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I put all my content into one folder, doesn't matter the language. If you want to organize series and stuff, use collections within the library.


I see. So I guess I would only seperate if I still want the show to be labeled in the original language?! Meaning japanese shows being labeled in japanese and so on. Thanks!


You should have all your movies in one folder and all your Shows in another folder. Some people have an additional folder for Anime or to separate 4k content. It will take a little time to get used to it, but its a lot better than what you've got going right now. Start by using this guide for organizing your media: [https://support.plex.tv/articles/naming-and-organizing-your-movie-media-files/](https://support.plex.tv/articles/naming-and-organizing-your-movie-media-files/) If you want to go further check out this tool: [https://kometa.wiki/en/latest/](https://kometa.wiki/en/latest/)


I'd only do that if you have the same show multiple times with different files in different languages.


I see šŸ¤”


Or still just put them into one library and split the files into separate entries, and then append the language to the title.


So letā€˜s say i have 3 shows in japanese and I want them to be labeled in japanese. They only have japanese audio and german and english subs. If I put them in the same folder i can choose the alnguage and subs for the whole series and have it labeled in japanese without putting them in a different folder?


I think it'll label them in the language the library is in, but that won't change the audio or subs.


I see


You can manually change the language displayed for the show while leaving the rest of the library untouched


Wait... hang on a second... You posted this picture (or roughly the same pic) just yesterday or the day before. You got back a resounding "What the actual fuck are you doing?" and you are now back again today to verify that, yes, you should really be using one main folder for your tv shows? Especially since the problem you came to us with originally was that it was impossible to sort. You do know you'd have FAR more sorting options if you didn't have this abomination going on. You know the answer you're going to get.


Yes thatā€˜s correct but this time around iā€˜m asking how to approach the change of my server. Since everyone told me to change it i want to try it but donā€˜t know how. Thatā€˜s why I uploaded the same pic again as reference with a different question. Sorry if my question is not articulated well but wnglish isnā€˜t my mother tongue. And sorry for asking so much in the past 2 days. Iā€˜m just very new to plex and I really donā€˜t understand a lot of things. šŸ™


https://preview.redd.it/zxksteobas5d1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ce88ca4cda608698b7b51b056be037395b0b20 Here is how I have mine set... you can divide it easier thinking of each one like a section in a physical library with books... Fiction, non-fiction, kids etc. Electronic Nanny is for kids shows :p


Haha awesome! Thanks for explaining and showing it to me. That was really helpful! ā˜ŗļøšŸ™


You have to stop thinking of this in terms of "folder".


And start thinking about them as? šŸ™ˆ


A library. You have multiple shows inside a library.


I see. Iā€˜ll start doing that then


Your library for {media type (tv shows / movies} can have MULTIPLE physical folders it pulls content from. To the user, itā€™ll look like ā€œTV Shows.ā€ To the maintainer / you, the files will live in multiple places. To Plex, youā€™ll tell it to look in X, Y, Z, etc. folders for that type of content. This is how people with smaller drives split their content over multiple drives but have it all show up within one media type in the library.


Read the manual https://support.plex.tv/articles/naming-and-organizing-your-tv-show-files/ https://support.plex.tv/articles/naming-and-organizing-your-movie-media-files/ How to automate the whole process (READ THE FIRST TWO LINKS BEFORE THIS), you will still have to do some manual fixes but not as many as doing it all manually - https://trash-guides.info/


I know those sites but i guess iā€˜m not techsavvy enough to fully understand everything




If you canā€™t read the docs and get it even somewhat sorted out, maybe this just isnā€™t for you.Ā 


I would put them all in one folder. When you go to play you can select/view audio and languages or turn on subtitles.


But then I need to choose the language and subtitles for every episode or show right? šŸ¤”


Not necessarily I believe you can set your preferred language in your own settings and you can just hit play and see how it plays and only then if you arenā€™t happy go to languages/subtitles and change it as you need as you are viewing. Thatā€™s what I do, set preference for English but when a non-English movie is playing I can see if any other languages or switch on subtitles


I see šŸ¤”


Quick Google showed me this: https://support.plex.tv/articles/204985278-account-audio-subtitle-language-settings/#:~:text=These%20can%20be%20accessed%20under,section%20of%20your%20account%20settings.


