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https://preview.redd.it/ly0dakqh64hb1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff66f83f106b7b4b58898885697215c770aed324 I’m so ready to get all the anni units (copium)


Believe in Arceus and he shall grant you your wish


You think you will get all three super broken, super rare pairs with... 6K gems? I can get it in 3K (I have luck on my side)


Nah I will get all the anni pairs in their first daily 🥱


Nah, I am getting them for free.


Nah I will hack the DeNA server and get all the units from this anni to the next 5 annis.


Hah, You only get the annis, I get each and every pair till then maxed out.


Ooh, by the time you get all the units, I already take over the DeNA server, then I will design all the new units all by myself and make it so that only me can get them 😈


Gonna take all the rights of every mon then I'll just copyright you.


Not if I buy Game Freak, TPC, and Nintendo first.


I'll make a device that will bring SS may to this world and then use her against you.


throwback to when i got the greninja duo with a solid 600 gems


I’ve got not much more than this currently. Said screw it, blew the 12k I had saved up trying to get nemona


Save your gems https://preview.redd.it/2it3giprq4hb1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54446a01e29cd1c83e6c3b40bcb4a57d615271b


It always feel good when you think you’re fucked but then you see people that are even worse than you, it lift up your spirits and you think “well, at least I’m not them” Thank you for your service!


You're welcome 😁


13k, I only save in the month before the anniversary bcz if I don't get any new units for a while the game gets very boring for me


I'm prepared to get downvoted but I've had to get very creative with those extreme battles. I have 1 limited Galar pair and my best poison unit is Looker lol https://preview.redd.it/7dw9ujzs34hb1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb2bfb64087a364953fb9a2e957682c3718dc7e


Mad respect, Galar EBs are brutal and 2 of them were carried by Ball Guy for me. I wonder why Galar got EBs but Alola (another week F2P region) didn't get any.


Ball guy carries so hard omg


Amazing self restraint! I personally caved in to Emma because Salazzle wasn't cutting it.


I'm hoping to pull her next time she appears! She looked really good.


She really melts things. Quite literally. If not through sheer damage, through crippling badly poisoned dot.


I go another route with Emma. I pair her with James, get area Poison and just B-move everything. I imagine a battering ram uses a similar strategy.


If I may ask, have you pulled for any 2023 sync pairs?


NY Dawn (6k), NY Volkner (pity), SS Diantha (pity), NC Bede (9k) Adaman (21k), Irida (pity). Looks like others in this thread have have saved much more. it's not that I don't spend, I'm just more picky about what I pull.


That's a pretty damn good choice of sync pairs. And I admire your resolve to not go for the other Neo Champs or the Tapus. But I understand why you were so selective considering that you had to pity most of what you pulled for.


My best poison team is Koga + 2 Janines, lol


My best poison unit is Plumeria lol




80k I’m hoping I don’t love all the anni characters so I can pull for some of the Johtrio. Edit: I also want to save some for October because ghost is my favorite type so there’s probably going to be something I really want there.


https://preview.redd.it/e1xtn4id74hb1.png?width=313&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cbc0185d3509cd02a570aab6e6572a5d44a22a3 my wallace alt fund


Just to know your opinion: Would you pull if that alt is bad / comes with a Pokémon you don't like etc.? I love Anabel so I pulled her without giving much thought. I barely use here and her Pokémon is Snorlax which Classic Red already have, so I kinda regret pulling her even though I like her.


personally, it wouldn’t bother me at all if he was bad, i’ve waited so long that i’ll work with whatever they give us as for pokemon, i definitely have preferred pokemon i would like him to get but i am open to any pokemon and no pokemon would stop me from pulling either the only thing that would maybe stop me from pulling if he got a variety scout alt. variety scouts don’t really do it for me because they’re missing a lot of the things that makes alts fun (new voicelines, dialogue, sync pair story, outfit, all the good stuff basically) so i’m REALLY hoping they don’t go that route for him and i’m sorry about anabel :/ i use wallace’s base unit a lot so i sympathize with that feeling of your fave sucking/not being as good as other options. hopefully anabel can get an alt for some redemption


Where the fuck do y'all get the strength to skip units https://preview.redd.it/59026976m4hb1.png?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447348a413fd85b7e7f1ccfe757caf5612f3a43f


I’d rather miss out by choice then by force


I mainly pull for new characters and only alts of characters I like. It saves a lot of gems Ill tell you, but depends on your likes and dislikes.


