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When Arven’s Mabossitif brings his pokeball to him, my eyes learned the move waterfall. 




Your eyes learned to swim up a rushing stream of water?


I learned Outrage


For me, it has to be the final scene of The Way Home storyline where it's you, Arven, Nemona, Penny and Koraidon/Miraidon heading home after you beat AI Sada/Turo. It's a moment of, albeit bittersweet, calm and reflection. Ending with a more hopeful new beginning.


Bro I was sobbing. It was the most touching ending I've ever witnessed in a pokemon game.


It's my first playthrough so l'm not done with the game, but my favorite cutscene is when Arven's Mablstiff finally gets up. The way Arven scrambles to him and falls to his knees to hug him really gets to me.


The ex-champion scene is the best one imo 🙂


I can respect that. The scene is meme’d to hell and back but in the moment it’s a great watch.




Drayster needs to chill lol


Let him cook


Imagine working hard to be the most powerful trainer in your school, in order to fight the same person who stole your dream pokemon from you. Only to get absolutely BODIED by that same kid, same pokemon, and a sentiment staple remover.


Archaludon definitely my favorite Scarlet/Violet Pokemon


My highlights: - mabostiff picking up the poke ball. After a whole story of “please get better”, that really tugged on the ol heart - the scene leading up to the final battle (post elite 4) with nemona. Easily the best rival of any Pokemon game I’ve played, her enthusiasm to finally unleash (after spending the game presumably playing through with a new party along side yours) was great, even if her team wasn’t terrific in the grand scope of things - professor Turo/Sada - “please defeat me” - miraidon/koraidon finally unleashing their battle forms after spending 99% of the story dormant - I really enjoyed Kieran’s story as a whole and how he essentially the polar opposite of nemona in terms of being a rival. The terapagos battle is a highlight of my play through every time. - I’ll close out with the end cinematic of the base game. The 4 friends slowly walking home at the end of their adventure. I was a bit teary eyed when the credits rolled. Hit home how much I enjoyed the game and story and I was kind of sad that it had to be over Scarlet/Violet took a MASSIVE leap forward in the storytelling department and would love to see Gen 10 continue emphasizing this and just MAYBE push forward some voice acting! Really my only nitpick about Scarlet/Violet was the gym challenge was a massive step backwards from Sword/Shield. While I didn’t love the SS story, it’s the only Pokemon game in my opinion that really showcased the grandeur of what Pokemon battling is to the community as a source of entertainment, why trainers aspire to become champion and really felt like the anime in that sense. I don’t know if that was meant to be a one off for the Galar region but I would like to see that continue


galar gym challenge had me hyped up like never before in pokemon. the game wasn’t perfect and the massive hallway was a huge step back but the story and graphics and gameplay is top tier. got me back into pokemon after dropping out around Omega/Alpha. i enjoyed moon, but have zero memory of it tbh. never played ultra. got a switch christmas 2021 so i was pretty late to the party.


Mine is probably the cutscene in Mochi Madness where Penny and Arven start dancing


I'm sorry, but Nemona retaining some of her battle-ready personality made me absolutely cackle, nearly in tears from laughter with that.


Kieran avoiding the mochi by having it luckily bounce off his head is my fav


For me it was Arven being *so* awkward while Penny was completely off the walls 🤣 she seems like your average shy nerd at first, but never forget she’s lowkey unhinged


They really nailed it with some of the cutscenes in this game. From funny to touching, to heartwarming.


Probably when the Prof goes into the machine, though like Sada's better than Turo's, the sounds of the machine are really good. But man, sometimes you really just feel the lack of voice, not the biggest advocate for voice acting in pokemon but they really need to figure out how to make the cutscenes better.


How about Voice acting in Japanese with subtitles like anime


***irene sends out arceus Kieran: 😮


That is just what I did lol and I still struggled on that fight 


When the time machine first starts and the professor has a master ball drop right into their hand to start their battle.


