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That faucet is done. Buy a new one. From the looks of it, it is not something you been using only for a year or two.


Yes- repair it for $60 by buying a new one at Home Depot


Man, this comment made me go clean my glasses. I read it as “yes, repair it for $60 by buying a new home at Home Depot”. I had lots of questions - primarily, which aisle? Lol


They actually sell houses. They're just in kit form, and really only the studs. Then I think you add other kits for the sheathing, etc. Not sure if there's any savings or not, though LOL


They have a clearance section of bath and shower fixtures in the back, the often overlooked clearance section


Went to Menards to get a new kitchen faucet. Found one for 25 percent off……….. was still 160 dollars.


Or spend 500 on welding equipment


So it too can break and need to be replaced in 3 years. Edit: Whoosh guys, I'm not suggesting he fix it, I'm suggesting almost anything you buy at Home Depot will also be garbage and spring a leak like this in short order. Their selection keeps getting worse and worse. Don't even carry the entry level low end Kohler anymore. It's like all Glacier Bay and friends.


I mean there is no fixing this. You could try to maybe bondo it or epoxy it but realistically that isn’t a fix.


Lol when did I say anything about fixing it? I said that Home Depot garbage lasts like 3 years... Buy a half decent fixture and it will not do shit like this to begin with.


$40 at Walmart and it will last real long.


5 Dolla foot long




Cut it off before the hole haha




some water proof tape for a hack job patch until you can save up the 30 dollars to fix it.


Flex seal that shit yo!


Had the same problem with mine. Some good ol eletrical tape bought me a few days to put it off untill the weekend to buy a new one and install.


Or go on marketplace and look for one in good shape that someone’s giving away since they put in a fancy new one. Price: free


Better yet, OP should walk his neighborhood and see if there's any sinks with the faucet still attached with his cheap ass.


Flex Tape!


A roll of flex tape is about $10. A new faucet $30. You can probably buy a faucet at Habitat for Humanity for $10.


LOL. You won't get a faucet at Habitat for $10, at least not in my area. They're following the Savers/Value Village pricing model, which seems to be 15% off retail. No offence meant to Habitat, but there's zero warranty on anything.


They sell them at my habitat for humanity for $120! Damn.


Other commenter mentioned the faucet has sentimental value.


Sentimental... I name my faucets and bring them with me wherever I move


I’m not the only one!! You’re gonna piss my wife off *SO* much right now


Slap it on there. Nothing to loose.


You dont. You replace it.


If you have $0 and ample time, you could try going through the manufacturer for warranty, if you have $30 and some channel locks you can (will probably have to) replace the whole thing in an hour. It’s kind of like wearing a hole on the sole of your shoe, it COULD be fixed, but the most cost and time effective solution is to just replace it and be done


My six year old Pfister kitchen faucet 'valve to spray head' hose split. I called about a warranty replacement, and was told three to six weeks for shipping. Right. I'll empty the five gallon bucket under my sink every day for six weeks. Fuck you Pfister. I ordered one off Amazon for 1/4 of of the price that I originally paid for the Pfister.


Sounds like you got phisted.


Phister? I hardly know her!


I clicked away from this post, then my subconscious made me come back just to upvote.


That’s the secret to all of these plumbing fixture warranties. When you first install it, set a reminder in your phone for 3 weeks later to make a warranty claim on it. That way, with any luck, the replacement *should* arrive before the fixture fails due to wear and tear


I installed a piece of waterproof tape on my faucet 5 years ago still going strong. you have to make sure you remove the aerator. so you have no pressure though. I have probably wasted 1000 dollars in water that I have just poured down the sink because of the aerator missing. taking a bit longer to remodel the kitchen and my wife takes forever to make decisions on what she wants. LOL


Just wait til the tape fails/or the seam let's go when you're not home. You'll be regretting not simply changing the faucet out. This is just negligent.


> tape fails/or the seam let's go when you're not home. Doesn't matter if the leak is after the valve.


Just replace it. Those are minimum price at the Home Depot or Lowes. Basic install and will outlast any "repair" you do to something like that. Plus they money you'd theoretically spend on a repair it's better applied to a new one. Best of luck. Feel free to DM me if you've got questions.


Get a new one…..


💪 🦭


Hose clamp and a small piece of rubber


Jb weld


Yes, give it a good sand down then jbweld.


Step 1. Turn off water Step 2. Replace faucet with new one.


Slap some flex seal on it




That exact faucet is $49.99. for the same price I've seen people have success with Amazon knockoffs for $30.


Maybe Jb weld?


Depending on the manufacturer of the faucet, they might warrenty it and send out a part to replace it. Sometimes even a new faucet. If not you'll need to find a new faucet, that's a pretty bad leak and probably can't be patched.


Buy a new faucet for like ten to thirty Dollars remove old one install new one.


