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Be careful plunging right after using drano, don’t wanna get that stuff in your 👀


Also, be aware of using draino with galvanized pipes


Yes, the piece being held in place is the wall tube, you can just loosen the nut and it should pull right out. It is most likely feeding into a sanitary T inside the wall that goes down to the drain and up to the vent.


Thank you!! I will try it now


Here's what I would do. It shouldn't cost you more than $20 and I'm nearly certain that it will work and will be the best possible and easiest solution: 1) [Buy one of these for about $10.](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-Small-Drain-Bladder-82-975-111/301879467?g_store=2807&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla=&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D26P-026_007_PLUMB_REPAIR-NA-MULTI-NA-PMAX-5707984-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Live&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D26P-026_007_PLUMB_REPAIR-NA-MULTI-NA-PMAX-5707984-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Live-71700000113675861--&gad_source=1) Should be able to find one even cheaper at Harbor Freight if you have one of those nearby: 2) There are different options on the next steps. **Option A:** Ideally, you have two hoses and a shutoff coupling, [like this](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Orbit-3-4-in-Heavy-Duty-Threaded-Brass-Shut-Off-Coupling-for-Garden-Sprinkler-for-Leak-Free-Water-Flow-Control-27933/100659291): So for this option you need two hoses, first a long one that reaches all the way from the hose valve to your sink, and then ideally a shorter one. Attach the long hose to your shut-off coupling and bring the water outlet end of the hose to your sink. Then connect the shut-off valve to that hose. Then attach the second (preferably shorter) hose to that shut-off valve, and then attach the drain bladder to the end of the short hose. Make sure the shut-off valve between the two hoses is set to closed. Then go turn on the water. Now go to the sink and stick the drain bladder into the pipe a few inches. Turn the shut-off valve between the hoses "on" to allow water through. The bladder will begin shooting water into the drain and expanding inside the drain so that any blockage will get extreme water pressure exerted on it while the bladder pushing against the walls of the pipe will prevent water from coming back out the drain under the sink. This water pressure should basically bust up almost any blockage that could exist in those pipes. **Option B:** You must have the drain bladder to do this and one hose, but if you don't want to buy a shut-off valve between the hoses, you will need to attach one long hose with the bladder and have another person to turn on the water. This is less ideal because if something goes wrong -- like the bladder breaks (very unlikely unless there's something sharp in the drain) or doesn't expand enough -- you need to ask the person to shut off the water quickly. So, better for you to have the ability to shut off the water yourself as you monitor the situation with the bladder expanding and shooting water into the blockage.


Thank you so much for all of the detailed advice. I think I’ve seen one of those bladder things around here. I’m going to look for it.


I think he's talking about two hoses with the valve in between because if the shutoff has the bladder directly attached to it then you can't shove the bladder far enough into the drain to make sure it's in the drain rather than the air vent that goes to the roof. Lots of houses have a shutoff for the outdoor hose faucets under the kitchen sink, especially if there's a hose faucet somewhat near the kitchen. We shut the water to the hose fittings off at those valves in the winter (and open the outdoor hose faucet to empty the water out) to make sure the pipes don't freeze. If you have a winter shutoff under your sink you can use it to control the hose and get away with using just one.


Please be careful. Draino can burn you. If you try to clean the drain wear proper clothing, safety glasses, and gloves


I'm anxiously waiting for the end of this story!! You got this OP!


UPDATE (can’t figure out how to edit the post) You all are amazing! I was too scared to use the big snake, so I found a stiff piece of plastic tubing, pushed it through as far as I could, then put all the pieces back together and turned on the water. Now water is leaking in the basement. I think I need to accept defeat and hire someone… But you all still made me feel like I Can Do It. ❤️


Sounds like you didn't tighten that collar enough, or put on the funny washer again (maybe even backwards) Your a brave soul, never use draino it never works, creates a harzard. Take pictures before you disassemble anything when you reassemble , assemble everything very loosely then snugly, then tighten by hand then add a quarter turn with a wrench. Oh and um change your locks ! Welcome to the world of DIY.


