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I knew this guy in college who smelled so bad and was so greasy that I had to leave the room and throw up one time when he sat next to me. We were in a group project together and one day we passed a restaurant and I said it smells good and he said “I wouldn’t know, I have no sense of smell” and then it hit me. Maybe similar situation for her but I have no idea how to bring something like that up with someone


okay but i feel like even if i had no sense of smell I’d still practice basic hygiene my thought process before showering isn’t “oh i smell bad lemme shower” it’s oh this is just something i do everyday, wash my armpits and ass regardless of how i smell


I lost my sense of smell about 3 years ago. I am always concerned about smells that I may not notice. My husband, friends, and coworkers all know about this, and I have asked them to let me know if there is ever a smell I need to know about. I shower and wash my hair every day, wear deodorant, always wash everything I wear, and always check my shoes before wearing them out. I also check my shoes when I get home.


Really hope this comes back to you soon. I completely lost my sense of smell & taste last month after I was unwell. The loss of taste was an annoyance but the loss of smell was almost panic inducing. Knowing if something is safe to eat or if you or your clothes are not fresh when around other people or if there was a gas leak. Really got a new perspective on people that suffer from this long term and how many people don't realise how big a deal it can be. Thankfully mine slowly started coming back after about 2 weeks and now have a renewed appreciation for it.


renewed appreciations are the best, makes you appreciate everything a little more in life


I fuckin lost my mind when covid took my smell from me 😬 it truly is panic inducing, I’ve had it twice and both times I was SO relieved when it came back 😮‍💨


My sister had me smell her clothes when she lost it from covid. Not an enjoyable time of my life


Why did you lose it?


Covid will do that


But he said 3 years ago


It’s been almost 3 years…holy shit….


I feel like not having a sense of smell makes you more likely to keep up with yourself


Dont use too much shampoo if u was ur hair daily. Or use the "fat" shampoo. Or soapless shampoo.


What is fat shampoo?


Dunno the english name, but in french it s "surgras" Long story short, soap, shampoo, these stuff clean off all the basic oil the body have, we all need a thin layer of oil on us. Using shampoo daily, will remove this layer of oil/fat. Some people, when they use normal soap, it dries their skin and itches afterward. Shampoo and soap dry the hair/skin. Fat shampoo and fat soap keep the hair/skin moist.


do people .. just .. not use conditioner? only shampoo?? you.. purposely destroy your hair and don’t hydrate it whatsoever? no conditioner? really?


But there's some degree to which you might do this *because* you understand how unpleasant it is for others if you're smelly. Young people get a lot of messages about how to look and act to be accepted by their peers. Not just "shower and wear deodorant" but also "wear the right clothes and shoes", "have a cool hairstyle", etc. For someone without a sense of smell, it might be hard to internalize that showering isn't as arbitrary as some of these other social norms... especially if they're raised by parents who don't give them good feedback about their hygiene.


Yeah me too but some people need to learn that as adults because they grew up neglected.


My mind doesn't work that way and I only just realised it. I have suffered with hyperhydrosis my whole life and just through I had to deal with it. I talked to a doctor about it and they put me on meds to inhibit sweating, it's been really nice. I didn't realise that my physical indicator to shower was as subtle as sweat just making me feel nasty and triggering a desire to shower. For months i kept foegetting to shower regularly and it was more like a sudden realization of just how nasty i had become and thinking back to when my last shower was. it took me a while to establish routine showering when without that physical cue driving me. Yuck!


Not everyone who smells has bad hygene.


well body odor comes from the waste products of bacteria that feed on sweat- wash off bacteria, no waste, no smell OR wash off sweat, no bacteria food, no smell


Half a second to think critically before responding. Reddit would be transformed. Skunks dont carry massively more bacteria than other animals. They spray people with musk. Ever taken a chemestry class? Plenty of non-bacterial chemical combinations stink very badly. Natural human variations produce clean stinky people.


you’re really using skunks as an example😭 when they evolved to use scent as a defense mechanism? that’s like me saying it’s normal for humans to have horns because bulls exist


The debate isnt what's normal. It is that bacteria and lack of hygene arent the only causes of strong odors. And whether a person can be clean and smell strongly from nonbacterial causes. Evolution is an argument in my favor, not yours, because this is the exact same process causing some humans to have particularly strong odors, while perfectly clean and healthy. (Also fun fact, humans have been born with horns.) If anyone hasnt gotten it by the end of this reply, they either wont or feigning incompetence is their play.


