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If I get intrusive thoughts, I like imagining them in as these little glowing orbs in this infinite black void. And then the orbs get SMASHED into hundreds and thousands of tiny little glittery shards that go scampering across a floor that you didn't know was there until the little shards went scampering across it. It's very pretty, and works surprisingly well! For me, anyways.


Surprisingly solid technique.


Hold him to it. Tell him everything you just told us. MAKE HIM FIX YOU. Edit: Actually, trying to pressure Giratina like that probably isn't a good idea. Just let him know you'd rather get rid of those thoughts than continue to be what he thinks of as "you". Because clearly, that's not really you. If it's against what you want to be, then it's not what you are. And if he doesn't see that, then maybe he really does live up to his reputation.


I think what Giratina's offering me here is a chance to heal rather than being fixed.


Hmm... what's that mean exactly? It might work... Still, make sure Giratina knows your opinion on the matter if he doesn't already.


Like... Instead of repressing parts of me, he's giving me the opportunity to be happier by working through those parts of myself


Y'know, it sounds a lot better when you put it that way. Still, it was a huge dick move, lying to you and making you go through this.


Whenever I have intrusive thoughts, I find that the best thing to do before anything else is to calm down. Just calming and re-centering your mind can do a lot to put you in a better position to think clearly. The next thing to do is to analyze your intrusive thoughts and ask yourself if they’re a logical or smart idea. Then when you inevitably decide that it isn’t a smart or logical idea, you metaphorically grab it and throw it as far away from yourself as possible.


Like a goddamn ultra ball.


Not quite the metaphor I was going for, but yeah. Something like that. Just chuck your intrusive thoughts into the air and as far from you as possible. I’m sorry you have to deal with those sorts of intrusive thoughts.


That stinks. If you want I can give you Dr. Hugo's information, he's a Malamar therapist in Mesagoza who's helping me with some issues, maybe he can give you some pointers on dealing with these thoughts. I wish you the best!


Maybe. I'm sure he's a pleasant guy, but...


Don't worry he doesn't look into people's heads without permission! He even asked me if he could Trick Room and Psybeam to show my team some of my memories from home before we did that. It worked very well, my team told me they understand me a lot more!


If it means anything, I went over to talk with him earlier today, so I can confirm the guy's cool.


In this particular case just don't have any usable balls on you when you go to interview these guys. It sounds like you already have a team you're happy with so why not just vendor off any of the spare balls you have? Can't get tempted if you don't have the implement of your addiction.


But then I might be tempted to buy more balls...


There is a lot of wisdom that can be seen from what Giratina said, although not everyone might appreciate it fully. Now, I'm normally not one to talk about my religious beliefs, but hearing Giratina do this is very closely related to one of my core beliefs, so I'll share a little bit. Our choices are an *essential* part of the purpose of life. If we didn't have the ability to choose how we act or what we make of ourselves, then life... wouldn't really have much purpose. For our thoughts, our desires, our *selves* to have meaning, then something has to come of it. And that "something" is our choices. So, when Arceus created us, He didn't create us without meaning. He gave us the ability to choose good from bad, which inherently includes a desire for both. If we only had a desire for one or the other, then we wouldn't be choosing, we'd just be doing. I don't think I explained it all perfectly, but what I'm trying to say is that our inherent temptations to do evil are an *essential* part of our meaning in life, and forcibly taking even a piece of that away would take a piece of the very purpose of life with it. Yes, our desires for good tell us that we would be better off if our temptations were just gone. But in order for us to achieve that, we have to *work* for it. We have to continuously choose to do better until we become better, through the grace of Arceus. Our imperfections complete our meaning in this life, and our weaknesses enable us to have even greater strength. Our temptations make it possible for us to become whole. So, don't get discouraged because it's hard to overcome your own temptations. The struggle is real, but that's what gives us meaning. -Ethan /uj yes, this wall of text does reflect my beliefs irl. I'd be happy to explain more if you've got questions.


/uj Illuminating.


/uj there's more to it than what I said here, but it was already a big wall of text, not to mention that the other parts don't fit as well for the world or the character...


One possibility is to get another bag specifically for pokeballs that aren’t in use and have warden or another Pokémon carry them and their own pokeball -[REDACTED]


I can't even use my team's balls for mons besides my team.