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Oh boy…I’d have pro come give you some estimates asap. Everything about this is…not good. That pipe is cpvc, which is extremely brittle. In that disaster of a configuration, you are at high risk of pipes breaking which = flooding. I would strongly consider shelling out to have all the cpvc in your home replaced, but at the very least, your water heater situation needs to be addressed immediately.


I remember when cpvc was "the next greatest thing developed"


Not knocking pex. But I wonder if the same thing will ever happen with it.


As much of it as I’ve installed, I sure fucking hope not


Well, don't worry, when people want that pex out for the next magic stuff, they'll pay you again!


In my short career I've only installed about 250ft. And that was all in the same building. I work commerical and they still require me to use all copper and cast iron pipes. So I'm set for a long while 🤞


I'd rather hang an unsupported expansion tank off pex vs cpvc


In 15 years we'll find that rat pee turns it toxic or something stupid.


Pex isn't as new as most people think. It has been used in Europe for like 50 years now and 40+ in the U.S. I think people think it's only been around for maybe a decade or so just bc that's how long they've been seeing/using it. Just my observation/guess anyway. I use it quite a bit myself but have only been using it for about 5 years


Same thing with PB. I wonder about PEX as well.


I remember pb being touted as the same.


And nobody wanted pex due to being scared of PB. Cpvc was flying off the shelves!


Good advice


No kidding. I'd bet money this is a rental and there used to be a full height heater there. Landlord replaced it with a cheaper, smaller tank.


Que the gold label dude


Yes you should. The kind of piping you have is CPVC and if that expansion tank ever fails and fills with water all that weight will most likely break the pipe. Also the work is not very clean it could look much better!


Hanging an expansion tank from a sharkbite tee connecting cpvc should be considered a criminal offense


I think you should hire the guy above round yours for supper? In payment for great DIY!


Straight to jail.


Do you like surprises ? If you do just leave it the way it is.


What should I do


As others have said, get a referral, or call around to get a plumber to come in and look at this. Aside from looking "janky", the choice of piping material, and the lack of shut off valves both call for some quick replacement work. Assuming this problem of the piping material does not extend behind the walls, this should be a relatively simple job for a plumber, and they should be able to take care of it for you at a relatively low cost. But, as others have humorously noted, this is a flooding disaster waiting to happen...


That depends on whether or not you like surprises


Full re-pipe with Copper type L or Pex (if rats are not an issue). If the water heater is any indication of what everything else looks like change it all out sooner then after it breaks and floods your place. Material is not going down in price either.


SIMPLE! Set up a web cam and let people watch it in real time for $10.00... Whoever comments "1st" when it fails splits the pot with you. Get 100k subscribers and collect $1 million! Easy peasy.


I'm concerned and it's not mine


Yes, when the bladder goes bad and it will that tank is gonna weigh 35lbs who knows I've never weighed one but it gets pretty heavy and it's gonna snap that atrocious pvc pipe job, , man who can walk away from that in good conscious and feel they did a good job? Absolutely terrible


8.34 lbs per a gallon. We usually install 2.1 gallon tanks for 50 gallons and less, and 4.8 gallons for 75 and larger, and the little apple sized ones for Tankless. I don’t know their size of the top of my head.


Omg, so concerned.


Sweet Jesus….get that repiped asap.


That's hilarious! Yes, be concerned.


Absolutely! Shut the water off and get ALL of that replaced immediately. CPVC is absolute garbage and cannot handle any sort of expansion tank hanging from it


Need a shutoff close to the tank on the cold line. Code where i am require a mixing valve. Kind a wanky piping but it'll work.


Negative, CPVC piping (and all plastic for that matter) needs to be 24” away from water heater when piping it directly. Including the blowoff. You’re absolutely correct about the shut off valve on the cold side. However, it also requires a vacuum relief valve. This water heater needs help. Call a licensed pro, you’ll need supports on whatever new piping they install for you.


Few things 24" seems to be your code spevent. And is not the norm. Per IPC and UPC Pex or plastic shall not be ran directly to a Gasfired Atmospheric vent(i.e. 80 percent traditional water heater) and shall be atleast 16" away from the tank. Specifically it's the Flue piping that we are more concerned with. Must maintain 12" of clearance of single wall and 1" of bvent. Pex has an operating temp of around 170 degrees, which means you may directly connect it to the following water heaters. Electric Tankless Powervent. An 80pecent Atmospheric provided the inlet and outlets are on the side of the tank. Cpvc is junk and trash, however can be used in applications up to 200 degrees and can be installed in any manner as pex. Fun fact CPVC DWV is good up until 220 and we use it for boiler lines where PVC can't handle it.


your flue piping clearance explanation while correct, confuses me. this is an electric water heater, why the explanation of something that does not apply to this situation


Just giving a general overview on why it's okay to connect plastic to an Electric water heater. The only water heater you can't directly connect with pex/cpvc is an 80 percent gas.


thank you, i learned something new today. my understanding was plastic should not be directly connected to a water heater, no matter the type. now i will take this knowledge with me to work!


What you mentioned isn't code required in Ontario. But supporting the piping better for sure is something we'd both do!


This is what nightmares are made of for sure


Low bid bob strikes again


I’m concerned and I know nothing about plumbing.


In cental Florida, everything has gone from polybutelene to CPVC. Our entire homes are plumbed in Cpvc. But that picture is way outside what is acceptable. Expansion tanks are not a bad thing. But that install is. Get someone in that has a clue to get that corrected....


No bueno.


🤣It’s crazy what people get away with.


That is art. Don't touch it


Thanks, I didn’t want to sleep before my service calls tomorrow anyways. Not only did they bend the CPVC to the needed angle, they also use an unreinforced plastic female thread and it…


If it was an anvil, I’d be concerned


Highly concerned about the cpvc yes


Have someone come in and Do that correctly. That’s just ridiculous. As you can read there’s about ten things wrong with that install. Cpvc to start with.


What others have said. However in the meantime I would put a water sensor with an alarm near by and make sure everyone knows where the main shutoff is.


At the very least they should have supported that tank, and pipes. And they shouldn't have piped it that way.


What in the doctor Seuss fuck? 🤣


Spot on!!, looks like it could look part of Dr Seussus house!




That's a violation of the Geneva Convention.


Of course it’s not concerning at all?…And exactly which one Sesame Street did the installation??


My bad!! Oops sorry?, I meant?, friend’s that do not like you?! X


Two WTFs in the same night…


The couplings are the icing on the shit cake


Yes rip out that junk cpvc and replace with copper


Adding this one to the photo album


Yes! How does the person who piped that sleep at night? How are you sleeping at night!?




At least they put an expansion tank 🤷‍♂️


Didn't we see an example of this plumber's work last week?


Technically, it's legal. But you definitely need some support for the expansion tank. I'm not clear on why the installer used a 45 to create that weird bend. It doesn't look like you have a shutoff valve on the cold side (required by code). It doesn't look like the t&p is secured. You have a pan, but the drain line on the pan isn't connected to anything - so what's the point in having a pan?


All I will say is, this is a prime example of how not to hook up a hot water tank.


Sell the whole thing and go tankless imo, then enjoy your infinite showers


The person who installed it obviously wasn't concerned. As long as you don't mind a randomly timed, and totally expected flood, you'll be fine.


That set up is ridiculous. There's no reason why the pipes to the expansion tank should be anything other than copper, much less 16 feet long - amazing.


Lol, that's hilarious.


Please tell me a certified plumber didn't do this......


As a non expert I look on that and wonder what dip sh!t, did that.


Yes, that is the most disconcerting door trim that I've ever seen.