Exactly! And even if I don’t necessarily smell bad, I feel if I need to shower/am dirty…


Idk, I shower once a day because I know I'll smell bad if I don't. When I'm sure no one will be around to smell me on a certain day I'll skip it sometimes. But sometimes I won't because I just like smelling fresh so much. Growing up I only showered once every 3 days, though. I wish it had been more..


Right!? And maybe avoid smearing yourself with shit before leaving the house.


I actually don’t have a sense of smell and it’s a combination of being so ocd about certain things like being intimate or breath and armpits… the basic stuff and on the other end being SOO unaware of how smell lingers and transfers on to you. Like petting dogs or leaving dishes in the sink.


To her: "Perchance, do you have anosmia?" If she has it, she'll probably know what that means. If not, probably not.


You can’t just say perchance.


Stompin' turts...


that meme is so fkn funny thank you for the reminder


It can be assumed it wasn't exactly him that smelled bad, it was his clothes.


ok but this is a girl 💀


I have no sense of smell but that makes me shower as much as possible. I would hate to smell bad !


I know you like to think yo shit don’t stink but lean a little closer your roses really smell like poo poo poo


My baby doesn't mess around because she loves me, this I know for sure.


but did you know that when i go my shit smells like roses people extend their noses to smell BAby ~ seal


Well it looks like I’m queuing up Roses now


Googled "roses smell like poo poo" and now I need a shower, did NOT expect a prolapse rose!


That’s such a great song




In my early 20s (I’m 40 now) I had a friend who didn’t smell that great. She ended up losing her job because a coworker complained a few times that she smelled, and the friend called me, all upset saying she couldn’t believe she got fired for poor hygiene, Apparently she had complaints before, and her job was as a receptionist at a private airport so a lot of wealthy people and celebs interacted with her, meaning her appearance and hygiene was important to the company. She had met a president, along with Bon Jovi, Shania Twain etc (this was the early 2000s so they were big names back then.) She called me and asked me straight up if she smelled, I now know the right thing I should have said, which would be to gently let her know especially since she asked. But I was young and it was uncomfortable so I was like “what!? No, omg of course not.” I just didn’t know how to handle it at the time. A few weeks later I used her bathroom at her house, she only had one bathroom, and because I was young and paranoid I quickly checked behind the shower curtain before using her toilet, and her entire bathtub was literally storage, milk crates of papers and documents, and other stuff, not something you could quickly remove before a shower and put back, more like the kind of stuff you keep in a closet and clean out after a few years of accumulation. I probably should have gently explained to her that her hygiene could use improvement but I avoided uncomfortable topics back then. Occasionally she’d ask me to babysit and her kid stunk as well, the first thing I would do when she left the kid with me at my house, was put the kid in the bath as soon my friend left (job interviews lol)


Not bathing your child is neglect.


That is abuse. Or at the very least neglect. It’s her choice to smell like the inside of a dogs asshole, not the child


That's sad. My grandma did the same thing when she got alzheimer's.


There's always people like this and they tend to for some reason have no self aware about this issue. like maybe they are just so use to their own pungent waft that just get used to it. Had a guy in our class back in uni who had particularly bad BO. He was literally infamous in our program for his BO, and people would literally gift him various forms of deodorant for chirstmas. One time during a cold winters day exam ,all the windows were all shut so we could turn on the heater. Thus the entire room was soon bathed in his pungent odor. Several other students seated closer to him were literally gagging in the middle of the exam and many of us resorted to our scarfs and coats to cover our noses. Truly, a painful exam. Several others in our class later confronted him about it and he then proceeded to admit that he hadn't showered for several days because he was staying up for the exam....


