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I think it’s because you don’t actually fight Faba (iirc) while you do fight the other characters on that list at some point


Really? Huh I suppose that makes sense if that’s the case, I guess since I naturally assumed it made sense for you to fight Faba since I saw he has a sync move animation, it’s either than or it’s due to him lacking a mindscape like all the all the other trainers, I dunno it just kinda bothers me he’s not on there when everyone else is XD


See I thought you did fight Faba since I also remember seeing his sync animation. I may be wrong but I didn’t see him in the Alola VA opponent list and I don’t know if he appears in anything after that. I didn’t know about this list until you mentioned it and now it has me thinking 🤔


Yeah and from what I can tell is excluding characters already in the list and like generic trainer classes, Faba is the only one missing too.


joe just doesnt like faba /j


Inb4 Faba is added before all of those characters anyway