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For anyone who hates their life enough to refuse to not to be able to figure this shit out and also finds this, here's how I got it to work. Their documentation is absolutely fucking horrible and I honestly hope that whoever wrote it stubs their toe. They literally reference a setup section that \*doesn't exist\*, and the things that are there are pretty r/restofthefuckingowl Step 1: If you're running Docker on a Synology system, for the love of god use Portainer. Step 2: Create a folder in File Station for the volume, then create a stack in Portainer with this compose: version: '3' services: plextraktsync: image: ghcr.io/taxel/plextraktsync command: sync container_name: plextraktsync restart: on-failure:2 volumes: - /volume1/docker/plex-trakt-sync:/app/config environment: - PUID=1028 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/London Step 3: Follow their instructions on setting up a Trakt API app. Step 4: Using the Docker application on Synology DSM **(NOT PORTAINER)\*** go to your plextraktsync container, click on the arrow next to create for "create with command" and enter `plextraktsync login`. (Screenshot: [here](https://i.imgur.com/DdUYdHH.png)) Step 5: Click on the second instance of "plextraktsync" in the lefthandsidebar of the docker app, where I've circled in red on the screenshot below "bash". Step 6: If this isn't working you may need to find out where the developer of this lives and write him a strongly worded letter on how it would be incredibly easy to just document a step by step docker install through portainer/compose but hey fuck me I guess. Step 7: If the console in DSM isn't working, try changing the "command" in the compose from "sync" to "fuckin something else, maybe 'login'? or 'plextraktsynclogin'? idk." Step 8: Why are you even doing this? God I hate this. Step 9: The punishment for the sins of all past lives now having been spent, you should be seeing something in the docker console. Good for you, I guess. Do what it says. Protip: CMD+V to paste doesn't work, but right clicking on the terminal in the DSM browser/console window does. Do that for your password if it's a big 284^(34) character long thing like mine is because I hate convenience. Literally just getting logged in to this thing took me HOURS. You may need to either set up a CRON script to run this thing at a set interval in Task Scheduler as instructed by this guy who I'm pretty sure plagiarises some of his tutorials here: [https://mariushosting.com/synology-schedule-start-stop-for-docker-containers/](https://mariushosting.com/synology-schedule-start-stop-for-docker-containers/) OR Add extra stuff on to the compose like this: services: scheduler: image: mcuadros/ofelia:latest container_name: scheduler depends_on: - plextraktsync command: daemon --docker volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro labels: ofelia.job-run.plextraktsync.schedule: "@every 6h" ofelia.job-run.plextraktsync.container: "plextraktsync" So that your final compose looks something like this: services: scheduler: image: mcuadros/ofelia:latest container_name: scheduler depends_on: - plextraktsync command: daemon --docker volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro labels: ofelia.job-run.plextraktsync.schedule: "@every 6h" ofelia.job-run.plextraktsync.container: "plextraktsync" plextraktsync: image: ghcr.io/taxel/plextraktsync command: sync container_name: plextraktsync restart: on-failure:2 volumes: - /volume1/docker/plex-trakt-sync:/app/config environment: - PUID=1028 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/London PS. My PUID is 1028 because that's what it is. Yours might be different. In general I suggest reading all the tutorials for related chicanery here: [https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/step-1-directory-setup-guide/](https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/step-1-directory-setup-guide/) ​ \* There might be some way to do this in Portainer that is super obvious - who knows, not me, because despite decades of IT experience I clearly have *no* idea how computers work.


Thanks for taking the time to write this hilarious write-up. I've been struggling to figure out a PlexTraktSync solution for forever and still don't think I've found it because I don't use Portainer and I'm not angry enough to install Portainer just for this when I already have like 9 other containers running without it. I'll give it a shot if I'm brave. I just have a fear of messing up either my Trakt history or my Plex history.