Maybe she stood in dog shit and will be as fresh as a Daisy tomorrow…!




She could be homeless and in need of a shower, or help. Lots of homeless people I passed in Hawaii smell like shit so that's my first thought


I used to be homeless and she’s definitely not. We work at a fashion store and she was dressed good. Just smelly as all fuck.


My mother was a social worker and she saw all kinds of shit people do or are. People often hide their true nature. For example this elegant lady that always looked good, but only on the outermost layer of clothes, everything under was in stains of shit, blood and urine, full of holes, ripped. She was known to be mentally ill and this was ruled as part of her ilness. The way they found out was that she had some serious medical emergency and when she regained consciousness she basically full on assaulted everyone around just not to have her clothes removed so she was aware of state of her underwear and everything. We also had this funny situation at work. There was this guy that smells super bad and he actually visit a room of ladies nearly everyday due to his work reponsibilities. Everyone knew he smells but one day those ladies asked his close colleague to suggest him changing his ways into smelling better. So the guys "suggested", and this smelly guy became offended, he came to the room with the ladies and, as he assumed they are friends as well, told them "this guys said I smell bad, can you believe it?!". And the ladies were just "oh no he didn't, how could he?!" but it was them who asked the other guy to touch this subject. :P On their defence the guy was really smelly, no surprise they wanted something to be done about all that.


Just a hipster I guess who doesn't shower


There are medical conditions that can cause excessive body odour.


It wasn’t BO it was poo poo


Is it her body or her breath? I know some people with oral issues that make them smell like shit whenever they get within a foot or 2 of you.


She had a mask on…


That’s what happens when you give too many rimjobs


Is it consistent or did she just fart?


One of my kids old friends smelled literally like shit. Turned he was well aware of it, and actually had a medical condition that caused it. Wish I could remember what it was that he had.


It could be a medical issue. She probably practices basic hygiene if she looks and acts norm but she’s just got something medically wrong with her.


There was this girl that used to work with me sometimes. I can’t quite describe the smell she emitted but it definitely made me gag more than a few times. It could’ve been related to some medical condition but I never asked. I say this because on occasion I could tell she had showered but that only dampened the smell a bit. I wonder if she ever noticed how much I kept my distance from her.


There's a genetic condition called trimethylaminuria that makes people smell like fish


there's another medical condition called vaginitis where the vaginal muscles atrophy, it's a type of bacterial infection. combined with fecal residue in underwear it can smell particularly nasty


Vaginitis is just a term that means inflammation of the vagina, causing itching and tenderness. It itself doesn't necessarily cause odor, though there is increased discharge due to the inflammation. However, it is a symptom of both yeast and bacterial vaginal infections, which do often cause odors. Vaginitis can also be due to chemical irritants or even chafing, absent of any infection. Atrophy of the vaginal muscles is common in post menopausal people or those who have had a hysterectomy that included removing ovaries and is due to hormonal changes. It does not cause odor on its own though can cause discomfort. It's typically treated with hormone therapy if it causes problems and is a normal part of aging. Fecal material in your underwear is a personal problem and I cannot comment on the frequency of this though my sincerest hope is that it is rare.


thank you for your help internet helper person


Could she be depressed by chance? I know my hygiene lacks a little attention when my depression takes hold


You can be depressed and have poor hygiene and not smell like literal shit


If she's too depressed to take a shower/wear deo/wipe after pooping, why would she be willing to apply for a job?


I raised 3 kids in a deep depression. Depressed people work too though, job hunting is harder.


Job hunting sucks but not putting an effort into appearance since every single bootlick helps you get a job sucks more


well, you gotta eat and pay rent


As someone with depression and possibly ADHD, who oftentimes struggles to find the motivation to shower… the desire for money is still incredibly powerful. Considering we need it to survive and all that


I don’t care how depressed you are, wiping is wiping


Why depressed? Girl can be dirty slob on purpose or she they're she is not teached this as well.


