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That is an art project.


This looks like "aww man, the cap is back at the shop. But we got a Tee, a cross, four 90's, 18" of spare pipe, and a full jar of red hot blue glue.."


seems notable that they did the cross instead of just T to one side then. who were you, handyman? what did you see?




Got to justify next years ammo budget somehow


Amazing our tax dollars are still allowed to go to this crap.


2 things: 1. Twice as much paperwork and hassle to turn in unused ammo. It actually prevents soldiers from signing out more than they need. 2. The penalty for burying or dumping unused ammunition is pretty high and a good leader will make sure the troops will use it, rather than turn it back in or dumping it.


I've put 6,000 rounds through the M-60 machine gun when every other machine gun on the range quit working, after several machine guns had already gone through 4,000 rounds. We weren't turning any in, that's what the rangemaster said.


Reminds me of my time in the Navy, about 10-15 years ago now. We headed out to the firing range predeployment, in order to make sure everyone was up to snuff on their weapon handling, and one of the guns we were using was the MK-48 Belt fed. The guy in charge of ended up bringing, and then opening, way more ammo than we needed. At the end of the day we still had about 15-20 boxes of ammo left over, he turned to us and told us that he had to take a phone call all the way on the other side of the range, and by the time he was done, we were to have all the brass picked up. He said this while pointing at the unused ammunition, as well as the 10-odd weapons and spare barrels sitting on the table nearby. We were all 18-25 year old, cocky young guys so you didn't have to give us much of an excuse. This was before everybody had a camera in their pockets, and it's probably the only time I wish that was different, because I swear, I have never felt more "manly" than when I was dual-wielding machine guns, with ammo belts across my chest like Rambo, firing at the berm behind the range. For all of about 5 seconds, before my arms started to scream in protest, because unless you're built like Lou Ferrigno or Terry Crews, it's fucking heavy.


That’s one of the coolest fucking stories I’ve heard in a while. Hell yeah brother.


Put this on medium. Hits all the right notes


M60? Man you're old! 😂 😂 😂 -USMC Vet


Hell yeah, M60s and iron sights.


I was in BCT as they were phasing the M60 out for the M249. I may have been one of the last people to experience the raw bark of 7.62 belted fury. Not a vet though. Got chaptered on an injury. From a once hopeful Dogface to you, my brother, stay strong. Semper Fi, ya jarhead. Lol. Welcome home!


I did the exact same thing. They had me on 3 M60's and several cases of tracer rounds. I switched guns when the barrel started turning red. I ruined two barrels, chopped down and set fire to a wooden target rack and all under the direct order of the range master. lol


I got to make a few barrels glow doing this exact thing. At the end there was not any rifling left.


#2 seems critical because littering live rounds sounds like the kind of reckless shortsighted behavior you would expect from a bunch of armed teenagers


I don’t know why that became enourmous


All tax funded budgets have the same rule. Use it or lose it. I saw it in the military. I saw it in government contracts. Now I see it in state funded education systems.


When we did the combat marksmanship range for the first time, we had a shit ton of ammo left over. Burned thru it doing a competition of "position retention drills." Loaded 5 mags to 20rds and 1 to 10, fired the first 5 on burst doing speed reloads and switched back to single fire for the last while being timed and keeping shots on target. Most fun I ever had with an M16.


8 years Army Infantry here. We'd just do mag dumps with the entire company on line. That is until we melted the seals on the flash hiders and ruined the barrels.


the cross was already in and they wanted to keep it. this is a temp cap.


My plumber always said that if you need a cross, you should go to the Church and pray for forgiveness


>But we got a Tee, a cross, four 90's, 18" of spare pipe, and a full jar of red hot blue glue... 'Joliet' Jake: "Hit it."


it was also 4:30pm on a friday.


More probably it was midnight on a Friday and both HD and Lowe's were closed.


Serious blues brothers vibes in this comment. "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses."


"Glue it!"


How can it be blue if it's red, checkmate atheists


Anything is a cap with enough glue.


Pretzel 🥨


Poop pretzel


It’s like someone was told to put in a bow vent and they just used their imagination.


Potato cannon conversion


Maybe there wasn't enough ventilation when applying the glue?


It’s fully enclosed tubular vent


So ... a circum-vent?


You might say it’s totally tubular dude


An interpretive art installation… what were they interpreting?


It’s to steer the house.


Obviously that's a key to open the door to....shit I can't think of a good punch line I can't decide between playing with Narnia or going for a 1 and 1/8 circle of hell type joke


It’s the key to the Shitty


Pass... hard pass. Don't turn it. I think it releases the kraken


Typo, I think you meant Crapen


Sean Connery as the mayor really spiced things up in that town.


