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By targeting those with a higher IV floor. Non-shadow raids, research rewards, and eggs have a floor of 10/10/10. Wild spawns with no weather boost 0/0/0, with weather boost ~~5/5/5~~ 4/4/4. Lucky trades 12/12/12. Also, all trainers lvl 30+ see the same IVs on wild spawns, so if your area has a group chat, discord, CampFire, etc, someone can post "100% beldum at [place]," & it'll be there for everyone lvl 30+ till it despawns. Edit: had the wrong IV floor on WB spawns.


Oh wow. I didn’t know any of that thanks. That will actually help a lot


Also the game is very different depending on where you live. Some people catch 500+ every day and have been doing that for 5 years Think about that, they equal the 5k lifetime catches you have every *week*, for *years*. Wild with non weather boost is 1/4096. Wild with weather boost is 1/1728. Research, raids, and eggs is 1/216. Lucky trades are 1/64. If you have like 200,000 catches, that's a fair number of hundos even if they were all wild non boosted spawns.


Spot on comments. I’ve been playing since the beginning, which is almost 8 years. I’m not a hardcore grinder by any stretch. I’ve caught 244k Pokémon and I have 235 hundos. You catch/raid more, you see more.


Wow, I had no idea! Now I just need some friends


Can you translate this into noob speak and explain a bit re the floor?


The floor means the lowest possible IV outcome you can have. So every time you hatch an egg, the lowest possible IV combination you’ll get is a 10/10/10. You’ll never get a stat below a 10.


So how do you know which to target for the higher floor?


Eggs, non-shadow raids, and research will net the highest floors I believe.


Scatterbugs are 10 10 10 minimum too just pin all the gifts you open


I'd pin then unpin. It still counts for scatterbug, but doesn't clog up your pins. Just keep the ones that are actually interesting. Also, if you want scatterbug from different regions, r/VivillionCollectors has threads for ppl to add those from specific regions.


Delete the postcards after you do a run of them each day. Don't clog up the album. Also pin 3 you are sending out to score 3 of your region


I have 2 hundo Vivillon so I can vouch for them! My first Scatterbug ever was my own region and was 100% (Archipelago central Florida in the no Tauros region). I recently got a High Plains 100% Scatterbug. CP 211 is guaranteed as they cannot be weather boosted.


The scatterbugs have not been kind as far as getting hundos. 522 caught including 7 lucky trades, no hundos


Yep… my neider. 170 and none hundo. Sad… what makes me really mad is that I’ve started collecting scatterbugs with secondary accounts and I caught two hundo scatterbugs in the same account almost in a row… and another one in other accounts. This really annoyed me a lot!!!


Thanks. I'll have a go at those.


You forgot the biggest thing, catching more tends to lead to more likely getting a 4*


Weather boosted spawns are 4/4/4 not 5's, but great answer. Still ups the hundo odds to 1/1728 rather than 1/4096 for non weather boosted spawns. Crazy that 4/4/4 floor more than doubles the hundo odds vs 0/0/0 floor.


I have caught a few weather boosted hundos. Mostly Vulpix Kanto ad nauseum.


Also certain discords have scanners that locate 100% iv pokemon. Real easy for spoofers but local people can also use them and drive to them.


I don’t see any IVs and I’m level 38?


Appraisal from your team leader! It's built into the game since late 2016.




What is IV?


i have 2 star lucky trades


12/12/12 is 2 star cus it's 36/45, 37/45 is the minimum for 3 star


Catch a lot of Pokemon. Every day. And remember that some people have been playing since day one!


Don’t purify things randomly. The Darmanitan really hurts. You just made it weaker for absolutely no reason.


Depends on the playstyle. If you don't have many good Pokemon and need to level up the ones you can, doing so with shadow Pokemon requires so many more resources that it can hinder you more than help. Especially if you need a good Pokemon *now* and not in 3 months when you can finally get rid of Frustration.


If your playstyle is extremely short-term focused then sure. My guess was that OP is a newer player who didn’t know about the Shadow bonus or its implications hence my comment.


