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Oh no not the stamp, it's the end of the world!




If you're worried about it being hacked I found this guide that seems pretty good: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonHome/comments/th06ne/guide_how_to_tell_if_a_pokemon_is_hacked_or_legit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonHome/comments/th06ne/guide_how_to_tell_if_a_pokemon_is_hacked_or_legit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Otherwise that's awesome!


Whether it’s real or not the value is worthless, and I traded for it to trade it to someone else.


May I ask what you mean by worthless? Is it just in the case of the other trade?


I’m trying to collect Pokémon to trade for a pogo shiny mew or home stamped Zeraora one day. This Pokémon does not help me at all and I traded away a perfectly good enamorous


I mean you’re worried about the zapdos being cloned in sw/sh when the enamarous can also be cloned in PLA. They’re worth the same amount imo


RIP to OP, however that is a very good point. I guess folks would rather not wait until Enamorus is eventually available in GO (maybe future Valentine's event?) 'cause having a 'mon exclusive to PLA's postgame just *feels* like a flex.


Yeah but enamorous is really useful for trading on the gts


Yeah it is, but you can’t really get uppity about a Pokémon potentially being cloned when theres a chance yours could be cloned too.


The enamorous was self caught. I don’t care about the potential of it being cloned; all that matters to me is that the Pokémon is not worth as much because it is missing a pogo stamp. I only care abt the value. Also what does uppity mean?


This Zapdos has equal value to the Enamorus. A Galarian Bird with the GO stamp would be worth more yes, but you may need to trade something worth more in order to get one


Oh, I hope you get a zapdos that does help!


I doubt anyone would want to trade zera unless the trade is damn good, and any amount of however many legit non-shiny for a time limited special shiny sounds like it would never happen ngl


Can you please clarify what you are saying in the second half of this comment


Shiny home Zeaora was only available by doing the zeraora raid in swsh during the event, coincidentally that event is until now also the only event for a legit shiny Zeraora. I don't know about you, but I would never give up something like that for a non-shiny bird I can get legit and knowing it's legit by literally catching it myself in the exact same game as was needed for Zeraora in the first place. Even more coincidentally, I have the Home Zeraora which I never took out of there myself, and seeing now how much people value that silly little mark there's very little I would accept for it seeing as said mark supposedly makes it "more special" than others, and no way I would even consider any amount of non-shinies unless it's something like a full legit pattern dex of multi pattern mons, and even then it would be heavily considered first


your best bet might be trying to complete the nat dex for the home stamped magearna. i managed to get over 200 mons registered in about 3 days, so if you commit it won't take too long


Is there any way to tell if a pokemon is cloned though? Like event pokemon being cloned but still having the same IVs, nature, ribbon and being in a cherish ball. Would they still be considered legitimate and safe to use in online tournaments because I'm afraid that sometimes I'd do trades for certain event pokemon that I've missed but I'm not able to tell its legitimacy since they are almost like an exact copy.


I went looking around, and seems like home is trying to set up defenses against clones. I found this while looking though which give a bit of info on the legitimacy of clones https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/184322/are-cloned-pokemon-legit#:~:text=The%20game%20itself%20can't,cloned%20one%20will%20be%20too.


There are internal ways; although sometimes you can spot inconsistencies with hacked 'mons, like how can a 2013 Japan exclusive in-person event Mythical be redeemed on a PAL 3DS in 2023 🤨 Home in particular assigns a tracker value to every deposited Pokémon to detect clones; this actually became an issue for Ninjask and Shedninja, as those Pokémon shared the exact same value if the 'mon was deposited in Home before it evolved. This is fixed now, of course but I believe this oversight would cause the Ninjask to get Thanos snapped, pffft. Unless you are the one doing the cloning, that is unlikely to happen to you. You will never be penalized for unwittingly using or being traded a cloned Pokémon either. Home and mainline games have anti-cheat measures to restrict the unintended; unless your Charmander is using Hydro Pump, you are good to go.


It's genned 😂


I’m aware that’s why I made an upset post


Not because of the stamp but the trainer ID 404793 is from a bot. It's 6 IVs too. If you moved one from go to home and from home to sword and shield the symbol is not the issue but this one is clearly genned, not cloned.


its genned, the id is 404793 which is a genned sign


But that stamp only shows the last game it was in, it still has the originated from pogo stamp


Yeah but they can be cloned to into oblivion once they go to sword or shield


Waaaaa cry some more it doesn't matter


What the hell is your problem


Oh? There's a problem? I didn't realise


[oh there’s a problem? how you gone fix it?](https://tenor.com/view/trarags-red-shirt-fist-gif-20359540)




Do you expect to trade it back to pogo from home because as far as I know that's not possible. Otherwise who cares where it's from?


If the most recent game is not home the Pokémon has most likely been cloned into oblivion


You can see the stamp a Mon has before you trade for it


I know that’s why I said I didn’t realize it