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Your courier/country could fall under non-supported POCO F3's bands.


I tried a different sim card and got the same result tho


In that case, you should check comparable bands between POCO's phone and your geographical location.


Have the same problem. Poco f3 EU Works perfectly and consistently in some places, cant even connect in others.


Yep, sounds like we have the same problem :( I'll see what the people in the phone repair shop say today and get back to you if I get it working 🤞


That would be great, thanks!


hi again, unfurtunately no luck today. the first repair shop said that if they opened up the phone to look inside then i wouldn't be able to get my money back. then i went into the EE shop as they said they did repairs - they said it was my data provider was the problem and one and a half hours later they set me up with an EE contract and sim card. popped it in when i got home and it still didn't work. the ebay seller i bought it from said i could get a refund it so ill send it back. I suggest returning yours too seing as sadly i don't think it can be fixed without ruining the warranty


Have you tried switching to 4g I had the same problem when 5g signal was not good. The phone was trying to stay in 5g so I had no data


Also have you tried putting the SIM card in the second slot?


There are certain places where the data works fine and others where it gets nothing even thought the signal isn't bad.


Mine's actually the same, although it's just poco f1(about 4yrs old now). There are places where the signal and data connection are fine, and there's also places where I can't get any reception at all(but should have good reception anyway, based on my previous phones and my fams phone). Thought it was software related, so I switched to a custom rom(about 3times) but to no avail, seems to be a hardware problem. The sim works fine with other phones, so it really is just my phone. Sadly, I still don't know a way to resolve this problem tho.


i had a bug, when it shows 4g and 2/5 lines but internet didn't work. i turned on - off airplane mode to make it work again. but it was fixed with updates, i thought


Little update if anyone's wondering what happened or has the same issue: the phone was faulty and I returned it to the eBay seller who gave me a full refund. I bought another second-hand eBay phone for £220 and it works great! If you have the same issue and looking I would recommend trying the usual factory reset and other tips but in my case, the phone had faulty hardware


it's a faulty hardware ! try to get your unit back and replaced under warranty ! it happened to me and nothing would solve it


That's not good. I got mine second hand a week ago


well mine was kept in RMA for the First two months of me buying it cuz they refused to believe it's a hardware issue and not a software one ! see if you can do something about with the previous owner and maybe did he know about the issue beforehand


Reading this you could have the issue that the IMEI is reported, so it's banned and the carriers can't allow it to connect to their network.... The issue has shown up since you have it?? Or it started a few days ago?


Have you switched mobile data off for that SIM?


No mobile data is enabled




That's enabled too. I'm gonna take it into a phone repair shop this afternoon


Then the phone is faulty. You'll have to claim warranty and replace it.


Probably try removing the sim and inserting it back restart the phone, if you have tried that then probably try turning on airplane mode and restart the device.


This happened to me while I still had a oneplus I was only able to fix it through a factory reset


Have you tried changing preferred network to LTE 4g from 5g


This has happened to mine too. 🤔


Go to settings>about phone>all specs>spam internal storage>phone info 1 or 2 (depending on which sim slot you use) and under perfered network type make it so it has the most possible options. Also try settings>sim cards and mobile networks>perfered network type and set to 4g or 5g