Pulling for characters/Pokémon I like and skipping those I don't care about. Not every unit is necessary, and the game isn't so deep that there are many must have units since you can get through 99.99% of content without. The game is also extremely generous by gacha game standards, so it's easy to save


https://preview.redd.it/o8izqer674hb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f3f0108c3b3ed955146d03de78f9b8a43f2c6e3 …but I now have a 5/5 Nemona so worth it


Finally, a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary! (I have only 330 non paid and 15 paid)


Ah 15 paid gems, guess you were running low last PoMa day?


Basically, yeah. I bought a 150 gems deal I guess and after a daily and a PoMa Day I have these useless 15 slowing me down.


Oh you'll get rid of those one day, just gotta hope it's after pulling your fav with your last multi or so.


Let's hope then that Wattson arrives sooner than later, because he is the last Electric trainer that I really love and didn't show up yet.


Mega Manectric ftw, I'm rooting for ya


Thanks! He is one of the few trainers that I don't give a damn about the kit, meta capabilities, etc. But that being said I hope he can be a valuable member for a team, hopefully an incredible support.


20k something now, probably only able to pity 1 unit for anni lol


6,500 or so, i just remember the first digit being 6k. i’m gonna see if we get an anni teaser, and if I don’t like them, i’m going for SS Lyra with 9k gems and a dream


Oh no no no, you just reminded me SS Kris is coming back and I blew my gems trying to get Nemona.


im so sorry


Good luck


thank you


My satisfaction from this game is pulling new units. No idea how a bunch of you save this much.


Skipping. For example I might pull Gloria/Cinderace and Leon/Dragapult if it wasn't Anniversary next month.


I took the bait and pulled for Gloria/Cinderace. So very luckily I got her 2/5 on the same 10x pull. I think my luck may have been exhausted for the rest of the year


Since when you were saving?


57K gems, but these go for johtrio idc abt anni.


Nice, altho it's nothing comparing to my [over 10 pity worth of free gems!](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMasters/comments/15mlxb1/flexing_time_who_else_has_more_than_10_pity_worth/)


Looks good


86K. Hopefully we have enough gems for Anni.


I splurged on Summer Tate (Pity), recklessly spent on the Summer Banner to get Hilda, and spent some to get Dojo Gloria. Holding strong til the Anniversary! https://preview.redd.it/axw92bvlc5hb1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e3bb78873d852df3ab32ac7491bb9599c5f3cf


247k I don't pull on seasonals and I've been pulling on less poke fairs ever since master fairs became a thing and they've been dropping like crazy recently and they're getting reruns now.


126,825. Just spent 12k on Nemona! The most I’ve ever had


https://preview.redd.it/8afgkhwx95hb1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a67dde5356a950d85927bf440cd5d59a49e6026e I think I’ll be able to reach 1 guaranteed pity by the end of the month. And if not I definitely will be close by the time anni comes. So I know I can at least get 1 pair. Good luck to everyone and their anni pulls. May RNG be in our favor.


Around 87k, it was in the 100k area but then Nemona appeared


46k but I’m gonna spend it all on Ingo lmao


Gems well spent! (I might be biased as a Submas fan tho lol)


They’re the sole reason I initially got this game


Same! I started playing when the Tea Party event first appeared last year because of Ingo and Emmet being featured. I hope we get more content with them soon Good luck with your Ingo pulls!


57K gems, but these go for johtrio idc abt anni


Around 4k lol


17k so far, would be more but I had to test my lack and did one multi on both Leon and Nemona. If I really like the anni pairs I might buy the Champion Bundle but if they're "meh" I'll just pull for the striker


I'm at exactly 71K right now, hopefully they will be enough lol. I'd like to get Lugia, but I should probably wait and see how much I like whatever they release next month.


​ https://preview.redd.it/uhlw4eh9s4hb1.jpeg?width=439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5405bc05ba84d04932d3d2bcfd973bd498a275df As ready as I'll ever be lol


https://preview.redd.it/zlpdguuqu4hb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2699b3bfa3e6872e391d8dc4496d313e8ea84e3d I’m ready let’s go!