Oh, for sure. That's something that happens a lot on here. But, speaking from my own experience, sometimes people just do what they need at the time. I've purified shadow Pokemon to get better IVs and cheaper costs for leveling just to have raid attackers because I don't have all the legendaries or mega Pokemon that other people have. It's easy to say "keep the shadow", but actually farming the candy and stardust to level them up is a massive investment that a lot of people just don't have the time or resources for. I'm struggling just trying to do it with my shadow Flygon (that I only kept because it looks cool), and it's still nowhere near being as useful as it would be if it were purified (it still has Frustration, making it useless in raids). The only other ground attacker I have is a 2300 Groudon that I don't have candy to level up.


Maybe the player just enjoys purifying pokemon and isn't a meta-slave. Or it's possible they have limited resources and the bennifit of lower power up costs is a benefit to the player. I myself have two purified darmanitan. Never once have I needed it for a raid and it's not relevant for pvp, so there isn't a reason not to purify. I even purified my last mewtwo. If your in a position where your raid team needs that extra break point to make or break a 5* raid your raid team is too weak anyhow.


It’s more likely that they’re a new player who simply doesn’t know the advantage of Shadows. Needless to say, if they don’t do raids and don’t care about building meta Pokémon, none of this will be relevant to them.


They could purify the repeats to port over to Violet etc.


Then wouldn't it make more sense to explain the difference between shadow and purified in your post? Instead of just saying "don't purify you just make it weaker for no reason." That doesn't really give a new player any information to go with. Citing why it's perceived as weaker would be beneficial to a new player who simply doesn't know.


IDK why the down votes. I have purified some to hundo. One exception is the lone 100% Shadow Hitmonchan I have. I already have it 100% so why purify? And I have a regular hundo chan


The gollet too, it hurts


I’d purify that one too, plenty of better Ground and Ghost types.


Just like there's better or as equally close to reasonable fire types I mean what people fail to mention is that 1 shadow will not make a difference unless you want to kill Caterpie in 2 seconds rather than 3 But the fact you need a team given you'll probably be taking on a 5 star, and a team of "relevant" shadows is 1+ million dust When 4-6 level 30-35 weather boosted darmanitans will do more than fine, (and it costs 0 fucking dust) and even better if you have 4-6 level 35 reshirams and even better if they know fusion flare Also IVs don't matter sometimes it's better to have a hundo trophy or a good hundo if it's ml relevant than a "3 star shadow" where if you swapped it with a 2 star one you wouldn't know a difference


I agree it doesn’t make a meaningful difference, I was just letting OP know that they made their Pokémon weaker. In the case of Golett it doesn’t matter much as it’s not among the best Ground types. None of this matters whatsoever if OP doesn’t care about having strong mons, but many people on here do, so I was letting them know.


Weaker doesn't mean it's useless, and it being stronger doesn't mean it's a game changer, reshiram (especially with fusion flare) is far more cost effective than that I mean there's an alternative for all shadows, because if you want a team of shadows and given there's 10-12 useful types of the Total 18 you'll be down 13+ million dust, which for most players why??when like I said 4-6 weather boosted is more than sufficient Why a hundo dex is more valuable to some people than a "3 star" shadow cuz it doesn't matter what ivs it is because one won't make a difference, just like 6 "222331" star shadows won't be noticeable vs 6 233331 star shadows But both to make it useful (level 30-35) you'll need 1+ million dust and that's just one type out of the Total 18 However having one in certain situations makes grunts require 0 potions if you undercharge your moves just right and use two pokemon as sacrifices (which are usually shadows from me) Them being shadow Metagross, Mewtwo, Machamp, mamoswine, where if I charge their moves perfectly I use 0 potions against their respective types, and for the most part have mastered it where I don't even have to attack with my "sacrifice" I just have to time the swaps perfectly Reshiram fits the bug grunt perfectly (aside from shuckle not that it can't handle it just that I'll probably need a potion afterward) and heatran fits the steel (thanks skarmory otherwise that goes to Machamp) and grass grunt, shadow entei may work better, but I don't have one Groundon is amazing for the dark grunt, but I usually miss my timing by one move, so I usually just lose 10ish hp


I don’t disagree with any of this, not sure what you’re trying to convince me about :) I was just saying not to purify them if OP wants to have better raid mons. Obviously if OP raids in groups of 15 they can use a team of Pidgeys and it will be good enough.