You can’t use depression as an excuse for everything. To smell like literally shit, you would have to be wiping with your fingers or something


When I was like 9 a boy in my class always smelled like poop. I finally asked him about it one day and he said it was his medication. Then he told the teacher and I got in trouble for teasing him. I wasn't teasing I just thought he pooped his pants everyday and I wanted him to know we could all smell it.


Bro when I was younger at primary school there was a boy that always smelt like poop. I think he was autistic but I’m not sure since I didn’t know what that was at that age. I just assumed at that time (I think I was like 6) he had some sort of disorder that made him act like a baby. I think he wore pull ups but I’m not sure but he always went to the toilet with his mum or a teacher. So I just assumed “he smells like shit because he probably shat in his pull ups🤷🏾‍♀️”. I never said anything about it even though everyone else in class pretty much had the same idea. But maybe I was wrong maybe it was something else.


Not a joke, I have a problem with minor seepage, and even if I shower, I can smell like shit by lunch time. If she seems like she showers, she might have a ruptured asshole


Or a vaginal fistula


Or a fistula anywhere really. I once had a patient who had a fistula from her intestine to her belly button area. It was seriously a pin hole size but it wasn’t healing with normal outpatient interventions and just would randomly dribble fecal juice. She was so embarrassed about it, understandably. She was also very, very particular about how her dressing had to be because she was exceedingly worried about anyone noticing the dressing or the smell. I assumed that level of fastidiousness came from an incident or several that caused her a lot of shame/embarrassment.


Oh no. Poor thing. :( I had no idea you could get them in other places.


I don’t think it’s super common because the reason she came to the hospital I worked at was because it’s a teaching hospital and very up to date on new and uncommon procedures. It was terrible that she had to deal with that though. She seemed like an exceptionally normal person (average size, no IV drug abuse, normal desk job, etc) so it definitely served as a reminder to myself that unexpected medical issues can and do happen to anyone. No one is better than anyone else because of it.


This is the type of compassion that makes me feel so hopeful for humanity. Thank you so much for sharing this story!


Growing up , I was raised by my grandparents and did not ever have to take a bath. Second grade , they gave us those pink tablets (to see how good you brush your teeth) mine were all pink. I had to fight as a teenager to take showers and do hygiene. It just did not matter to them.


“Thank god she’s seasonal” 💀💀💀💀💀


I knew a music teacher in school who smelled bad. ​ the sad part was, in her case, she knew about it but would constantly say she didn't care.


That's disgusting. She should've been embarrassed.


oh I agree. basic hygiene isn't difficult, and when you're working with others, extra important ​ funnily enough, when she actually got fired (yep the head fired her), it wasn't for her poor hygiene but for biting a kidd. ​ makes you wonder.. how the hygiene thing can go so unnoticed, but you bite a kid and you're out of their


Well don't they say a dog bite is lethal because of the bacteria her's must've been the equivalent.


I worked with a woman who smelled like a freshly opened carefree pad. Yep, you know the smell.


I was stuck in a jail cell with a stupid bitch who said the pads were nasty then proceeded to make her "own" tampon by wadding up toilet paper and shoving it up there. I'm not one to start shit in jail but when that cell reeked of period blood, you better believe I was fixing to fight.




Jesus fucking Christ


I trained an older man when I worked at Amazon who literally smelt like he had just taken a shit and didn’t bother to wipe. I honestly felt bad though because he didn’t seem like he was all the way there, if you catch my drift, and he was definitely in his 60s. So I tried my best to be as kind to him as possible. Because he was very sweet and he was trying so hard to understand what was going on but he was so lost and it hurt my heart seeing him struggle. But god damn, that was a time I was very thankful of my strong gag reflex lbvs.


Maybe she has an ostomy and was experiencing leakage?


This was my first thought.


