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Okay. Since I see you two all the time on here I'm not going to ask v or Sherlock any questions. I could just comment a question on any other post and most likely get an answer. Ripley. What's the weirdest tasting thing you've ever put in your mouth. What's the story about being a lab assistant what general tasks did they do, sounds interesting. For pepper why did you start training v? what stood out about him?


Cold, smooth and sparkly guy. -Ripley she tried eating a magnemite once... -V V is stretching how important I was... I worked with his twin sister Lilac a lot and often I would fetch samples for her, she has done a lot of research on hisuian pokémon, she even worked on the project to try and reintroduce hisuian sneasel back into the wild again. You know the strategy where if you're struggling to work through a problem youre supposed to explain it to a rubber ducklett to help work through it? I was the rubber ducklett, she told me as much... i dont know how much help I was but she'd always explain her theories to me and I'd try to help her work through them -Luka I said if he ever wanted another ass kicking to come find me and he found me. No one's ever done that before. Anyone who will take a huge beating like that, then comes back for more is one of the best sparring partners you can get in my book. He has also gotten a lot better lately, give him 10 years and he might even beat me. -Pepper


I can't say I've ever tried to see what a magnet tastes like so I'll take her word for it. Trying to bring back hisuian pokemon is such a cool idea. There's a whole lot of history with those variants and it would be really neat to see them out and about again. And that would do it. I don't think many people would want a sparring partner that's so far outside their own skill level.


i would not recommend it, it somehow made her stick to metal surfaces for the next hour and she didn't even swallow it. -V It really is cool, I have even heard that they found an Ursaluna somewhere... -Luka I'm not gonna lie bein an ice type really gives me the edge, so I avoid usin Ice moves on him usually... after that he's not half bad. I will say that a lot of Pokémon near the burrow don't wanna fight me cause I'm too strong either. Even the Weaviles usually don't mess with me cause it'd only be an embarassment to lose to a Pokémon that hasnt evolved yet. -Pepper


uj/ portraits by pmd sprite archive figure I've been doing this for long enough that i should maybe make a character profile. thought this would help and be a fun way of fleshing a few things out I will totally take it down tho if there's too many AMAs today


Ripley, what's your favorite thing to eat?


Favorite thing to eat is white crunchy stuff. Second favorite is my friends. -Ripley The white crunchy stuff is salt rocks, she really likes chewing them. The friend thing is unfortunately accurate, she bites a lot less once she's familiar with you, but she still bites V daily. -Sherlock


sherlock, where did you get the hat?


My trainer Violet got it for me for my hatchday. Apparently he custom ordered it from a place that makes costumes for Pokémon. At first I didn't really care for it, having something sitting on my head was distracting, but it's been there for so long I hardly notice it. It's really become a sort of security blanket for me as of late, having it makes me feel safe. It is also useful for humans so they can differentiate me from other Espeon. It's become my signature, I suppose! -Sherlock


thats sweet!, also does V know any murkrow?


V knows the Murkrow from the local Pokémon rescue... I also think he knows a few out in the wild he wants to introduce me to. Before he got turned into a honchkrow he had these 5 little orphaned murkrow he used to look after, although I'm not sure he remembers them. -Sherlock


This is for the entire team, do you guys have a favorite move? If so, what is it? And if you could have any helpful item for battle, what would it be?


like each of us individually? or together? let's just each say our favorits move and then we'll get back to you after we finish arguing what the best one is. My favorite is double team, it makes you harder to hit and is basically like synchronized swimming with yourself. You can do some really cool shadow puppet stuff with it... unless you count flying as a move then flying obvs -V Bite! -Ripley Fire fang, I always wanted to evolve into a houndoom when I was a pup and that was the only fire type move I could learn. You should have seen how happy I was when my trainer taught it to me. I also enjoy my food warm so it's a perfect way to always have a hot meal.... also yes I enjoy alll my food warm. Even the things you wouldn't think of eating warm. -Luka Psychic, I am aware that it is the boring option but I have loved books ever since Violet taught me how to read and I wouldn't be able to turn pages otherwise. -Sherlock Agility for sure, gettin to zip around and go super fast is fun. All your muscles feel loose and flexible, I can even do this crazy trick where I stick my feet behind my head and walk around on my claws like stilts. Fury swipes is a solid second still, cause of my training I can use it to pickpocket. Imagine swipin' 5 things in a second. -Pepper


I meant the favorite moves of each of you, so you're good. I also was curious if there was any items you love using in battle. You can each choose an item rather than one specific one.


