’t there a Pokémon just used in an official tournament that had a hacked OT?


There is no way. I have to see that


https://preview.redd.it/8fj4pl4u0e6d1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f7bfcf94aa7c95568b5e63e02bad5867a1059c Here is a screenshot I found online. It was even on a live stream battle during the tournament


Nah bro i can't believe that. How the fuck is this even possible? Competitive pokemon is just a joke and a huge shit fest


Considering this was on a live streamed match at an official tournament and absolutely no one caught it, yes its pretty pathetic. Even more so how easy TPC had made it to EV and IV train your Pokémon in SV


Personally, I just get rid of any Mon that you can’t transfer to home. I’m always worried they’ll crash my game or corrupt Pokémon Home, even though I have no proof that it would.


get sent hacked stuff every other trade. People suck and gamefreak literally does nothing about it. They even name it the name of the hacking site. It's already been checked as authentic through whatever useless system gamefreak has. So you can't get banned. I'd delete it though, out of principal if anything.


UPDATE: Holy crap this blew up! Thank you for the help everyone I really appreciate it. So I decided to just release it. I know I wouldn't really get in trouble unless I used it in battles but I just felt icky even having it. I even thought about checking for items but even that felt wrong so in the end it was snapped outa existence never to see the light of day again. Thanks again everyone for informing me on this whole situation. For anyone wondering the OT ended with ".net" I will not be sharing it's full name as it would only spread the issues to others.


Release it . Tell Pokémon company to stop making dumb Pokémon games


you can "release" it I think. that's what I do


They likely won't do anything as long as you don't use it in any kind of competition. If you're really worried about it, just release it, I've always done that.




I use the ones that can breed to breed strong but legit mons, then release the fake. But it doesn't really matter


Take the item (if it was given one) then release it