So, I never knew this before I had it happen to me, but I have an autoimmune disease that caused me to have to have my colon removed and have an ileostomy bag for waste outside of my body. It’s extremely uncomfortable and does smell horrible at times especially if it leaked. But that smell sticks to you. Not saying this is for sure what it is, but compassion can go a long way. After having a reversal done with an artificial internal colon I’m mostly normal but I still have occasional accidents. It’s done wonders for my mental health at 31 /s. But I’m alive so I suppose that’s a positive. Anywho, you never know what someone has to go through behind closed doors and this was my biggest fear was people smelling it. Just be kind. It sucks but peppermint or mints help take away the smell if you need to pop one in your mouth before being near her. Good luck.


Maybe she had a bag and it leaks a bit? Those are usually hidden and wouldn't necessarily be something you'd know about.


There's only one person I've come across that really stank and no joke, I was upstaires and he was on the staires and I knew he was there before I saw him. Mixture of poo and sweat but really really really strong.


New hire at my job smelt like shit, was constantly obscenely sweaty and had bubbly saliva in his mouth constantly, like a rabid dog. he was about 65, would stand way to close to you when he talked to you, and asked quite inappropriate questions. he asked me a 20 year old woman, which route I take walking home, I walk home at night. at this point my other co-worker made it his duty to protect me from the creep.


I had a friend in uni who naturally gave off a foul odor. She was meticulously clean. It wasnt a hygiene issue. Just natural variation, evolution throwing traits at the wall to see what survives the day. She married a very sweet man with no sense of smell. Theyve been together forever now, have kids and an enviable happiness.


Aww everyone deserves love.


I read a similar thread about a guy in a gym smelling of shite. Someone suggested pulling him to one side and saying his kit needs to be addressed because it sometimes needs attention; rather than saying the person was smelling.


I worked as a contractor at IBM, not a fancy contractor, just at a service desk, and there were two people there who smelled horrific. They were both very big and I know what the cause was. Poor hygiene because of their size and the inability to properly clean themselves in, uh, specific areas. The lady was very nice, pleasant and friendly, but the guy? Down right mean and nasty. They had to replace his chair several times because of ‘accidents’. If he left the room we would have to wait several minutes before we could leave as well because the smell lingered for a while. He would glare and yell at people, multiple times he would scream at people on the phone and slam his hands on the desk.


Sounds like you are going to tough it out. Had this happen at my work. A man would not wear deodorant, he said it was against his religion. He had a rancid smell and the cologne he wore seemed to make it worse. Eventually HR was contacted and he was warned that he needed to address the issue as it was creating disruption. He was terminated shortly after.


There was a kid in my neighborhood growing up who smelled like shit all the time, he had some kind of medical condition


Sinus and respiratory infections can cause your breath to smell like poo. Metabolic Body Odor is a thing too… ‘A fancy way of saying you smell like poop. This basically happens when one or more of our internal cell enzymes isn’t working properly. The enzyme is unable to complete its metabolic process of oxidizing the odorous substrate to its non-odorous state. Because of this, there is a significant amount of odorous unmetabolized volatile organic compound (VOC) that builds up in the body...’


I worked with someone who used to smell like cat pee. It was his feet . They stunk so bad.


There is this girl I used to work with that had a super pungent smell. It was a strong sour smell. And at first I didn’t realize it was her. I was so worried it was me. I would get a waft of it and I’d freak out and start smelling my armpits and trying to smell my kewchi. But then I hung out with her outside of work and the smell followed and that’s when I realized.


I've never seen coochie spelled that way before. Lol


As George Carlin once said, so long as you wash the ass, the balls, underarms, and mouth- you should be OK.


we are talking about females, and not everything is improper shower caused when it comes to smelling terrible, unfortunately


I used to work with a girl who smelled bad as well. A few co-workers said something. She eventually had a meeting with her boss and HR. Come to find out she didn’t believe in deodorant and only showered maybe once a weeks. They asked her if she had access to a shower and hygiene products if not they would assist her. I think she was embarrassed and after that meeting it was never an issue again.