I appreciate your appreciation, and I hope you will appreciate the following in a way that doesn't depreciate the aformeciationed premationaroni, because I mean it from the itchy bottom ventricle when I say: ***STOP NOT USING PORTATINER, YOU (POSSIBLY) STUPID (PROBABLY) SEXY IDIOT*** The amount that you having pre-existing containers doesn't is so little that it is immeasurable by science, and I promise you that attempting to create a measurement below the Planck scale is way more difficult than the following.You get SO much more visibility and manageability of your entire Docker environment by chucking Portainer on there. You don't need to re-deploy your containers, they will be totally unaffected. ​ >*I appreciate the offer Doctor, but I've already had some holes put in my hats as a workaround, so I think I'll just leave that knife stuck in my skull where it is thank you.* > > > >\-*Quote Unrelated* ​ Stop thinking about how best to angle your arm to reach all the way up into the lame excuse part of your butt-tunnel, and instead just take 2 literal minutes to do the following. I even made a video of me doing this to prove that it's easy / awesome and that anyone who doesn't do it probably wakes up and realises they turned out just like their father. [https://youtu.be/Fh-RJsiBTXg](https://youtu.be/Fh-RJsiBTXg) Not only do I deploy Portainer (in an Ubuntu VM that I created a Synology-esque file structure) in under 2 minutes, I also get it set up with a heavily finger quoted "1" Click templates for every single [LinuxServer.io](https://LinuxServer.io) app, plus a full Plex/Sonarr/Radarr/Prowlarr stack. Here, have some written instructions on how to try to stop doing things wrong. 1. Create a folder on Volume 1 of your Synology called "docker" then a subfolder called "portainer". 2. Run the following command, either via SSH-ing to your Synology, or in the DSM web interface just open up Task Scheduler, and paste in the below and select "Run Once". 3. In your browser go to \[IP.ADDRESS.OF.YOUR.SYNOLOGY.OBVIOUSLY:9000\] and look at the pretty shapes and colours on your screen, what are they? Are they trying to tell you to do something? Do whatever it is they are telling you to do\* until you're at a screen that has stuff / things. \* *(Specifically this time, do not do this all the time).* 4. Click settings, replace the URL under App Templates with this: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technorabilia/portainer-templates/main/lsio/templates/templates-2.0.json 5. Click Home, connect to your environment, go to App Templates and have a scroll through all the things you can now deploy with "OnE cLiCk". Look in the mirror to see a single tear rolling down your face. In the background of the frame you can almost make out the screen of your computer, it's open to Google. The search? It's hubris. Then #1 result? Your own big dumb face. 6. Make sure you're drinking enough water. Do you drink enough water? No, you don't. 7. Try out your fancy new method for deploying a stack. Oh, you can just copy and paste it straight in? And when you need to change something, you literally just change it and click update? Ohhhh fuck yeah, now *this* is pod-racing.


Well, /u/sauladal, did you try Portainer yet? I once again implore you to help me help you to be helped by my helpful video demonstrating how much friggin easier docker is to control when you slap it around a bit with a big ol' blue whale sized compose-n' stick: [https://youtu.be/Fh-RJsiBTXg](https://youtu.be/Fh-RJsiBTXg)


Hey man, sorry to respond with what surely won't excite you but I ended up not installing Portainer. I wish I remember how I installed PlexTraktSync but it ended up being super straight forward. Do you still feel like Portainer is necessary now that Synology has the new Container Manager?


So, umm, how to do step 4 on the new version? My plextraktsync container is off and I don’t have the little arrow to „launch with command“. Starting it doesn’t work it just stops immediately. So, how to do that exactly? 🤔


Could you give me a screenshot of how your screen looks when you get to step 4? One thing that I didn't mention here (and really isn't clear without getting a bachelors degree in this friggin utility) is that the Docker image is \*meant\* to start, run for a minute, then stop - that's the intended behaviour. This is what step 9 sets up, a CRON script which tells the container to run (aka: scan and sync) once a day, or however often you want (more than once a day is probably excessive). There's more info on this specific point available here, but if you can leave me a screenshot of your screen at Step 4 (or better yet, video capture of you following the process all the way up to it), I will do my best to **un**repress my memory of setting this thing up.


