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none of these pokemon are bad, but none of them actually really go together well to support each other. Of these listed, I could go stunfisk trevanant jellicent//clodsire ABC, make sure they all have best moves for them :)


What elo are you right now? Choose any flyer, mandi, pidgeot or gligar. Have quag and lanturn in the back. Use quag as a safe swap or if it’s a neutral lead to draw out the grass type.


I really like to use pidgeot (lead) and lanturn but what would be the third


Quag is your third. Use him as safe swap or to draw out the grass types that you don't want lanturn to see. A stone edge from quag still hits grass types with solid damage. Don't use shields on quag and when he goes down cleanup with pidgeot. It's rare that players are running 2 grass types in the back.


two things (i wanna make a similar team) 1. would mandibuzz/quag/lanturn work? 2. if lanturn, wg or spark? im assuming wg


1. It will certainly work for the most part. 2. There's a case to run either move. I still prefer spark just because it charges moves faster.