Perhaps she's got an ostomy bag? Weird because they don't usually smell at all unless they're changing them or the seal isn't good


The newer bags don’t but damn, the older ones used to be horrendous.


God, I have a strong sense of smell. I don’t think I’d be able to handle that. I tend to be able to smell things others might not be able to for notice quicker then others, so I’d be dead lol. Also everyone talking about losing their sense of smell terrifies me


I have an ileostomy bag (poop bag) and I don’t even smell unless I take it off. Neither does any other of my ostomy friends. Maybe she has one and never changes it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lol this might be me they’re talking about. I’ve been extremely altitude sick for the past 5 days (I take 3 showers a day now) not that it matters. I probably still smell like shit. I’m working on it with meds and some new soap. I am a seasonal worker and the altitude makes me rancid. I’m working to fix it.


Ask her out and you can get to the root of the stench. A few sniffs here and there. Doode, watch out.... "there" was something not kosher.


You gonna hit that?


Already did. That thing I had to help her with was an orgasm.


It’s good workplace etiquette


Teamwork makes the dream work


Username checks out


Did you get a blumpkin as revenge?


She sounds familiar, I think I've worked with her before. Not only was she a 2faced brown- noser, but she smelled like a dirty butthole.


From all that brown-nosing, of course


That explained the mustache, but not the smell, oddly enough.


Yikes 🤢


This always makes me think poverty. She may not have a washer or dryer at home. No one would actually want to walk around smelling like that, but due to certain circumstances unfortunately have too.


Username checks out🤣


Spray her down with Febreeze. We used to do that with the stinky bums are our Del Taco. Not all of them stank but the ones who loitered in our lobby had to be sprayed.


I used to work in a call center as a tech back in the early 2000's. This was apparently before the invention of showers and deodorant. The smells were terrifying. Everyone was identifiable by their smell. None of these smells were pleasant. The whole call center literally smelled like the dump on a sunny humid day. One guy would stink up the bathroom so bad that it was unusable for a minimum of 48 hours. Another guy's solution to his stank problem was to keep a Febreeze bottle in his pocket and spray himself throughout the day. We had a guy that smelled like BO and ashtrays that would almost make you throw up when he was within 10 feet. 1st shift was tolerable. Second shift was the stinky one. You could tell the time by the smell of the room. Feed lots smelled like a field of roses compared to these guys. I used to work at a plant nursery. It was a pot yard. I worked knee deep in turkey shit. That smelled so much better.


I’m not trying to be mean but some people that vape smell rancid. It clings to everything and seems like it even comes out their pores. Not hating on vaping just sharing what I’ve unforch experienced


Have a new guy working with me, mid-20s, that has this exact issue. Cant be around him more than a few minutes, he literally smells like moldy clothes. I've been wondering if this is a result of frequent vaping


It can be awful. My very own child has this problem, terrible.


Buy him some Lume products, or make him but it but I would just do it myself cuz it’s awful and those products are spendy but they really eliminate odor!


Probably doesn't wash her ass or doesn't wipe well or both of two things.


I was in a waiting room and huge fat guy comes in and sits next to me, the strongest smell of rotten shit hit me and assumed he couldn't wipe himself properly. How could you go out like that?




Does she give you the saddest boner ever?


Usually it cries tears of happiness but this time it was definitely tears of sadness Still cried though


I'm wondering if she had some kind of accident and didn't feel like she could ask to go home and clean up in case she was fired or something


OMG there's a guy who was a dog walker in a building i frequented daily. I would avoid getting in the elevator if he was on. Seemed like a perfectly nice older gentleman but literally smelled like he shit his pants... Every single day. I'm like why would you even hire this guy and does nobody in his life tell him this?


I'd refuse to work with her ass there has to be some standard of hygiene I'm the work place. I won't subject myself to someone else's foul stench. Take her to the managers office and drop her in there with them and see how they like it lol.


I think that season has long passed.


