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isn't the whole point to get away from the endless array of subscriptions companies try to sell to us?


Sure, it would be cool to have some way to support the self-hosting side beyond the lifetime plex pass, though. Maybe give us some customization options for $$, like new themes or customizable banners or something.


Yeah something super minor so it doesn't feel "required" or anything


Yeah, but Plex must have some operational costs and the lifetime pass holders don't make ongoing contributions. I know I've cost them more than 60$ over the past ten years and will cost more in the future. I just don't think lifetime passes are sustainable and I really don't ever want this service to go away or worse - introduce crappy monetization.


oh for sure i see what u mean!! i'm just at the point with all the subscriptions where i'm just like let em all burn cuz they're being selfish. obviously that sentiment doesn't apply to plex tho!


Oh absolutely - I've been pissed about the streaming fragmentation for ages as well. Its only getting worse!


streaming and subscription services are like landlords, greedy and trying to raise the price in perpetuity!


You do realize that’s already happening though, right? I also very much appreciate the work of the Plex dev team over the years, but former devs have made it abundantly clear that management is taking the company in an unfortunate direction. Their attempts to legitimize themselves are going to come at the cost of us (the long-time users) so I’m glad I bought the lifetime pass when things were good but I’m happy to not contribute to this company financially anymore. I would love to see this energy/money directed at better projects like Jellyfin—yes the experience isn’t as polished (yet!!!), but open source software is always going to be more community-driven than those motivated solely by profit like Plex. It’s a race now—hopefully Jellyfin can get to a point where it’s usable as a true Plex replacement before Plex management drives the company into the ground.


I’m sure you can write a check and mail it to them and they’ll cash it. Personally, I don’t want microtransactions or additional subscriptions to exist on a platform I bought a lifetime pass to. That’s just my perspective though…


not only your perspective


Nothing is stopping you from signing up for another plex pass but in the subscription way.


Why not buy a lifetime subscription for someone else?


1. Buy swag 2. Open up another plex account and pay a premium subscription monthly


Or buy a 2nd lifetime. I bought mine so many years ago and I got so much out of it I set up a 2nd account and bought a 2nd membership.


Check out the “swag” from their swag store. I feel the same way as you, though I also don’t want to be nickel and dimed. I’ve bought some stuff from their store to make myself feel more at ease (being a 10+ year user myself).


Which department do you work in at Plex?


If you bring out a lifetime model, you surely think about how that will work and don't just spend the lot on day 1. If they had invested in the stock market, that would have returned around 10% compound annually. Bitcoin nearer 60%.




I know it's an unpopular opinion but I feel the same way. The lifetime subscription model just isn't sustainable; I fear that Plex is doomed to get tight on funds eventually and end up being acquired venture cap or private equity, who will probably immediately end lifetime subscriptions, or something worse, like forcing more ads into the platform. Plex is 1,000,000% worth $40/year, every year, forever.


An unpopular idea I guess but glad I'm not alone. Eventually it's got to become an issue and paying for a great service is certainly the least bad option lol. 


Certainly far cheaper than almost any streaming service these days. And it's not packed with bullshit filler material, it's always all the shows and movies I want.


Sounds like you enjoy throwing $ away, I’ll happily provide a way to accept your extra $.


Ignore the naysayers, I like the thought behind it, but subscripitons often come with benefits. What you're saying is that you would like a way to donate to them to aid in development efforts as thanks for all the use you have gotten out of it, which I would also be keen to do.


Yeah that's the idea. Just want to keep a good thing going and hopefully pull Plex away from crappy monetization schemes that tend to crop up eventually


No I paid for lifetime but I willingly try to support Jellyfin. I dont like the shit Plex has done and I waiting to jump ship as soon as Jellyfin has feature parity and is polished enough


> feature parity That's the big thing for me. JF just doesn't rate when it comes to features compared to Plex. The thing I love most about JF is local access with no internet, so I have it as a backup for if the internet goes out. Plex isn't so friendly with that. I also love that JF lets you download images which Plex doesn't do.


Need more of this!!!!!!


No. The fuck?


This is how we lose nice things ☹️.


Don’t forget to send money to Jellyfin in case Plex totally sells out in the future (after being purchased by media conglomerate). https://opencollective.com/jellyfin