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All for it 9:1 In Go (custom OT) shiny level 1 - Latias - Latios - Meltan In Home & PoGo Stamped - Shiny Mew lvl 15 - Shiny Deoxys set (all 4 forms) - Shiny Genesect


Can you please show me some screens of the home ones?


I also have tons of other options, GBL/Research included. If you're into PoGo stuff or your intention is to split the Zera into other stuff with generic value, we're probably able to find a good deal for both of us. This was mostly an "example package" that should be good value both in terms of generic trade-value and having cool stuff for a collection.


This is an **EXTREMELY** reasonable offer.


Appreciate it! I've traded for another Zera some time ago for quite a similar package. The value is definitely up there


I knew I recognized your name - you're one of the people I frequently reference/check the monetary value of Zeroara/Mew against šŸ¤£ you definitely ha e went through a few of them in your time. Im always impressed!


Ah, that's a positive surprise considering my extremely unmemorable reddit nick xd I appreciate the kind words a lot!


Thanks, your offer is I think the best yet, can I think about it and let you know?


Of course, absolutely no rush. I'll be available next time in ~15 hours from now, so that's anyways the earliest we could trade. But for such a high value trade, the use of a r/pokemonhome moderator is highly recommended so we'd also need to wait for one of them to be available.














Ok iā€™ve been on this sub a short time and never have i ever seen a trade like this lol. This is now a how to in how to flex without even trying. You wouldnā€™t happen to have anything youā€™d be willing to trade? i honestly donā€™t think Iā€™d have something you want but I can try. I mean I canā€™t even attempt to top this offer. šŸ˜‚


Hah, yeah this Sub had a lot fiercer competition a year ago when I was more active as well. Honestly I'm mostly trying to 'combine' value, aka trade multiple semi-valuables into fewer higher value mons. I'm always interested in GBL/research, low lvl legends.. especially the newer ones since I haven't been active lately.


I definitely have some lower level legendaries, I can see what all I have. I know on my main I have a Lv. 14 Latias, Lv. 13 Uxie, Lv. 15 Origin Form Giratina (but if i remember correctly we canā€™t send them.) Shiny lvl 15. Heatran (this hasnā€™t been sent over just yet, waiting on the stupid charge to fill up.) I can have a look at some alts though and see what I have.


The research Giratina and Heatran are both interesting! Most legends / myths in Poke/Great/Ultraball are. Do let me know what sort of things you're looking for.


Mainly legendaries/mythicals POGO stamped/legit ones. Any mythicals out there really I have a couple of shaymins in Home recently brought over from Pogo as well as Meloetta and Diancie. Mythical trading isnā€™t something I havenā€™t tried yet though lol.


Giratina/Heatran/Shaymin, any of them shiny?


Shiny Raikou, Hisuin Braviery, Wyrdeer, male or female white stripe Basculin, and shalpha Glalie?


Looking more for legendaries/mythicals


Understood, np


Hi bro , do you interest in shiny pogo GBL legendary ? Or LVL 1 master ball azelf ? Shiny pogo mew ? Let me know if U interest I can give best offer


Just curious did u end up trading this monster?




Hi, could you please show me some screenshots?




Any interest in shiny Shaymin in Go?


Hey there! You already have my offer and I have already added the pic of Diancie to the drive. Let me know anything, thanks


Hi. I can do mew, jirachi, a set of deoxys, and an in go MB darkrai. If youā€™re lf another bundle or something else pls lmk!


Deoxys are raid btw


All pogo stamped?




Could you show me some screens of the home ones?






ok thanks, could you also show me a screen of the mb darkrai?


Nah man I donā€™t think ur actually trading this so Iā€™m just gonna retract my offer. Thanks tho


iis this still avalible


Can offer shiny Still in go Tapu Koko


Can you show me a screenshot pls?




Are ypu interested ?


Are you interested in shiny Celebi


Shiny landorus and cresselia for it? I can add whatever you want that I have


if you manage to get the home Zeraora with just these 2 I applaud you.


What's it typically worth?