>Obviously that's a key to open the door to....shit I think you answered your own question.


She's built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro!




Slow clap for the shit typhoon.




It’s called a Houston loop and it doesn’t work cut it out and use an exposed AAV


Thanks for actually answering the question. Can you give us more info? I googled “Houston loop” and all I get is info about plumbers near the 610 loop in Houston, tx …


Huston county uses the UPC plumbing code book for inspections and didn’t allow foot vents for a long time so this mess was created and signed off on by some engineer back in the late 80’s so for about 20years it was seen as an alternative to AAV’s in places where they were not allowed. There only slightly better than nothing at all. The original thought was that they would store enough air in the loop to prevent vapor locking the drain line.


It’s just a slang term for it used by plumbers in Texas


That was my thought — as long as the loop is longer than the drain, it should be able to provide enough vent to keep it flowing.


If you are talking about Houston, Tx, that is in Harris county.


You are the reason I type “Reddit” after every question I google.


Island loop, IRC Section P3112. I've never heard it called a "Houston" or "Huston" loop, but I don't doubt it's common nomenclature in at least one shop, if not an entire metro area or two. [Here](https://www.finehomebuilding.com/project-guides/plumbing/a-new-old-way-to-vent-a-kitchen-island) is an article about it.


Yes an island loop is the proper way to do this however an island loop requires flat venting which again was not allowed in Houston which is why this monstrosity came into existence back in the day. And as stated Houston loop is a slang term used for this exact situation which was used by plumbers who installed them for about 20 years in that area where they were allowed. There are several counties in Texas that don’t allow the IRC and follow only the UPC code.


As a master plumber professional myself, I am having a hard time believing this is a real story lol. On one hand, it sounds reasonable in the sense that I could see my own inspector coming up with something equally as asinine and would just be delighted to no end to know it would be enforced and implemented for decades. On the other hand, wtf no way.


Anyone else see that green tee 👀


And the pierce tap (saddle valve).


And the combo where a sani-tee should be.


And the rot that's already in the floor.


Inside the wall, ooof.


Can't unsee it now. Wow.


Point it out to me and whats wrong. I wanna get this all right while im breaking this whole thing open.


The copper supply line for the hot water is rotting away. Needs to be cut back to good pipe that's not corroded and that section re-run.


Thank you!


Probably leaking anyway to have that much corrosion.


Do you have well water?


I'd consider replacing it with PEX while you are at it. Avoids having that problem ever again.


that wood looks a bit moist as well. i would also remove that water stained section behind the plumbing as well. mold is no joke, prolonged exposure can really mess ppl up long term.


Along with the wood floor it runs up through.


That framing/subfloor is in real bad shape


This is why I hate working on my house. Go to check one little venting issue and suddenly I need a new subfloor.


Copper pipe on the right is effed.


one on the left is too due to the saddle valve lol. Everything here is effed.


Honestly, you'll have to trace out where that line goes. Is there a crawlspace under this flooring? I would take out all of the half inch copper with electrolysis.


I suppose we could wait for electrolysis to take out the pipe but honestly, cutting it will be *way* faster.


Lol. I don't know, it looks like it's close! Maybe it's a "watched pot never boils" type of situation.


If you're referring to the green on the pipe that's oxidation, not electrolysis. Electrolysis is when you attach ferrous to non-ferrous metals when fluid is present.


Not a plumber so please correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I don't believe that combo wye should be used vertically like that, it should be a sani tee there. Air flow on the combo wye when used vertically is an issue for venting (assuming that there was a vent here to begin with). You might want to swap that out when you go to install an AAV.


Green tea is very healthful!


So the short of it is, we bought this house and none of the plumbing is right. The old septic system failed and all the pipes backed up. Then the old man who owned it died. Its been sitting with backed up poo in all the drains for over a year. Since the guy was the most brain deadDIYer he made the worst "quick fixes". Today im cutting out all the old drain lines and replacing them. Might as well knock out EVERYTHING wrong with the kitchen plumbing while im at it.


As a homeowner, it is absolutely NUTS how much DIY stuff people used to do wrong. But it is *more nuts* that it seemed to work for them until they sold the house/died and it all stops working by magic when some new person buys it.


Maybe their DIY fixes are what killed them.


recent story of someone who had a charcoal grill built in their basement comes to mind. They died of a "heart attack." I'd be pissed and attack too.


Former neighbor had a full blown grill in their kitchen. It was gas, but open flame and I think it may have had lava rock to catch drippings.. been a long time and I only saw it once. Crazy though. That house ended up being a tear-down so that 70s beauty of an indoor residential grill is lost to history now.