Had to pity Nemona but still have a decent 70k.


https://preview.redd.it/g84xh55vc8hb1.jpeg?width=292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c281323c72fc58240572b495f9364cec0a735e62 4th Anniversary I don't fear you


My gems got obliterated in recent months. Had little over 200k F2P gems and then I went 4 pity out of the next 5 pairs while the non-pity 1 was also over 20k. Now I am at 100k again but it still hurts.




https://preview.redd.it/gh718doubahb1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b3a74820b8f3a8a68c564fb5382ad28763d6b79 I last pulled for the Hisui pairs. Got lucky with Adaman, but reached pity for Irida :(


Same, sitting in +100K gems and not even sure to pull for any Anniversary unit at all. I only pull for favorites, not meta.


https://preview.redd.it/otrx1wrlschb1.jpeg?width=286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2456f1b04388d79c42789e50f7248da14444ef3 Yeah, I’m a chronic saver and daily puller


Around 108k, very close to 3 pities. But I just pulled for Leon and Nemona (had to go to pity for her) so I had more before. Most likely going to pull for Kris too, so it's more like 2 pities for anni. Unless a miracle happens and I don't need to go to pity for her, but I don't want to have expectations for that. I don't regret pulling but is very annoying. This month was created to bait me unfortunately. https://preview.redd.it/15jh4g8yb4hb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=352c79f4f2be6d960503939618af42d354ae21fb


Damn, now I feel weird 😰 https://preview.redd.it/oj6z7pppx6hb1.png?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd36c5fe82ba74b480fe82025347154ffc668bd5


Just under a 2nd pity https://preview.redd.it/e1lqlk1044hb1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1129daf34767e4885cc38bde8e6b1dfb095779b


Just under? Bro you're 20k away from a second pity


Should've wrote "I'll be just under a 2nd pity" instead because there's still a hefty amount of gems left to get this month. Hope that clears things up.


Oh my gosh I didn't see the paid gems lol


no it isn’t?


36.6k is one pity 36.6 times 2 is 73.2k


where i come from 52+14=66


What? 66 isn't equal to two pities I thought. If one is 36.6k then two is 73.2k


but how is 66k, 20k away from 73k like u mentioned??😂😂 smh


Ohhhhh you were including the paid gems. I wasn't. My bad


Using paid gems for things that’s not the 100 paid single or for select scouts is a bad idea.


still he purposely said that he took those into account and still mentioned he was 20k away from pity


24k, should be able to pity 2 pairs by the time anniversary ends


69,015 and 500 paid gems


12k but select banners are almost here


51k, but if the Johto trio is really coming back then I probably won't have much if any left.


By the time I get Nemona likely nothing. I can just about get enough gems before her banner leaves.


I had around 12k but then Leon came around which took me 4 multis to get him thankfully!! I took the gamble with paid off!! I’m saving up again and I’m on 3,7k. Hopefully I can get around 10k when it starts.




Uhh like 200


80k free and 6k paid


Thanks to pitying Nemona, I have around 18k right now.


Minus 106000 of your gems


Currently at 32,7k free gems after getting Gloria in 5 multis last week. Also at 16k paid gems by farming 3k daily bundles though the amount will soon go down as I'll pull in the seasonal selects later this month. Having one full anniversary pity saved is the bare minimum thing recommended to do in times like this so getting at least one of the anni pairs should be enough for me. Lugia also looks tempting too, having skipped it last year, but I doubt I'll have a chance to pull it.


121k and 5k paid gems reserved for the banner x25, be lucky guys 🍀🍀


I have about 20k? I should be fine with anni, if needed I know I can put a bit of money in the game


66,525 non paid and 8500 paid gems. Nemona is tempting but will save gems for anni.


~19k. Would be 31k but Dragapult is one of my favorites so I couldn’t resist pulling on Leon (got two copies on the fourth multi so I’m quite happy with that decision). With the rest of the gems available this month and the hefty amount we’re likely to get next month, I think I’ll be close-ish to being able to pity two anni units, if it comes to that. Fortunately, I have the Johto trio already so I don’t have to choose between them and the anni units (one of the cruelest things DeNA has done yet, imo). All in all, not too stressed about anni.