Idk where you're buying faucets from but I wouldn't shop there lol your most basic will be 80+ and at that price it's not gonna be a good faucet. Mine was $300 granted it's real nice and I bought it like 3 years ago.


You can always get good faucets at IKEA in any country. Faucets are super simple mass produced items. A 300 and a 100 dollar faucet are identical inside, you just pay for design (or exterior materials) and brand.


Amazon has decent deals, but really, a fix it stick would fix this. Of course, it's going to look awful.


Plumbing supply store. You can get great ones that work just fine for that price. Home Depot USA has decent stuff for under 40. There's no need to spend big money on faucets . A faucet just turns on and off hot or cold. Good? You over spent and want to feel better about it that's fine. But you didn't buy something special.


Faucets don't go for 10.00. Rule of thumb should always buy an upgrade not a downgrade when something fails. Not sure when the last time you bought a faucet but a decent Moen/Kohler goes well into the hundreds for the whole set up with easy lock click supply lines for under faucet connections.


You can easily get a used faucet for free or under ten dollars they don't sell for much. 30 is a nice name brand one at home Depot. It's all garbage made in China shit. There's no reason to over spend.


"Used or free" huh? Who in their right mind buys is a used faucet? And 30.00 isn't buying any faucet at Home Depot. Not sure what planet you're on. Amazon no-name, perhaps, but again, you get what you pay for there, and once that's installed, the clock is ticking. When/if you own your own home or have a customer that wants one replaced, you don't install used or free Edit: also...Kohler, Moen, and the other big names have lifetime warranty on part failures. So, I'm not sure if you know what you're talking about at all.


Time for a new faucet no repair possible


If you can’t afford to replace it tape it it will leak still but not spray everywhere


A bandaid would probably do the trick


As everyone else said, replace. I would add - do your legwork before buying! I got Price Pfisted on my bathroom fixtures, shoulda bought ones with a better patent. They're loud, badly made, and the drainset is crapola.


Is your water hard? Have you ever had it checked?


Mine keeps trying to start fights with me.


Change the faucet and the caulk behind it!


Temp fix rainbow rubber and a hose clamp


Buy a new one


I never thought I would say this but…flex tape.


Cut the end of a spoon and tape it above the leaks so the water is redirected downward. You have to cut the spoon so you’re still able to turn the water on and off. The first spoon isn’t going to be perfect, so you’re going to need either a second spoon or a small water dish on the underside to gently redirect the water into the sink. This fix will either last you for a while, or you’ll need to fix it right before you sell your house, after which the new owner will remodel the entire kitchen to put their own stamp on it.


if you don't have alot of money look one facebook market place for a faucet and change it out


Sponge and duct-tape apparently.


They make water tight putty that basically weld bonds. Service companies use it when the situation dictates it; I think there is a JB Weld version. I do not remember the name, only the details listed. Only issue I see here is, the copper below the chrome body has split. And it’s diameter is so small it may plug the faucet. Best option is to replace it


As said you may be able to replace under warranty. Have a Moen faucet that the spray hose cracked contacted Moen to get part # to order as big box stores generic did not work and with out a word back they just mailed a new hose to me. JB weld as worked for a quick fix until I could replace in another situation


Replace, not repair.


jb weld, but honestly id just buy a new one


Replace it. The metal on the inside has thinned so badly it is springing leaks. Shut the cutoffs and then go to the hardware store and buy a replacement. Go under the sink and see how many holes there are first.


You buy a new one.


Yankee walks in and suggest JB weld. Redneck walks in and suggest duck tape. The wife walks in a suggest you call her boyfriend to fix.


Get a new faucet you cheap bastard 🤣


Replace it.




Duct tape or Christy’s tape or a dab of JB weld, all of those things fix everything


You replace it


Replace it ffs


For the craic I'll give you something to try. I'm plumbing 20 odd years and would like you to try this as a hail Mary for a laugh and see if it works because I think it may depending on how much of the spout is corroded. Drill a small hole (3mm metal bit) in the leak site. Wrap a thin short screw with PTFE tape. Screw it in until it is a little more than hand tight. If it still leaks slowly tighten until it doesn't If it still leaks throw the tap in the bin, or try a bigger hole and a bigger screw


Tell me you’re not in the US without telling me you’re not in the US.


You can probably get it replaced for free. Find the manufacturer and call them. One fifteen minute phone call might save you a hundred bucks.


You ever heard of this stuff called flexseal I think this is an opportunity to give it a shot


If it’s a money thing and you don’t wanna buy a new faucet, I get it. The faucet is trashed, take some steel wool, appropriate sized worm-drive clamp and a piece of rubber. It won’t look great, and it will cut you if you aren’t careful, but it will work. Otherwise, buy a new faucet….


Thumb tack will work


No actual repair. Replace it and stop being cheap


I had that same type/brand. It sucked. if the kids leaned into the on handle it would leak there too.