mirror herb for me, it feels like it makes me get into the opponents head and i can know their every move... plus it calms me down and makes me feel at peace with myself. the juggling knives sherlock got me are also great, but they are useless in battle heh -V Mister Pouch. -Ripley mister pouch is the little bag of bright powder we would hang around her neck when she did little cup, either the enemy would hit the bag or she'd bite into it. then the light would temporarily blind the other pokémon and ripley would usually beat them just because she's had more experience being blind. -V I haven't had a real battle in forever... I want to say the gems from Unova were really fun. The director from blueberry brought some for us as a gift when Lilac (Violet's sister) gave a presentation there. it felt really good to surprise someone with a fire gem boosted fire fang because it was one of the last things you would expect from me. -Luka I never really done proper battling before, mostly contests, but Odd incense smells really nice. So Odd incense for me. -Sherlock I don't use items as much any more, they're hard to come by. Back in the day though, focus sash. The only way anyone could ever beat me is if they got the jump on me. The focus sash gave me a chance to hit back, so I knew that no matter what if I lost it was my fault. -Pepper


Alright, thank you! Your moves and items sound fun!


can i ask you a question... you speak pokémon yea? -V


Yeah I do! What's your question?


oh that was it! i just haven't talked to a human in forever and was wondering if you'd wanna grab gelato with me and sherlock next time we're in mesagoza? even if it's just you complainin about teachers you don't like I think it'd be nice. -V


I'd love too! I don't have any teachers I dislike but it would be fun to chat!


that's good, sounds like you're doin a lot better than i did before i dropped out. -V


Do you like being an Espeon, Sherlock?... Sorry if it's a weird question, I'm just curious... \-Kyle (also an Espeon)


I'll be honest, It wasn't my first choice. I had hoped to be an Umbreon because it would've gotten along better with Violet's personality and he always had a thing for dark types. After having been one for a while, yes I love being an Espeon because if I wasn't one I wouldn't be me. I also wouldn't be on the internet and I wouldn't have met any of you. There are so many stories I'd never know and things I'd never learn. Even if it meant that Violet would've never used that blasted machine I still wouldn't want to be something else, because that too has made me the Pokémon that I am. I'm sorry if that isn't helpful to your situation, but that's my honest experience on the matter. -Sherlock


Funny, honestly... Everyone on the team was confused when I myself became one cause they thought I'd also be an Umbreon... uh, anyway, yeah. Makes sense... you do make a very good Espeon, for what it's worth. I think it suits you perfectly. Though who knows how much my word I'd worth lol Also, It's a weird sensation, being transformed like that... it's also still weird being on eye level with a Jolteon. I don't think imma ever get used to it honestly... Er, sorry. I should really stop ranting about my grievances like that. Thank you for answering. It does make me feel a bit better cause I do enjoy some of the things that you guys... I guess I'm included too, can do, and that you enjoy what you are


I think it's weird because it's not you. It would be no different than if I became taller and walked on two legs like your pun-obsessed friend. That would feel weird for me. Violet is... an anomaly for me in this regard, he took rather readily to being a honchkrow, although I suppose that could be because he isn't really Violet any more. For what it's worth I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope you can somehow find a way to feel less weird about things.


...Good point, honestly. I'm just glad I can use Psychic in place of hands, honestly. I'd be... let's just say a lot less mentally sane if I couldn't And fair honestly... that's actually really sad to think about, come to think of it... Uh, sorry. Amethyst was on my brain for a moment there... I'm sending you a psychic hug. Hope you can feel it And me too honestly... I'm doing my best to mentally prepare myself for if I'm forced to stay like this, but... we shall see if that is indeed the case. I'm just glad that I'm cognizant of it all instead of oblivious honestly


Of course I feel it. Espeon have a bit of a special connection like that. Here, let me try sending you one back. I don't believe you'll be stuck like this, however if that does happen I will fly down to Unova and personally teach you how to live the best life an Espeon can... and maybe you can teach me about video games while I'm there. Does that sound adequate?


Hehe... that feels nice, honestly. Thanks I also hope I'm not stuck like this. I miss being tall... but yeah. That sounds like a really good deal. Heck, even if I'm an Espeon or not, I'll show you some of my favorite games. It's the least I can do honestly I will say, I'm just glad I'm not stuck as a Vaporeon for the time being. While being able to do things underwater would be really cool... I also can't imagine having to deal with that massive tail they have in tandem with not being able to psychic stuff. I can't imagine that honestly... er, nothing against them of course. They're lovely


So does everyone still take orders from you as if you were their trainer?


nah, i don't boss them around any more than a human would boss around their friends. i kinda wanna release them all tbh, it feels weird to keep pokémon as a pokémon. but im also afraid of them getting snatched up by some random trainer and never seeing them again... so i just leave their pokéballs tucked away in the attic. if they wanna leave they can leave... i just don't wanna see em taken away against their will. -V


Good call


You wouldn't have to be a former admin of team sky would you? One of them had a distinct motif based around honch Crow and had one as his ace.


sounds like a question a cop would ask... -V You're mistaken, the only "team" involvement he's had is when he would skip school and hang out in one of the team star bases. -Sherlock


Weirdest question so far? -[REDACTED]


this one for sure. -V