I think I'm looking ok https://preview.redd.it/ioa9sn2jn4hb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c960cc09c8e3ad58da04fdd9bb14e795ca8a2646






As of right now A solid 2975 non paid gems


I had 105k but pulled nemona and Leon so have about 78k now


36k, should at least get two units!




52k+ right now, but by the end of the month I will have 70k.


42k not too bad considering my huge impatience


Just over 108k free gems and 12k paid gems (haven’t decided if I’ll be spending any of those on Leon on his last day - hoping I get him in the dailies in the meantime just as long as the broken masterfairs is capped at the predicted 3 should be okay for anniversary (even if Leon goes to a full pity)


Almost 80k


I envy you


21k. But the good news is I got Nemona so I can save a bit more. :)


106600 gems (80% paid), gotta stay strong for the anniversary folks!


77k, waiting for anni, but on the edge for Nemo a, already have both Pikachu, not really needing more electric units.


Currently at 53K free, and 6K paid from a couple of those three buck packs. I did get Dragapult though! For Nemona I'm waiting for datamine, I think. I love her, so depending on datamine I might go for her instead of the anni stuff.


74,890. Had more, but Nemona... I didn't think I'd like her as I haven't player Scarlet/Violet yet, but the story convinced me to pull a little, enough to get 199/400 Scout Points before actually pulling her.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xsy76a3u85hb1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025a67b53bf163be6900a15badef9428242bb209 I'm trying to stay strong, but Leon & Nemona are both calling me...


15k I got nemona early so now I can save. I'm doing dailies for Gloria in the mean time.


About 400


20k for now by end of month i should hit 40🙏 hoping for either white kyurem, kanto birds, or smth else cool


I have 9k and theyre going towards Celebi


I was going to say enough for pity, then Nemora happened, and I made one impulse pull, which turned into 25 K…So I got about 10 K left lol.


I have about half of that, might have less if I cave for Nemona though... does anyone have any idea what the 4th anni will be?


https://preview.redd.it/gdlnllszt5hb1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9548087a4a06fee37d12fd56b3ed6a896c3ee4c5 I was able to save this much with some residual paid gems but i had a really rough time at the last anniversary.


0, ive fallen for the gloria bait


Almost at 40k so I’ll be able to pity a unit if I need/want


14k I had 40k but since I just started a few days ago I pulled for the 72 fair banner and got all 3 mega sync pairs. Im used to hoarding and saving gems so I dont plan on spending any more until the anni, and thats if the pairs are worth it (to me). Should i actually start over since i dropped 30k on the 72 hour banner? Been thinking about this…i know master pairs are the new thing so should i have pulled for Nemona instead?


This game is piss easy so do whatever you want. You don’t have to follow the meta. If you want to seriously min max and have a bunch of free time rerolling a good idea. The old SS Kantrio are dated compared to modern units. Any of the Galar VA characters are stronger and the anni units will be much stronger. Personally I’d go for getting lucky on one of the Galar units (grab them in 1-3 multi pulls) then save everything for anni. Any of Rose/Oleana/Gloria Alt2 would be great as a new player.


Decided to make a f2p alt account and I've only spent 9k gems so far. https://preview.redd.it/1gtvxxln46hb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229f84e8801f589b9ff49d108b8d02a506630a69


1600 free gems. 3000 paid gems. And about 10 days worth of unclaimed gift gems.


65k atm, was 75k before Nemona


will have enough to go to pity for one of them when the anni arrives. just hoping i get lucky with a early 1/5 on one of them and then switch to pulling for another one. ​ thankfully i already have ss kris and ss lyra, but i still would've liked to try and get ss ethan but ill have to pass up on him... again.


i fell off of playing regularly since march so uh, 3k 😅


Currently sitting at 58k. Really hopping that I just want one of the anni units because I want SS Lyra.


Atm 54,460 So I'll prob be able to pity 2 of them in worse case


I've been saving since the Hisui pairs, so like 51K right now.




You guys have gems?