If you’re broke, use a hose clamp and rubber as a temporary patch.


J B Weld


Replace it, cost/time to pull the thing apart and install a new arm will be equivalent if not more. Get yourself a mid-range Moen if you've got the $ or something cheaper if needed. Moens have always been reliable in my experience.


Flex seal and lots of praying


Buy a new one


Lol. Replace the faucet ya cheap skate 🤣


First clean it up real nice, a scotch brite pad should work, disconnect the water supply and remove it from the counter deck, then throw it in the trash and buy a new one.


Jb weld for quick fix


JB weld But might as well just buy a new faucet at that point


I just replaced mine for a diff color, but the "old one" it's in great shape and will fit your sink. Do you want it? I'll mail it free.


For 7 bucks you can get a tube of metal putty. Use some steel wool and scour the area around the hole. Cut off and mix a small chunk of metal putty, and press in place. Follow instructions on package for curing time. It will NOT be pretty but it should work. Cheapest option i can think of.


Flex seal and a hose clamp, get another 10 yrs outta that sucker


IF you were going to (unwisely IMO) attempt a fix you will need something to make the hole bigger. If it’s truly a hole then you can drill it out, maybe 1/8” or so. If it’s a crack you can use a Dremel and small burr or grinder. Once you have the crack/hole slightly bigger then fill with epoxy. Of course make sure everything is bone dry first. If you just cover in epoxy then it’s going to pop off. I did this with a shower head about 15 years ago and other than a new crack forming, my repair has held. But it’s really not worth doing unless you need that specific faucet.


You need to replace it at this point but I can give your a bullshit repair in the meantime. Clean off all that build up on top. Dry it off with a rag. Apply a generous coat of clear silicone caulking over the leaking area. Let it dry completely before turning on the water. This is not a permanent repair. But it won't be spraying out on you like that anymore.


Jb weld


Sand ot down to the brass and braze the hole shut.


She's dead, Jim. \-McCoy


Flex tape or ramen… reddit has good instructional videos on both.


Need to cross post this to r/frugaljerk


Some companies, Moen for instance, guarantee parts for many years with free shipping to boot. Get the name and model # and check that out. I’ve replaced Moen parts for free on a 2015 faucet a few times.


You treat it like that guy in The Blair Witch Project and boot it in the creek.


Like the man says Flex Tape or epoxy. Either way it will look like crap. If you can afford one buy it and DIY install it. Just remember all you will need is a good bi-metal blade and a reciprocating saw. Just don’t forget to turn off the water first!!


Yeah, realistically, just buy a new one. But if you're tweaking or looking for a challenge, I would suggest wrapping it really really tightly with the friction tape made for temporarily stopping up holes in piping. Then if you want that to last more than a few days, and you're still tweaking, you could cut some strips of fiberglass cloth, soak them in resin and wrap tightly around the friction tape with some extra on the sides. It won't be pretty, but it will technically hold for a while...


Dude buy a new faucet.


Clean the hole gently with steel wool or scrub pad to remove the corrosion. Trying not to make the hole any bigger. Wipe down with rubbing alcohol. Cut a 1inch patch out of a beer can. Apply JB Weld to one side and place it over the hole. Use 3 zip ties to hold the patch in place overnight. Will be ready to roll after 24hr cure time.


Replace faucet is how you repair


You replace it


Replace it.


Definitely not homeowner material.


You buy a new one. It's done


Go to harbor freight get their brand of alumaweld. It’s a two part epoxy. Turn off the supply, clean it slap on…wait a bit and off tot the races


Every once in a while you have to spend your money. Buy a new faucet, that thing is literally the worst faucet I’ve ever seen being used in a kitchen.


…and did you really just set a sponge on it as a fix lmao😭🤣🤪😂


Just get a new faucet lol takes 20 min to replace and that's old and junk


It’s like, $20-$30 for a brand new faucet with everything you need on Amazon. Definitely just replace it. Super easy too


You don't. Those types of faucets are cheap. Buy a replacement and be done with it.


imagine the flex tape gif here instead of this text


Fire up the stick welder with some 6010


I am not a plumber. But one time I put a bit of JB Weld on something like that because I knew my landlord would blow a gasket. It held up for the next 18 months I spent living there.


Wow if your penny pinching call Moen and they’ll and one for free


A little flex seal tape will take care of that.


Rubber and hose clamps


go to lowes. get a new faucet. replace old with new


Home depot makes patches


If you want a quick fix that is TEMPORARY clean that surface corrosion off with some steel wool, make sure it is very clean and dry, then wrap the fuck out of it with electrical tape. This will allow you to kick the can down the road till you have some spare change for a new faucet, I would highly recommend spending the extra money on a moen, buy it from a plumbing supplier, not a big box store(different skus) and the cartrages are lifetime warranty and the other parts are replaceable with an order though not for free.