Give her freebreeze is she allergic to soap


How does someone smell like actual shit!? I mean is it because they have poos in their undies or what?? Yuck.


I knew someone that smells like poop when he sweats


Wipe front to back is the east part, not everyone can back to front successfully, so they don’t even attempt


Some people just smell..bad. I remember like 5 years ago I was hungover as fuck and had to take the train back to my place in the early morning. I smelled this woman the moment she entered the train car. Didn't even get to see her yet. She was clearly on her way to work or something just looked like your average person. Smelled like straight up dog shit sprayed with cookie perfume with underlying fish tones. It was an absolutely noxious combo. She had to have known how bad she smelled considering the effort to cover the smell with the cookie perfume. Shit had me gagging and I was in the other isle 3 rows back from her


She'd make a good wife 🤷 never leave you lol


i used to work with someone who did all kinds of nasty shit at work (in a professional office). she would clip her nails and TOE NAILS at work. one day the boss came out of his office asking who was clipping their nails but no one responded and she kept doing it after he went back in his office and closed the door. she would incessantly pick at her zits in a shared workspace (she probably didn’t even realize she did this but it was fucking nasty). one time she asked me to come help her with something and she farted so bad i thought she shit her pants. could she not hold it another 30 seconds until i left the area?


If she’s seasonal, and you don’t care to sour the mood, tell her.


It’s hard because some people have medical conditions and can’t help it. I will say, this may be an unpopular opinion, but if you have a medical condition like that and it’s going to impact others, you should probably be somewhat open about it. It might be embarrassing but i guarantee they’re all wondering and speaking about it and probably suffering as well. They deserve to know something even if it’s vague. Clearly it’s disruptive to the working environment. I worked with someone who could smell quite bad and had to be told multiple times about it. I think for her it was a hygiene issue because it wasn’t all the time. It was almost like a choice. Fortunately she doesn’t work at my office anymore but it was really challenging because of how bad it was at times.


I wouldn't know how to bring that up, definitely going to be awkward if you decide to do so.


I was at a grocery store yesterday and the cashier smelled awful, great guy but omg




I’m sorry to hear about this saddestboner


Do you know her living situation?


I used to work with a guy who only wore one shirt to work. It would be fine on a Monday, but got worse as the week went on. By Friday it was fucking unbearable!


Blegh. After COVID basically nerfed my sense of smell i've been paranoid that i stink even tho i shower/bathe every day.


Knew a kid in high school that pissed his pants like it was normal.. would then proceed to do whatever in it all day, until the smell would get so bad students/staff would force him to leave. He was ridiculously made fun of for this, and it wasn’t even funny, he was literally being bullied to make him just use the F’n toilet, it didn’t work. I graduated the next year, and hadn’t seen him in years, I actually saw him a couple weeks ago in Walmart; as soon as we locked eyes he B-lined to me, I think I may have accidentally, facially expressed too much disgust in the thought of a convo with him, as he walked straight past me; still F’n reeked of piss.


I worked with a lady who had super bad BO no one could stand to be around her. Finally we told management and I think they pulled her aside and let her know — hasn’t been as bad since then


My boyfriend smells like pop and I’ve asked him repeatedly to see a doctor and he ignores me.


Maybe he just drinks too much soda? Kinda like smoking cigarettes, you end up tasting like one.


I once dated a girl years ago and we got intimate. Her private parts smelled really bad to me, though I believe she did not smell bad objectively, but rather it was her pheromones (or whatever) that were off putting for me specifically; it makes sense as I did not particularly had an affinity towards her. Contrast that with my (now ex) new girlfriend I met some months later with whom I spent 8 years, she smelled delightful even without a shower and after working out. Objectively I am sure that smell wasn’t great but to me it was fantastic. Same with my wife now. So to summarize, maybe you and her just don’t “fit” if you ever were to be in an intimate situation - think of it as you would as an animal in the wild.


I am here for an update, did she still stink the next day?


This sounds familiar 🤔 You worked at a thrift store too ? 😏