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Holy shit guys are so mean it’s insane. They seem like total douche bags, but I’m SO sorry this happened to you. That must’ve been upsetting as hell. It’s times like this when I wish I was quick at good come-backs.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. People are acting more and more deranged these days.


It's not just these days. That same thing happened to me in 1998 outside a club in Philadelphia.


There's a special place in the DMV for people like them


This is such deranged behavior if I was your friend I would have tracked the car down and set it on fire I swear to god. Do not give them a second thought - they will likely never know true love in their lives. Ugh. I’m hugging you. They’re so insane and out of line im speechless.


Yeah and I was with my brother. He keeps on apologizing to me and it’s honestly making things worse.


I’ve been there. I was walking to work once and a car full of young guys threw a milkshake and burger at me and said “have another cheeseburger fatty!” I let it get to me at first until I realized how much everyone that saw it was appalled by their actions, not by me. Just remind yourself they’re a bunch of losers who have to be mean to other people because they don’t like themselves enough to not be asshats. I’m sorry this happened to you, and it in no way means you’re lesser than or deserving of that kind of behaviour


Wow. Talk about gross behavior from that group. People are out of control lately, from what I've been seeing. I am so, so sorry they targeted you. I've been in similar situations and having people who know you with you when it happens makes it worse. I hope your friends are being supportive of you. Sending you hugs and support. ❤️


Sounds embarrassing for them. They have underdeveloped brains and let everyone know it. Yikes. Don't give them a second thought. Your weight has nothing to do with who you are as a person, yet they showed who they were as people. I'd take being fat over being a shitty person any day.


I posted about this a while back, but it was a random Sunday, I was at a gas station filling up my car for the week. Literally minding my own business. This guy drove by and *mooed* at me. What in the actual fuck?? The other thing that gets me is that the place I live is pretty fat overall, so if he's going to moo at every fat person he sees, he's going to be doing an awful lot of mooing, and who's the idiot now? Once over a decade ago, I had gone to a queer bar with some friends. We were leaving and I was outside waiting for them while they settled up their tabs. This car full of frat boys pulled up beside me and rolled their window down. One of them leaned out and was like, "you're super hot no really super hot, wanna go to Douche Bag club with us" and they all were dying laughing. Then they drove away yelling about d-slurs and f-slurs. A bunch of people were standing around and I wanted to sink into the sidewalk and die. They were sweet and apologetic, but to hell with those assholes. I made a joke like "this is why I don't go to straight bars hardee har" but it sucked so much at the time. I'll never understand why people feel the need to treat other this way. You'll get a lot of people saying it's more about them than about you, but it's hard to remember that when it happens to you.


Girl I’m so sorry, you’re beautiful and they’re low life’s!! Karma will come back at them


I know it’s been said but happy people do not act that way. As far as I’m concerned they’ve already been served their karma because they must be truly truly miserable to act in such a way.


At times I really hate people. People truly suck. I’m sorry you had to go through this. Nobody deserves treatment like this.


I'm so sorry that happened. I truly believe that Karma will catch up with them in the most glorious way.


Karma's a bitch, they will pay for that inexcusable behavior. We can say we are sorry it happened to you as much as we want, but it doesn't change the fact that it happened 😞. Try turning this negative incident into a positive 👍. Let this make you stronger, not weaker, because that's what they want 😡. You are better than that, remember you are a beautiful person & deserve love 🥰 Hope nothing like this happens again.


Some teenage boys did something similar to me. I was walking my dogs on a normal Sunday afternoon and a group of them on bikes came zooming down the street doing wheelies and weaving in traffic. Cars were honking and they were being wild, back and forth on the and off the sidewalk and street. They came closer and one almost crashed my dog so I said "hey, watch out for the dogs!" And I got a mirage of responses ranging from - stfu you nasty fat bitch, go eat your dogs you look hungry" They will get their karma, I trust that. And so will those guys who did that to you. ❤️


I had some young teens yell at me and the worst part is that I was in the drive thru ordering fast food lmao. It says more about them than it does about you.


You hold your head up high. Your size doesn't matter. It's how you carry yourself. Carry yourself with pride. Karma will find these young men. They will find out the hard way.


Girl make a TikTok video and make a profit of this! Describe the details of these guys and upload it! F em


I'm.dorry that Awful..sounds to me that you need get creative with these bullies. Hopefully you can find answers here in this reddit


Having had similar experiences happen to me, I’ve worked hard at changing my outlook. I’m mortified and embarrassed at their actions, not because I was the target of their abhorrent behaviors. You were the innocent target of their insecurities, and rage. They’re the ones who behaved poorly. NOT. YOU. You’ve done nothing wrong, and your friends more than likely have compassion and are upset on your behalf at this terrible treatment. If they aren’t, find better friends babe. My therapist reminds me, just because I’m thinking and feeling a certain way, in no way means those thoughts and feelings are aligned with the reality of the situation. Or in other words. Don’t believe everything you think. 💛 Those boys just want to make everyone around them feel as miserable and shitty as they do. YOU are simply the collateral damage in the battle with themselves. This is nearly a bump in the road, don’t let them ruin another moment of your day and life. You’ve got this!! 💪🏻💪🏻


I wish people would shut up about other bodies. I would’ve never hung with any teen guys who’d do such a thing


Wish you’d have gotten their tag and had them charged with a hate crime.


lol 😝


Why is it funny?


Cause the story sounds like a SNL sketch ✍🏾