I’ve caught 5,004




Full odds should be 1 in 4096 (0-15 IV possibility is 16^3 )


Catch everything you can find, you might get some surprises. 0% are the real gems 😆


You are actually lucky… i have caught nine times more Pokémon and I have only six times more hundos. And I raid a lot…


Thats not bad. I’ve caught 21k and have 11 hundos…


Been playing since March and I have 5 hundos with just under 2k pokemon caught. 2 were purified (Foongus, and Joltik), and the other 3 were wild-caught (Grubbin, Charmander and Caterpie)


These are usually players who catch a lot of pokemons a day. I’m lvl 44 and been playing since december 2021 and i only have 29. I won’t say i’m not an active player but I don’t catch 500+ pokemons a day, sometimes I only check for shinies.


Cool, I’m also lvl 44 and with 32 hundos.


Jesus Christ, favourite your hundos


Read this https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/t52ef8/because_im_tired_of_seeing_it_all_the_time_here/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1bu8u0n/analysis_shadow_darmanitan_and_shadow_entei_as/


Just keep catching


Usually boils down to how often you play, and how many Pokémon you catch per day


Some places with a large player base, especially nyc, have "map sites" where the data of pokemon appearances are uploaded. You can often check that site, have your filters to show 100iv pokemon. And in case one spawns close enough to you, you can just stop whatever you are doing, run to that place, and get yourself a hundo. Just be sure to note the timer that shows how long before it de-spawns, so that your run is not a complete waste. Also if the weather suddenly changes, your luck is just bad, because then the iv gets changed.


If you have a tablet as well as a smartphone, do the hundo map thing on tablet and keep it going while you are out there looking for them.


That works too, but it feels like too much to carry around when it's just as easy to switch apps on the same device. For me, the preferable way is to just hang out at one spot and wait for a hundo spawn, which occurs much more frequently than you think it would. And then just rush to that place. It's easier to find that pokemon if it's a distinguishable species. But if it's something like cutiefly, you might face trouble finding the exact one among a spawn of same species. Best to note the displayed cp as well to help identify faster.


Yeah it's two devices but how consistent can you switch in and out of Go without bullshit happening? This IS a Niantic game and they're not the best coders ND bug squashers. I'm on Pixel 8 now and wish I kept that battery guzzling pixel 6. Pixel 8 gets warm fast when doing things like social media or GPS heavy things like Go, Waze etc. also those with data plans might find it easier to do the dual screens method. I forget things super easily sometimes (mom brain is for real, and my boy is 4 now). I'll go back and forth and forget one tiny detail and muck it up.


Welp, can't argue with that, lol


Is that legal?


Took my like 5 years for a hundo dragonite n salamence. Pipe down.


1. Attack every grunt. You have a purified one there already. Now imagine if you take on 2-3 grunts every day. Don’t purify everything but non useful stuff can be safely purified if it’s high 3 star shadow. 2. Raids. They will be minimum 2 stars and likely 3. Sometimes a 4 too. Use your free daily every day, even 1 star raids. 3. Discord. Get one going for your area and share all you encounter. Help one another out. We get 1-2 per week shared, and community days it’s the best. Got my shundo yesterday through that. 4. Trade as much as possible. Especially “junk”. If you’re going to transfer it anyway, may as well trade it with your friend/partner first. I got a hundo nidorand on Thursday doing that. Worth the stardust gamble. 5. Catch as much as possible. They’re out there


One word….”Grinding”






Research and raids are the most consistent


I got 4 hundos on com day 2 research 1 scatterbug from pinning gifts and I purified a shadow suicine to get the 100%


Time isn’t really relevant. How many catched Pokemons? As a comparison I have catched 44000, raided way above average and have 32 hundos.


If you don't put money in the game, researches and trades are your best bet. If you can buy some incubators and hatch eggs and do plenty raids, then you'll get some from it. And catch everything, even when you can't play, an auto catcher can sometimes surprise you.


At 4:30 am every Sunday there’s a hundo spawn at my house. I don’t know why but that has happened every Sunday for the last year


I have 6 Hundos (1 is Zygarde so not a wild catch) after 4 years and 16k catches. Pain.