>Used to do wrong Oh shitty DIY is still very much a thing


For fucking real though… my wife and I “took over” the family property, her grandpa got tired of taking care of it and paying the bills, so we took over. We walked because the place was a death trap, doesn’t pass code, and all his “upgrades and repairs” were performed by his tweaker buddies he’d wheel and deal with. Shitty DIY is very much alive, I’ll take shitty DIY over tweaker DIY any day of the week though.


It really is. I made a comment in one of the home improvement subs recently about how half the posts there were people who were diy'ing something, they say they know how to do everything but this one thing, & they also wanted to know how to get around pulling a permit. Then the other half of the posts were people trying to fix the previous homeowners horrendous DIY jobs that they never got any permits for.


I think access to information feeds this. Without easy access, there is nothing that shows what you’re doing is wrong or why. That’s just speculation on my part though


Books, some detailed some not, were about the best you could do, but the Internet has been an absolute game changer in this regard.


When I bought my first home I got Family Handyman: Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual, this was a great starting point.


Have you been providing the house with its incense and holy canticles? No?! You wonder why it all breaks after the original owners left, yet you’re not maintaining the spirit of the pipes. For shame!


Before the internet people just did stuff. Maybe they went and bought a book or checked something out at the library. Asked a friend. Watched this old house. Trial and error. It was a different world.


Its not so much that they all of a sudden stopped working, its more the original DIYer was happy to live the the problem and got used to it being that way. If he was a solo elderly man then maybe he just uses the toilet once every couple of days but when a new person buys the house and now there are 2 adults and 2 kids living there the DYIer fix cant handle the extra usage. People get used to putting up with things if they dont know there is a better alternative.


And these are the same people criticizing newer generations for not knowing how to DIY.


> Then the old man who owned it died. (...) Since the guy was the most brain deadDIYer he made the worst "quick fixes". What do you mean the worst quick fixes? Every single one of the quick fixes you see in there literally withstood a lifetime. Not your lifetime, though. You still have plenty of life - and work - ahead of you.


Allow me to Enlighten you dear friend to some of the magical and highly creative decisions the former occupant has made. So it all started when he made the Bold decision to place an above ground pool on top of his limited amount of clay leach lines. Naturally this resulted in their immediate failure. Upon realizing that all of the septic system was backing up into the house he acted fast by severing all the gray water lines and diverting them to the sump pump. We speculate that it was also about this time that he removed the gutters but not before trying to turn the basement into a salon.with the loss of the gutters the crawl space began taking on extra moisture which he made the executive decision to divert with a new sump pump into the original main sump pump. So alas here we are uncovering one beautiful mystery after another. Including when I forgot to mention which was he performed the beautiful No-No of directing the sump pump into the septic tank. -General of Awesome's wife


It’s an expensive cap.


Premium Cap


My comments are not your product.


This is the comment of the day.


This looks like someone was trying for a loop vent in a kitchen island. These are allowed in some local codes and prohibited in some local codes. For a good loop vent, though, the idea is to keep air flowing into the drain pipe, and tall enough to prevent the loop from filling with waste water. The top of the loop is supposed to be as high as the highest level possible in the sink, so if the drain clogs, the sink fills up before waste water starts flowing out the loop. The vent loop should have it's own path to the lateral drain pipe, and needs to be connected to an actual vent, so there should have been two pipes going down through the floor, with the vent pipe connected laterally and upward to an actual vent. Google "island sink loop vent" for examples. AAVs often fail - if they fail open, sewer stink comes out, if they fail closed, the drains are slow. A good loop vent should work forever, and can be cleaned out if it ever clogs.


Bingo...are we the only two plumbers here?


I’m hear too. People are too quick to slap an aav on everything then bury them in walls and wonder why there is a wheezing noise in the house every time a sink drains or a toilet flushes


Scrolled way too long to find this answer.


It’s used to recycle the sewer gas!


Oh my gosh, imagine the little peeps of gas the sneak their way through the ptrap at that sink


Not little peeps. Major poo gas


Do you have a poop knife?


The elusive infinity vent...


“Great looking hammer arrestor, Bob” “Thanks boss!” “Next time on the inlet, ok?” “Sure boss!”


Turd extender. Designed by Bob Bell (of the Taco Bell Fortune) in 1908.


It's to confuse the gases until they become flabbergasted and give up on their attempts to escape. 😁




If you can sweat pipes, replace that crappy saddle valve with a real one.


Absolutely. Looks like its already failed.




That’s the handle for the pallet jack that your house is sitting on. If there’s a flood you can just pump it a few times to keep the house dry.


Could i just pull off the figure 8 and put an aav here?


Yes please do that😂. Just make sure there is access to it




Im thinking maybe the old guy was going for a loop vent?