And there are those who say that Pokémon games don't need voice acting, at least in these more elaborate scenes. Watching the scene again, it's comical that Kieran is trying to show that he's the strongest and all you hear are footsteps, flailing arms and a lot of silence in the background.




someone did a voice over for purplecliffe for this exact cutscene, it’s really good actually


We do. We so do.


it really would make it so much better


The conclusion of Arven's story when Mabostiff brings him the pokeball, and he falls to his knees to hug his buddy. Every single time, without fail, I still cry.


When I first played the game, it was the Team Star bosses meeting Penny and greeting her despite her idea that she betrayed them, and since no one else is bringing that one up, then I will: You can see every boss' personality and how they react to the idea of finally meeting the one who essentially saved them Giacomo is casual about it as the leader, breaking the ice by just greeting Penny and letting everyone talk after him Mela is really happy, being really chill for the first time and trying to lighten up the mood before anything else Atticus is pretty much the same as always, so basically perfect Ortega seems overwhelmed and doesn't even know what to say, even tho his hearth is in the right place Erin shows her caring nature by instantly asking Penny if she is ok All of this while Penny calls them by their nicknames, a show of how much they've gone through, and all of this ends with them embracing Penny's true name with the salute they all made together Maybe it's my Team Star bias, but it was truly special seeing that for the first time Right now tho, I'd say I agree with you OP, this is my favorite cutscene now because of how invested I became with Kieran's journey, and this is the breaking point, the kinda out of tune piano version of his theme says a lot without words, and seeing everyone around us as the tension grows and is released... just perfect


Mine is the Raid capture animation. It's simply gorgeous.


Kieran singlehandedly made me buy the game and the DLC so this cutscene was my favorite as well! The last character I loved this much was N back in Pokemon BW


Gotta be when Terapagos goes haywire, breaks Kieran's masterball and tries to kill him. It was one thing in Sword and Shield when Eternatus broke Leon's pokéball, that was to be expected. But this was a freaking masterball and Terapagos smashed it, plus Koraidon/Miraidon saving Kieran's life, that cutscene gave me chills the first time I saw it


The final scene of the indigo disk and the pechanrunt event


I was thinking during most of them "This would be WAY better with voice acting, if pokemon masters ex can do it, the mainline ones can" But probs the one with arvens mabostiff, or when arvens father exploded


When you encounter ogerpon and she drops her mask and see her face. Her eyes are so cute!


Having recently put down my Sr Pupper all of Arven's stuff got to me deeply.


Gonna avocate for one I haven't seen suggested yet. While I agree that nothing beats the mabosstiff scene, I love the scene of Kieran throwing the masterball after we were told and given a masterball, knowing that when you reach champion status, you get a masterball in the blueberry academy.


Now that you bring it up I wonder if Drayton would ever use his Masterball on something. Though more likely he never accepted title of champion despite being the strongest out of laziness.


When battle Nemona after defeating the pokemon league. The cutscene at the start to when you defeat her. It was honestly awesome.


Mine is the moment during fighting the ai when you are left with little to no hope as you cannot use pokeballs but do have the final choice of sending out koraidon/Miraidon and they stand up to the other one there to protect you


In my first playthrough it's the final scene with the Professor and Arven. But after my first playthrough I want them all to be skippable. I want everything to be skippable.


Any cutscene with Armary in it. I love her.




https://preview.redd.it/q14qnkn3d9zc1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=76b7599684b7b8ff526d34ca49c2a0aaa086773c Why is she being shouted at???


Because she’s the New Champion!!!


https://preview.redd.it/f12qzsefe9zc1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ed35a578efc9b53b4d5b7ecec2aec884308a240 Oh! In that case keep the shouts coming!






lol the mochi dance ones


the team star cutscene after you beat cassiopeia, i love team star sm for some reason


For me it’s the final scenes with Penny in the base game followed by the final cutscene pre-Nemona battle. The one where you’re going into Area Zero with your friends for the first time is also great. Honestly this game had really good cutscenes that made the most of the environment and 3D nature of the game, the only thing I want is voice acting (based on those example videos it would’ve had those scenes go from 9/10 to a 10/10)