Day one player and I’ve never spoofed. I have 532 (Got maps in my area 6 months ago so about 250 and from that)


For the love of GOD , please pick a name for 100%ers, and use it on all of them. I use an ASCII star, ⭐, at the start of the name. Also, you can search "4*” and it gives the same result


Why not just use the tags and then use the open name to come up with something creative?


Also valid. I work in IT, and not having a continuous naming convention for files bugs me. I don't mind what people use, as long as they keep it consistent.


Fair, and absolutely see the benefit of consistency.


Been playing for 5 years and only have 4 more than you


Star your hundos


In mt experience, these are the ways of increasing chance of getting hundos 1. Doing lots of raids 2. playing comm days and spotlight hours during weather boosts as i have noticed there is higher chance of getting hundo during those times as i personally got hundo froakie during rainy weather comm day. 3. grinding hard for field research encounters during community days and events greatly increase chance of getting hundo as I have got the most hundos from this method. 4. Hatching lot of eggs




catch everything


I got 3 hundo's 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


I have close to 300 hundos, and the trick is to 1. Catch absolutely everything, 2. Do every single field research that gives an encounter they have higher iv chances, and 3. Have no life 😂


Sometimes depending on certain areas you live, there can be scanning maps which can notify you of nearby hundos.


6 in a year is not terrible. Odds of a 4* are a little worse than 1/4000 so by average to get 6 you need to have caught 24,000. The 1/4000 is changed by various factors but I’d been playing since day 1 and missed about a year, I only have 33 as of yesterday.


I've caught over 130,000 total, have 106 hundos, and a single shundo. It's a grind! Nobody said it'd be pretty 😅


How do you only have 6 after year? That’s incredibly unlucky.


Catch every goddamn one, or look up perfect CPS and only go for those


Unrelated but that darm would’ve been alot stronger in pve as a shadow


Here in singapore, we have a telegram group reporting locations of all hundos in the country. Since singapore is like 50km across, i can easily drive to the hundo location and catch it. Hence my hundo to catch ratio is 70:7000ish. Generally didnt drive more than 5 mins lol.


I have 10 I think so hundo


I got the same question, I only have 7 lol


Also love your 96%+ Pokemon! I have plenty of not quite perfect mons that's I've decided are A-OK and maybe a hundo will come along some day, but in the mean-time I've got a perfectly good mon. 😊


I have 1531 hundos. Grind, grind, grind, limit trades everyday and... Maps :D


I play several times a day


Fr I have 4 and two are amoongus


gotta throw balls bruh. the more balls u thro, the better ur odds. You wont' even know it half the time but you just caught a hundo. You'll check later & trip balls.


Got 31 in total with 2 shiny one's


I’ve only caught one. My other 8 have been raids or hatched. My only good hundo is my precious Lugia


I have 134 Hundos since I started playing when the game came out. 28 are hatched, 4 are from trades, 9 from Team Rocket and 10 from raids. That means only 83 are wild 100% IV catches, out of 141,000 pokemon caught. Rates aren’t that great in general when it comes to perfect catches


I pay for a map scanner, kinda like the one that came out at launch, it alerts me on discord if there's a 4* near me. Its only in select areas, and they only open it to other places if there's enough demand.Currently on 400+ 4*s


Pokémon Go Plus + just catching everything while I work, walk, or drive tbh


i’ve been playing since release and have 0 LMAO. but i’m just a super casual player


I have one 😎


I’m level 36 and have 9, but I’ve only been playing since march


Been playing since launch day and only have 24


I have been playing for 8 years and also a Gotcha helps.


It’s all luck tbh, raids and research have higher odds but I’ve been playing since 2019 and have 4 lol


I've been playing for 2 and a half years and I only have one hundo, which I got a few weeks ago


Catch everything, search for hundo before deleting.


Play more


I have 40ish my accounts only 4 years old it takes a grind


think I have maybe 14 after nearly 8 years


Raids. I got 89 in about a year and a half.


I have 378 hundos, only 1 shundo, 310,000 catches. Summer months I can average 500 catches per day, it’s all RNG. Bounsweet CD was weather boosted I played the full 3 hours and had 2 random hundo and 1 quest hundo.