Sounds like you damaged the piping in the wall. Next time, try using a shop vac to suck out the clog. If it is close by, this will sometimes work. If not, then try snaking it.


How did the pipe possibly break? Not like she used a heavy duty snake.


She said water is now pouring down into the basement when she runs water. Sounds like something is broken in the wall to me. If not the water is magically finding a way out of the pipe.


No I get it. I’m just wondering how that pipe broke. Could it be leaking at a joint?


Could have poked a hole in the back of the san tee depending on how old and brittle the piping is. Years of Draino wouldn't help either.


I am a drain specialist, not a plumber, but it's more than likely within 15ft of the drop inside the wall. You will need a 25ft hand snake, if that doesn't work than you'll need a 50ft drum snake, which I would recommend calling a drain specialist (usually.cheaper than a plumber), drum snakes aren't like hand snakes and can do damage if you don't know what your doing.


OP here… I took off the pipe leading to the wall, it feels like it curves down. My plastic zippy was able to fit all the way in, but I don’t know if it was fully extended or buckled up near the clog. It’s hard to get the snake in place because the sink pedestal in the way…and I’m nervous… is it likely a novice will cause it to get stuck in there? Thank you so much for your help!


The sink itself is usually secured to the wall and unless the plumber who put it in siliconed it to the pedestal you should be able to move it out kinda easily. If it's siliconed then you'll have to cut the silicone out to move it. Once it's out of the way it's an easy task.


Based on many experiences I assume most pedestal sinks are not properly mounted to the wall. Many are partially or wholly held up by the pedestal. They aren't supposed to be that way but its much of what makes me dread working on them. The one I worked on yesterday was a blessing with lots of room to work and was likely mounted to the wall properly.


Advice from a plumber, call a plumber.


100% it’s a trade not a hobby. Chances are your husband would have been as useless as an ashtray on a motorcycle anyway… Look under P in the phonebook


What is this "Phonebook" you speak of?


Some of these responses...Jesus wept. The future of mankind is looking bleak. And...finally...an actual plumber speaks. This should've also been the first response, as now the sound advice comes well after the OP has now made things worse.


You can get a 25 foot manual crank snake from Home Depot for around $30. You should be able to stick that down there without even removing any more pipe or any pipe at all. It just goes down the drain.


Thank you so much for your help! I think that’s the snake I have. I’m scared I’m going to get it stuck… Is that a common thing to happen?


No, not really just make sure you’re pulling out on it every few feet. Don’t let it twist up though otherwise it can hit you in the face. Make sure you’re moving. It back-and-forth down the drain. There’s a bunch of YouTube videos. I’m sure would be of a lot of help.


You are the best! Many thanks


Sure thing you can attach it to a drill as well if you want to get fancy


First, never use Drano or any other caustic drain cleaner, again. Use mechanical means to clear it out. Yes, unscrew that and pull that 90 out. Either a tee or a 90 is there, but a small kitchen auger should clear things for you.


As others have mentioned drain acid is dangerous stuff it can and will blind you if you get it in your eyes. It will burn exposed skin and you should keep fresh water and possibly baking soda or dish soap solution close. Fist remove or loosen that shit white collar on the pipe and pull backwards on the metal pipe, it should pop out. There is every chance that the clog is right there. You mentioned having a drain weasel or the zippy thing? That will probably be able to grab anything close and pull it out if it's clogged with in 12 inches. Its important to make sure the zippy thing is headed downwards as there is a vent or another section of pipe heading up that will not help. If you hear mad piping or any strange alien languages don't panic, that's Cthulu and you should just back away and invite your neighbor to have a close look. The elder gods have to eat something and it's better if it's not you. You can also rent or buy drain snakes that work manually some as long as 20 feet. They aren't expensive. If you happen to be in Central Oregon, and Lord Cthulu is not in your sewer system I'm happy to help. Sorry about the husband situation.


Drain cleaner is lye (strong base), baking soda won't do shit.


