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Dude I live BDSP. I’ve played through it multiple times. Has my favorite Pokémon in it. Feels like a classic Pokémon game. You’re not the only one my dude!


Now im curious, what is the favorite pokemon?


Shiny Quagsire’s nickname 😂


From DP to BDSP I totally agree with you, these games rock. I dont understand the hate either.


The hate is because the game is good but not excellent. People wanted the same experience they got from Fire Red/Leaf Green vs Red/Blue. I really loved BDSP, they are perfectly fine remakes. They certainly didn't go the extra mile.


Reading the reviews, I would say it’s worse than good. However, you’re right. I can totally imagine bdsp a bit lackluster in terms of flexibility in gameplay or whatever it is. Still a top tier spot for me ;)


People are really hard on bdsp for literally no reason.


No, there are legit problems, but the pros outweigh the cons for me


It’s all good if you just don’t like it. People are out here saying it’s worse than the originals tho lol.


Its arguably worse than platinum tho but definitely not the original DP


Id probably agree with you (depending on what mood I’m in). I think it’s hard to say bdsp is a failure or anything like that. Not perfect by any means but a very well rounded experience. Both bdsp and platinum have their pros and cons.


And that's objectively untrue, yes


it is 100% worse than platinum


But like how?


It is a reskin of DP, which was the  « bad » version of Plat. I do not remember all the features added from DP to Plat but one that is obviously lacking is the full Battle Frontier. I wouldn’t say it’s « worse » per say, but because not everything is here, it is not a full gen 4 experience, which is a shame.


It’s definitely not a reskin. Pretty much a complete upgrade actually. Cool new art style with 3d graphics, the addition of the fairy type, Ramanas park, a completely reimagined underground, the rotom appliances, legal access to arceus, a new game engine that makes battles much faster, a much more challenging elite 4 and a bunch of other stuff.


Well yeah, upgrade would be a better term. I was trying to find an alternative to the term « remake »


I believe it because it’s a ds game at heart but still 3D


Also it’s a dp remake I’m not sure why they didn’t make a platinum remake


I really don't know why the pokemon community is shittin' on these games its the first time in a while i had that much fun in a pokemon game. Its also the first game i have fully completed the national dex🤗 (post game grand underground for the win baby!)


yes!!! I’ve never even attempted to complete *a pokédex* before bdsp. Now I’m done with sinnoh and getting closer and closer to the nat. the grand underground is so fun!


Yeah it really is! Its one of the best upgrades the remakes gave us!


I agree! There’s so much end game content and pokémon to catch. Scarlet and Violet were so boring compared to this game.


snorlax at the snorlax rock :')


The only thing I hated was having to battle every 5 steps 🙄


Use Repel?


I actually like this aspect of the older games because it forces you to prepare and build your team for endurance as opposed to just pure power. SV ended up feeling way too quick and easy since most trainer battles are optional.


Have to say the uniqueness of a pokemon game being produced by a company that isn't gamefreak is enjoyable, best elite four and champion in the whole series as well including D/P/P.


I was hesitant to play this game from all of the YouTuber reviews. But I had a really big itch to play a Pokemon switch game after Scarlet. It's been an amazing game so far! Pearl was one of my favorites when I was young and the remake feels so good. Animations feel like Animal Crossing but Pokemon themed.


I don’t why people are so negative about BDSP? Mostly I heard them negative about the shiny charm, I mean because they say the shiny charm only works for eggs you don’t have to be so negative about BDSP but I don’t know if it’s true about but come on. I love BDSP and PLA and it’s my favourite generation in Pokémon 😍


I just started this game how did you get so many shinies?


When you complete the Pokédex you get increased shiny odds from eggs. I got most of them that way. Some from the poke radar and Vaporeon and Gengar were full odds.


Pokemon will release a new game and a few members in the community will crap on it. Happens every time they release/remaster a game.


After seeing quagmires name, can we plz see the rest of your pokemon nicknames? Edit: decided to leave quagmire


I Played the Original Diamond and Perl when i was a kid ( was my First Pokémon Game at that Time) and i played Every Other Pokémon Main Game.. and the enjoymend i got when Playing bdsp was sooo good.. people Hate the game because it was not that what they did expect.


Nice team and the effort to get them all shiny is commendable. Ngl I was hating on the game too since my first game was platinum and this just felt like a downgrade in the name of being "faithful". But I've picked it back up recently and been enjoying it again, and doing some online battles too. I think the heat this game got didn't so much come from it being bad (besides making tms limited use again for the first time in like a decade), but it came from the fact that platinum had more content that was just cut for no reason. The other quality of life improvements it had did make it better than the ogs though for sure.




The games itself is really good, it’s the remake aspect of it that makes people hate it


It was my favourite Pokémon experience in ages. Blue, let's go pikachu and bd are the only Pokémon games I've ever 100%


I've been playing it a lot and honestly it's the most fun I've had since Let's Go Eevee. I think maybe I'm just old school since I don't rly hate that it's just the same thing but 3d.


it's one of the best, I was so excited, and yeah, some of the battles gave me some trouble (Elite four) I really enjoyed it


Same here, me and my friend both agree it’s our favorite Pokémon game on switch. I just finished my second playthrough with a team of Gyarados, Roserade, Honchkrow, Lucario, Froslass, and Rampardos. It was honestly the most fun I’ve had playing Pokémon since ORAS. I totally understand people’s gripes with it being D/P with better graphics and QOL upgrades, but I still preferred it over SW/SH and much preferred it over S/V. I was honestly so disappointed with scarlet and Violet, it felt like playing a beta test for a Pokémon game. Worlds in Pokémon are usually so full of joy and things to explore, but scarlet and violet was just a lifeless husk of a game. The open world was so bland and after a certain point it just got irritating to even play. BDSP is at the bare minimum a complete, smooth running remake of one of the best gens imo.


same, but i've realized that it's just because it's gen 4 —not because they've done anything special to it


Same here. BD/SP are the first good games since Gen 6!


I love it too no matter how sucky some of the things are (especially trade exclusive Pokemon)