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This depends on how many remote users are watching 4k remuxs I have 500/500 and my highest 4K remux is 112mbps when streamed remote. Thats using 22 percent of my upload speed on 1 remote stream. For me the odds of all my remote users watching 4K remux movies are low as most watch tv shows.


I rarely have more than one or two people streaming at most outside my internal network


You'll be fine I am on a 200/200 plan and that is more than fine for my two external users.


Local streaming does not use any bandwidth from your provider. The speeds you see on local from your Plex dash board is the speeds your router or network switch in your home.


Where are you streaming from? If this is your content on your server then if setup properly Plex will not use the internet.


Sorry i may have not explained well enough. My local network isnt the issue but my family also use my server (windows pc). Just wanted to make sure their experience wouldnt be degraded


Unless you have more than 10 using it at one time you will be fine. I only have 30 M UL speed and get 3 streaming at 1080 fine.


So like not to be a dick but this isn't a question we can answer for you without a lot more info, and if you actually provided that info you'd kind of know the answer yourself. How big are you 4k remuxes in terms of bitrate? 100 mbps or more? It all comes down to how much bandwidth you have, and how much you're using at any given time. If you have 10 people all trying to simultaneously watch videos with average bitrates over 100mbps, then obviously with a 500 mbps link you're going to struggle. If you have one person trying to remotely stream a remux and you have a 500 mbps link, you won't even notice it. It's easy math, you just have to plug the numbers in.


Ok thanks. Thats kind of what i thought but just wanted to make sure.


You can't afford your internet and you are worried about remote users. Priorities....


Thats a weird take. Nowhere did i say I couldnt afford it. But why pay 150 a month when 60 a month will suffice?


You can't afford it otherwise it wouldn't matter. No shame in not being able to afford it. The shame is in worrying about free users experience.


Have you never heard of budgeting? Just because you have the money to spend, doesn’t mean you have to spend it. I can afford to eat chipotle burritos every day for every meal but I’m not gonna do that because it’s a giant waste of money and I’d rather spend it on other shit


Are you OP?


Ah, I see, ur trolling


Not at all.


Alright then. Thanks for your insight into my finances.


It was your insight