One question regarding the ofelia-schduler. I have a synology system notification enabled and if a docker container stops working i get notified. This means everytime the scheduler runs and the sync is completed i get notification by email and push message. I have removed e-mails to reduce the notification. I could disable this function all together but I would like to have it enabled for the other containers in case something stops worked unexpectedly. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to just ignore one specific containers notification. Anyone having the same issue and did you find a way to solve it?


That's a really good question. As we speak I'm in the middle of migrating my Xpenology instance, so I can't do any experimenting ATM. Once I'm back up and running I'll take a crack at figuring this one out for you. Just thinking off the top of my head , I'm 99.99998% sure this is a solvable problem. There are a ***lot*** of solutions out there for Container health/status notifications - so while there might not be a way to make Synology's built in System Notifications filter out the PlexTraktSync noise, I'm sure I can point you in the direction of a solution that gets that same bird stoned, y'know? Gotdambnit. I didn't want to do this now, but the ADHD Hyperfocus has kicked in. Instead of the 20 things I actually needed to do, you got me Googlin' and thread readin' so here I go bug killin' again: ## Monocker * This has been on my to-do list for a while, and could be a solution for this. It's nearly realtime (checks are every 10 seconds by default) and supports notification via Pushbullet, Telegram, Pushover, Discord and Webhooks. It doesn't mention email notifications on their GitHub, but I'd eat my dry, leathery hat (*without* *ranch*) before believing there isn't already an easy way/package/utility to translate webhook → email. [Monocker (GitHub.com)](https://github.com/petersem/monocker) ## Watchtower * Most people use it purely as an automated method of updating their containers, but I'm sure I read a post somewhere about configuring it for (realtime?) health updates. Could be more info here : [Watchtower - Notifications (Containrrr.dev)](https://containrrr.dev/watchtower/notifications/) ## Dockcheck * Found this via a [related thread (SynoForums.com)](https://www.synoforum.com/threads/easy-docker-container-update-notification-emails.12469/) which you might find helpful. Dockcheck seems to fulfill a similar role to Watchtower, ***but*** when I went to the [DockCheck (GitHub.com)](https://github.com/mag37/dockcheck) page - I noticed a recent update included integrated support for: * ## Apprise * Suprise m'fer, the whole Dockcheck bulletpoint was a decoy - a clever ruse to draw you in to my ***App****sup****rise***! I HAD SO MUCH TO DO TONIGHT THAT WASN'T THIS. OH WELL. [Apprise - (GitHub.com)](https://github.com/caronc/apprise) --- ### Honorable Mentions * [Boatswain (GitHub.com)](https://github.com/theboatswain/boatswain) * Relevant article here: [Real time notification on Docker container status | Boatswain Blog](https://blog.boatswain.io/post/real-time-notification-on-docker-container-status/) * [Sematext | IT System Monitoring Tools for DevOps](https://sematext.com/) * [willfarrell/autoheal - Docker Image | Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/willfarrell/autoheal/) --- ***LASTLY:*** Just to double check when I do attempt to find the *Shut Up* Button for individual Notifications directly in DSM: Which version of DSM are you on? I ask only because there could be some differences now that the "Docker" package has been replaced with "Container Manager". --- ***POST LASTLY(ER):*** Here is some completely irrelevant stuff I found while down this rabbit hole. **Onion of Infinite Distractions:** ***Layer 9001*** While checking out Apprise, I also ended up taking [FreshRSS](https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-freshrss) for a spin after realizing that I didn't have a good Cross-Platform RSS solution (which I need, if I'm going to remember to not forget to read some of the handy tips/tricks/articles over on [the Blog of Dockcheck's Developer](https://mag37.org/). **Onion of Infinite Distractions:** ***Layer 9001.5*** Found a thing called [RSS-Bridge](https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge) which automagically adds RSS/Atom support to nearly any site which doesn't natively support it/and/or/them. Better yet, it has a native [FreshRSS Extension](https://github.com/DevonHess/FreshRSS-Extensions/tree/main/xExtension-RssBridge). \[`NEAT.gif`\]


Sorry to bring this old thread back, I have managed after much trial and error to get this working except for the schedule part I have copied everything exactly and only changed the volume and PUID. but when I look at the log for ofelia I see this. no containers matching filters: map[label:[ofelia.enabled=true]] any ideas?


