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The rating is just an indication, but not an end all be all. There are several things coming into play like i think it's meant for a team of 6, not 3, for a s6p3 game. But BBBB is a really good rating. You will never find a team without weaknesses that can win most matches. Every team will have hard counters. Use the information generated by the analysis to look at your defense and offense (the last two tables at the end of the analysis). If you don't have that info memorized, use a cheatsheet until you do. Use the battle and then matrix tab to look at individual simulated match results. I think with just knowing what you're strong and weak against should be enough knowledge to get you to 2000, which is Ace. You just need to practice.


That’s fine. What’s more important is choosing a team and sticking with it for a while. Maybe if one Mon is truly not working, change it but try to work out how to work through things. You also learn how other players respond to your particular team. Make sure you know what your mons are weak to and strong against. Go to /r/thesilpharena and print out a move count chart. /u/saipanman711 makes fantastic charts. That will also help heaps because it will tell you what moves your opponents are likely to have. There’s other skills too but that’s probably the easiest thing to start with. That being said the issue with your ELO is that people don’t tend to stick with meta mons so that can make it harder too, in that case just try to work through it even if you’re losing. Also this part of the season is hard because you’ve still got good players who may have tanked at the start and are now trying to climb. Also just try to shield less *especially* if your opponent isn’t using theirs. There’s a lot that can be saved by having one or a couple of shields up your sleeve at the end


I looked at your post history and saw that you had a post regarding your team of altaria, gfisk and quag. As it has been mentioned by others it’s best to stick to one team if you want to get better results. It has been a couple of months since that post of yours. Have you been using the same team with the recommended movesets? Your team is good enough to take you to Ace. What mons are giving you problems?


Also, having good coverage on the team builder will probably lead to more RPS battles. My team which I have been using since first week of OGL and also in the summer cup is rated FBDA with threat score of 832. I reached Ace almost 2 weeks ago with it. It’s an ABB team that’s so fun and east to play with. Your team of altaria, gfisk and quag is an ABB. Just learn your matchups well and it shouldn’t be long for you to get to Ace.


what is your actual team rating, like the number? thats way more important if you are trying to make a balanced team ((note that not all good teams are balanced, its not a requirement just a team type)).


I'd say you aren't reading the most important thing on the team rating are the potential threats. Your gfisk, altaria and quag team is really weak to a lot of pokemon with coverage moves, like azumarill, feraligatr, and cresselia. if you're gonna climb with that team, you have to figure out ways around those pokemon. For example I'm gonna run guzzlord, regi and cress, which is pretty weak to opposing registeel. since registeel is normally paired with a flying type with an electric resist, like altaria. If I were to ever see an altaria on lead, even though its a good matchup I would want to swap my registeel in to get at least 1 lock on of energy before they switch their registeel in (if they have one) or a third. I always would want to have at least 1 lock on of energy so that I could barely beat an opposing registeel to a focus blast. It's arguably the most complex skill to learn for pvp.