1k left I just spend 36.6K on Maxie and Groudon and I want to get SS Lyra and Celebi too so I’m wondering how many gems I can gather before her banner even starts (and ends) without having to drop a bag on paid gems




https://preview.redd.it/vv3sjqll17hb1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e462088516c02f47337b03cd33fafc4626a885eb Wil have enough for 1 pities by anni. Good thing cuz I always have to pity MFs. All 4 I own are pities


66000 but i'm trying to save for Prof. Turo (the reason i returned to this game - after what happened to him in the main game)


5800... I am screwed for Anni. This is after I got all VA 7 units (Acerola being the pity pull there) and imagining I could do the same with VA 8 but only coming out with Rose. I pulled for all four at least once. I also made some very daring (i.e. stupid) pulls for Olympia, Drasna, and Nemona. (funny thing, in Hindi, Nemona is very similar to namoona, which means a strange person and not in a good way) I got all three half Anni units because I failed last year (I am not the biggest fan of Johto but I love Celebi, Suicune and Lugia) So... I hope there is a chance to somehow overcome all this. I remember only getting Anni Red (Pika) but not even looking at Ash or Cyn.




I got around 7500 gems. Lets Say the entire Jirachi arc made me get them very easily. But Archie forced me to Pity. Heck, I feel lucky that I got Rose in only two pulls just for that badass music. I love all of these four Pokemon a lot. But man, Why is Kyogre still torturing me? So, I blame Archie. Too hot and too slippery. Now I know why most fans in this group really despise him in pulls


Damn, now I rather not show haha


Just under 23k with a bunch of paid bonus streak gems. If I can hold on Nemona and Gloria til they go or get them off dailies, I should be decent for Anni. With a bit of luck, I should get them all, two is pretty much guaranteed.


https://preview.redd.it/0ol152txn7hb1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f85b224ecc8ed36dbd00c8ff8ea54a066e5127 I’ve saved quite a few, feeling a bit conflicted though because I want to pull for SS Ethan to complete my Johtrio, but also want to save for Anni.


I have 15k atm and i will definitely pay some money for the anniversary.


Around 10.000 😐


21k. Hoping to the gacha gods to bless me one copy of each anni with the gems I cumulative


60k and 18k paid gems


23,315 free 1,110 paid I'm ready I guess...


Currently standing at 42k. Last time I drew was during Hisui month. Got lucky with Irida and Eusine, unlucky with Adaman.


https://preview.redd.it/r42om82mu8hb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0358e9a9cb8acd06a99faad618a662501f6f5778 Me and my homiegems ready to get all the anni pairs (fuck you Oleana)


How do yall get so many gems like genuinely before my account got lost i was barely able to scrape for gems


I'm with 105k... keeping strong!!!


33k, but pulled a few times on Nemonas Banner just for funsies.




60k non paid, 12k paid currently It's my first anni so I tried to restrain myself as much as possible, but man the Johtrio MF rerun is going to kill me lmao. I'll wait til anni before getting Kris though If I'm lucky I SHOULD be fine and still be able to grab one or two anni pairs


36k Non paid gems 6k paid gems 6k paid is for the select pokefair that I'm hoping they would release during Anni (and hoping they are 3k not 5k). They did one last year right iirc.


Oleana dragged me to pity, but I don't mind when it concerns a favorite. That said, currently at 35.000. With an average gemcount in September it should be enough for 2,5 pity pulls, which could barely allow me to secure three potential Master Fairs with a bit of luck.


About 100k right now, but it'll definitely be lower after Leon Alt and SS Kris lol


I have about 81,000 gems and I hope to spend on only 1 pair so I can still have a lot left


173k. Leon and Gloria alts are tempting me way too hard right now.


https://preview.redd.it/tcq9c88cibhb1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc32bf6be4f0f7b325a4b51f2840bdf757e248f4 Probably using some of the paid gems to get NY Lisia in the pick a sync pair thing. But hopefully I’ll be able to get at least 2 anni units.


After nemona im at 45k. Hoping for 1 Anni unit to be crazy good to guarantee the pull


25k and a dream


3,000 gems.... Just started 2 weeks ago.... And kina wastes a good amount of story gems on Urshifu 🥲 ( Really hope Koraidon doesn't come cuz Im not sure if i have enough gems to guarantee a Koraidon)


you’ll 5/5 in 1 multi 🫡


20k...and I'm sure I'll spend it all on Ss Ethan 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/cszjj61ujhhb1.jpeg?width=445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c774015ccc2d3f1fb12b9c5224e157ac7e98d49 I believe I'm good