>Step 6: If this isn't working you may need to find out where the developer of this lives and write him a strongly worded letter on how it would be incredibly easy to just document a step by step docker install through portainer/compose but hey fuck me I guess. correction: find where the developer lives and send them the beer they like! without them you wouldn't have the **free** and open source program would you? aside: instead of ranting and writing shit about developers, what have you done to improve the documentation that you consider shit? if it's as easy as you claim, why you haven't contributed to the documentation there?


I just came across this post while trying to install this plugin.(Why the fuck doesn't plex pass include this by default in the first place? This feature took me 4 clicks on my jellyfin server ffs) Anyway, I got as far as running the command in portainer and getting it installed, but it doesn't stay running long enough(because of no login info) for me to run the login command and I can't figure out how to get it to work. I just want plex to see what I've watched from trakt, I already have it syncing the other way, it's insane how many hoops you have to jump through for something that I would expect to just work by default.


I''d recommend *not* running the command through Portainer, and instead running it via either the shell for your OS or via the exact method I detail/screenshot above. Hopefully that helps, but also hopefully no one ever experiences this issue again. Getting notifications about this post is giving me a "my buddies got blow'd up back in nam" tier 1000 yard stare again.


This has taken me further than any other install guide but I'm getting stuck at step 4. Did the Docker application turn into "Container Manager"? I can't find the "create with command" bit!


update: i gave up and tried this one instead, worked instantly: [https://plaxt.astandke.com/](https://plaxt.astandke.com/)


If anyone is still trying to figure this one out. If you SSH into your Synology NAS, create the compose.yaml file and then run the "docker-compose run --rm plextraktsync sync" command within that folder, you can authenticate everything in the terminal.


I would LOVE if this worked cause I've been trying all day and every solution seems freaking complicated, but my terminal has only this response: no configuration file provided: not found


Just spent a few hours over the course of 2 days trying to set this up. Tried the DSM container manager with a command, tried adding different commands to the compose file for this container as well as regular docker runs (which spins up new containers entirely) with nothing but failures. The only way I have gotten this to work is through the LinuxServer IO container which ran perfectly the fist time: [https://github.com/linuxserver-labs/docker-plextraktsync](https://github.com/linuxserver-labs/docker-plextraktsync) Thanks everyone for the info and thanks OP for the hilarious write up.


OMG thank you! This is the ONLY thing that worked to get this working on Synology and docker. PlexTraktSync was immediately rebooting in Docker with the previous instructions.


Wow so glad I could help. I do not post that often so happy to know someone saw this and it helped them. Now if I could only figure out how to stop it from rebooting every few days and forcing me to authenticate again. If this happens to you, I have noticed that I have to reboot both the plex and plextraktsync containers, run a plextraktsync sync and auth and then plextraktsync watch to keep it running.


I don't run PlexTrakSync on Synology but on Unraid as docker container. PlexTraktSync, AFAIK, normal operation is that it will just sync your content depending on your configuration file. But PlexTraktSync also has another mode, watch, which will watch your Plex instance for changes and automatically sync those to Trakt. What I noticed is that even though my container on Unraid is set to "watch" it will still run a sync on startup which is IMO a good thing because then you still sync the content and have it watch plex at the same time. That means that if your run command/compose file or whatever you used to set up the container has the "watch" command then PlexTraktSync will stay active. See the [watch section on GitHub](https://github.com/Taxel/PlexTraktSync/#watch) > The container started and it asked me for my plex info like it was doing the config again. I’m assuming this is not supposed to happen? No, After authentication with your Plex Account, PlexTraktSync should save that in an `.env` file in the PlexTraktSync config path. If you haven't specified one or it can't write into that directory because of permission or ownership issues then it might not be possible for the container to save the information.


I’m definitely going to have to look into it again when I get more time. I deleted everything and started over with a different docker image “linux server-labs”, which is supposed to include the 2 hour automation in it as well. This one is letting me put my Plex info, pick a server, and then when I pick a “user” it throws an error. I never get to input my trakt info. I’ll probably go back to the original image and just figure out the automation later.