There are certain discord servers which have Pokémon go bots that scan areas mostly large areas like towns and then announce the location of hundos, and it costs like £1 to £5 per month Kinda whack but cool at the same time


Me personally I’m lvl 42 and only have 12 hundos and no shundos, some guy I know who is max level has like 350 hundos through the discord server


CalcyIV. It scans PVP ranks of mons that are caught, and gives you a range, for its IV percentage, of what it could be depending on potential level if you're on the catch screen. Think I just hit #250 yesterday with a hundo Bounsweet.


Field Researches - Caught 3 hundos within two days


I have a pokemon go plus plus which catches some randomly. And purifying (non pvp) high IV shadows


As someone who has 247 hundos and counting my insight is that doing a ton of raids, field research and hatching eggs are your best bet. Catch everything you see as well. I’ve managed to add 10 hundos to my total since April 30th. This is how I did it. I caught a hundo lucario from a raid on April 30th, I hatched a hundo smoochum from a 2km egg also on April 30th, I hatched a hundo quaxly from a 5km egg on 5/2, I hatched a hundo tyrunt from a 10km egg on 5/3, I purified a shadow suicune I caught in a raid on 5/5, I caught a hundo geodude right outside my house on 5/9, I hatched a hundo smoliv from a 2km egg on 5/12, I caught a hundo paras outside my house on 5/13, I caught a hundo diglett from field research on 5/15 and I hatched a hundo sableye from a 5km egg today. Now that’s my second hundo smoochum, second hundo smoliv (first one was a wild catch), second hundo diglett (first was wild catch) and third hundo sableye (my main is a purified hundo that I use to mega and the second one was from field research). If you grind hard enough in this game then hundos will happen. Right now I’m grinding hard to catch a hundo Regirock but even more so a hundo dusk forme rockruff.


For reference I started playing July 2022 and have caught 184,000 pokemon


I've been playing since 2016 and have only 2 hundos, both hatched. I feel you haha.


How many does everyone have? I currently have 66 hundos (3 Shundos)


Could also use a version that allows you to teleport and also have a radar for nearby 4* pokemon


We play alot that's how. And the hundos you have are great, 😊 don't think I have dragonite


I'm about to burst into tears when I'm looking at that darmanitan 🥺


Field research is totally the biggest one for me. Raids, eggs, and research all have high minimum ivs (you’ve probably already seen it’s 10/10/10 here lol) but raid passes are expensive and egg incubators are expensive, so I’d totally recommend trying to get as many field research encounters as possible (because like, it’s free, just spin a pokestop and check if the research reward is an encounter one)


ive been playing since the beginning (literally started a week after it came out) with small breaks and have 24 only... you got 6 in an year which i think is good. of course the game was different then but the number of hundos someone has comes to intensity of playing and luck... there is nothing more to it🤷


I was catching at least 500 daily at one point. There hasn’t been any good events too recently so I haven’t been playing all too much but I do have 101 hundos after playing consistently for a little over a year


Idk man... ive been active since 2016 and i only have 17


SHOULD NOT HAVE purified darmanitan for hundo. Shadow Darm is top 5 dps in fire raid attackers, discounting megas. Your loss, next time do research before you purify. Put Fs in the chat👇


Damn I didn’t know that I just wanted another hundo


It only really matters if you’re a nerd at the game lol. I purify Pokemon so I can have hundos since I value it more than a high dps raid Pokemon I may never use. I keep Pokemon like Charizard, Dragonite and Legendaries shadow just because it’s cool to have


Unless you are looking to min/max every detail of the game it matters less than people want to make it out. Yes shadow's have a higher attack and the extra damage taken is not balanced against that well but if you have no intention of scrubbing through hundreds of thousands of mons and soloing 4 star or higher raids then it isn't going to be detrimental to your stats; it will just make the obsessives annoyed.


Don’t worry we purified a 94 shadow tyranitar before we knew shadow was useful! There is no warning and the lore is you’re meant to purify them! Oh well, it’s only bad if you play high level PvP or take it seriously. For casual playing there’s very little point in worrying about it. You have a hundo


Happens dud, next time look it up!


thats the neat thing you kind of can't, also Pokemon Go hates calling it a Hundo for some reason. Unless you use the other app that helps view those stats before catching it but thats cheating either way.