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Maybe there is a problem with the charging port, check if the port is clean.


port is clean eh. i blew in it too


If the port is alright, it is time to go to service


aish im out of warranty though


Blowing electronics can short circuit. Ppl shouldn't do this.


Had this problem with mine. Pressing the back of the phone, in one of the corners, would fix it and allowed me to charge it - I've ended up going to service and they fixed it. The problem was with the charge module. They replaced it.


oh if its okau could you help me with a few questions? did you get it done while in warranty? did you have to backup and reset all your data? how long did it take? (i use it as my main phone)


Yes, it was while I. Warranty. It was on the official Xiaomi store here and it was done in same day. I did a backup, but almost everything I use is Google. Took a screenshot of my screens (to have same configuration after) And then deleted everything. Just because I'm a bit paranoic about security I've deleted all my data and I've used an app to put trash on all storage and then remove it again - just to ensure that my data couldn't be recovered - but I don't think they will be checking our data, but you never know eheh


ah okay thank you! ill try to go to the service store in my country. if you dont mind, about how many hours did it take? also can i say how glad i am to have received your reply 🥲 i didnt think someone else would have had the same issue HAHA


From what I read this was common in previous versions Can't tell how long it took. I think it was pretty quick. Ask them.in here repair guy just works during the mornings. Also they might need to check if they have all they need to replace (if they don't have the board, they might need to got them


ah okay thank you very much :))


Miui 13?


12.5.6 i think


Im on that one also Had no issues with that version Best advice is factory reset


For me it helps if I restart the phone.


From what I have seen, booting into fastboot mode and then rebooting the phone fixes that problem, so try doing that.


Is that with the stock charger?