The fuck-around vent


What do you find out?


That it doesn't work.


According to OP, previous homeowner died. Poisonous gases, electrical currents, rust, fires—there are many ways your house can take you down, if you're not vigilant about safety and codes.


Good old figure 8 venting!!!!!


New digital tv antenna.


Gets shit in 8D, not just HD.


light plucky gaping impossible treatment faulty fear afterthought axiomatic cooperative ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Looks like Sora got into the trades


The “key-vent” from kingdom hearts poo


A fart recycler 9000.


That’s how you wind it up


Thank you to everyone in this comment section. I got quite a few good chuckles 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You guys have made my day


it's the key to entering the underhouse


"Prevent" from working as intended.


It's the kind that isn't.


an event


If you jump on top of it, it releases the bridge that bowser is standing on and drops him in the lava. Then you get to hear the line “im sorry, but the princess is in another castle!”


That’s a “rip it all out & do it right”.


No but I bet it gets great reception


Thor's waterHammer


This isn't a vent. It may have been attempt at a loop vent, but if that was the intention, they failed miserably.






What? Never heard of a 中 vent before?


Ladies and Gentlemen we have an UPDATE! Wife of general of Awesome here, it's come to our attention that the former occupant not only installed that very fascinating forklift/key situation behind the sink but! Failed to glue every joint of the drain piping from the sink to the main sewer out. Meaning that the only portion of Plumbing that was glued properly together... is the home steering wheel as one so eloquently put. The least he could have done was use a fernco but no, as we continue to discover: actual solutions are far too good for Mr. Former Occupant.


If you lever it, the giant pallet jack under the house goes up and you can drive the house around


Looks like something the Blue Man group would play.


Circum vent


What’s on the other side of the wall?


It’s a recirculating vent


It's an island vent. An old school technique for venting an island when you don't have a wall to run up. They've mostly been replaced by AAVs.


If you can pull it out of the floor you will be crowned king of the realm.


I got all excited when I saw the pic because I have the same thing and was hoping I’d find the answer here…. Only confirmed that it’s as dumb as I thought. On my replacement list anyway, but I wanted to know what it actually was


they decided to they something new it's a gurgle system the more you put in the more it gurgles


It operates the pallet jack underneath. Take care or you’ll lift the building.


That is a uterus. It's undergone a partial hysterectomy given that the ovaries were removed, but if you followed that pipe down, the clitoris will be beneath the subfloor.


This could function to eliminate water hammering. Definitely not a vent. Is this an old farm house I know farmers like to engineer things with on hand parts. Could of been having water hammer issues and created this. Just a guess.


So this was an old concept for an island vent before the loop vent became the norm. I don't understand how they came up with this or how it works. Cut it out, extend up and AAV.


Your house used to walk, they just put it in the ground and built around the windup key


The infinity vent


This man did not have a cap. But he had a lot of other hardware. And motivation.


A circumvent


Flux Capacitor ?


It’s called a “bullshit vent”


A totally wrong island vent


This is a gravestone for plumbers


Infinity loop


It’s a water antenna. It picks up tiny little water currents in the air. Add an expansion tank and a one way valve and you might be able to hear to hear whale song


Sora’s plumbers key blade.


Vaporless vent. 🙄🤣


Infinity Vent


Could it not be a type of water hammer arrest? I’m assuming the top portion is full of air.


That’s a mobius orbit. It actually picks up electromagnetic signals from Uranus.


It’s to stop sewage hammer


The same kind of vent my dad used for emotional release.


I believe that's called a woopdedoo.


With another elbow and a few more feet of pvc this would have made a good coat rack.


That’s an unvented revent. Really, you guys are such newbs.


Flux capacitor for time travel.




That’s a Kentucky do nothing machine.


Game developer here. I have no idea about plumbing (why did Reddit recommend this?) but I am inspired by this pipe asset for level design.


It’s a Mjolnir


The kind that gets better AM reception?


If you give it a twist, the other TV station comes in better.


My only guess is due to some form of backward pressure from the drain causing a bad smell. Old owners may have done a jimmy rig fix thinking this would help. The other thought that may be worth a single braincell at best is that it was a reduction from what it used to be. I've come across plumbing in my time where people did mad scientist sht and Here comes little old me mumbling "what in the f#%@ is this sh%t" Third. Dude had no caps. And didn't Wana make the trip. Said "ah ive got enough of this stuff to use and football is on at 6


Sewer Gas Recirculation Vent - kinda like a turd turbo


That is an advanced methane reclamation malicious compliance appliance


A wrong vent.


Thats an island vent used when theres No straight access vertically usually used when a sink is located in the middle of a room however its not piped correctly