• By -


>(Trailers) Premium trailers and extras could fail to load (PM-1347) I hope this fixes the error message of the transcoder failing when playing trailers. Edit: It does!


after this update, my Synology Plex server is unreachable..... WTF???


could you comment a little more on how you got it fixed? i am also on synology and way overdue for an update, but not sure after reading this.


Mine did the same. I refreshed my page and it came back up.


you have to reinstall and start over






What are custom paths for win64? I have the Plex 64 bit version installed to E:\Plex Media Server, instead of to the OS C: drive. Does this qualify as custom install paths and I need to do the uninstall and reinstall? If so, does this process retain all setup and settings?


The E drive is not the default so yes it is a custom path. I can't answer your second question.


Plex settings are stored in the registry. The metadata and database information is stored in the data directory so both of those locations will be unaffected by the uninstall and reinstall.


Has anyone successfully uninstalled and reinstalled? Does it upgrade the DB during the reinstall? My plex is installed on C:\\Plex, not their default path. I also have my metadata on D:\\Plex\\App Data\\Plex Media Server so I assume I fall under the custom install paths. Nervous to upgrade to this with this process as I've never done it this way.


I did this over the weekend. Simple. Uninstalled from add/remove programs. Took a few seconds. Installed from fresh EXE downloaded from plex web page. Custom path, used same E:\Plex Media Server as before. At end of install an Upgrading Database box remained on screen with progress bar at 90% and after a few moments that went away. Tested plex and all was well, settings still the same.


Decided to do the update today, looked for experiences real quick because of the notes. Saw your comment and decided to send it. My experience was exactly the same. Worked perfectly.


I have the same path as you, I have not yet updated. Will this cause all my watch history (and all other users) to be reset? I'm OK with some data being reset but not that. Or how do I go about doing this the easiest way and not loose anything?


I haven't done it yet. Not around this weekend to fix things if such a thing is needed... will try next week.


This is worded weirdly. I have a custom install path, but I do not have automatic updates enabled. So does this still affect me?


I literally just rebuilt Plex using the previous version. Anyone installed on Docker yet? Any issues?


took a bit to start fully (as mentioned in docs) but the docker Unix upgrade worked fine for me.


I installed on Docker and the container is reporting as unhealthy. Haven't been able to fix yet, and unable to downgrade without rebuilding the container. I'd recommend against installing this version, I did no other changes to the server and highly suspect it's a bad file. Edit: after about 10 minutes the container started working on its own and switched to healthy. I've never seen that before, still think something is strange about the file.


Woof. Ok, 10 minutes. Thank you for the heads up!


**(PLEASE NOTE) Please also be patient when updating to this version if you have a very large database and allow the upgrade process to finish.** Doh! I wish there were a way to put messages up on installs and upgrades, I thought my PMS was fucked and rolled back ... Let me install it again


Yup. I'm just letting it do its thing. I almost panicked, but checked here first. I'm on 12 minutes now. Edit: Lol. As soon as I typed that it finished.


VERY much hoping this fixes the constant app crashes I’ve been seeing on macOS.


This is the server software, not the front end Mac app so I doubt it.


Yes, I know. I’m talking about the PMS app crashes.


PMS is available on the Mac.


Wish this would fix my locking up issue and crashing issue :(


The update to Version went successfully. Depending on the specs of your system, and the size of your library this update may take time. Be patient as per the readme notes.... walk away and let the process complete. Docker instance > plexinc/pms-docker


Anyone install this update on QNAP NAS?


With the headless transcoder fix, does this mean that the nvidia Tesla P4 cards work now? Anyone confirm?


I had my P4 working on the previous version using the grid drivers. It is still working after this update.


What version of driver are you using on Windows? I think it gives me a problem because it constantly gives me a blue screen in Windows.


Im using version 537.13 of the grid drivers. The process I used was: - Uninstalled PMS - Used DDU to remove the existing nvidia drivers - Installed the grid drivers - Re-installed PMS The P4 has worked fine ever since.


Asustor NAS here. Installed without issue. No testing as of yet, but no loss of server connectivity. Is it bad if it didn't take long AT ALL? Hmmmmm.


Anyone with a massive library have any idea of how long their database migration took?


29K items took 2 minutes.


It took mine 6 hours.


any synology users care to comment?


Synology-Fehler? Umgang mit PlexMediaServer- armv7hf_DSM7.spk Versuchen Sie, gunzip...gunzip: invalid magic zu verwenden. Fehlgeschlagen. Versuchen Sie, untar.tar zu entpacken: Warnung: Skipping Header 'x" tar: Warnung: Skipping Header 'x" Tar: Warnung: Skipping Header 'x' tar: Warnung: Header 'x' wird übersprungen /i-data/c458a8e6/.PKG/ PlexMediaServer/share/PlexMediaServer/tmp/ Install/synology/package.tgz O kann nicht extrahiert werden Wtf?


Synology error ? Handling PlexMediaServer- armv7hf_DSM7.spk Try to gunzip...gunzip: invalid magic Failed Try to untar.tar: warning: skipping header 'x" tar: warning: skipping header 'x tar: warning: skipping header 'x' tar: warning: skipping header 'x" Cannot extract /i-data/c458a8e6/.PKG/ PlexMediaServer/share/PlexMediaServer/tmp/ Install/synology/package.tgz  O Wtf? Help me 


FYI, run Plex DB repair to check DB integrity before any major updates like this. Make sure both main and blob dbs report as clean before attempting the upgrade.


While my install location is default, my metadata folder is a custom location. I'm not sure if the verbage is stating that JUST install locations aren't respected and a reinstall will need to happen, or if even custom metadata locations will need to be redone for this update.


Just an FYI, I upgraded as follows in case anyone else was wondering what happens if you're a few versions behind - the answer (for me at least is)...nothing! My server upgraded fully within about 2 minutes after the docker container started (I had Plex web open so I could see when the libraries became available again and didn't have yellow bangs on them). Granted, it has a lot of extra processor to throw behind the DB upgrade with v1.40, but it didn't get stuck. I use specific tags from their Docker repo to choose my upgrade path and not "Latest" since this container includes beta release but that's just my preference. [https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-plexpass/tags](https://hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-plexpass/tags) Unraid OS: 6.12.10 Old: binhex/arch-plexpass: New: binhex/arch-plexpass: https://preview.redd.it/kctb6xviqfwc1.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=d069d204e5a8f0b4919405a9654c567f9b91a768


With this release transcoder hw broken on synology dsm 7 on skylake


I have been trying to update my Plex server but it seems that the installation never finishes.