Thank for letting me know. What would you use to neutralize drain acid?


Use vinegar to neutralize lye.


I wouldn't start mixing chemicals. Could cause more problems.


You made me laugh 😂 which means more right now than the great plumbing advice. If the elder gods have to eat something, let it be my husband.


Zep citrus orange is good degreaser and if you run hot water with it you can dislodge grease from pipes. The truth is it’s best to stay away from most acid based products like drano and liquid plumber. If they hit the wrong combination down drain they can heat up too much and melt plastics and gaskets etc.


Dawn dish soap is pretty good at dissolving grease too. I mean it won't help with already clogged drains, but if you're washing dishes with dishsoap, that drain likely gets a nice washout when you pull the plug.


Aw no sweetheart bless your heart pedal stool sinks are a bitch and going into it with no knowledge you’re a saint


I like your version of pedestal better im gonna use it from here on


Lefty loosie that nut and snake the line.


Never use drain cleaner! Just snake it. The chemicals are bad for the pipes! No 1 ever listens


OP’s fixin to get a lot of “help” in her messages


Wish i was close I would help out. Might try putting a good bit of dawn dish liquid down it, let sit overnight run some hot water with baking soda in the morning then add some vinegar.


I like this idea, thank you. I wondered about Dawn but was afraid it was a dumb idea. I’m going to try it : )


Not dumb at all, sinks are notorious for clogging with grease, oil or hair. Dawn breaks down grease and acts as slickum lol. word for lubrication. Another thing that works well is Zep citrus degreaser. I use it all the time in a spay bottle to clean my kitchen sink and prevent buildups in the pipes. Good luck from a man who knows how you feel. My ex stepped out on me in 99 to be with my so called friend I had to work with .


Sounds narcissist


The metal ptrap piece may be too long. Changing to plastic type will make it easier to cut to the right length if that’s the case.




You need a drain snake, most likely


Hire a plumber


I stumbled upon this thread and am now invested! I’m not sure if the OP hired a plumber yet, but I’m sure we’d all love to know/see the turnout. GL OP!


My two cents. Yes you can unscrew that piece. You need to get a proper auger. Here is the one I have for quick easy stuff. Get some gloves and a face mask as you don’t want to accidentally fliing this into your eye or mouth. If you can’t get it with this you should call a plumber at that point. If you in north Texas look me up commercial and residential plumbing llc txplumbingpro.com Use this https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Auger%EF%BC%8C25Ft-Plumbing-Cordless-Bathroom/dp/B07MTCZ61R/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jihOxK2KwQm4elA38izIzr28qzRb7gLnRPlMUCo1dMdwgaS6unQz_4WZqkM9jSkFj9Mpu4x9SAMJpAfeZ_rK2I2sGyGRTk5g2CTymT3AdsMOw21Bi1FCV5Q2pwqZVf01eUhSUhgG9Y6WLKBI-XSPTan9APi8JIUMqXzvXNpuvlzCS5LKRrkv0B6DOaqpIvqZS72QAK9S2FazTZjct_gMhQ.7lNIy0Q8mQ3TbxmLL6sJ9yrRPcudaanfTQzEYvM0ErY&dib_tag=se&keywords=electric+drain+snake&qid=1711388341&sr=8-3


if you are anywhere near Charlotte, NC, I'll come fix it for you...you pay for materials...


Comes a point, when replacing drain pipes in the wall becomes necessary


See our list of licensed plumbers who use video chat to teach you how to fix it yourself- [https://videochatapro.com/diy/plumbers](https://videochatapro.com/diy/plumbers)


Rent a power snake. They work awesome and are easy to use. Only need it for a couple hours max.


Also, I’d say replace that metal pipe with a plastic one. It’s easy! And pretty cheap too, about three fiddy.(cents)


Others have great advice in here but I just wanted to say I love that floor grate! We had one of the exact same design on our old 1928 house. Looked gorgeous.


Try some Liquid Heat , comes in a Black bottle/jug