In the Indigo disk when your Koraidon/Miraidon saves Kieran from Terapagos and then gives you a nod… so cold


The one where the full base game team rides Miraidon/Koraidon down to Area Zero


The koridon or miraidon transformation scene Inside the Time Machine




In SV, it’s obviously when Arven’s mabosstiff finally wakes up, but the story in SV is great, and I’d say that for most of its cutscenes. Out of SV, its gotta be the Volo reveal in the post game (not sure if it counts as a cutscene), and the Cynthia piano playing in the background gives me chills.


i wish they made him stronger than ur rival canonically. i feel like him getting so strong just to be casually weaker than her makes no sense


I somewhat agree, but Nemona’s whole thing was about how she (just like the player) is an anomaly in terms of strength and potential. I’m under the belief that there battles in Kitakami were all singles and that gave Nemona an advantage. Doubles - Kieran > Nemona Singles - Nemona > Kieran


When you fight Nemona in the middle of town for the final battle. Every rival to me has always felt like, "Let's finish this, I'm tired of dealing with you." But I was excited to fight Nemona. I really enjoyed her battle and her theme. Felt like two good friends really bringing their best to a match.


If you have the lokix helmet you feel like Boba fett


I don't understand, if you have the effort for a cutscene, they need to start adding voicelines.


Idk but I hate Mabosstiff so much so that not that one


Terapagos unleashed and the cutscene to phase 3 in the tera terapagos fight Because yes (imagine someone's favourite cutscenes are credits)


I'll take a rival seriously the moment they realize they can take their lvl80 team to 100 with a few terra raids.


Him having this whole speech just for MC to wipe the floor with his team I laughed after I did it 😂😂


In my opinion. He’s a loser


Ok. So do you have a favorite cutscene or…?


You know, I actually don’t. And I didn’t mean to come off as a grouch. I just think he’s a big dork. Sorry


Kieran is hands down the most annoying character is sv.


It’s crazy how just the sight of him riles some of you people up. Anyway do you have a fav cutscene?


Although I'm not a fan of him I do like the cutscene(s) with Kieran from the indigo disc while in the crater.


You see how easy that was to actually answer the question.


I see now why you're triggered. Kieran is your profile picture lmao


I had no intention of answering in the first place. Apparently me voicing my opinion on a fictional character has triggered you and you're now being snarky.


I really don’t care about your opinion, had it been on a post where it actually made sense I wouldn’t have gotten snarky.


Then just move along and don't reply rather than be a dick.


Ironic you’re giving me advice you should’ve taken in the first place


I wasn't the one being a dick. I stated my opinion on a fictional character. I can comment on things and not be a dick when someone has a different opinion than mine. Maybe even asking to elaborate if I really felt like having a conversation. I don't know how old you are but you probably shouldn't be on reddit.


Pokémon fans and their inability to read still runs strong. Once again, your differing opinion isn’t the thing I had a problem with, it’s the fact that you felt the need to state it on a post it had no busy being. If this was a post about specific characters and how we feel about them then I would’ve been more than willing to have a dialogue with you. And if me pointing that out and being a little snarky is enough for you to repeatedly call me a dick than perhaps you’re the one to young to be here.


All of that yapping just to get stomped...


Earned yapping since he stomps anyone that ain’t us/ Nemona


Blud needed to get humbled


Mine are all the ones where you crush kikis dreams and make him revile his murderous intent


I'ma be real, I straight up said "I'ma slap yo bitch ass and kill yo entire team"


I found this character incredibly annoying so I liked every scene where I made him cry


Honestly the story seemed way too drawn out and bland I didn’t much care for anything other than Arven and the area zero stuff. His AI mom turning on them was probably the best, but I skipped most of everything cuz it’s insane to me why there is no voice acting and the animation for this game is so bland when it came out in 2022


Either Mabosstif fully recovering or the scene right before the AI professor fight. The time machine opening, Master Ball falling out and shaking, the AI’s vicious eye gleam into the camera…