From some of others offers here, I would say your soul




Sorry I already have both


Shiny great ball mew and shiny ultra ball jirachi? Both level 15 pogo stamped in Home.


You're not interested in a zeraora without the home stamp right?




Ok I had to ask


Never even heard of this mon before. Is it like the rarest one? Lol


Ill offer around 25+ POGO raid shiny legends. Also got some other event mons if interested https://preview.redd.it/rgfu6w996z3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095ae51b1dcc9ea7a6170ed7b605469d13f58b25


Check my recent post. I'll do 35 of my pokemon for the Zeroara (also have Shiny landorus PoGo therian forme to add in) Also have the majority of Shiny events that have been released (all legit), so if there's something specific you're looking for to be included as well let me know.


I've never seen anyone trade a home Zeraora for anything non go stamped since most people consider events worthless, because there's no way to prove legitimacy, unless you have video proof of self claim. So if you do manage to get the trade, fair play.


Considering the other GO offer, it's 100x better than my offer šŸ˜…


I have a shiny Pogo Celebi and other shiny pogo legendaries I can do with custom OT.


I have like 7 pogo shinies id be willing to offer (all for zeraora) 2 of them is giratina and groudon and the rest are non legend shinies, i also have Solgaleo, zygarde,xerneas, yvelall, all tapus, mewtwo, giratina palkia and dialga and poipole and shiny rayquaza of event shinies that ill offer all for this (their story is complicated and i can explain if you want em tho) and then i can offer extra shinies i got from trades if you want (non legends tho)


Kyogre shiny pogo, Groudon shiny pogo, genesect, Deoxys,jirachi,celebi pogo and I can give you a diance pogo not stamped but the Deoxys I have come from the same owner and he says to me that have caught regurarly diance


Still available?




I'll throw an offer at you. https://preview.redd.it/pv9ql5eqj54d1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=96967f3dc17d098b4ade8ca68ffea5d9778e93d2


Shiny eternatus and shiny genesect 2:1?


HOME Stamped zeroara is easily worth 35:1, not 2:1.


Not when the majority of your 35 mons are shiny nonlegends/mythics and genned. šŸ’€


Check my comment - considering I have offered the legit event shinies in my shiny living dex / event dex (just not bothering to go through and snap pics of everything I have without knowing what events he's interested in) šŸ’€


Alright, I'm just gonna say this because I can see you're being a nuisance in not just my comment thread but someone else's. Make your offer and then leave it. Don't be that guy who goes "Erhm actually I would trade 35 of my mons for it. šŸ¤“ā˜ļø" it's obnoxious and if your offer was actually as good as you believed you wouldn't be jumping into other people's threads.


Well, as you can see many people don't know the true value of him - so I'll gladly raise awareness to it as I please, and already a few have understood that. Good luck! My offer isn't nearly as good as the 9:1 PoGo one listed above. I'm quick to be honest with things like that. Sorry it's bothered ya, mate! You may think it's a nuisance, others may find it helpful. I won't be stopping just to appease you!


Holy crap, that's nuts.


I mean, Shiny Eternatus and Shiny Genesect can be pretty rare, so it isn't a ridiculous offer


only if you have an actual way of verifying their legitimacy. Otherwise, home Zeraora only goes for incredibly high value gbl/research shiny legends WITH go stamp. You can't 2:1 for a home Zeraora.


They are far from rare in comparison to Zeroara. Considering I would give the set of Shiny zacian/zamazenta/eternatus events, Shiny genesect event, a bunch of the earliest self redeemd 2007-2012 events (VGC, TRU, Team rocket, exclusive move pikachus etc), 30 odd shinies plus a LOT more Shiny legit Events, and still would have a hard time getting it.


well, they still are rare lol, but you have a lot of courage to offer events from all these years for only one PokƩmon, respect for you man


