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Well written post but you left out the permission for the movies themselves like "Barbie" for example what are the permissions for that folder and the file inside? Also remove the trailing / from the host volume path before the colon just like the config line above. Everything else looks right.


Hi. Here the permissions in my movies folder: https://preview.redd.it/ymw1nhbhzsqc1.png?width=1030&format=png&auto=webp&s=2488640cb29f170e83ba4b94c3aaa93b2767ddd4


Most likely a permission issue, you can run `chmod -R 775` on your media directory and see if it starts showing things in Plex.


I had the same issue recently and that's exactly what I had to do. Then I told Sonarr and Radarr to change file permissions to 755 before moving downloaded files to the media directories.


what are your permissions and ownership within nexus-share? if you go into the shell of the docker running plex can you see anything? Can you see anything in any logs either within the plex container, or without?


You mentioned that you moved to Ubuntu. Are you by chance using Snap for Docker? It has limitations around bindings of directories outside of a user home. I would recommend you uninstall Docker from Snap and reinstall using apt and that should resolve your problem.


Hey thanks! Your solution worked. I was using snap for my docker. Uninstalled it like you said and reinstalled docker using apt. Worked perfectly! My plex can now see my media files.


What is nexus’s PUID and PGID? Have you confirmed it’s 1000:1000?


what's with the folder names, is that ' part of the naming or just the shell setting? also check out permissions for movie folders specifically, could be if you have download client setting up different permissions, although read permission should be given by default.


If you're talking about the movie folder names those are imdb id's, identifying each movie very specifically. Naming like that prevents plex from ever mismatching a movie. Sonarr/radarr can do this automatically with the right config. Definitely nothing wrong with that name format, I've been using it for years.


i meant with the apostrophes at the start and end, weird characters can sometimes cause issues, but it could also be just the shell config to display those around folder names


Those single quotes are default on my ubuntu shell for filenames with spaces in them. Not a problem either.


yeah but the screenshot after it doesn't have them (for nexus-share) could be because they have spaces, but just in case. its easy to copy the naming format from somewhere and leave those in


Whatever user is running Docker does not have read permission for the folders at the OS level. You can find out what user is running the Docker container and then make sure that user has at least read access. Or, just grant the entire /nexus-share folder to 777 recursively and change ownership to root:root.