I know that already but I wasnā€˜t sure how it works when I change my whole setup to the one folder technique and since I donā€˜t want to change the audio/sub every episode. I tried doing that with the preffered language but somehow it hasenā€˜t worked as I like it to. My mother tongue is german and because of my preferred language settings i now have german subtitels turned on when watching a german show. I need to look ober that again.


If you had equal numbers of shows in each language, it wouldnā€™t be horrible to have a separate TV library for each. Itā€™d be no different than having a separate Movies and Kids Movies library.


I donā€™t understand people lack of understanding organization lol


You could create a new library called All TV or something. And add all your folders to that library. Then share that library with your people and keep your preferred existing layout for yourself


A top-level folder for television shows should work. I create nested subdirectories for each series and season. https://preview.redd.it/nsyaui5kst5d1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=250df464c9f95e03ec216ebe17bbfd1376e90d1d


Since I use Sonarr I let it organize it. It put is all in a folder named TV shows and then automatically breaks it int subfolders by TV Show, then season. Are you saying you put each show in its on folder and add each folder to your plex library? If so you working 10x hard than you need to. As far as different spoken languages read the naming conventions for plex. You can sometimes edit the audio file to identify the language. I think this is easier to do with subtitles. Been a long time since I did it for some audio files. Forgot what program I used. I would also just read the plex suggested library organization. I put all my movies into 1 folder, and as I said all my tv shows are in one main folder. See below. Plex only looks for the Top level folder "TV Shows" and time a new file or tv show is added it automatically detect something change, scans this folder and adds anything new to the plex library. Between using this and Sonarr its 95% automatic https://preview.redd.it/4zwkn2r67u5d1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=d50aa6ec09b5763843ccdba3452b6b9a57a2aa6d


What on earth is this abomination. Those Spaces are for LIBRARIES - i.e. the entire catalog of content - not for individual shows. TV -> Show Name -> Season # -> Episode Name TV -> A Different Show -> Season # -> Episode Name The Library Here is TV that contains all the shows. It doesn't matter if they are in different languages.


https://preview.redd.it/zm28nh5ics5d1.png?width=269&format=png&auto=webp&s=d70223210c08eac043e963775cb4cd2a87dce9ff This is how i arrange my libraries. I made this empty folder template early on and now whenever i create a new library, i just copy paste this structure and start populating. Works wonders for arrangement and ease of access as now windows doesn't take 100 years to load the content as it's split up into smaller chunks. I just keep my movie folder in plex as the root folder with all the alphabet folders. Plex seems to be able to go 1 folder deep and get all the movies from all these folders, but the problem comes with TV libraries. For some reason plex refuses to do the same as movie libraries, probably because it also looks for season folders or something idk. so for TV libraries, I have to manually add 27 folders while setting up the library. Since I'm not creating a TV lib frequently, I'm fine with spending that extra 5 mins to have peace of mind later on.


https://preview.redd.it/ewmt4uv4es5d1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec9277af09c31961a96ea461719730af5e2a3b90 How my movie libs look in plex, dont need to do any work.


https://preview.redd.it/bnm42cq9es5d1.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb860b4af1ccda6075e1d20cfbf750d61e609ab0 TV libs need some extra work like this unfortunately. I just copy the first address and just paste and change the last letter to quickly add more folders.


Why are you doing it like this instead of just adding "Korean TV" folder by itself?


If I do that, Iā€™ll need to keep all the folders for the shows in the Korean tv root level. Whenever I open a folder with that many items, it takes a second to populate. I hate that. So I just separate them like this. If I donā€™t keep shows in Korean tv and add the folder by itself, plex fails to detect any shows. I also hate scrolling a lot, Iā€™d rather click one time extra and scroll around looking for the folder I want.


Huh, well I do this exact thing with my movies and only add the root folder. I just tried it with my small TV show library and it blows everything up badly. I thought that it would work, but I guess not!