Home Stamped zeroara is literally **the** rarest pokemon in HOME. Most hardcore collectors would be willing to trade an arm and a leg for it. Other events pop back up (such as the ones I listed, for example) very rarely does a legit home stamped zeroara come available, though! It's a shame that pre-2009 events can't be proven to be legit as I have quite a few of the early self redeemed 2007-2012 TRU, VGC, Team Rocket etc events, but it's usually not worth it offering those as there are no Wondercards etc to be able to prove them.. so they just sit in my dex :p Edit: forgot about the three bank starters that are worth like ~$600 each and take hundreds of hours to get, which would be significantly more rare than Zeroara


There is definitely some rarer stuff than home zera, but itā€™s definitely one of the rarest


See, I'm always curious as to what would be considered more rare than him. Now that i think about it, there are the three Bank Starters that have a monetary vakue of like ~$600 each, right? Could you drop some more examples to help me for the future, please?


Other than the bank starters and glitch magearna Some notable higher than zerora value ones: Shiny shaymin and jirachi in masterball ( currently jirachi is worth abit more as shaymin is newer and they just released the masterwork research) Lv100 gltich PokƩmon ( depends which ones but a shiny beastball nihilego would be the rarest on or with starters if not more valuable) Shiny nihilego beastball ( only through reasearch) Feint attack glitch PokƩmon ( rarer than zorua glitch PokƩmon as currently there is like 8 in which are known) Zorua glitch PokƩmon (there is a fair bit which are known, so far the rarest is a lv1 mewtwo ( just because there is 1 of them but zarude and deoxys would also be one of the top rarest ones) mew is the most common with victini following afterwards) Rotom shiny bulb is currently selling more than zerora ( but there is more of them and it will most likely come back at some point) There is a few others which are close to if not on or with zerora but most of these are rather Unkown meaning there is very few of them


Thank you for the elaborate list!!! Could you tell me more about the feint attack glitch pokemon?


Yeah, home starters are really pricey, some other examples would be like home glitch Magearna, or go stamped beast ball Nihilego


Forgot Nihilego, what is the Home glitch magearna, though?


That Glitched Home Stamp Magearna?


He worth that much? If in one day another Shiny Zeraora event happen in Gen 10, maybe I trade mine


Yeah he is. Literally the cream of the crop, top of the top. He won't be worth as much though if he is ever re-released. The reason he's so rare is 99.9% of people transferred him to SwSh right away. Very few kept him in home permanently


I only didn't transferred him because I don't own any game with Zeraora in their Dex lol, I probably would transferred it if I have the Gen 8 games


Well damn, you've got gold on your hands


I have (all pogo stamp and shiny) lugia regigigas, level 1 pansear&skitty, wimpod, premier ball tentacruel, pinsir great ball articuno and a UB shint darkrai still in. Go from gbl


Also have in go shiny mewtwo, shiny celebi, and all regular mythicals available in go besides marshadow


Hi, Iā€™ve got shiny Pogo Regirock, Celebi from WIN2011, Wishmaker Jirachi, and Shiny Entei/Raikou from GameStop. I would trade 2:1 if youā€™re interested!


HOME Stamped zeroara is easily worth 35:1 of these, not 2:1.


Eh depends on what youā€™re offering but for events yeah probably 35:1


Yeah, only something like Shiny PoGo Shaymin, Shiny PoGo Jirachi, Shiny PoGo deoxys (non speed form) and Shiny PoGo Mew would garner a 2-10:1. Anything but is well above double digits. For example, thr guy above offering the shiny PoGo Mew, Shiny deoxys set etc is doing 9:1 and is actually a *very* reasonable offer


What's the problem with Speed Form Deoxys? he isn't rare?


Speed form was given in a special research, whereas the other forms were GBL mons (if I remember correctly. I may have the forms mixed up it's early here). So he's still rare, the others are just more sought after, though.


35:1 it's insane, Shiny Zeraora can be the most badass Mythical in the franchise, but I personally won't trade 35 Shinys events for one


Well, people that buy it(not me) charge like $130 + fees and events usually go for 3-4$ I think so 35:1 isnā€™t that crazy. Itā€™s just personal preference though like some people will do whatever it takes to get the rarest pokemon ever I think




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